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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Other · #1491122
sam, is going through a life changing transformation
She ran out the front door as fast as she possibly could. She ran not only for her own life, but also for the lives of so many others. Her brain didn't seem to know where her legs where carrying her, but she didn't really care. In fact, as long as it was away from here, she didn't really care at all. Not before long, she noticed that she knew where she was going. She was actually already there and just hadn't realized it yet. The cold air that was wrapping around her like a Boa Constrictor going for the kill, but instead it was just chilling her to the very core of her being. She soon found a bench. She knew that she couldn't really go any father, at least not while she was crying. She sat there for a good minute or two, before she heard a sound. A sound that made her look up and wipe her teary eyes; as to see what had made the sound. When she did, she could see three dark and very large figures standing in front of her. She knew that if it weren't for the fact of what had happened to her, she would have been horrified. As the figures came into force, she could make out the figures to be three very large boys standing before her. She could only imagine the first impression that she was making. The youngest looking of the boys kneeled down to her level.

"Are you alright?" he asked her. She knew that she couldn't answer though, she was too unsure of the right answer. "I didn't think so." At that, he picked her up off the bench. She would have refused had she not been so nervous. He smiled at her politely, as she looked at him with shock on her face. "I'm Matt." He told her, "You are...?" She didn't answer. "You know, I don't bite." he paused to chuckled at what seemed to be an inside joke. "I could just give you a nickname if you don't wanna tell me you're name." She wanted to tell him, but couldn't seem to find the right words.

"Matt. Just leave her be." One of the other boys told Matt. "You can ask her that later."

"That's Chris," Matt told her, "he's the oldest and therefore he thinks that he's in charge of everyone else."

“I do not think that." Chris told Matt.

"Matt, maybe we should do all of the introductions later...you know...once she's back to herself." the other boy said.

"Ugh, fine. We'll do the introductions later."

Chapter 1
That had been the last thing that she had heard before she fell asleep, still in Matt's arms. She figured that he must have known the swaying motion of his arms would make her fall asleep. She awoke, thinking that she was on the couch. It was a bit uncomfortable, but yet at the same time, it felt nice...and very, very warm. When she finally opened her eyes, she found that she was not on the couch at all. She has been lying on Matt. Fully clothed, but nonetheless, she was on top of him. Se hadn't really realized, until now, how big he really was. She saw that one of his hands were wrapped around her...and as she removed it, she noticed how large his hands were, compared to her own. She had been staring at the largeness of his hand, when he woke up. "Having fun?" he asked her sleepily. She looked up at him with embarrassment and shock on her face. "You're not gonna talk to me, are you?" he asked her sadly.

"Sorry." She said in a small weak voice, letting go of his hand.

"No, it's alright." he told her, grabbing her hand and holding it tightly, but not tight enough to hurt. "So...? You have a name?"

"Sam." She told him.

"Can I call you Sammi?" he asked her eagerly.

"Sure, I guess, if you really want to." She waited for a minute or two before she asked him a question. "Why am I on you?"

"Umm...because you haven't moved yet...?" She just lied there, not saying anything. "After you fell asleep, we bought you here and I kind of fell asleep before I could move you." He lied to her, but she didn't buy it. "Okay, I thought that you looked cold, so I didn't move you, and then I feel asleep."

"You thought that I looked cold? So, you held me?" She asked him sadly.

"Umm, yeah."

"You didn't have like a, I dunno, a blanket or anything?"

"I didn't think of that." he told her sheepishly.

"Oh...where is 'here'?" She asked changing the subject.

"Our house," he told her, "well, not our house, but it's where Shan, Chris and I live."

"Oh. Well, why do you all live together?" She asked aloud.

"We all can't live in our own homes, so we live together." he saw her face and then added, "We're not gay."

"I didn't..." She started to say, "Then why do you all live together, you don't look old enough to get kicked out of your houses..."

"We aren't. I'm only 16 (almost 17) Chris is 17 and Shan just turned 17, he's only like 3 months older than me." he explained to her. "But we aren't exactly welcome at home, not to mention, we don't really feel that our families are safe with us around."

"What do you mean?" She asked him, although she had an idea, she knew what he did mean. "You're not a...?" She couldn't make herself say the word.

"A werewolf?" he asked smiling slightly.

"Yeah...so are you?"

"Are you?" He asked her teasingly. She sighed at him. "Yes, I am a werewolf...we all are." The way that he said 'all' made her think that he was talking about all of them, including herself. "That's why you ran away, huh?"

