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12Sky Fujin Quest Guide |
OK, guys, this is Thepowerlevel. Welcome... Here is 12sky Fujin quest guide introduction. Maybe you can learn some useful skills from this article. I find this guide from aeriagames forum. The original author is Kevb0444. The link is here... Quest Items: Those little blue box's that contain strange things are quest items. If you get one but have not done the appropriate quest yet then SAVE IT, as you will need it in the future. Chances are if you get rid of it, you'll only spend ages trying to find the item again when you have to do the quest. Secret Message - Dropped in Manpok falls. Needed for lvl 22 quest "Way of Killer. Obtainment of the Secret letter" Silk - Dropped by Red Demons in Manpok Falls. Needed for lvl 26 quest "Way of Killer. Retrieve the Silk Goods" King Liquor Bottle - Dropped by Vagabond's in Manpok Falls. Needed for lvl 32 quest "Way of Killer. Obtain the King Liquor Bottle" Blessed Jade - Dropped by Sword Gorilla in Manpok Falls. Needed for lvl 36 quest "Way of Killer. Obtaining the Blessed Jade" Pleasing Herb - Dropped by Mutant Arms in Nangun Peak. Needed for lvl 50 quest "Evil Sword battle. Retreive Pleasing Herb" Seven Scents Lute - Dropped by Red Toads in Muhan Cave, Nangun Peak. Needed for lvl 54 quest "Evil Sword Battle. Recover Keepsake of Seolgang" Old Red Crystal - Dropped by Blue Kobold in Jungchu Valley. Needed for lvl 64 quest "Pungun. Obtain two types of iron materials" Glowing BLack Metal - Dropped by Giant Bells in Jungchu Valley. Needed for lvl 64 quest "Pungun. Obtain two types of iron materials" Snow Ginsing Dropped by Depravity Monk Leaders in Jungchu Valley. Needed for lvl 68 quest "Pungun. Obtain the Ancient Snow Ginseng" Deer's Mushroom - Dropped by Tower Lifters in Junchu Valley. Needed for lvl 69 quest "Pungun. Obtain the Deer Mushroom" Bloody Clog - Dropped by Steel Herculeans in Jungchu Valley. Needed for lvl 78 quest "Pungun. Obtain large Bloody Clogs" Glow Stone - Dropped by Blue Tower Lifters in Samjok Dungeon. Needed for lvl 8X quest "Nogeom. Obtain the Glow Stone" Carmin Jade Rock - Dropped by Blue Toad Grunts in Samjok Dungeon. Needed for lvl 8X quest "Nogeom. Carmin Jade Rock" Inscribed Stone Plate - Dropped by Pink Assassins in Gemsasin Tomb at the end of Samjok Dungeon. Needed for lvl 89 quest "Nogeom. Obtain Inscribed Stone Plate" Secret Message - Dropped by Black Fiends in Gemsasin Tomb. Needed for lvl 93 quest "Nogeom. Retreive Secret Message from King" Treasure Box - Dropped by Zombie Generals in Damun Cave. Needed for lvl 95 quests "Nogeom. Retrieve the Treasure Box" Heavenly Taro - Dropped by Zombie Generals in Damun Cave. Needed for lvl 98 quest "Nogeom. Obtain the Heavenly Taro" Dungeon Keys - Dropped by Bomber Fiend Leaders in Yukko Cave. Needed for lvl 101 quest "Nogeom. Obtain the Dungeon keys" Map of Yonggok Dropped by Blue Assassins in Yukko Cave. Needed for lvl 102 quest "Nogeom. Obtain the map of Yongok Formation" Toad Hierarchs: Ok Toad Hierarch's are a real pain to kill. Heres some tips... 1. Get a lute + Skill and spend ages kiting it (staying at a distance, hitting with ranged attacks, and running whenever the Toad comes near) 2. Wait a few lvl's untill you get the HP and Def to handle it (eg lvl 100+ where you get the big hp boosts) 3. Again get a lute + Skill..but find a higher lvl player to whack the snot out of it then leave it for you to get the last shot. Pegasus Sprint Remeber to get Pegasus Sprint (Jump skill) Before you reach level 54 as you WILL need it to do the "lvl 54 - Evil sword Battle. Kill traitor Hwangsong" quest. The Quests: Remember to Press M while in-game for the basic info on any quest you are doing [M]= Mandatory. You have to finnish the quest before you can get the next one. [O]= Optional. You can give these quests up by pressing M and selecting give up. If you do give these quests up you can't redo them nor will it affect any other quest. lvl 14 - Way of Killer. Delivery of Yemok's Pescription [M] From: Herb Master Yemok , Padsong Fortress (5289.2602) Details: Take the dropped Yemok medicine to Blacksmith Chenin (6137.2463), the wep dealer on the east side of town. Once Completed: N/A Reward: Nothing lvl 14 - Way of Killer. Destroy "Zombie Soldier Engubak" [M] From: Elder Sangwan, Padsong Fortress (5827.924) Details: Boss Quest!! Go kill Zombie Soldier Engubak, located out of west gate near stone pillars (3700.2080) Once Completed: Return to Elder Sangwan Reward: +1 skill point, +4099 xp (30%) lvl 16 - Way of Killer. Suppression of the Bandits [M] From: Guard Captain Yan, Padsong Fortress (580.2657) Details: Kill 40 Bandits. They can be found on the 2nd to last island to the south. Once Completed: Return to Guard Captain Yan Reward: Nothing lvl 18 - Way of Killer. Dispose the "Triggerman Saho" [M] From: Elder Sangwan, Padsong Fortress Details: Boss Quest!! Go kill Triggerman Saho, located at the bottom of the map before last bridge (4827.11491) Once completed: Return to Elder Sangwan Reward: Uni Winters Chill robe, +6000 xp (20%) lvl 20 - Way of killer. Give Black Heart blade to Janxon [M] From: Blacksmith Chenin, Padsong Fortress (6137.2463) Details: Take the blade to Bounty Hunter Janxon