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Rated: 13+ · Novel · Action/Adventure · #1464247
My second story!!!Please read and review! Based on Persona 3.Full summary inside.
Imperfect Arcana

During an hour called 'Twilight Hour', Stalkers lurkes the town of Iwatodai. Rika, an ordinary girl unlockes the perfect weapon of countering the Stalkers called Persona, an entity formed by taming the human desire. She with the SEES tried to unlocked the mysteries surrounding the Twilight Hour and Shadows.

Based on Shin Megami Tensei:Persona 3

PS:I don't owned Persona 3 and their characters.Only the OCs are mine.And my English are sometimes broken so bear with me.

Chapter 1:Rika


A loud explosion occurs on a bloodstained street.A frightening scream was heard.


'Get up! We need to win this!" said a boy,holding a katana at his right and a gun at his left. His face was full of fear yet his voice was saturated with determination.


The sky was full of gears. The buildings were bloody. Numerous human statue decorated the streets.


"I have train so hard! I won't give up!" cried a girl. "This is my fault.Time is undo my mistake!" said a grey haired teen unhosltering his gun.


An abomination loomed above a group of injured teen. It's creepy laugh echoed through the street. Yet, the group of teens had not shown any signs of retreating.


"Go on, weild the the power of your inner self to vanquish human malice." said a small girl,hands outstrecthed.


Her hands reaches for a silver gun and pointed the barrel towards her head.
She grinned and pulled the trigger...



A girl fell down from her bed. Her whole body was tangled by the bed sheets. She quickly untangles herself from the bedsheets. Her body was drenched with sweat and her waist-lenght orange hair was ruffled up. "That dream again." She rubs her forehead. "What is it trying tell me?" She let out a long sigh. Her head hurts like hell. She looked outside the window.The sun was up and birds are chirping.

She quickly tried to dimiss the thought of her mysterious dream and proceeded to make her bed. Then she bathes. She put on her uniform which is a black blouse and skirt with the school crest emblazoned its left pocket. She tied her hair into a spiky ponytail. She took a picture on top of her dresser. "First day uh?" she monologed. She stood in front of a large building with a dark blue haired boy with a black haired girl showing a victory sign and a smiling bespectacles boy.

"Rika,breakfast is ready!" a feminine voice called. The girl called Rika replies. "Coming,mom!" Rika went to the kitchen. "Good morning mom." greets Rika. "Good morning sweetheart." said the woman. "I'm in a rush to work. Your breakfast is on the table." she kissed Rika's forehead. " I'll be back next week. Maybe I'll bring some souverniers from Australia. "Okay,mom. Safe trip!" wished Rika as her mom went out the house.

Rika sighed. "Guess I'm gonna be all alone this week." "I hope Miya is free for a sleepover. She ate her breakfast which consisted of omelette and green tea. She took her bag and her keys and left for school.

Rika walked until she saw a familiar 4 way intersection. At the intersection was her group of friends. "Rika!" a black haired girl hugged her. "It was so good to see you! I missed you so much!!" "Hey Miya, ease your chokehold against Rika.She's choking!" said the bespectacled boy. Miya released Rika. "Miya, why you are so energetic?" said the blue haired boy. "Maybe she got sugar rush." Rika commented. All of them laughed out loud.

"So Rika, How are you?" Asked the blue haired teen. "Just fine,Henry. Can't believe summer already over." She let out a long sigh. "Agreed, I felt like it was only yesterday summer started." Added Miya. "But what can you say, Time flies when you have fun. Maybe it's not bad school is starting again. A new term is a new resolution,right?" said the bespectacled teen. Miya glared at the teen. "Will you stop being so optimistic,Kenta. "Well, I was just...." "I said,will you stop being optimistic Kenta?" Miya said in an overly sweet voice. "Yes,maam" Kenta startled. Both Henry and Rika chuckled to see their friends attics. It was back to square one.

"Hey Henry." said Rika. "Uh,what?" " How come your eyebags are getting more..umm...defined?" "Eh? Really? Well I should try to cut my computer time huh?" Henry replied. "Whatever you say.."

Soon,they arrived at the train station.They saw alot of student wearing their school's uniform there. "Wow, it is really back to school huh?" said Miya. "And most of them are juniors like us." added Kenta. They bought their tickets and boarded the train.

They arrived at their destination,Gekkoukan High School. "There it is. Our school." Henry said. The school was huge. Student flowed in the school gate, chatting happily. As they entered the school gate, Rika saw a brown haired senior leaing at the gate. Rika had a strange feeling about him. The senior noticed her. Rika quickly shifted her gaze. 'Hope he didn't notice me. But what is this strange feeling? I noticed Henry,Miya and even Kenta had this...energy,aura of sort that leads this weird feeling. Well Kenta invokes this feeling more than the two.But that senior's aura seems really weird. Heck,it had as powerful as Kenta's."

She looked at her friends. All of them had much more defined eyebags and a strange aura. She looked at the school.

"This will be one heck of a school year."

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