Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1470043-New-Recruit
by Enzage
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Erotica · #1470043
Introducing the third member who likes to give it rough, Minos
Next guy up is Minos, a 6’ male bull with red eyes, upwards curving horns extending about half a foot, spiky brown hair that extended down to the middle of his back. His tail ends in a tuft of brown hair but the rest of his skin/fur is a tan color and like Mora his feet end in cloven hooves instead of toes. He wears a mustard colored shirt and blue jeans whenever he’s not working.

At first Miles didn’t understand why he had suddenly woken up, the sun had barely risen above the horizon. Just as he rolled over he felt a bucket of cold water splash him, half drowning him and waking him up instantly to see Mora’s smiling face “wake up it’s time to work, get dressed and meet me outside. You’ll be needing these” she dropped a pair of tan overalls onto the base of his bed before walking towards the door.

As his mind started to clear and he stopped hacking up water, last night’s events came back to him and before Mora left his room he asked “hey Mora, did we happen to um, do anything last night?” Turning from the doorway and giving him a dull stare that bordered on releasing a hidden fury she asked in an icy tone “like what?” Taking the hint he said “nothing, forget I said anything” guess it was just a dream after all.

Slamming the door behind her Mora breathed a sigh of relief, for a moment she thought that Miles might have pressed the conversation and gotten her to reveal just how much she had wanted him. Already in her work clothes she waited at the bottom of the stairs for Miles who shambled down in his t-shirt and the tan overalls she had left him. Yawning loudly he asked “so what’s for breakfast?”

The answer came in the form of him being bodily dragged outside into the dim light and given a hand shovel. Pointing to a patch of corn she said “once you have finished clearing the weeds from there you will get breakfast, until then you will starve for as long as it takes for you to finish. I will be working on another plot and if you happen to think that I won’t check to see your work then you are wrong. If I happen to find one weed then you will get no breakfast.” At that she left Miles and went about her work while he grumbled a few curses about her under his breath before turning to start on clearing the patch. “At least it doesn’t look like it will take long” he thought, the patch did seem kinda small.

By the time the sun had risen above the horizon and was nearing the midway point in the sky between the horizon and its highest point, Miles had completed a little over half of the plot of corn he was given when Mora returned from her own plot. She was barely breathing hard while Miles had sweat pouring from him and couldn’t believe that she had finished in such a short amount of time.

Taking a look at the area Miles had finished she said “I see you are coming along well enough for a rookie.” Miles merely snorted at this, continuing to work so he could finish as quickly as possible while Mora continued her inspection. “I guess I could let you have a break, let’s get inside for some breakfast.”

At the word ‘breakfast’ Miles dropped his shovel and the weariness he had felt vanished. Heading back to the house at a brisk pace he called back to Mora “what are you waiting for, lets go!” At which she could only chuckle, she never said who was going to be making breakfast and it certainly wasn’t going to be her.

While she walked back to her home she wondered if the smell of bacon and eggs would be enough to prevent Miles’ sweat scent from becoming too luring, especially as try as she might she couldn’t get the thought of their night of passion out of her mind. Not even working could keep him from her mind and she needed to think of something fast, otherwise she might not be able to hold back the next time he got close to her.

When she got into the kitchen she saw Miles sitting at the table in his blue jeans and white t-shirt with an expectant look on his face. Dear god, the smell of his sweaty body had filled the entire room, leaving Mora slightly lightheaded as she sat in the chair opposite of him just as she felt her legs become limp.

While Mora had a faraway look in her eyes Miles looked at her and asked “so what do you have planned for breakfast?”

Coming out of her daze at the sound of his voice she smiled and said “who said I would be cooking?”

As an objection began to form on his lips she stopped him by saying “after all I am paying you and giving you free lodging, something as simple as making breakfast shouldn’t be too hard of a task for you.”

Not even wanting to bother arguing, Miles got up and opened the refrigerator, coming out shortly later with a pack of bacon and some eggs. After opening a few cabinets he found two plates, the skillet and spatula before turning on the stove and starting to cook. While his back was turned Mora started rubbing her legs together while her arms where firmly folded on top of the table, not trusting herself while she felt so aroused as it felt like the slightest touch could set her off into another fuckfest.

It turned out that her earlier thought about hoping the smell of bacon and eggs would be enough to mask Miles’ scent proved to be true. Especially since he had not only managed to turn the bacon into some charcoaled thing but the now mutant looking eggs were giving off a distinct odor. “At least he had made the coffee without setting it on fire” she thought. While Miles started eating his creation Mora couldn’t help but add “I have seen poorly made bacon and eggs before but you have a real talent for outright destroying them.”