"What? I didn't..." for some reason she couldn't make herself lie to him. "Yes." she finally gave up.

"I kind of figured, what with your tail sticking out or your pants." he told her, which made her look away from him. Matt took her head and pushed on it gently until it was resting on his chest. She didn't resist. He definitely was warm, that was for sure.

"Matt...?" She started to say, but he took a finger and held it up to her mouth.

"Shh..." was all he said at first. "Pretend you're asleep." he told her a couple milliseconds later. Although she wanted to ask him why...she obeyed his orders. Sammi listened closely; waiting for some sort of noise, but before she heard anything again, she had fallen asleep. Surely, something that Matt had been hoping would happen.

He heard a knocking at the front door, but instead of going to go get it, he lied there, underneath Sammi. He could hear Chris coming down the stairs and could tell that Shan wasn't far behind. Chris sighed once after spotting Matt and Sam on the couch, but he wasn't going to do anything about it now. Chris walked up to the door and opened it only to see Ally, Reily, Sonny and Spencer standing just outside the door. Chris put one hand on Ally's shoulder and led her into the kitchen. The others followed suit. "Who...?" Ally had started to say, but Chris had put up one hand to stop her.

"Her name is Sam, and she's a werewolf. I'm pretty sure that she's about 14 and by the size of her, I'd say she's a fairly new werewolf."

"Where did you guys find her?" Ally asked.

"In the park." Shan answered.

"You found her last night? Yes?" she asked Chris. He nodded once, "And yet... Matt...?"

Chris sighed once, "Matt...well I’m not really sure, but he seems to have some emotional tie to the girl."

"You think he loves her." the way that she had asked the question made it sound more like a statement then a question.

"I can't be positive, but if I had to decided, I'd say, yes, he is in love with her."

"What makes you think so?" Reily asked the question, just as Ally had thought it.

"Matt's never slept with a girl on the first day...without knowing her name first." Shan answered. Ally nodded once; in agreement, for she knew that the statement was true.

"Well at least I won't be the only girl anymore, well if you don't count Cambria, but it's too bad she's the only girl werewolf..." She said after a while. Shan, Sonny, Reily, Chris and Spencer looked at her dumbfounded at how excepting she was being, but Matt just smiled to himself. Chris was the first to recover.

"We don't exactly know that we're keeping her here." He told her.

"What? Well how could you not? She's a new werewolf and Matt's in love with her and you're
going to make her leave?"

"No. No, of course not. I just don't know that she is going to want to stay." he told her.

"Okay, well just please don't send her away."

"I won't, I promise." Chris told her soothingly.

"Spencer, Reily and I are gonna go hit a store, hopefully one with some food." Sonny said. "Shan? You wanna come along?"

"I might as well." he said.

"All right, well we should probably go now."

"Bye." Ally and Chris said together.

The door opened and closed once again... "You wanna go somewhere?" Ally asked Chris.

"Sure, like where?"

"It doesn't matter to me."

"Alright, I guess we can just drive around until we know what we wanna do." Chris answered, "I'll leave Matt a note." he said as he scribbled away at a piece of paper. Matt heard the door open and close, then lied there listening for the car to drive away, before waking Sammi.

"Hey." he said to Sammi as she woke up.

"Hey." she replied, "Did I fall asleep again? I'm sorry." She told him quietly.

"It's alright, it's just probably a werewolf thing...So...you enjoying the warmth?"

"Very much so." She told him truthfully.

"Good." He said and smiled. She felt something touch her hair and she was pretty sure that Matt had just kissed it. "Umm...what were you going to say before?"

"I was gonna ask you, if you wanted me to get up."

He smiled and chuckled to himself, "Sweetheart, if I wanted you to move, I would have done it myself." As proof, he picked her up without the slightest struggle, and started to walk around the living room with her still in his arms. He had been enjoying himself and then when he realized that he could also run up the steps with Sammi, still in his arms, he sprinted up them, taking two at a time. As soon as he was done with the steps, he ran into a bedroom and genteelly put her down on the bed. "See?"

"Yes, I see." She told him. He leaned in and kissed her softly on the lips and although she barely knew him, she kissed him back.

"Hey." He said after kissing her.

She smiled sheepishly. "Hey." She said as he sat down next to her.

"So...umm...?" He started.

"Yes?" She encouraged him.

"I’m not going too fast for you? Am I? I mean I realized that we basically just met....but..." This time she took his shirt and pulled him down, so she could kiss him.

