Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1505107-Early-Kings
Rated: GC · Short Story · Gothic · #1505107
The Sartarn takes control of the kingdom
In the early days before The Sartarn was the king of Demons, he was a young Satyr prince, his father Lucifer was on the throne and it stood to be inherited by his brother Devlin, while the king Lucifer lived in a village in the Demonic Wastes, a harsh golden desert dotted with volcanoes and lakes of lava, the lava turned the sky a deep crimson, the young princes lived in a village in the forest of Adan which surrounded the best part of the Demonic Wastes borders. As Satyrs they had humanoid bodies and the legs of a horse, they had two horns which pointed at the sky, and as Satyrs they had uncontrollable urges so their penises were always erect, and on their backs folds of skin that extended to become wings. The were in a brothel with their friends trying to charm the female Satyrs.
“When do you suppose our father will send for us next?” Sartarn asked turning to Devlin.
“He only sends for us on an important occasion.” said Devlin pouring mead down his throat.
“Are there any coming up?” Sartarn asked.
“None that I can think of. Why do you ask?”
“Just curious. We’re grown adults we can go where we like but still have to come running when he snaps his fingers.”
“He is the king of Demons as I might be after him. All must obey he who towers over all aflame lest they suffer the fate to which only he is immune.”
“There may be those who do not have fealty towards him, they will consider that fate a just price for achieving their goals.”
“Impossible.” scoffed Devlin “The only such creatures are non Demons, and all they are, are wild beasts like the Velociraptors.”
Sartarn nodded in agreement, he remembered that fateful night when out of the mists of the forest a pack of Velociraptors pounced onto the unsuspecting Satyrs, they all tried to run and hide in their homes but the luck of some ran out, and some time later everyone emerged to find the carcasses of eaten Satyrs, so watch posts were set up in the trees and a horn would sound whenever the Velociraptors would attack.
A female Satyr approached Sartarn and thrust her breasts into his face overcome with lust he followed her to her room while Devlin balanced cups and plates on his penis. He lay on her bed while secretly she produced a phial containing the disease known as Syphilis, she poured it onto her hands then turned round an began to massage Sartarns penis.
After they finished she asked him “What is it like to be a ruler?”
“From the brief visits I have paid my father it seems to me to be servants waiting on you hand and foot, and of course governing the land and making sure everything’s done properly.”
“It Must require a lot of sacrifices.”
“It does need a few yes.” said Sartarn and as the syphilis penetrated his brain a realisation came to him, “pity that I shall not see any of it.”
“Why not?”
“Demons are immortal, my father shall never die.”
“But Demons are not invincible, just look at what happened when the Velociraptors first came!”
And by a striking coincidence a horn sounded in the distance, they went to the window and watched as a group of two legged reptiles sporting evil grins emerged from the misty woods and crept round they buildings, sniffing looking for Satyr meat.
“We’ve been lucky so far,” said the Satyr “but I can feel it in myself that our luck will run out and a nasty accident will occur.”
And as the syphilis spread throughout his brain an idea occurred to Sartarn, without his brother in the way he would stand a chance of becoming king. Sartarn arrived downstairs just as the all clear sounded, “Devlin and friends I am in a festive mood the drinks are on me.”
There was an almighty cheer, and for a good few hours with his “generosity” continued to ply Devlin and their friends with drinks.
When they were inebriated beyond salvation Devlin said “I shay felliwowiows letsh have shum bum … er … fun I mean fun yesh that’sh it fun.” they all looked at him quizzically “let’sh go deep into ber foresht.”
“Are you insane? There are Velociraptors out there!” said Sartarn in mock shock.
“What’sh it to foo prish.” Devlin grumbled, “we can bugger repsh for breakfasht, we’ll impagin ‘em on our mighty cocksh.”
“Don’t you mean impale?”
“What I shaid.” said Devlin and they all got up and ran out bouncing off the door frame.
“I’m telling you it’s too dangerous.” shouted Sartarn in false desperation and ran after them.
After a good distance into the forest Devlin turned to Sartarn and said “Look if you don’ wanna be outsh here ‘en pish off.”
“Actually I think I overreacted.” said Sartarn “I think it would be fun to go into the forest. But the Satyrs on watch aren’t going to let us through, but fortunately I know a path that will avoid them.” and he did just that, leading the others he carefully picked a way through the woods avoiding the Satyrs on watch. Some time later they were travelling along a flat path past some trees when suddenly a group of Velociraptors sprang from the trees to confront the intruders on their den.
“Letsh get ‘em.” roared Devlin and they charged towards the Velociraptors when he suddenly stopped and turned towards Sartarn, who in turn regarded him with a cold expression “Well come on.” he said.
“Don’t say I didn’t warn you. Guess the throne is mine now.” said Sartarn triumphantly.
“You Bashtahd.” growled Devlin, but before he knew where he was a Velociraptor had sliced him in the groin and proceeded to disembowel him. When the Velociraptors had finished with the Satyrs they turned towards Sartarn, in control of his senses he readied himself, they attacked, he jumped and flew a kick at a Velociraptor breaking its neck another came up behind him and bit him on the shoulder, he punched backwards then grabbed it’s head and twisted it, he continued to allow the Velociraptors to cut him badly before killing them. When he finished he slumped to the ground, a group of Satyrs ran into the clearing attracted by the commotion.
“What’s going on?” asked the leader “what are you doing outside the village?”
“They were drunk… they wanted to come out here… I tried to stop them but they wouldn’t have it and now… my brother is gone.”
After he was healed he travelled to the village in the Demonic wastes in which his father Lucifer resided a towering Demon, a giant Satyr wreathed in flame.
“I bring grave news my lord… your eldest son Devlin… he is… dead.”
Lucifers flames died down a little.
“What was the manner of his death?”
“Disembowelment… by wild animals.”
Lucifer lowered his head barely audibly he said, “go.”
The news travelled across the planet, Lucifer had commanded a monument to his son, Harar Kan the southern volcano, extinct, and one of the biggest mountains that ever had and ever would exist, Demons came from all over, Satyrs, Gnostics, Alastors, Promps, Gorgons, Incubi and Succubi, Vampires and many others mined it, carved it and shaped it. When they had finished they were left with the fortress of Harar Kan, a fortress city to unite all of Demonkind one hundred levels in height.
Lucifer looked at it with pride “For you, my son, but I can look upon it no longer for it reminds me too much of you.” and in despair he galloped at tremendous speed spread his wings and took flight, high into the sky south west towards the ocean he looked up into the sky which was so much like himself empty and void, he began his descent towards the ocean, steeper and steeper and finally swooped to his watery grave. The time of The Sartarn had now come.
© Copyright 2008 Alabastyr Glyttr (alabastyr at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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