who is located in Manpok Falls (2249.7149). To get there, head south from town (Padsong Fortress) untill you get to the bottom of the map where you'll find the portal to take you to Manpok Falls. Once there follow the road south, he's on a platform on your right (2249.7149). Once Completed: N/A Reward: +4300 xp (10%) lvl 22 - Way of Killer. Delivering the message to Janxon [M] From: Elder Sangwan, Padsong Fortress Details: Take Sangwans letter to Bounty Hunter Janxon in Manpok Falls Once Completed: N/A Reward: Nothing lvl 22 - Way of Killer. Obtainment of the "Secret letter" [O] From: Bounty Hunter Janxon, Manpok Falls Details: Find a secret message. This is a random drop from many mobs in Manpok Falls. Try the Bloody Hunchbacks near the entrance. Once completed: Return to Bounty Hunter Janxon Reward: Sirang (used to craft pills from Herb Master Yemok, Padsong Fortress) lvl 24 - Way of Killer. Subjugation of Twin Siclkes [M] From: Elder Sangwan, Padsong Fortress Details: Kill 50 Twin Sickles. They can be found in Manpok Falls. There's a good spot near the cave entrance (675.3942) Once Completed: Return to Elder Sangwan Reward: + 1 skill point, +6734xp (10%) lvl 26 - Way of Killer. Retrieve the "Silk Goods" [M] From: Tailor Yaming (the armour dealer), Padsong Fortress (5416.1933) Details: Find some silk. This is a random drop from Red Flag Goblins in Manpok Falls. Once Completed: Return to Tailor Yaming Reward: +17094xp (20%) lvl 28 - Way of killer. Getting the reply from Seeker Yagun [M] From: Bounty Hunter Janxon, Manpok Falls Details: Take Janxons letter to Seeker Yagun in Chenum Stone Cave. The entrance to the cave is set in the cliff north of Bounty Hunter Janxon in Manpok Falls (675.3942) Look out for its orange glow! Once in the cave you'll have to run to Seeker Yagun as all the mobs in there agro to you. Once Completed: Take Yaguns reply back to Bounty Hunter Janxon Reward: +19488 xp (20%) lvl 30 - Way of Killer. Stab and Kill Guima Monk [M] From: Elder Sangwan, Padsong Fortress Details: Boss Quest!! Go kill the Guima Monk. He is located in Manpok Falls on the east side near the Amhang Valley Portal (5448.5356) Once completed: Return to Elder Sangwan Reward: Bamboo Leaf (Combine with a Taro to craft a Red Jade from Herb Master Yemok, Padsong Fortress) lvl 32 - Way of Killer. The whereabouts of Neung Im [M] From: Elder Sangwan, Padsong Fortress Details: This is a muti part quest and also the start of a chain of quests. 1st go speak to Tailor Yaming the armour dealer, Padsong Fortress (5416.1933) After speaking to Yaming go speak to Guild Director Myosu, Padsong Fortress (5446.2306) After that go speak to Yellow Gate Master Qwan, Padsong Fortress (6199.2172) You will now be told to speak to Yellow Gate Master Sam. He is located in Yongu. To get there speak to Yellow Gate Master Qwan again but select "Move" from the options then select Yongu. Once there speak to Yellow Gate Master Sam (2962.4570) Once Completed: Stay in Yongu as Yellow Gate Master Sam will have a quest for you (see below) Reward: Nothing lvl 32 - Way of Killer. Obtain the King Liquor Bottle [M] From: Yellow Gate Master Sam, Yongu (2962.4570) Details: Find a King Liquor Bottle. These are dropped by Vagabond's in Manpok Falls. There are plenty of Vagabond's on the lower east side of the map. Use Yellow Gate Master Sam to teleport to Manpok Falls. Once there you can use Yellow Gate Master in Manpok Falls (4172.5099) to teleport you back to Yongu when you find a bottle. Once Completed: Return to Yellow Gate Master Sam but stay in Yongu for your next quest (see below) Reward: 1 return Scroll, +14068 xp (10%) lvl 32 - Way of Killer. Delivery of the letter to Sanwan [M] From: Yellow Gate Master Sam, Yongu Details: Take the Mysterious letter to Elder Sangwan, Padsong Fortress. Again use Yellow Gate Master Sam to teleport you to Padsong Fortress Once Completed:N/A Reward: Uni Jade Spirit Ring lvl 34 - Way of killer. The Rescue Mission [M] From: Elder Sangwan, Padsong Fortress Details: kill 40 Bucketheads in Chenum Stone Cave. Bucketheads out side the cave don't count. A good place to kill them is in the last chamber where Seeker Yagun is, as you can rest by him and he will kill anything that comes near you. Once Complete: Return to seeker Yagun in Chenum Stone cave. Reward: +64592 xp (30%), 1 return scroll lvl 36 - Way of Killer. Obtaining the 'Blessed Jade' [M] From: Antique Collector Jook, Padsong Fortress (5061.2372) Details: Get the Blessed Jade. This is dropped by Sword Gorilla in Manpok Falls. There is normaly a hord of them on the lower east side of the map, near the cliff face. Once Complete: Return to Antique Collector Jook Reward: Uni Haunted Amulet lvl 38 - way of Killer. Stab "Big Foot of Snow" to death [M] From: Elder Sangwan, Padsong Fortress Details: Boss Quest!! kill Big Foot of Snow. It is located in Manpok falls on the south east side near a small fort (5123.9084) Once Complete: Return to Elder Sangwan Reward: 62619 xp (30%) lvl 40 - Way of Killer. Disposal of Queen of Icewitch [O] From: Guild Director Myosu, Padsong Fortress (5446.2306) Details: Boss Quest!! kill Queen of Icewitch. She is located in Manpok falls on the south west corner at the ruined village (2993.9036) Once Complete: Return