After swallowing he shot back “well I didn’t ask for this particular job.”

To which she calmly replied while she went to dispose of the things on her plate “well you did follow me home.”

“But I didn’t expect to be working on a rundown farm, I expected…”

“To be showered with women? Don’t you know that prostitution is illegal here? Just be glad I’m the one who found you, others might not have been as kind as I am.”

Not being able to see that he was fighting a losing battle he just threw more fuel onto the flames “so then what is keeping me from quitting and finding work elsewhere?”

The thought of losing such a great lover brought Mora to pull out a knockout punch “the fact that I would tell the mayor what you had been up to which would keep you from getting any other job here. If you think about arguing that point take a moment to consider who is more believable, someone whose family has been living here for generations or some guy who just recently came into town?”

She savored a triumphant smile as she watched the after effects of what she just said. Miles opened and closed his mouth several times before settling on staring at her in disbelief.

“Aside from working you had better learn how to cook better.” Grabbing an apple and heading towards the stairs she said “you can continue working on the weeds and I’ll show you the next plot of land that you need to clear while I head to town.”

Sighing heavily as he put his overalls back on he asked “and what do you need to get from there?”

“The mayor is having a town meeting where he will tell us what he plans to do to appease the people.” Adding a silent afterthought as she entered her room “and to find someone who can really help out with the farmwork.”

After cleaning herself enough to look presentable she put on the same outfit she had caught Miles with. Before she started heading to town she showed Miles where he should work next, to which he grudgingly agreed.

It wasn’t until she got past the edge of her property that she started to wonder who she should choose next. Miles had been an easy target but the next person would have to be strong enough to work but not stronger than her so she could easily deal with him in case he decided to get rough. While contemplating this the thought about his horrible cooking came to mind; as bad as it had been it did manage to keep her in check since it stopped his scent from overwhelming her and seemed to have a lasting effect. She was torn between the hope that his cooking would stay this bad and the hope that it would get better.

In no time she found herself outside of town hall where the mayor, a short blue wolf, had set up a platform so everyone could see the wheel with various issues that afflicted society on it. The reasoning for this, he later said, was so that wherever the needle on the wheel landed that would be where he would put his focus.

Seeing that ‘helping nearly broke farms’ was not on the wheel, Mora started searching the crowd for a possible candidate before giving up since even if she could find a guy to help the chances of her getting to that guy through the mob were slim to none. “Guess I’ll just have to grit and bear it and hope for the best” she thought before she started weaving her way through the crowd until she reached the nearly empty streets. When she reached the outskirts of town she couldn’t shake the feeling that she was being followed yet every time she turned to look to see if anyone was there she only saw empty streets.

The return trip was pretty uneventful until she started passing a fenced off hayfield where one 6’ black haired guy and one 4’ 6” blue haired elf guy were leaning against the fence where they turned to stare at her. Picking up the pace so she could pass them as quickly as she could she ignored them as the tall one said “hey darlin, have we seen you here before?” She barely got two feet past those two when a 7’ tall and heavily muscled brown haired guy with purple sunglasses Stepped out from behind a pile of hay to block her path “don’t be like that, we’ve seen you walking the streets and only want to do a little ‘business’”.

While she contemplated how best to beat the goliath in front of her she felt a hand grip her shoulder, the black haired guy had sneaked up behind her while her attention was drawn elsewhere. The instant he did this she turned to upper cut him in the jaw, knocking him back a few steps but before she could turn to face her other opponent he had grabbed her around the waist, pinning her arms at her sides in the process. “Get your hands off me you bastards!”

Only tightening his grip on her he smirked as he said “looks like we’ve got a live one” while the black haired guy said “hawright we’ve hit paydirt this time!” At that he pulled off the strip of cloth covering her breasts and started fondling her tits saying “don’t worry babe, we’ll take good care of you, we promise.”

Mora prayed that someone, anyone, would save her from being raped. Just as she thought it a deep voice that had an aura of power coming from it called out “Let her go!” The black haired guy stopped his fondling to turn and face this interference to see a 6’ male bull with narrowed red eyes and a green cape walking towards them. “Put her down or you will regret the day you were born.”

