Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1470046-A-Night-at-the-Bar
by Enzage
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Erotica · #1470046
Miles gets a sample of the newest member
Taffy is a 5’ tall bunny girl with d cup sized breasts, waist length pink hair, green eyes, grey fur covering most of her body and 2’ long ears whose last half foot end in black fur. The top half of her tail is grey but the bottom half is white and on the front of her chest starting from just above her breasts down to in between her legs her fur is white. While at work she wears a maid outfit with a corset that has a red bow above her breasts and is mostly turquoise except for the parts which are pink; which are the skirt cover, the shoulder pads, and the piece which emphasizes her breasts.

Minos was in a black tuxedo with a blue tie while Mora was in a white dress that went from the top of her breasts to end just a few inches above her feet. They were standing in front of a sunlit orchard while golden leaves fell around them to land in the field of yellow orchids. Just as Minos pulled her close to kiss the daydream Mora had been having ended, bringing her back to the porch overlooking the farmland. Blushing and with a giggle she chided herself “Not again, I can’t keep doing that or I’ll never get any work done. But I can’t stop thinking about Minos, no other man had ever made me feel this way before and he’s always willing to do any job I ask of him.”

Blushing slightly at the thought that started to form when she said ‘do any job’ she cut off the thought by saying “There has to be a way for me to make him mine!”

Just at that moment Miles came up behind her, completely unaware of what she was thinking and said “I want a raise… um, make who yours?” Blushing even harder than before and jumping slightly at his sudden appearance she turned to face Miles with her fists clenched and anger coming off of her in waves. She savored a slight smile as his face visibly quailed at her wrath and watched him run back into the fields where he would be safe from her wrath.

After running what he thought was a safe distance, Miles returned to a walking pace and headed towards the fence he and Minos, well mainly Minos, were building. “Cripes, I wonder what’s put her into such a great mood this morning.” Stopping at the section that Minos was on, Miles leaned against the fence while the mostly silent Minos continued working steadily as ever. “It’s a good thing you don’t say much, it keeps you safe while being around her.”

Not even looking up from the piece of wood he was hammering in Minos replied “if you don’t like it then why don’t you leave?”

“He speaks! I should get a medal for that, I dunno why I stay, maybe it’s because there’s something I like about this place.” At that the dream of he and Mora came to mind but just then the real Mora arrived with two cups of steaming coffee “hey guys, want some coffee?”

A small spike of terror rose in Miles and he hoped that if Mora decided to attack him he could outrun her, if not then he hoped Minos would step in before she killed him. But she just gave them the coffee and left, bringing a sigh of relief from Miles who got to work in case her wrath returned at his not working.

When she could see that Miles was busy clearing the path for the rest of the fence, Mora called Minos over to the tree she was sitting under. “You need something?” he asked. “Yeah, company.” patting the spot next to her and giving him a smile “sit with me?”

While Minos settled next to her she continued “you’ve only been here a week and have done more than I could do in a month. Without you and Miles I couldn’t handle this place, it’s great to have you guys around.”

“I guess”

For a moment she wondered why Minos was acting so distant but continued with her plan “maybe after work we can talk about it a little more? I know this great place…”

Miles had seen Minos and Mora sitting under the tree and had momentarily wondered if he should continue working or investigate what they were taking about. Before common sense could kick in that Mora would probably kill him for interrupting her shot at Minos his cat-like curiosity got the better of him and he crept behind the tree until he could hear them talking. When he heard her say ‘I know this great place’ he came out from behind the tree to sit next to Mora and ask “where are we going?”

Furious at Miles for ruining her attempt at getting Minos alone, yet thanking his horrible cooking for what felt like the hundredth time that week, “oh it’s this nice little bar I know of. It’s right next to the unemployment office, we could make a little trip…” before she could finish her mini-rant Minos interrupted her.

“Sounds good, we can all go.”

“Sure,” darn it.

A few hours later Mora was sitting at a table in the bar in a slinky red dress that exposed most of her breasts and hugged all of her curves while Minos, who was wearing a navy blue collard shirt, sat to her right and Miles, who was in his regular outfit of his coat, t-shirt and blue jeans, sat to her left. She couldn’t help but think that they formed an emotion spectrum; she was bored and upset at being foiled yet again at being alone with Minos, who was blank as ever, while Miles couldn’t have been happier.

“Hey, I didn’t know you liked romantic stuff Mora. This is where we first met, how sweet” to which she sarcastically said “woopey.” But her remark fell on deaf ears as Miles’ attention was shifted to the same short skirted bunny girl that served them when they first met.

Facing Mora and Minos “Welcome to Gossamer Bar and Grill. My name is Taffy, what can I get for you two?”

“Two? I’m with them too.”

Noticing Miles, “oh I’m sorry hun…hey I remember you! You were the one who spilled a whole mug in his lap here.”