to Guild Director Myosu Reward: 93709 xp (40%) +2 skill points lvl 42 - Way of Killer. Revenge of Triggerman Saho [M] From: Elder Sangwan, Padsong Fortress Details: Boss Quest!! Kill Triggerman Saho. This guys back and is alot stronger than before. He is located in Nangun Peak on the 1st bridge (5352.16231) Once Complete: Return to Elder Sangwan Reward: 52250 xp (20%), +1 skill point lvl 44 - Evil Sword Battle. Get the name list from Seeker Hapyro [M] From: Guard Captain Yang, Padsong Fortress Deatils: Get death list from Seeker Hapyro in Nangun peak (3582.13961) He is on the east side of the 3rd large island. He is marked on the map to so keep it zoomed in to spot him. Once Complete: Return to Guard Captain Yang Reward: 57930 xp (20%), 1 Taro (combine with Bamboo Leaf to craft a Red Jade from Herb Master Yemok, Padsong Fortress) lvl 46 - Evil Sword Battle. Meet Yijon from Muhan Cave [M] From: Double Blade Trainer Sin, Padsong Fortress (5767.1933) Details: Go to Muhan Cave in Nangun Peak (1767.9511) and meet Seeker Yijon Once Completed: Nothing Reward: 31948xp (10%), Uni Black Dragon Ring lvl 48 - Evil Sword battle. Stop The Golem [M] From: Seeker Yijon, Muhan Cave (3264.3938) Details: Kill 45 Bronze Golem in Muhan Cave Once Completed: Return to Seeker Yijon Reward: 70147xp (20%), 1 Sirang lvl 50 - Evil Sword battle. Retreive Pleasing Herb [O] From: Herb Master Chai, Yongu (5192.6011) Details: Get Pleasing Herb. This is dropped by Mutant Arms in Nangun Peak Once Completed: Return to Herb Master Chai Reward: 115031 xp (25%), 1 Antlers lvl 51 - Evil sword Battle. Arrest the Mutant Arms [M] From: Seeker Hapyro, Nangun peak (3582.13961) Details: kill 60 Mutant Arms Once Completed: Return to Seeker Hapyro Reward: 70936 xp (20%), +1 Skill Point **Ty Terrorblade for pointing out the lvl was wrong** lvl 52 - Evil sword battle. Evil Sword Battle [O] From:Elder sangwan, Padsong Fortress Details: Occupy Samji's Island Cheomu Formation. Wait for Samji Island to open and claim the formation! Once Completed: Return to Elder Sangwan Reward: 417551 xp (70%) **Ty stickblade and Wampa for the completed quest info** lvl 53 - Epic sword Battle. Meet Bisuulok's Successor [O] From: Elder Sangwan, Padsong Fortress Details: Take the Treaty Request to White Robe Siun inside Samji Islands Jinmi Palace (898.3262). Once Completed: Return to Elder Sangwan Reward: Uni Anti Venom Armor, Ticket **Ty Ciros and stickblade for the completed quest info and RIOTWARRIOR for correcting a mistake** lvl 54 - Evil Sword battle. Find the Spy of Rebellion [M] From: Elder sangwan, Padsong Fortress Details: 1st go see Lute Trainer Lim Then go see Guard Capatian Yang Then go see Yellow Gate Master Qwan Once Completed: N/A Reward: Nothing Remember to get Pegasus Sprint (Jump skill) Before you do the next quest lvl 54 - Evil sword Battle. Kill traitor Hwangsong [M] From: Elder Sangwan, Padsong Fortress Details: Boss Quest!! kill Hwangsong. He's on top of the building behind Double Blade Trainer Sin in Padsong Fortress Once Completed: return to Elder Sangwan Reward: 45311 xp (10%), 1 Taro lvl 55 - Evil Sword Battle. Tell Seolgang's death [M] From: Seeker Hapyro, Nangun peak Details: go and see Lute Trainer Lim, Padsong Fortress Once Completed: N/A Reward: Nothing ** TY to Killa3212 for correcting the lvl** lvl 55 - Evil Sword Battle. Recover Keepsake of Seolgang [M] From: Lute Trainer Lim, Padsong Fortress Details: Get a Seven Scents Lute from Red Toads in Muhan Cave, Nangun Peak Once Completed: return the Lute to Lute Trainer Lim. Reward: 84281 xp (20%), Uni Lacquer and Jade Amulet ** TY to Killa3212 for correcting the lvl** lvl 56 - Evil Sword Battle. Stab Sangwanjin to death [M] From: Elder Sangwan, padsong Fortress Details: Boss Quest!! Kill Sangwanjin (2719.3829) in Muhan Cave, Nangun Peak Once Completed: Return to Elder Sangwan Reward: 49007 xp (10%), +1 Skill Point lvl 57 - Evil Sword Battle. Get Hopae of Rabbi's letter [M] From:Elder sangwan, Padsong Fortress Details: Go see Seeker Hapyro in Nangun Peak and bring back Hopae Letter Once Completed: Return to Elder Sangwan Reward: 91371 xp (15%) **Ty to Hpecha99 & DemoniteT for correcting the lvl** lvl 58 - Evil Sword Battle. Kill Zombie Leaders [M] From: Guild Director Myosu, Padsong Fortress Details: Kill 50 Zombie Leaders in Nangun Peak Once Completed: Return to Guild Director Myosu Reward: 79272+52848 xp (20%), Uni Bloody Winter Glove lvl 59 - Evil Sword Battle. Dispose of Shademan Sa [M] From: Elder sangwan, Padsong Fortress Details: Boss Quest!! Go to the temple in Nangun Peak and kill Shademan Sa (2958.11620) Once Completed: Return to Elder Sangwan Reward: Mushroom, +2 Skill Points **Ty to pucek for correcting the lvl of the quest** lvl 60 - Evil Sword Battle. Assassinate Lord of Spear Hopae [O] From: Elder Sangwan, Padsong Fortress Details: Boss Quest!! head toward the end of Nangun Peak and kill Lord of Spear Hopae (7884.2992) Once Completed: Return to Elder Sangwan Reward: 56831 xp (10%), Bamboo Leaf and Old Gensin lvl 61 - Pungun. Deliver the Restoring Water to Muchy [M] From: Herb Master Yemok, Padsong Fortress Details: Deliver the Restoring Water to Seeker Muchy in Jungchu Valley (8377.10581) Once Completed: N/A Reward: 59797 xp (10%) lvl 62 - Pungun. Kill Danchen the assassin [M] From: Double Blade Trainer Sin, Padsong Fortress Details: Boss Quest!! Kill Triggerman Danchen. Located on top of the building behind Elder Sangwan (5810.874) Once Completed: See Elder Sangwan Reward: 60958 xp (10%), Uni Polar Star Gloves lvl 63 - Pungun. Stab Qi Namwol to death [M] From: Elder sangwan, Padsong Fortress Details: Boss Quest!! Kill Qi Member Namwol. Located at far end of Manpok Falls, before the entrance to Nangun Peak Once Completed: Return to Elder Sangwan Reward: 114363 xp (20%), Uni Ancient Light Armour **Ty Hambone for correcting the lvl of the quest** lvl 64 - Pungun. Obtain two types of iron materials [M] From: Blacksmith Bulso, Yongu (3678.6123) Details: Go to Jungchu Valley and find Old Red Crystal and Glowing Black Metal. Old Red Crystal drops off Blue Kobold Glowing BLack Metal drops off Giant Bells Once Completed: Return to Blacksmith Bulso Reward: 84796+65228 xp (20%) lvl 65 - Pungun. Find Unsung [M] From: Seeker Muchy, Jungchu Valley (8377.10581) Details: Go to Jamyron Cave in Jungchu Valley (3217.7691) and find Seeker Unsung (1242.2172) Once Completed: N/A Reward: 20522 + 122597 xp (25%) lvl 66 - Pungun. Dispose of Depravity Monk Leader [M] From: Yellow Gate Master Gwan, Padsong Fortress Details: Kill 60 Depravity Monk Leaders in Jungchu Valley Once Complete: Return to Yellow Gate Master Gwan Reward: 69640 xp (10%), Sirang lvl 67 - Pungun. Kill Silver Haired King [M] From: Elder Sangwan, Padsong Fortress Details: Boss Quest!! Kill the Silver Haired King. Located in Jungchu Valley (6567.9865) Once Complete: Return to Elder Sangwan Reward: 131118 xp (20%) ,Uni Red Sun Heavy Boots lvl 68 - Pungun. Obtain the Ancient Snow Ginseng [M] From: Antique Collector Nogal, Yongu Details: Find the Snow Ginsng. This is dropped by Depravity Monk Leaders in Jungchu Valley Once Complete: Return to Antique Collector Nogal Reward: 74196 xp (10%), Uni Wolf gate Ring lvl 69 - Pungun. Meet King of Doctors [M] From: Herb Master Yemok, Padsong Fortress Details: Visit Herb Master Chai in Yongu Once Complete: N/A Reward: Nothing lvl 69 - Pungun. Obtain the Deer Mushroom [M] From: Herb Master Chai, Yongu Details: Find a Deer's Mushroom. This is dropped by Tower Lifters in Junchu Valley Once Complete: Return to Herb Master Chai Reward: 209885 xp (25%) **Ty Viggen for correcting my typo and giving me the reward info** lvl 70 - Pungun. Dispose of Stroker Mae [M] From: Elder Sangwan, Padsong Fortress Details: Boss Quest!! Go to Jamyron Cave and kill Stroker Mae (597.2183) Once Complete: Return to Elder Sangwan Reward: 224410 xp (30%), Uni Light Jade Amulet lvl 71 - Pungun. Dispose of Hulking Arms [M] From: Antique Collector Nogal, Yongu Details: Go to Junchu Valley and kill 80 Hulking Arms Once Complete: Return to Antique Collector Nogal Reward: 115705 xp (10%) lvl 72 - Occupy Wargo Valley [O] From: Elder Sangwan, Padsong Fortress Details: Occupy wargo valley Gwangwon Formation. Once Complete: Return to Elder Sangwan Reward: 596303 xp (70%), Ticket, Tin **TY to KomaJo for the quest Info** lvl 73 - Pungun. Dispose of Evil Iron Grunt [M] From: Seeker Muchy, Jungchu Valley Details: Boss Quest!! Kill Evil Iron Grunt. Located in Jungchu Valley (7273.7575) Once Complete: Return to Seeker Muchy Reward: 87341xp (10%), Uni Black Wind Gloves lvl 74 - Pungun. Annihilate the Green Toad Grunts [M] From: Seeker Unsung, Jamyron Cave Details: Go to Howan Tomb and kill 60 Green Toad Grunts. The entrance to the Tomb is inside Jamyron Cave (4015.252) Once Complete: Return to Seeker Unsung Reward: 126530 xp (15%), Uni Death God Light Armour lvl 75 - Pungun. Meet Art Killer Munwol [O] From: Bounty Hunter Janxson, Manpok Falls Details: Go see Art Killer Munwol in Manhong cave in Wargo valley (898.3262) Complete: N/A Reward: 651233 xp (60%), Ticket, Tin lvl 76 - Pungun. Dispose of Red Toad Samok [M] From: Elder Sangwan, Padsong Fortress Details: Boss Quest!! Kill Red Toad Samok. He is located in Howan Tomb in Jamyron Cave (3299.235) Once Complete: Return to Elder Sangwan Reward: 134015xp (15%), Uni sand Boots lvl 77 - Pungun. Arrest Yiyonung of Manhong Cave [O] From: Elder Sangwan, Padsong Fortress Details: Boss Quest!! Kill Corrupted Soul Yiyonung in Manhong cave in Wargo Valley (3403.3617) Once Complete: Return to Elder sangwan Reward: 689190 xp (65%), Ticket, Tin lvl 78 - Pungun. Obtain large Bloody Clogs [M] From: Herb Master Chai, Yongu Details: Get the Bloody Clog. This is dropped By Steel Herculeans in Jungchu Valley Once Complete: Return to Herb Master Chai Reward: 141715 xp (15%), Antler, Uni Cloisonne Gold Ring lvl 79 - Pungun. Dispose of Fu [M] From: Tailor Rangrang, Yongu Details: Kill 3 Fu's in Jungchu Valley. I found them at: 7048.13127, 4665.15115, 5843.12893 Note: This is only where I found them, they may not always be at these locations. Once Complete: Return to Tailor Rangrang Reward: 103043 xp (10%), Mushroom, Uni Devil Golden Amulet lvl 80 - Pungun. Dispose of Golden Giant bells [M] From: Blacksmith Bulso, Yongu Details: Kill 3 Golden Giant Bells in Jungchu Valley. I found them at: 8115.5373, 7628.7187, 7743.4794 Note: This is only where I found them, they may not always be at these locations. Once Complete: Return to Blacksmith Bulso Reward: 