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A short narrative of universal principles through the eyes of an eight year old |
Jimmy was a small boy with a big point of view. He was obsessed with questioning everything, for he somehow sensed that the majority of the population mistook assumptions for facts. When someone asked Jimmy why he did something, he would ask them 'Why not?' and if they told him 'Because it's wrong', he would ask them why it was wrong. He would keep on asking 'why?' or 'why not?' until the someone could see for himself that what right and wrong are is the judgement of whether or not the consequences of an action are desirable to the doer of the action. Law, while giving us guidelines that enable society to function, does not stop 'wrong' from happening. It merely creates consequences that makes 'wrong' undesirable to the potential wrongdoer. Most consider jail, a fine, or a death sentence to be undesirable in the extreme. The someone, having been artfully guided to this conclusion by Jimmy in the simple format of 'why' or 'why not' questions, would invariably take the credit for this insight on him or herself, thinking that Jimmy asked such questions just to be difficult. The idea never seemed to occur to them that since Jimmy had only been physically existing for eight years, he had not yet been brainwashed and bent to the (often erroneous) rules of society. To the someone's thinking, one gets smarter as one gets older. This is only half true. It is true that one gets more skillful at functioning in the physical world, but if the physical world is an illusion, one is in fact getting dumber. The more one learns about (and believes in) illusion, the more one forgets reality. Jimmy grew older, and during his fourth year of conformity programming (more commonly referred to as 'school'), he was diagnosed with A.D.D When one of his teachers took him aside and tried to explain to him that he had to pay attention and work harder, Jimmy asked his usual question. "Why?" "So that you can get good grades." "Why do I need them?" "So that you can go to college." "Why do I need to go to college?" "So that you can get a good job." The teacher was beginning to be frustrated. "Why do I need a good job?" Jimmy was just warming up. "So that you can earn money to live." "Why do I need to go to college to get a good job?" "Because I said so!" The teacher finally lost patience. The truth of the matter was, she didn't know why people had to go to college to get a good job. That was what everyone did, so there must be a reason, and who was she, a second grade teacher, to question such things? She had been taught that people who didn't go to college were losers, and had never asked why. Jimmy was unimpressed. He didn't ask such questions to be impertinent - he honestly wanted to know. Everyone he had ever known were either in college, on their way to college, or had already been there. Again that all important question arose. "Why?" he asked himself. But the question soon became more specific. "Why should I throw away any uniqueness I have left by becoming like everyone else?" Being different, he readily admitted, was neither necessary nor desirable unless it served mankind in some way. Being set apart is vanity. But being the same as everyone else, chasing the same illusions just so that one has a sense of belonging is just stupid. "Do I have the courage to be different? Do I have the courage to pursue the truth?" He asked aloud of himself. He smiled when his heart gave him the answer. "You have always had the courage to pursue the truth." It said. Jimmy knew that his second grade teacher would agree. And so Jimmy accepted his own power. However, he did not choose between buying into illusion and setting himself apart. "I am not wise enough to make decisions. I cannot see all of the information simultaneously and with objectivity." He admitted to himself. Instead the thought occurred to him that falsehood, 'wrong', and illusion, by their very nature, cannot exist. An illusion is just that - an illusion. It never did exist and never would in the future. It was only in his mind. So it was with truth and falsehood. Truth was always there, even if he couldn't see it. All the other options were like illusions - they only existed in his mind. He rejected the decision saying aloud to himself: "If there is no such thing as falsehood, then there is no decision to be made. Truth is the only option left." He surrendered himself to this way of thinking and allowed Life to run it's course. If he didn't use his mind, falsehood would not be created, so there was nothing left to do but admire the beauty of the truth. Out of his appreciation for truth grew a strange phenomenon. He found himself staring at people utterly amazed at how beautiful they were. His perception of them was independent of his own values, beliefs and morals, and therefore people were perfect and could do no wrong. He had no criteria by which to judge them and so rob them of their innate beauty and innocence. He loved them, and thus discovered another huge piece to the puzzle that was truth. Love, Jimmy soon discovered, had endless applications. It was the only value necessary to humanity, for it's innate power eradicated the need for laws, government, separateness and even physical existence. Jimmy allowed himself to evolve even further, for while allowing truth to present itself is an advanced perception, it is still one of neutrality. Love, on the other hand, took a stand for the positive. It became obvious that if everyone on earth loved one another, crime, world hunger and other problems that humanity faced would be virtually non-existent. "But one cannot force others to love, for forcing is the opposite of love. How does one assist in bringing the world to such a state?" Jimmy didn't really know who he was asking when he voiced his questions, but he always seemed to get an answer. "What if the Source of all lives is one and the same? What if we are all physical manifestations of a pool of energy with limitless potential?" a voice in his head asked. Jimmy pondered the question. "Then every advance made by an 'individual' would subconsciously update every other life." He gained momentum as the feasibility of the theory became self-evident. "Then there must be some Higher intelligence, for limitless potential must have some kind of guidance. What is it that makes truth truth? What stands behind it to make it a self-sustaining reality?" Jimmy had found Spirit, or what religion would refer to as "God". But because Jimmy had found 'God' independently of any organized religion, his perception of who and what 'God' was remained untainted. Rather than blindly accepting a myriad of predetermined ideas of what 'God' was that were created by the minds of men, Jimmy came to experience the Source of Life in the here and now, beyond the limits of his mind, which couldn't understand the meaning of the Source anyway. "So the Creator didn't just have a busy week a few thousand years ago" Jimmy thought. "It didn't just create the universe and then leave us to crash and burn. It here, now, in every plant, animal, human - everything. It is us, and we are It. As Jimmy entered into his teens, he continued to study himself, and thereby indirectly study 'God' of whom Jimmy was a representation. Jimmy soon found that all negative qualities of 'God' that he read about in the bible turned out to be projections of the egos of men. Mankind, Jimmy came to understand, could not imagine a being that was perfect. "We are terrified of perfection." Jimmy muttered to himself "We cannot understand what unconditional love is, that 'God' would not and could not punish us. We think of what our own reaction to wrongdoing would be, and project that onto The Source. We create 'God' in our own image. Why, I wonder, would we worship such a Being as the bible describes, one that has temper tantrums and destroys it's own Creations? What would make that being any different than a human? It is far more likely that humans, in their pathological need to blame something or someone for any misfortune, placed those characteristics upon a Perfect Being, because they couldn't understand it's true essence. Perhaps the problem with society, then, is that we were creative enough to dream up the illusion of having a problem in the first place. Would we know perfection if we saw it? Are we capable of understanding it? Maybe we are perfect, and have been so all along. How would we know the difference? After all, what is 'Perfect'?" |