"You're not." She told him after she kissed him.

"How old are you?" he asked her.

"14 (almost 15 though)"

"How tall?"


"6'2"..." he told her quickly "Why are you wearing that?" he asked looking at her clothing.

"My pajamas? Because I didn't really have time to change before I left."

He thought about that for a bit then asked, "Do you like me?"

"Yes." she answered smiling.

"Will you stay here and live with Shan, Chris and myself?"

"Am I welcome to stay?" she asked him.

"Of course you are. The only thing that will ever keep you from staying here will be you." He told her sadly, thinking about the fact that if she wanted to leave then there was nothing he could do to stop her.

"I’m not gonna leave." Sammi answered after awhile. "I'm not going anywhere."

He started to answer but got distracted. He slid off the bed and said, "I'll be right back." He turned around and left the room, but Sammi followed after him. He didn't have to turn around to tell that she was there. "Please don't say anything, just yet. Act as though you're still in shock, like you were yesterday, if you have to." He told her as her put his hand on the doorknob, of the front door. He opened it slowly to reveal a girl about 5'4" standing behind it. She was hardly a girl though. "Hello, Cambria." Matt said quickly. "Ally and Chris are already gone and Sonny, Reily, Shan, and Spencer are all at the store." He told her, as she pushed the door open farther than Matt had had it.

She walked into the house, smiling, thinking that meant that her and Matt would be alone, but the smile faded as she saw that there was a girl standing about a foot away from Matt. Who was now slowly backing away, because of the teeth that she had just seen on this 'girl' that was in front of her. Sammi was completely focused on Cambria's teeth, for not only were they beautifully white, but they had to be just about the sharpest and longest fangs that she had seen on anyone. "M-Matt?" Sammi called.

Before Sammi could even get in another breath, Matt was there at her side. "Sammi this is Cambria. Cambria...Sammi." Matt said, introducing the two. Normally Sammi would have held out her hand, but instead she clamped onto Matt's left arm.

"Is she a..." Cambria started to ask Matt.

"Yes, she is." he told her, then he turned to Sammi, "Cambria is one of our 3 vampire friends." he told her.

Although she had heard what he had said, Sammi still couldn't comprehend. 'Vampire' and 'friend' were weird enough to hear in the same sentence. Nevertheless, it was even weirder to hear that they were friends with three vampires. "Oh." was all that Sammi could reply with.

"Sammi, why don't you go and help Shan, Sonny, Reily and Spencer with the food?" He told her, right as she heard the car pull up to the house.

She looked up at him with her big blue eyes as if to say ‘I don’t want to leave your side.’ She sighed lightly then loosened her grip. “Alright.” She let go of it completely then walked out the door.

“She’s brand new?” Cambria asked him, staring at the door.

“Yes, we are assuming that she just learned about how her true form.”

“So…when did you guys find her? Where did you find her?”

“Yesterday night, in the park.”

“And what does Chris think of this?” Matt could hear the double meaning in her words.

“He’s going to let her stay. And of course, he reckons that I’m in love with her.”

She turned to face him. ”Why would he think that?” She asked him.

“We slept together, last night.” Her face went into shock as he said that, “We didn’t have sex!” he told her. “We just slept together…god, why does everyone always think that sleeping together, means that you had sex? I mean, it was my fault really, she fell asleep in my arms on the way here, and I lied down on the couch with her still on me, and then I fell asleep.” He explained better.

“Oh. I hoped that was what you meant.” She told him, after recovering from shock. “I mean, even you wouldn’t have sex on the first date, before even knowing her name.”

“How did you know that I didn’t know her name?”

“Well I just expected that she wasn’t probably up for introductions.” She told him. Then she asked the question that had been floating around in her head, since he first mentioned it. “Do you?” she asked him sadly.

“Do I what?” He asked her.

“Love her?”

Matt started to answer when Sammi walked back into the house with Shan, Reily, Spencer and Sonny closely behind her. She walked straight up to Matt, then whispered, “You couldn’t have told me that Reily was a vampire too?!”

“Oh! Sorry! I forgot you didn’t know…well when Ally and Chris get back, just keep in mind that Ally’s a vampire too.”

“Yeah, I’ll try to remember that.” She told him sarcastically. He laughed then randomly hugged her so tight that it felt as if she could faint from the lack of oxygen. “Ow.” She breathed as he let go her.

He chuckled and said, “Sorry.” He smiled at her.