149628 xp (15%), Ticket, Old Ginsen lvl 81 - Nogeom. Dispose of Qi Yildo [M] From: Elder Sangwan, Padsong Fortress Details: Boss Quest!! Kill Qi Member Yildo. Located in Gemsaha Desert (3698.8819) Once Complete: Return to Elder Sangwan Reward: 153664 xp (15%), Tin lvl 82 - Nogeom. Obstruct Blue Toad Grunt [M] From: Antique Collector Nogal, Yongu Details: Kill 3 Blue Toad Grunts in Gemsaha Desert. I found them at 2608.7325, 3425.9076, 5831.5984 Note: This is only where I found them, they may not always be at these locations. Once Complete: Return to Antique Collector Nogal Reward: 89101+157755 xp (20%) lvl 83 - Nogeom. Subjugate the Tattooed Killers [M] From: Elder sangwan, Padsong Fortress Details: Go to Gemsaha Desert and kill 90 Tattooed Killers Once Complete: Return to Elder Sangwan Reward: 79958+161900 (20%), Uni Black Snake Gloves lvl 83 - Nogeom. Deliveing the letter to Yagun [M] From: Double Blade Trainer Sin, Padsong Fortress Details: Take the Killer Letter to Seeker Yagun in Chenum Stone Cave, Manpok Falls Once Complete: N/A Reward: 102804xp (8%) lvl 84 - Nogeom. Deliver the letter to Lim [M] From: Bounty Hunter Janxon, Manpok Falls Details: Take Jangson Letter to Lute Trainer Lim in Padsong Fortress Once Complete: N/A Reward: 166098 xp (14%) lvl 84 - Nogeom. Deliver Flying Dragon katana to Blacksmith Bulso [M] From: Katana Trainer Jeong, Padsong Fortress Details: Take the Flying Dragon katana to Blacksmith Bulso, Yongu Once Complete: N/A Reward: Nothing lvl 84 - Nogeom. Obtain the Glow Stone [M] From: Blacksmith Bulso, Yongu Details: Go to Samjok Dungeon in Gemsaha Desert and get 3 Glow stones. They are only dropped by Blue Tower Lifters in the dungeon. Once Complete: Return to Blacksmith Bulso Reward: 58556+166098 xp (18%), Dark Steel lvl 85 - Nogeom. Deliver the Flying Dragon Katana II [M] From: Blacksmith Bulso, Yongu Details: Take the Flying Dragon Katana II to Katana Trainer Jeong in Padsong Fortress Once Complete: N/A Reward: 96025 xp (9%) lvl 85 - Nogeom. Deliver the letter to Sangwan [M] From: Antique Collector, Yongu Details: Take the King of Beggers letter to Elder Sangwan, Padsong Fortress Once Complete: N/A Reward: 46025xp (8%) lvl 85 - Nogeom. Carmin Jade Rock [M] From: Tailor Rangrang, Yongu Details: Got to Samjok Dungeon in Gemsaha Desert and get Carmin Jade Rock. They are dropped by Blue Toad Grunts Once Complete: Return to Tailor Rangrang Reward: 48013+170349 (20%), Uni Black Snake Armour lvl 86 - Nogeom. Subjugate Blue Tower Lifters [M] From: Lute Trainer Lim, Padsong Fortress Details: Go to Gemsaha Desert and kill 60 Blue Tower Lifters Once Complete: Return to Lute Trainer Lim Reward: 122968+174653 xp (25%) lvl 86 - Nogeom. Dispose of Half Bodied Azrael [O] From: Guild Director Myosu, Padong Fortress Details: Boss Quest!! Kill Half Bodied Azrael. He is located in the Padsong Fortress Basement. Go to Elder Sangwan and you will see a blue portal in front of the right hand door of the building behind him. Once Complete: Return to Guild Director Myosu Reward: 122986+349306 xp (35%), Black Steel ***Ty LaZyBonE for giving me the quest lvl*** lvl 87 - Nogeom. Give refined battle armour to Seeker Yagun [M] From: Tailor Yaming, Padsong Fortress Details: Take the Heavenly Earth Armour to Seeker Yagun in Chenum Stone Cave. Once Complete: N/A Reward: 113383 xp (8%) ***Ty LaZyBonE for giving me the quest lvl*** lvl 87 - Nogeom. Perish Zombie Admiral [M] From: Elder Sangwan, Pandsong Fortress Details: Kill 3 Zombie Admirlas in Gemsaha Desert. I found them at 2381.5186, 5204.4464, 3444.3918 Note: This is only where I found them, they may not always be at these locations. Once Complete: Return to Elder Sangwan Reward: 88187+179014 xp (20%), Uni Deadly Spirit Boots ***Ty LaZyBonE for giving me the quest lvl*** lvl 87 - Nogeom. Retreive Curing Herb [M] From: Herb Master Chai, Yongu Details: Get the Curing Herb from Seeker Unsung in Jamyron Cave, Jungchu Valley Once Complete: Return to Herb Master Chai Reward: 88187 xp (7%), Sirang ***Ty LaZyBonE for giving me the quest lvl*** lvl 88 - Nogeom. Request help to Katana Trainer Jeong [M] From: Guard Captain Yang, Padsong Fortress Details: Go see Katana Trainer Jeong in Padsong Fortress Once Complete: N/A Reward: Uni Cloisonne Gold Ring ***Ty LaZyBonE for giving me the quest lvl*** lvl 88 - Nogem. Sweep out Pink Assassins [M] From: Katana Trainer Jeong, Padsong Fortress Details: Go to gemsaha Desert and kill 70 Pink assassins Once Complete: Return to Katana Trainer Jeong Reward: 77404+183403 xp (20%) ***Ty LaZyBonE for giving me the quest lvl*** lvl 89 - Nogeom. Stab Tower Lifter General [M] From: Elder Sangwan, Padsong Fortress Details: Boss Quest!! Kill the Tower Lifter general in Gemsaha Desert (3855.5730) Once Complete: Return to Elder Sangwan Reward: 187923 xp (12%), Purple Jade lvl 89 - Nogeom. Obtain Inscribed Stone Plate [M] From: Double Blade Trainer Sin, Padsong Fortress Details: Get the Inscribed Stone Plate. This is dropped by Pink Assassins in Gemsasin Tomb at the end of Samjok Dungeon in Gemsaha Desert. Once Complete: Return to Double Blade Trainer Sin Reward: 113251 xp (7%), Uni Devil Golden Amulet lvl 90 - Nogeom. Bring the letter from Chenin [M] From: Blacksmith Bulso, Yongu Details: Go get