To which Mora couldn’t help but throw in a comment to help vent her anger “yeah, hard to forget someone spilling coffee on himself and yelling like a cheerleader.”

Trying to smooth things over and be pleasant as ever, Taffy said “sorry hun, hard to forget a handsome face.”

Yet not knowing when to quit while he’s ahead Miles threw in “thanks! Now why can’t you be more like that Mora?”

Rising to his challenge and slamming her hands into the table “What do you mean!?”

Seeing as this could turn into an ugly fight Minos touched Mora on the shoulder and asked “can we move to the bar?” Effectively shutting her up and saving Miles’ skin.

While Minos and Mora went to the bar, Miles and Taffy chatted “is she always like that?” “It shifts from day to day but most of the time she is.”

Though countless smells filled the bar, there was one that seemed to stand out and cause Taffy’s mind to grow a little fuzzy. It was as if someone released an intoxicating aroma that both grabbed her attention yet relaxed her all the same. Remembering that she had a job to do she leaned closer before asking “So can I get you anything, coffee, water, milk?”

Getting a nice view of her breasts and feeling his dick start to harden he replied “coffee will be fine.”

“I’ll be right back.” When she went into the kitchen to grab the pot of coffee she couldn’t help but notice that whatever the scent was it was coming from Miles and something about it stirred a need that she hadn’t felt in the longest time. When she got into the kitchen she saw that the coffee pot was empty, figures that nobody would refill it until it was empty.

Rummaging through the cabinets for a packet of coffee grounds she found the box and just as she was pulling a packet down it caught on something and ripped, spilling the grounds all over the front of her outfit and onto her breasts. “Dammit” cursing quietly she grabbed another packet and put it into the filter before going to the bathroom in the back so she could clean herself off.

After locking the door and taking off her outfit she started to brush as much of the grounds as she could from it but noticed that her breasts were covered in the grounds as well. When she took off her bra and started brushing the coffee off she gasped when her hand touched her tits as her pussy became wet just from her touch. The urge that had just been a slight nagging in the back of her mind grabbed her full attention and she felt herself rubbing one of her pink tits while she ripped off her panties and shoved two of her fingers into her eager pussy.

She leaned against the nearest wall and arched her back while her fingers pressed deeper into her as she imagined Miles taking her from behind. Each thrust would bring Miles closer to cumming and filling her with his hot seed while she would cum again and again under his steady thrusts. The mere thought of feeling his cock filling her brought her to an orgasm while she continued to thrust her fingers as her cum pooled on the floor beneath her.

Wanting to get even more inside of her she stopped rubbing her nipples with her hand and moved it down to her dripping pussy and pushed three more fingers into her tight pussy, filling her completely. As her second orgasm neared she rubbed her breasts against the cold tiled wall to heighten her pleasure even more, bringing such a powerful orgasm that her legs couldn’t hold her anymore and she fell onto the floor in the pool of her cum. Rolling onto her back she smelled her sweet cum as it filled the air while she recovered from her orgasm.

Remembering that she still had to give Miles his coffee – the burning in her pussy returning at the thought of Miles – she grabbed whatever paper towels she could find and cleaned herself off before cleaning off the remaining coffee grounds from her outfit. Since her panties were too damaged to be wearable she threw them out and hoped that nobody she served would notice. When she tried to put bra on she almost came from their touch, reluctantly she discarded those as well, hoping that her nipples wouldn’t stand out too much. Thankfully the part on her dress that covered her breasts was loose enough to be bearable enough to wear even though they still rubbed against her tits.

After putting an “out of order” sign over the bathroom so she could clean the cum on the floor later, she grabbed the pot of coffee and went to serve Miles with the hope of bringing him back with her to somewhere more private.

Meanwhile Mora and Minos were having a discussion of their own. “So he isn’t your boyfriend?”

“No! Where did you get that crazy idea?” silently she thought ‘but he is my lover, maybe I should just be straightforward with Miles and tell him that all I want to do is fuck him all day long.’

She was interrupted with her train of thought when Minos said “I thought with two people living alone.”

“So that’s why he’s been so distant” she thought and with an evil smile she filled each of their shot glasses “lets see if you can hold your liquor and your tongue.”

“Here Minos, drink up. It’ll be good for you to loosen up a bit.” Raising his eyebrows Minos replied “didn’t you have a few already?”

Five bottles later Mora was thoroughly drunk yet Minos showed no sign of being affected. Barely able to sit straight while Minos tried to keep her steady she asked “Sho what brings you out here shince all you do is work?”

“I’m looking for a place to settle down.”

Totally beyond decency Mora gave Minos her most drunkenly seductive smile she could “I’ve got a plashe you can stay, but whatsh a young bull like yoush doing settling down sho soon, you’ve only got one life to live.”

