Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1457337-Turning-You-Part-3-Alone-Time
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Romance/Love · #1457337
Some time alone for Haruno Kiwi...
Alone time...
          "Whatever you are...I want to become...whatever you are...I want to become..."
         I sighed, wishing that I could sleep for the millionth night. It may have been my millionth - it may have not - but whatever night it was, it seemed long and endless. I wished that I could close my eyes, and fall into a light and dreamless sleep, like mortals do...but I am sleepless; immortal; and not to let anyone know about my existance.
         It was , however, mere existance...

         I stared, in a dreamlike state, out the window, and into the pallid moon. It was condensed into a crescent, so I could not make out its lying smile. If I did see it, its face would have merged with your smiling face, telling me just how much you loved me...
          "Whatever you are...I want to become..."

         I checked the clock: 3:17 AM. At least two more hours until the crescent moon would disappear into the pine trees and the bright, golden-yellow sun would replace it.
         Nothing on this earth has changed.
         I sighed, letting my eyes meander down to the ground, three stories below me. There was a couple, making out in the moonlight. The youthful ambition inside me made me want to find out who they were, but the ancient, wistful side won over, telling me to let it go. I sighed, looking at their lustful kiss, laced with just the slightest bit of love. I pondered when they'd break up - today? Tomorrow? Next week? Then I thought of the eternal bond that connected you and I...
          "Whatever you are...I want to become..."
         It suddenly struck me. What was I? The truth was, I didn't know. There were so many lives I'd lived...sometimes, I forgot who I was, but never what I was.
         I was the Ancient one.
         I wanted to keep you, and everyone I knew from that fate. Although, I had all but utterly failed to keep you and Kasumi from my fate...
         My fate was eternal life. My fate was not knowing what love and friendship were. I didn't know to what extent love and friendship could go. And I had closed myself off from the world, for 2009 years...was I opening up now? What was I becoming?

         I checked the clock: 3:20 AM.
         Time would pass slowly through the night.
         I got up, forsaking the window for my reflection. My hands gravitated towards the purple bruises under my black, clouded-over eyes. I stared at my face, my traumatized, lifeless expression. I had kept myself locked in my room for a week since the ordeal in which I turned you. The smile I gave you after you told me your wishes - that was a lie, and I knew it. I was pained to see you love me like that...to love someone who didn't have enough of a heart to love you back...
         I thought of you. You would have rebuked that statement, with something loving and suave. I refused to think about the quote that you had said a week ago, shaking my head, as if I could shake the memory out of my head.
         Tonight was the night. I was going to hunt, to keep from endangering anyone else, as I tied my hair back into a bun. I contemplated going for the couple who was still making out in the moonlight...a tempting few feet from my house. I also shook that off. No longer would I condemn others to my eternal fate.
         That was a promise I knew I couldn't - wouldn't - keep. Maybe tonight - but what of tomorrow? Next week? Next month? Next year? There were many people around me who smelled absolutely lovely - the remnant of the Uchiha Clan Werewolves being one. I still remembered the taste of their grandmother, their leader: Creamy and soft...unique. I shook temptation off - the Uchiha clan slept down the hall, to the right. I would know - not only did they smell amazingly good, they were also my sworn enemies.

         I checked the clocke again: 3:30. I had less than two hours to at least make myself half-full...
         I bounded out the window, and sped towards the forest at one-thousand miles per hour, becoming a blur to the couple - who stopped, looked around, and continued - and who I recognized to be Inuzuka Kiba and Hyuga Hinata.
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