Chenin's Report from Blacksmith Chenin, Padsong Fortress Once Complete: Return to Blacksmith Bulso Reward: 104949 xp (5%), Dark Steel lvl 90 - Nogeom. Find the path of King of Theives [M] From: Elder Sangwan, Padsong Fortress Details: Go see Bounty Hunter Janxon in Manpok Falls. Then go see Seeker Yijon in Muhan Cave, Nangun Peak. Once Complete: N/A Reward: 167918+209898 xp (18%) lvl 90 - Nogeom. Obtain Ruler jade Imprint [O] From: Elder Sangwan, Padsong Fortress Details: Boss Quest!! WARNING..STOCK UP ON PILLS!! This guy is very hard as he has crazy high defence. Go to the Monye Dungeon In Jamyron cave. The entrance will appear near Seeker Unsung. Once there find the King of Theives. He will look like a Blue Toad Grunt but his name will be King Of Theives. Just run around and run your pointer over the toads untill you find him. When you do lure the other toads away as he will not move, so you can be free to kill him and get the Ruler Jade Imprint. Once Complete: Return to Elder Sangwan Reward: 419796 xp (20%), Black Steel, Uni Gold Plated Bottle lvl 91 - Nogeom Get Rid of the Zombie Admirals [M] From: Elder Sangwan, Padsong Fortress Details: Go to Gemsasin Tomb, Samjok Cave and kill 3 Zombie Admirals. I found him in the main hall each time. Note: This is only where I found him, he may not always be at that locations. Once Completed: Return to Elder Sangwan Reward: 139463 xp (6%), Black Steel lvl 91 - Nogeom. Deliver superior silk to Rangrang [M] From: Tailor Yaming, Padsong Fortress Details: Take the Luxury Silk to Tailor Rangrang in Yongu Once Completed: N/A Reward: 139763 xp (6%), Uni Spirit Of Death Armour lvl 91 - Nogeom. Request for help from seeker Muchy [M] From: Seeker Muchy, Jungchu Valley Details: Go see Bounty Hunter Janxon, Manpok Falls Once Completed: N/A Reward: Sirang lvl 92 - Nogeom. Warning of Ghost Ice Succubus [M] From: Guild Director Myosu, Padsong Fortress Details: Go see Elder Sangwan Once Completed: N/A Reward: Nothing lvl 92 - Nogeom. Subdue the Black Fiends [M] From: Elder Sangwan, Padsong Fortress Details: Go to Gemsaha Desert and kill 80 Black Fiends Once Completed: Return to Elder Sangwan Reward: 124643 xp (5%), Sirang lvl 93 - Nogeom. Bring the report from Seeker Nengi [M] From: Elder Sangwan, Padsong Fortress Details: Go to Damun Cave (you have to go through Samjok Cave and Gemsasin Tomb to get there) and find Seeker Nengi (957.3377) and get his report. Once Completed: Return to Elder Sangwan Reward: 183534 xp (7%) lvl 93 - Nogeom. Retreive Secret Message from King [M] From: Yellow Gate Master Sam, Yongu Details: Go to Gemsasin Tomb in Samjok Dungeon (wrongly stated as Wandong Cave in the quest details) and find Secret Message dropped by Black Fiends Once Completed: Return to Yellow Gate Master Sam Reward: 131096 xp (5%), Uni Death Spirit Gloves lvl 93 - Nogeom. Deliver emergency food to Nengi [M] From: Seeker Hapyo, Nangun Peak Details: Take the Emergency Ration to Seeker Nengi, Damun Cave Once Completed: N/A Reward: Bamboo Leaf lvl 94 - Nogeom. Subdue Zombie Generals [M] From: Nangi Master Hong, Nangi Track Details: Go to Gemsaha Desert and kill 80 Zombie Generals. Theres a great spot full of them on the south west side of the map (2114.8455) Once Completed: Return to Nangi Master Hong Reward: 136479 xp (5%), Black Steel lvl 94 - Nogeom. Meet with Janxon [M] From: Double Blade Trainer Sin, Padsong Fortress Details: Go see Bounty Hunter Janxson, Manpok Falls Once Completed: N/A Reward: 81888 xp (3%) lvl 95 - Nogeom. Retrieve the Treasure Box [M] From: Nangi Master Hong, Nangi Track Details: Go to Damun Cave and get the Treasure Box. This is dropped by Zombie Generals. Once Completed: Return to Nangi Master Hong Reward: 112901 xp (4%), Uni Black Star Light Boots lvl 95 - Nogeom. Delover Sangwans order to Yang [M] From: Elder Sangwan, Padsong Fortress Details: Go see Guard Captain Yan, Padsong Fortress Once Completed: N/A Reward: Nothing lvl 95 - Nogeom. Get rid of Black Demon [O] From: Elder Sangwan, Padsong Fortress Details: Boss Quest!! Go to Damun cave and use the portal near Seeker Nengi to get to Immak Dungeon and kill the Black Demon. Once Completed: Return to Elder Sangwan Reward: 225802 xp (8%), Steel of Eternity, Old Ginsen **Ty to executioner and Dirtykilla for the info** lvl 96 - Nogeom. Meet with Nangi Master Sadang [M] From: Antique Collector Jook, Padsong Fortress Details: Go see Nangi Master Sadang, Nangi Track Once Completed: N/A Reward: Nothing lvl 96 - Nogeom. Get rid of Toad Hierarch [O] From: Elder sangwan, Padsong Fortress Details: Go to Gemsaha desert and Kill the Toad Hierarch. One of his spawn locations (3355.2038) Once Completed: Return to Elder Sangwan Reward: 116183 xp, Black Steel **Ty to executioner, SS and TERK_ER_JERBS** lvl 97 - Nogeom. Qiqihu's rebelion plan [M] From: Seeker Nengi, Demun Cave Details: Go see Elder sangwan, Padsong Fortress Once Completed: N/A Reward: 119131 xp (4%) lvl 97 - Nogeom. Find the Bimilda Hall [M] From: Double Blade Trainer Sin, Padsong Fortress Details:Go to Howan Tomb and go through the portal at the end (3423.208) Once in Bimilda Hall go see Double Blade Trainer Sin. He's standing infront of you but watch out for th Qi Member Assassins. Once Completed: N/A but stay in the hall