Taking a sip of his drink he couldn’t help but wonder how long it would take for her to pass out “I guess I’m just looking for somewhere quiet to call my own. Maybe find someone.”

While her vision swam she leaned against Minos and tried her best to maintain consciousness but was losing the battle. “You think you found it yet?” “No” “Well every guysh does eventually *hic* hehe I gotta plash you can shtay bully boy! Rrright here! Between my shoft furry…” *Thud!* she passed out, slid off Minos’ chest and hit the floor face first, leaving Minos to wonder where Miles went to while he finished his drink and grabbed a chair to put Mora into.

While Mora began her drinking spree, Miles was waiting for his coffee and was wondering what was taking her so long when Taffy appeared with it. Just as Miles started to drink Taffy sat down in the chair next to him while his scent worked its magic “so what brings you to these parts?”

“I was looking for a job and Mora happened to get to me first.” He couldn’t help but notice that Taffy had started to inch her way closer to him and that she was fidgeting a lot.

Miles’ smell was even more powerful than she had thought, with each passing second she could feel her self control slip away. Still trying to maintain the conversation for a little while longer she asked “have you thought about leaving and finding work elsewhere?”

“No, she has shackled me into the job I’m in now and it looks like the only escape is if she fires me.” Although, even though Minos was taking over and he might be able to get out of Mora’s grasp, something seemed to keep him there. He stretched in his chair before continuing “she’s up to something but I’m not sure what.”

At that point Taffy was inches from his face with her body begging her to satisfy her lust. She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and as he turned to look at her she seductively said “follow me.” She led Miles to one of the supply closets behind the kitchen where nobody would be able to hear them. Making sure nobody saw them go inside she closed the door before turning to Miles and saying “I don’t…” before she could finish Miles had kissed her full on the lips and pressed his tongue against her until she gave in and kissed back.

Miles couldn’t believe his luck, not only had he found a hot girl but she wanted everything he could give her, “this is one hell of a town” he thought. Just as he started to unbutton her dress she pulled back while breathing heavily and said “I don’t have a lot of time right now so we have to make it a quickie.” At that she pulled down her skirt while Miles unzipped his fly, exposing his fully erect member which Taffy had to force herself not to deep throat right then and there; that would be for another time when they could take all the time they needed.

Just like she had in the bathroom she placed her hands on the nearest wall while Miles slowly pressed his dick into her, being sure to rub against her cilt as he went in and letting out a small groan as her tight pussy enveloped his dick. Taffy gasped as she felt the same thing Mora had felt, a wonderfully ribbed cockhead attached to a seven inch dick.

Without another word Miles thrusted into her wet pussy as fast as he could while she gasped and groaned with each of his thrusts. While she bent forward to get as much of him as she could Miles squeezed her soft breasts through the fabric to increase her pleasure even more. When that familiar feeling of his orgasm neared he slowed down and started pulling all but his cockhead out before pressing his entire length back inside.

Taffy was in heaven, with each thrust Miles would be sure to rub against her cilt while he squeezed her breasts. Add onto that the fact that his scent acted as an aphrodisiac and she nearly came after the first thrust. Just when she thought it couldn’t get any better, Miles started to pull all but his cockhead out of her pussy, letting it grind against her cilt before he shoved his entire length back in. Taffy came with a moaning squeal while Miles shoved his length back inside one last time before cumming and filling her tight pussy until it overflowed with his seed.

After their orgasms ran their course Taffy stayed on Miles’ still hard cock for a few moments but reluctantly slid off. But before he could take a step back she placed her mouth over his cockhead and sucked, bringing a gasp of surprise from him and causing his dick to shoot a stream of cum into her waiting mouth. The taste drove her wild and caused her pussy to drip even more, but with a force of will she pulled away with a small strand of cum leaking out the side of her mouth which she savored as she licked it off her face.

Grabbing some of the spare paper towels she and Miles cleaned themselves off before sharing one last kiss. When they finally left the closet Taffy looked for a pen and scribbled her number on a piece of paper “call me whenever you want to meet again and I’ll set up a place for us to really have a good time.” Before Miles could reply Taffy’s boss yelled “Hey Taffy where are ya, customers are waitin!” With a smile she winked before running off to appease her boss.

Standing with the slip of paper in hand he leaned against the closet door as he took in everything that had just happened, giving his cock enough time to soften before returning to the bar. When he strode back into the bar area he found Minos next to an unconscious Mora. Not even waiting to hear where Miles had been, Minos picked up Mora and threw her over one shoulder saying “let’s go.” Miles wasn’t sure if he should dare laugh at the sight of Mora being carried like a sack of potatoes or not so he bit his lip and followed Minos out of the bar into the night while he thought of when would be the best time to see Taffy again.
© Copyright 2008 Enzage (enzage at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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