“It’s alright.” She told him, but at that moment, though Matt sharply turned his head to look at the front door. Sammi expected that this meant that Chris and Ally were back.

Matt turned quickly back to Sammi, “Ally and Cambria are alike and yet at the same time, very different. Whereas Cambria is careful and yet curious of you. Ally may not be so cautious. Werewolves don’t bother her, you will be able to see that she you see her and Chris together. Please feel free to ask her anything. She wants you to be comfortable here. Try not to be too shy. But most of all, just be yourself, and she’ll probably love you…I know I do.” He said quietly answering Cambria’s question. Sammi had been hanging on his every word, which is why the last part took awhile to sink in. As she turned slowly to face Matt, now knowing what he had said, the door opened.

* * *

Ally had one of the slimmest (but still healthy looking) bodies that Sam had ever seen. So much so that her mouth all but fell onto the floor. She was wearing a pair of the skinniest skinny jeans, which were probably ever made; she also wore a band tee. However, unlike most people…the look actually fit her. She was small, but Sammi was sure that she could pack a punch. Sam made a mental note to never get on her bad side. Sammi held out a hand, but Ally just ignored it, and hugged her. The embrace surprised Sammi, but that didn’t mean that she didn’t enjoy it. “Hi.” Ally said cheerfully as she let go.

“Hi.” Sammi said shyly. She could feel all the stares of the other. Reily, Cambria, Sonny and Spencer…but she could really feel Chris and Matt’s eyes focused in on Ally and herself. Ally must have been able to sense Sammi’s discomfort…or she was feeling the same way, because Ally put one hand on Sammi’s shoulder and led her into the living room.

“Sorry about them.” Ally told Sammi. “There just don’t know how you’ll act around me, and vice versa… of course I think that they’re more worried about you meeting me, but I know that it must be… new…for you. I remember the first time me and Chris met.” She sighed dreamily, as if she was remembering a past time that she had had with Chris. “So…?” she asked coming back. “Anything you’re wondering about…or wanna talk about?”

“Umm…well there is one thing…” Sammi told her reluctantly.

“I figured there would be. What is it?” Ally asked happy that she was going to be able to help.

Sammi thought about her question momentarily, then changed it, “How does this whole…’werewolf’ thing work…?”

“What do you mean?” Ally asked her, hoping that Sammi could be more specific.

“Well, I mean, when will I change? How often? Is it triggered by anger? Or something like that?”

Ally smiled to herself. “It can be triggered by anger but it’s mostly an escape, it can be easier for people (or werewolves) to understand what someone is trying to say…or what their point of view is. It clears the mind, so to say, helps you ‘see’ better.”

“Why…How is that?” Sam asked her.

“It’s because when you’re in your human form, you use a human brain, you see things as a human, with your own points of views, morals, values and whatever else. Whereas when you’re a werewolf, you think differently, you see differently, you almost think like a civilized animal would, no personal ideas, you almost can see everyone else’s point of views, instead of just your own.” She explained, then added, “Anything else?”

Sammi thought about what had been her real question, and then decided to ask it. “You and Chris?” She asked, questioning the relationship that Chris and Ally had. She wasn’t sure how a vampire and werewolf could live around each other, much less, like each other.

Ally just laughed quietly at the question, then said, “I’ll tell you later,” glancing behind herself. Sammi understood, so she nodded with agreement. Reily walked into the living room a few seconds later.

“We… umm… have ‘company’.” Was all he said, to Ally.

“What kind of company?” Ally asked skeptically.

“A vampire and werewolf.” Shan answered.

“A girl and a boy by the smell of it.” Spencer added with a face of discomfort.

“Yes.” Sonny agreed, “The boy’s the werewolf, the girl’s a vampire however.” He added. Sammi looked at Matt, who had been staring at her, probably waiting to see her reaction to such news.

“Well then we’ll just have to introduce ourselves.” Ally said, then added after seeing everyone’s faces, “Well they must be a little civilized, considering they are traveling together.” The way she said it made everyone instantly think of the relationship that she and Chris had.

“Yes, but they may not be traveling with each other for that reason. They may have just met each other while passing through somewhere. Or, they may not even be traveling together, they may just both be within range of smell.” Reily argued.

“Guys we really don’t need to be arguing if we really do have a vampire and werewolf that we don’t know, coming.” Matt said finally speaking.