for your next quest. Reward: Nothing lvl 97 - Nogeom. Get rid of Qi Member Grunt [M] From: Double Blade Trainer Sin, Bimilda Hall Details: Boss Quest!! Kill the Qi Member Grunt. Lure away the other Qi Member assassins 1st if you can to make your job easier. Once Completed: Return to Elder Sangwan Reward: 119131 xp (4%), Uni Cloisonne Gold Ring lvl 98 - Nogeom. Obtain the Heavenly Taro [M] From: Herb Master Chai, Yongu Details: Go to Damun Cave and find the Heavenly Taro. This is dropped by Zombie Generals Once Completed: Return to Herb Master Chai Reward: 121813 xp (4%), Uni Devil Golden Amulet lvl 98 - Nogeom. Go meet Janxon [M] From: Blacksmith Bulso, Yongu Details: Go see Bounty Hunter Janxon, Manpok Falls Once Completed: N/A Reward: Nothing lvl 99 - Nogeom. Obtain the Antidote Water [M] From: Seeker Unsung, Jamyron Cave Details: Go see Herb Master Chai in Yongu and get the Antidote Water. Once Completed: Return to Seeker Unsung Reward: 157793 xp (5%), Mushroom lvl 99 - Nogeom. Another Toad Hierarch [O] From: Seeker Nengi, Damun Cave Details: Find and kill the Toad Hierarch in Damun Cave. Meh..still hits too hard for me to kill it =[ Once Completed: Reutn to Seeker Nengi Reward: 236689 xp (7%), Steel of Eternity **Ty Dirtykilla for the info** lvl 100 - Nogeom. Report from Nengi [M] From: Seeker Nengi, Damun Cave Details: Go see Elder Sangwan, Padsong Fortress Once Completed: N/A Reward: Nothing lvl 100 - Nogeom. Reconnaissance of Yannok Valley [M] From: Elder Sangwan, Padsong Fortress Details: Go see Bounty Hunter Janxon in Manpok Falls Once Completed: N/A Reward: 591722 xp (5%), Purple Jade lvl 100 - Resistance of Currupted Soul Yiyonung [O] From: Elder Sangwan, Padsong Fortress Details: Boss Quest!! Go to Yanggok Valley and kill Currupted Soul Yiyonung (2992.5711) Once Completed: Return to Elder Sangwan Reward: 2 Steel of Eternity, 1 Old Ginsen **Thanks to Striker and Chaos1x for watching my back and helping with this one** lvl 101 - Nogeom. Advice from Jook [M] From: Elder Sagwan, Padsong Fortress Details: Go see Antique Collector Jook, Padsong Fortress and get Jook's Letter. Once Completed: Return to Elder Sangwan Reward: Nothing lvl 101 - Nogeom. Find Master Boun [M] From: Elder Sangwan, padsong Fortress Details: Go to Yanggok Valley and speak to Yellow Gate Master Boun (1632.2944). If Fujin hold the formation just port there..if not you'll have to run from the Gate master in Jungchu Valley all the way there. Once Completed: N/A Reward: 986203 xp (5%), Purple Jade lvl 101 - Nogeom. Dispose of One Armed Gladiators [M] From: Yellow Gate Master Boun, Yanggok Yalley Details: Go to Yukko cave and kill 130 One Armed Gladiators Once Completed: Return to Yellow Gate Master Boun Reward: 788963 xp (4%), Uni Inscribed Gloves lvl 101 - Nogeom. Obtain the Dungeon keys [M] From: Antique Collector Nogal, Yongu Details: Go to Yukko Cave and get the Dungeon Keys. This is dropped by Bomber Fiend Leaders. Once Completed: Return to Antique Collector Nogal Reward: Old Ginsen lvl 101 - Noegom. Return to the Fortress [M] From: Antique Collector Nogal, Yongu Details: Go see Elder sangwan, pasong Fortress Once Completed: N/A Reward: 986203 xp (5%), Dark Steel lvl 102 - Nogeom. Nengi's Investigation [M] From: Bounty Hunter Janxon, Manpok Falls Details: Go see Seeker Nengi in Damun Cave Once Completed: N/A Reward: Nothing lvl 102 - Nogeom. Obtain the map of Yongok Formation [M] From: Antique Collector Nogal, Yongu Details: Find the Map Of Yonggok. This is dropped by Blue Assassins in Yukko Cave. Once Completed: Return to Antique Collector Nogal Reward: Antlers, Sirang lvl 102 - Nogeom. Return to Castle [M] From: Antique Collector Nogal, Yongu Details: Go see Elder Sangwan, Padsong Fortress. Once Completed: N/A Reward: 1104548 xp (4%), Lucky Ticket lvl 102 - Nogeom. Sujugate the Giant Black Fiend [M] From: Yellow Gate Master Boun, Yanggok Valley Details: Go to Yukko Cave and kill 130 Giant Black Fiends Once Completed: Return to Yellow Gate Master Boun Reward: 1104548 xp (4%), Black Steel lvl 102 - Nogeom. Take possession of Yongpok Formation [O] From: Elder Sangwan, Padsong Fortress Details: Go to Yanggok and occupy the Yangpok Formation. When i did this it was already held by the Fujins and no other faction at the time had been able to take it. This made this quest near impossible to do unless one of the other faction took the formation. Once Completed: Return to Elder Sangwan Reward: 1656822 xp (5%), Steel of Eternity **TY DirtyKilla fo the info** lvl 103 - Sad Hero Story. Meet Master Boun [M] From: Yellow Gate Master Qwan, Padsong Fortress Details: Go see Yellow Gate Master Boun. Once Complete: N/A Reward: Nothing lvl 103 - Sad Hero Story. Subjugate Starving Toms [M] From: Blacksmith Bulso, Yongu Details: Go to Gwanmun Road and kill 140 Starving Toms Once Complete: Return to Blacksmith Bulso Reward: 1420133 xp (5%), Black Steel lvl 104 - Sad Hero Story. Rebirth of Toad Hierarch [M] From: Elder sangwan, Padsong Fortress Details: Go to Gwanmun Road and kill the Toad Hierarch Once Complete: Return to Elder sangwan Reward: 1735718 xp (4%), Mushroom lvl 104 - Sad Hero Story. Subjugate Aberrant Wolves [M] From: Bounty Hunter Janxon, Manpok Falls Details: Go to Gwanmun Road and kill 140 Aberrant