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A secret game of chance revealed at last a favorite card game played in many places |
CharlaXTheme28 CharlaXTheme28 28 28 AVOWS Theme28 Eye dew promise to love the ewe with all my heart after God has mye soul safe in Heaven my body is given for love. The Bible is full of it. It says the marriage bed is sacred and all is allowed the things a man does with a woman is fine. NO sin no mismanagement of any thesis basically the LORD wants a man to stay a bachelor and single for life but if he must get married due the fact that they lust then let them marry they do no wrong. For some are eunuchs because they were born that way; others were made that way by men; and others have renounced marriage because of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it." Even so eye come not near a woman but eye have passion inside me for the ewe and eye dew so like to look at comely lasses in the fashions that the women dew. CharlaXEunuch will never dew eye am too far gone in my thinking of being wed to ewe. Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral. We will say vows when we aer able to perform them. Eye will say Jesus rules my heart and mind and body and let love rule my heart. But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion. When she decides to kiss my hands and hold me close we have the knowledge that at least inside the LORD we do no wrong. If it were up to me of course eye would ruin it by worry and run away into the forest to build a byre and burn my body for the charity is done the water given the old shirts left in trash discarded there for the poorer than me to find some water in a bottle when so thirsty in the day is nice as well as freedom from religion persorvision. Eye am not Martin Luthor Hice. Faith will rule my heart and ewe she it is who loves me true will have her part and no more worry in the dark is it okay. Let others wrestle with the demons in control while we rest every day in one another's arms and in control of the avow of love we have. A secret game of chance revealed at last a favorite card game played in many places begging others in my wasted journey of my youth please play OLD MAID with me they said oh what is wrong with yew that is such a sissy game no one likes to play with yew just go away and play alone and so most of time is spent in anticipation of the end when eye have OLD MAID as mine again. For we aer old in years but young in heart and nothing that can be allowed will now be withheld from love. Avows. It is no different to eat meat a certain way some say well some say well done some women like it rare they say place the meat upon the grill and turn it over once eye am done on one side the other is now for ewe young maid you will never be an old one now. Eye bow to Jesus and now avow. |