The guy holding Mora let her go so he could deal with this nuisance, the elf guy and black haired guy lined up next to him as he took up the challenge saying “bring it, once we finish you we’ll tie you up so you can watch!” At that the three of them charged Minos who threw his cloak to Mora who went to grab her top so she could help. Just as the cloak hit her and she grabbed her top she turned to see Minos standing above her as if the fight had been a stroll through the woods, the would be attackers knocked out and in a tattered shape.

“Hey, are you alright?” he asked while she retied her top.

Feeling a slight fluttering in her chest she pushed it down to try and salvage some of her pride “yeah, uh thanks for that but I could have taken them, they just caught me by surprise was all.”

At that Minos turned to head back towards town “Alright, just be careful from now on”

“Wait! I need someone like you, I mean I have a farm and I need help there.” As Minos stopped to listen further Mora could see his heavily muscled body and wondered how long he could last before clearing her head, this was not the time to be thinking of that. “I don’t have many people yet and I won’t be able to pay you much but we can work something out once we get there, so...”

“Yeah I’ll come”

That was about an hour ago and aside from telling her that his name was Minos he hadn’t said anything during the entire journey. Leaning against a nearby tree she said “I need a break…” but before she could finish Minos picked her up off her feet and continued on, asking her where her farm was. Her heart skipped a beat when he picked her up and that familiar burning sensation started to creep up on her “is this guy really that special?” she thought.

Being so close to him she could smell his musky scent and, though not as powerful as Miles’ had been, started turning her on. It was then that the affects of Miles’ cooking fully wore off and the thought of him brought her need to the forefront of her mind as she started imagining both this bull and Miles taking her. She could see it clear as day, she was sitting in between them while she kissed Miles, his rough tongue tangling hers while Minos sucked on one of her breasts while she gave both of them a hand job. Minos and Miles alternated between one sucking on her breast while the other french kissed her until she felt their cocks cover her hands and chest with their salty cum.

After licking her cum soaked hands clean she got onto her hands and knees, giving Miles the first turn at her pussy while she started to suck Minos’ thick cock. She was getting the best of both worlds, Miles had length while Minos had girth, giving her pussy such a wonderful workout.

Miles thrusted into her pussy slowly at first but increased his pace as he felt his orgasm building while Minos grabbed her by the horns and thrust as fast as he could into her mouth, slightly surprising her at his sudden vigor. When Miles matched Minos thrust for thrust they both moaned aloud as they came in unison, bringing Mora to her own orgasm at the feeling of their hot seed being pumped into her pussy and sliding down her throat as she swallowed it.

After their orgasms ran their course and cum was dripping from her mouth and pussy, she switched her position so this time she would be sucking Miles while Minos stretched her wide with his wonderfully thick cock. Where Miles had been gentle at first Minos was rough, shoving his thick cock all the way into her so she had to spread her legs open even more so she could more easily receive his cock. She licked Miles’ dick to get a good taste of his cum mixed with her own pussy juice before taking as much of his cock as she could into her mouth. Instead of thrusting right away, Miles let Mora do the motion for him since Minos caused her to bounce forward every time he slammed into her, pleasuring Mora and Miles at the same time.

As Minos’ orgasm neared he grabbed her hips to keep her firmly in place while he thrust with all his might. Miles started thrusting while Mora’s tongue rubbed the underside of his dick, each time he shoved it deeper into her mouth until his entire seven inch cock was inside her. Just as Minos’ orgasm came with hers she tightened her pussy to lock his dick and cum inside her while she let Miles’ cum fill her mouth until she had to swallow to keep too much from spilling out the sides of her mouth. When she was sure Minos had finished cumming she softened her grip and let the wave of juices spill out of her pussy onto the ground.

Just as Minos lay onto his back to recover his breath, Mora mounted his still erect dick and thrusted onto him again and again, placing her hands on either side of his chest to help her pump faster. It was just as she felt her orgasm nearing that she was drawn back to reality by the real Minos’ voice saying “we’re here”

That effectively shocked her out of that wonderful fantasy and brought her attention back to the fact that her shorts were now soaked with cum. Blushing furiously she ran towards the house without saying a word while Minos acted like nothing happened and looked towards the field Miles had cleared to see Miles trying to move a giant boulder.

While Minos went to help Miles Mora didn’t stop running until she got into her room, slammed the door behind her and leaned against it as she tried to regain her breath while thoughts of Miles and Minos swam in her head. Taking a breath to clear her head a small smile came to her lips as she thought “I wonder how I can get both Minos and Miles naked and willing at the same time.”
© Copyright 2008 Enzage (enzage at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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