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Rated: E · Fiction · Fantasy · #1467758
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          There is a golden rule: "Do onto others as you would have everyone do."
      This is the Law of the Prophets: "What is true in the past is true now."
      Consider the story of Genisis. What if the first parents had not broken
      the one Law of Eden? If they had not eaten of the Tree of Knowledge
      would we exist? God commanded that they be fruitfull and multiply.+
                        God made a New Law: Thou shalt not steal or murder;
                                                          Love God and each other.
          Once upon a time the whole world was in balance: between light and
      darkness and life and death. But, people could not enjoy what they had.
      They spoiled it with crime and greed. God broke the one continent into
      seven pieces and there was a great flood. Everything cleared up nicely.

                        But, somehow the badness broke out all over again.

          The good people made laws to protect and preserve the peace.
      But, war moved armies from one battle to another. Weapons of
      national defence can now anihilate every living thing. A child born today
      will be registered for the draft on their eighteenth birthday. Who can
      stop the march to armagedon? Is this God's plan?

                        Daniel, Eziekel, Zachariah, the Apostle John all
                        prophesies the great final battle of Armagedon.

      The works of God are perfect, since God is the standard of perfection.
      But, is this holocaust an act of Love?

                        Matt. 6:30; "It is God who clothes the wild grass
                        grass that is here today and gone tomorrow,
                        cast into the oven. Wont he be all the more sure
                        to clothe you?"


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