Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1487027-The-Microscopic-Adventure
Rated: E · Fiction · Children's · #1487027
You can be a mini person and turn huge too...
The Microscopic Adventure

One day, Tom was in bed having a bad dream about miniature robots until a silver ball of fire crashed outside. He awoke in a flash. He looked outside and a meteorite was laying there. Then, a flash of light blinded Tom like a supernova. Tom found himself thinking back on the school day. He had gotten the quotient and the dividend mixed up and he got a D- on his math test on algebra. Then, at orchestra, his teacher yelled at him for having horrible penmanship. It was a miserable day. Until he got to have some pizza and his dad got Tom a new LEGO ® set and he got to build it.

Tom wasn’t the only one to have a horrible day, Zoë lived economics, but when she was depositing her $1250.75 into her bank, it was a terrible disaster. Her mom had shut it down because she wanted to buy a new phone and radio with the latest songs plus 10 CDs and a new printer. Zoë was mad. So mad, her mom had to lock herself into the closet without eating a snack until dinner. For the next few years. And Zoë still blamed her M0M.

Tom rushed outside to see the asteroid. It was round, blue and soft when he touched it, he felt small. Really small. So he jumped on it and he turned microscopic. Yeah, yeah like a germ. And he was lost in the world of miniatureness. He had to get to Bob’s house.

Bob knew all about germs and bacteria. He could make things turn big. Tom wasn’t best friends with Bob, but they were friends. Bob was 14 years old, The same age as Tom and Zoë. Tom felt like he still was getting smaller. Really small and so he ran. But him running was only like a inch per year. Yup. Wait. No, more like a IPH: Inch per Hour. So with all his might, Tom ran. Tom ran like a ant. So slow, you could walk one single step and he would take a couple of hours to get to your foot. Tom loved running… Reader, I want you to imagine you running two thousand inches. Easy? Try doing it when you’re 10 mm tall. Play! …laps at school, but he wasn’t used to running miles (to him). He found a small ant (to Tom it was gigantic) to ride on. It was so fast (to him) he nearly fell off. When the ant stopped, Tom got off and asked, “What does advocate mean. And his Conscious said, “Are you crazy? Even the smartest ant in the universe doesn’t know that!” Tom ran again. Feeling bigger every step he made. “YAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!” Tom yelled. Suddenly, a bomb of water hit Tom (to him). One after another nuclear and atom bomb explosions were happening. It was already sunrise! Tom felt bigger for every bomb he got hit by. BLAM! Whee! He was the original size! Tom went home but couldn’t fit through the door. Oh great! Nooo!!! His Mom screamed and threw shrinking powder on Tom. “Oh great.”

This was really bad news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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