Wolves Once Complete: Return to Bounty Hunter Janxon Reward: 1735718 xp (4%), Bamboo Leaf lvl 104 - Sad Hero Story. Herb Master Chai's Friend [M] From: Herb Master Chai, Yongu Details: Go see Yellow Gate Master Boun in Yanggok Valley Once Complete: N/A Reward: Nothing lvl 105 - Sad Hero Story. Nengi's demand for backup [M] From: Seeker Nengi, Damun Cave Details: Go to Gwanmun Road and kill 60 Naiad's Servants Once Complete: Return to Seeker Nengi Reward: 1538477 xp (3%), Black Steel lvl 105 - Sad Hero Story. Obstruct the Twinheaded Monster [M] From: Elder Sangwan, Padsong Fortress Details: Go to Gwanmun Road and kill 140 Twinheaded Monsters Once Complete: Return to Elder Sangwan Reward: 2051303 xp (4%), Uni Wind Demon Boots lvl 105 - Sad Hero Story. Invitation of Master Boun [M] From: Yellow Gate Master Boun, Yanggok Valley Details: Visit Elder Sangwan, Padsong Fortress Once Complete: N/A Reward: Nothing lvl 106 - Sad Hero Story. Obstruct the Burnning Heads [M] From: Guard Captain Yan, Padsong Fortress Details: Go to Chesubon and kill 140 Burnning Heads Once Complete: Return to Guard Captain Yan Reward: 1775167xp (3%) Jade Exchange Receipt lvl 106 - Sad Hero Story. The Toad Hierarch's End [M] From: Antique Collector Nogal, Yongu Details: Go to Chesubon and kill the Toad Hierarch Once Complete: Return to Antique Collector Nogal Reward: Antlers, Black Steel lvl 107 - Sad Hero Story. Dispose of Straving Cho [M] From: Tailor Rangrang, Yongu Details: Go to Chesubon and kill 140 starving Cho's. Once Complete: Return to Rangrang Reward: 2682473 xp (4%), Lucky Ticket lvl 107 - Sad Hero Story. The Blademaster Audience [M] From: Elder sangwan, Padsong Fortress Details: Go and see Lord of Shadow Noonye. He is in Conodowon. You need to have 100 cp's for this quest. See Elder Sangwan and select "Enterance" to get to Conodowon Once Complete: N/A Reward: 2682473 xp (4%), Black Steel lvl 108 - Sad Hero Story. Master of Two-Balded Sword's reply [M] From: Antique Collector Nogal, Yongu Details: Go to Chesubon and kill 140 Vampire Wolf Once Complete: Return to Antique Collector Nogal Reward: Bamboo Leaf, Sirang lvl 108 - Sad Hero Story. Obstruct Blue Dancer [M] From: Guard captain Yang, Padsong Fortress Details: Go to Chesubon and kill 60 Blue Dancer Once Complete: Return to Guard captain Yang Reward: 2998057 xp (4%), Refinement Receipt lvl 108 - Sad Hero Story. Fighter King Sulsuin's Resolution [O] From: Elder sangwan, Padsong Fortress Details: Go to Gyuwan Dungeon (Yanggok prize dungeon) and meet White Robe Siun (3509, 1066) Fujins will need to have control of the Yanggok formation for you to do this quest. Once Complete: N/A Reward: Steel of Eternity lvl 109 - Sad Hero Story. Subjugate the Two Headed Demon [M] From: Master Yonsan, Conodowon Details: Go to Chesubon and kill 100 Two Headed Demons Once Complete: Return to Master Yonsan Reward: 3313643 xp (4%) Black Steel lvl 109 - Sad Hero Story. Sudjugate Kick Master Maiden [M] From: Manager Gwak, Conodowon Details: Go to Beoho Mountain and kill 150 Kick Master Maidens Once Complete: Return to Manager Gwak Reward: 4142054 xp (5%) Antlers lvl 110 - Sad Hero Story. Dispose of Evil Swordwoman [M] From: Antique Collector Nogal, Yongu Details: Go to Beoho Mountain and kill 150 Evil Swordwoman Once Complete: Return to Antique Collector Nogal Reward: Mushroom, Black Steel lvl 110 - Sad Hero Story. Dispose of the Rabbi Hopae [O] From: Elder Sangwan, Padsong Details: Boss Quest!! Go to Yanggok Valley and kill Rabbi Hopae. He is near the portal to Gemsaha at 5139.7975 Once Complete: Return to Elder Sangwan. Reward: 3629227 xp (4%) Ginsen lvl 110 - Sad Hero Story. Black Robe Somok's end [M] From: Elder Sangwan, Padsong Details: Boss Quest!! Go to Yanggok Valley and kill Black Robe Somok. She is near the portal to Gyuwan at 1339.3050 Once Complete: Return to Elder Sangwan. Reward: 3629227 xp (4%) Steel of Eternity lvl 111 - Sad Hero Story. The Death of Yiyonung [O] From: Lord of Shadow Noonye, Conodowon Details: Boss Quest!! Go to Gyuwan Dungeon and kill Corrupted Soul Yiyonung (7450.2273) Once Complete: Return to Lord of Shadow Noonye. Reward: 5917217 xp (6%), Red Jade lvl 111 - Sad Hero Story. Obstruct Ice Succubus [M] From: Guard Captain Yang, Padsong Fortress Details: Go to Beoho Mountain and kill 140 Ice Succubus Once Complete: Return to Guard Captain Yang Reward: 2958609 xp (3%), Lucky Ticket lvl 112 - Sad Hero Story. Dispose of the Gargantuan Monster [O] From: Elder Sangwan, Padsong Fortress Details: Go to Beoho and kill a Gargantuan Sword Monster. Once Complete: Return to Elder Sangwan Reward: 208563 xp (2%), Steel Of Eternity **TY Hitokiri for the %** lvl 112 - Sad Hero Story. Sword Master's letter [O] From: Lord of Shadow Noonye, Conodowon Details: Take Noonye's Letter to Lord of Dark Majon in Masinda Hall. This is in the Jinongs home town!!! Once Complete: N/A Reward: 208563 xp (2%), 2x Steel Of Eternity lvl 112 - Sad Hero Story. King of Demons's reply [O] From: Lord of Shadow Noonye, Conodowon Details: Go see Lord of Dark Majon in Masinda Hall and take the Majin Reply back to Lord of Shadow Noonye Once Complete: N/A Reward: 208563 xp (2%), 2x Steel Of Eternity Need twelve sky gold and twelve sky power leveling? Go to Thepowerlevel. |