Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1444518-Moonlight
Rated: 18+ · Novel · Supernatural · #1444518
I was just like any girl out of college, until that night.
I had just got out of college, and, like most girls of my age, was working as a secretary in a small-time business. Then, one night, as I was taking my usual route home via the park, something bounded out of the bushes, bit me on the leg, and ran off.
"Bloody wild dogs" I said aloud whilst I was bandaging my leg with the first aid kit I always kept in my handbag. There were no more events after that, but when I got back to my apartment, I was really tired and fell asleep straight away.

Chapter two
When I woke up, I almost fainted, as I wasn't in my bedroom any more, I was in some sort of laboratory, secured to something like a wall. There were quite a few men in white coats milling around, and two standing in front of me, looking at something above my head.
"Are you sure the virus has taken hold?" asked one of them.
"What virus?" I said, but they took no notice of me.
"We'll know soon enough, won't we?" said the other man. They reminded me of agents from the Matrix.
"Sirs, it's starting"  said another man who was looking at some kind of control console. As soon as he said that, I felt a wierd feeling in my stomach. When I looked down, I saw that layers of fat were forming on my stomach. Pretty soon, my whole body was getting fatter. I grew love handles, my thighs thickened, and my boobs grew from a B-cup to a DD-cup!
"It's stopped sir" announced the one near the control panel. One of the men nodded in reply, produced a syringe and injected me with something. Then I blacked out.

Chapter three
I came to lying on a bed in a room that looked pretty nice. As my head cleared, I became aware of the man who injected me sitting on a chair beside the bed.
"I expect you have a lot of questions" he said when I turned to look at him.
"Chiefly, where am I and why have I been brought here?" I said.
"You are in a research centre in Boston, and you have been brought here because you have been infected with the werepyre virus" he answered.
"Werepyre virus?" I asked.
"Before I tell you about the virus, I have to ask you this. Do you believe in werewolves and vampires, Holly?" he said. I was about to ask how he knew my name, then I remembered I had an I.D. in my pocket, so I answered
"I believe it's possible for them to exist, yes"
"Very well then, if I tell you about the virus you'll believe me" he said "The werepyre virus is a virus that changes your bodily structure according to the phases of the moon. It's not really a virus, we just call it that because we don't know what it is. Getting back to the point, the virus changes you into a vampire on any phase except the full moon, and a werewolf on the full moon.
"Then why did I gain weight?" I interuptted
"That is to aid in fertility" he continued "you see, the virus will force you to mate twice a month, and if a child is successfully developed, it will be born two weeks after you mated. The child will be a werepyre. It is also possible for you to make other people werepyres if you bite them."
"So why am I here?" I asked
"This may sound kinda twisted to you, but we believe that being infected with the werepyre virus is a good thing, as it makes you immune to all diseases, so, we study it, but we cannot just study the virus, we have to study the person as well"
"Sounds like a good explanation" I said.
"You might not like this part, though" he said "someday we want to infect the whole city with the werepyre virus and create a super-city."
I considered this for a moment, then said
"I don't like it"
"Neither do I" he said "it'd be easier to just infect everyone in this facility, including me, because then we'd all be happy."
After a pause to catch his breath, he got up and walked out the door. A few seconds later, he stuck his head back in and said "I'm Kevin, by the way"
"Nice to meet you, Kev" I said.

Chapter four
Kevin hadn't told me that there was no transformation when there was no moon, and I had been infected on the last day of a full moon. So, for a week, I was left to my own devices, with the occasional visit from Kev. I was starting to like him.
Then, a week later, Kevin came in to tell me that there was a crescent moon that night, and I would turn into a vampire. So I lay in bed, waiting for the transformation. For a while, I was really nervous because I thought the change would hurt, but, when the change did come, it didn't hurt at all. The first sign was that my mouth started feeling really wierd, and when I felt it, I felt my canines legthening into fangs. I turned on the light and saw that my skin had turned grey and my nails purple. Then, there was a tingling sensation on my back, and I looked around to see black, leathery wings unfolding. After that, my change was comepleted, and I took off through the skylight.

Chapter five
I woke up in my room feeling kind of groggy. I tried to think what had happened last night, and it slowly came back to me. I had spent the whole night trying out my new abilities, and had found out that I was stronger, faster and could become invisible. I looked at the clock and saw that it was six in the morning, so I turned over and fell asleep again.

Chapter six
A few days later, just before nightfall, Kev popped into my room and told me that tonight was mating night, but, instead of dissapearing, he came into the room and sat down.
"Why're you staying?" I asked.
"I always wanted to see a change" he replied "also, you need someone to mate with, and I'm more than happy for you to infect me".
"Who knew?" I said and then suddenly changed in front of his eyes. His face was a mixture of shock and wonder. After the change, I strode up to him and asked
"Are you sure you want to go through with this?"
"As sure as I'll ever be" he replied.
"So be it, my love" I said, and plunged my fangs into his neck. I caressed his stomach as the virus took hold, feeling the fat build up all around his body. Then I felt his back and felt his wings unfold. I pulled my fangs out of his neck and looked at him lustfully.
"Did you call me "my love"?" he asked.
"Why do you think I was so eager to infect you?" I replied.
"Well then, seeing as we're lovers now, I guess it's alright for us to mate" he said, leading me over to the bed. We fell onto the bed, and he shredded my shorts and we made love several times.

Chapter seven
As it turned out, both mating days were vampire days, so I didn't get to find out what werewolf sex was like. So, on the night when we were to turn into werewolves, Kevin and I were sitting on my bed, swapping stories from our lives
"So how'd you get involved in this organisation?" I asked
"My mother was infected, and I wanted to do everything I could to help her" he answered.
"That's sweet, Kev" I said,and was about to tell him about my mother when I started feeling odd. I didn't feel anything, but I heard noises as my muscles grew and my bones rearranged themselves. Me mouth started tingling as it turned into a muzzle. I started feeling really hot as hair grew all over me. I looked over and saw that Kev had transformed too, and we both jumped out through the skylight into the night.

Chapter eight
It continued on like this for several months, and we learned to feel the phases of the moon. But, one full moon day, Kevin came in and said
"We may have a few problems tonight"
"Why?" I asked.
"It's a red moon tonight, we've never had one of them before" he answered
"Oh how bad can it be?" I said. It turned out, really bad.
We sat there, awaiting the moon. When the change started, it was normal, but then we felt some of our vampire characteristics coming into the change. We couldn't stop it, and when the change finished we were werewolf and vampire hybrids. We burst through the doors, biting the guards. We continued like this until we had bitten the whole facility, forming our own tribe of werepyres. We hid for months, then, tired of hiding, we decided to take over Boston.
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