Chris nodded in agreement. Then said, “Reily, Shan…you’re coming with me.” He then turned his attention to Matt. “Matt?” He asked. Matt looked from Chris to Sammi then back to Chris. Chris nodded once then said, “I thought that you might.” Chris turned on his heel to leave but Ally stopped him. She had a look on her face that said ‘I’m coming with you.’ Chris sighed while reading her expression. “Ally, I really don’t think it’s a good idea.”

“I’m coming with you whether you think that it’s a good idea or not.” Ally told him.

Chris chuckled then smiled “Well then I can’t really stop you, can I?”

“Nope.” She told him.

He kissed her on the mouth “I love you.” He told her smiling.

Her facial expression lightened, “I love you too.” She kissed him back then turned to face Matt. “Please keep yourselves ready. We obviously don’t know how long this will take.” Matt nodded hearing the double meaning in her words.

“I’ll make sure that we’re all ready.” He told them. At that Shan, Chris, Ally and Reily all turned to leave. That was when Sammi tugged slightly at Matt’s sleeve. He looked down at her, “What is it?”

“I wanna go.” She told him quietly but not quiet enough to keep the others from hearing her. Chris, Ally, Shan and Reily all but stopped dead in their tracks. Everyone stared at Sammi. Matt looked at her with confusion clear on his face.

“You wanna do what now?” He asked her.

“I wanna go along.” She told him, this time louder. “In fact, I think that we should all go.” She said looking around the room at all the faces that were staring at her; she stopped when she got to Chris. “I just think that there is a better chance that they’ll be less…less fight full…when they see that if they decided to fight, it would be 2 against…” she looked around the room again, now counting the number of people in her head, “9…don’t you?” She asked the question to any who would answer.

Cambria was the first to answer, “I agree with Sam.” Was all that she said, but it had seemed to be enough.

Reily was the next to answer, “Sam might be right or we may be wrong in assuming how things are, for all we know, that girl might be just as new, if not newer at being a vampire then Sam is at being a werewolf.” Sammi smiled at Reily.

“So are we all agreeing that it’s a better idea for us all to go along?” Chris asked looking at Matt. Matt looked from Chris to Sammi, who was eagerly smiling, he sighed, “Well then I think that we’re gonna have to figure out how to get us all there.”

“Do we even know where they are?” Cambria asked.

“No, but they’ll be easy enough to find, the smell just needs to be strong enough.” Shan answered.

“Then we probably shouldn’t drive after them. It will just mess with the smell. Plus it will be quicker on foot…if their tracks suddenly change direction then it will be easier to follow.” Cambria told them. Shan nodded in agreement.

“I believe that you are right.” Chris told her, “It will be easier to track them on foot.”

Spencer sniffed the air, “I don’t think that they are moving right now…the smell hasn’t gotten any stronger or weaker in a while.”

Ally spoke next, “Then we should probably leave before they decide to leave.”

Chris turned from Ally to Shan and Spencer, “You guys have any idea which way we should go?” he asked them.

Shan, Spencer and Sonny pointed to their right. “East.” Shan said, and Sonny and Spencer nodded.

“Well since you three were the first ones to realize the smell was there you are going to have to lead us.” Chris told them.

Sammi thought of something and pulled on Matt’s sleeve to get his attention again. “Won’t we have to be in our true forms, “She said as Matt had said before, “so that they know what we are?” She asked him.

Matt was completely astounded at what she had said, which prevented him from answering her question. Chris answered for him, “We don’t really have to change for them to know what we are…but it would definitely help us search for them.” He told Sammi then he looked at Matt, “I can see now that you were right Matt.” Chris told him, “However she’s probably going to need some help…”

“I’ll do it!” Ally told him eagerly. However, Shan, Spencer, Sonny and Reily all looked at her with the same expressions on their faces. “What? I know just as much if not more than all you do about werewolves.” She told them.

“But you’re not even…” Shan had started to say, but Chris stopped him.

“Shan you know she’s right. Ally knows just as much, if not more about werewolves than you do. She knows just as much as I do.” He told them. “And not to mention, she can probably be a better friend to Sammi then one of you three can.”

Shan started to say something but stopped as Matt began to speak, “I’m helping.” He told Ally. She nodded then looked quickly the door and back. ”We might as well.” He told her, grabbing Sammi’s hand and leading her outside.

“What are they going to do?” Cambria was the first to ask.

“They are going to try and get Sammi to change without anger having to be a factor.” Chris told her looking at the doorframe with a worried expression on his face that told everyone that he hoped that Matt could keep Sammi from doing the unthinkable.
© Copyright 2008 Rory Leigh (Emma May Marie) (vanherwynenn at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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