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Change is Real
Five minutes later Mr. Bill caught up and so did one of the staff vans to come get me. I told them that I am fine and that I want to go be left alone and I will walk home but they told me to get In the van or they have to call the cops to escort me back. So they ended up calling the cops and the cop told me that if I didn't go back he would have to put me in a holding cell and I would be there for a very long time. After about ten minutes of telling him I didn't care i finally said okay ill go back and do what I have to do. I had to be watched by staff twenty four seven because I was on a "run-risk" and they didn't want me to attempt it. I talked to Mr. Bill and all the other staff and explained to them that I am very sorry for what I did and they don't have to worry about me running because it is very far. I continued to go to school and I even went to Church a few times and enjoyed Mrs. Amy company, i even pushed her on the swings and grabbed her ass. She didn't even care and I was really having feelings for her because she talked to me the most out of everyone.

I was going to write an auto-biography entitled "Life's a Drag" in school but I figured that was going to take to long, so I decided to write poetry instead but I wasn't lyrically talented enough to write poetry. Chris came up with some of my clothes and my CD Player and Californication CD and that cheered me up to hear my favorite band, he also brought me a whopper and I hadn't had a whooper since i was a kid so that brought back so many memories. Two weeks later i thought of another plan to escape from Glade Run, so i thought it out completely. I asked if I could do my laundry and i put my shoes and a hoodie Steve gave me at the bottom than I put my dirty clothes on top, I stuffed the clothes in the washing machine than i hid the shoes and the hoody in the bathroom.

I asked this Mr. Jason if it was okay to take a shower and he said sure go ahead, it was almost 4:30 in the evening so i turned on the shower and closed the shower door. I put on the hoodie and my shoes. Mike came back and asked what I was doing, I told him I was leaving for real this time, no turning back and no getting caught. I was on the third floor and Mike showed me this trick on opening those windows. The window's were locked from the bottom but you can open the window by putting the top one down than you can climb right out of the top. So I told Mike and Steve thanks for everything and If i made it than good luck to them both but if i get caught, I won't say anything about there involvement. So i was on the roof which was kind of slanted, i closed my eyes and prayed than i hopped off of the roof. I landed on my feet and put the hood up and stuck my hands in my pocket and proceeded to go towards the street. So far so good and it was pretty warm on November 3rd, 2007. I walk in between streets, took zigzags just so i wasn't on the same street, i didn't want to be seen by any cop or person what so ever.

I eventually made it to some rail road tracks, i swear to God i had really no clue which way i was going I just followed my instincts and trusted in God that I was going the proper way. It was getting later the sun started to die down, it was starting to get colder, the air was so refreshing though, the grass was so much greener and i didn't even see trash on the ground at all. I seen Lancaster township and i just kept on walking straight and every few hundred feet i would see a barn and some cows, and a lot of corn in the fields. I didn't even know if i was walking the right way but I seriously felt one with nature. I kept on singing chili peppers songs to cheer me up and to make the time go by as i was walking. The song Warm Tape was the main one because the lyrics said "Miles and miles and every world i roam, Settle for love your never far from home" and many other songs that just kept my dedication high.

I eventually made it to a gas station and i asked them what time it was and the lady said it was going on 10:00 and i asked which way was downtown Pittsburgh, and she said take 79 south and i said wheres that at and she said just go straight up and you will see the interstate sign, i told her thanks and than i left and started walking more. My legs were kind of tired and i was on the interstate walking, and it was starting to get really cold so i put my hands in my sleeves and I was tired so i just sat down and laid on the cold ground on the side of the road for maybe five minutes. It was to cold and the traffic driving past was so loud that i couldn't even sleep so i got back up and started walking again. I looked in the sky and there were so many stars, i felt as if this is a test of fate given to me by God to conquer something deep in my life. It was a straight shot and I kept on thinking i seen downtown but it wasn't. I seen a Cranberry exit, a Washington exit and even a sign to Evans City. I felt myself getting closer.

I tried to hitch hike but absolutely no body would stop for me except one guy who said he was going back towards butler so i started to lose hope. I heard this car stop behind me so i stopped walking than i turned around. A state trooper by the name of State Trooper Shelly came out, he asked me how old i was and where i lived and what i was doing on the interstate. I gave him my name, my birthday, my social security number, my address and my reasoning was because i met a friend on my space and i got a ride up there we hung out during the weekend and i didn't have any money or a way to get back so i had no choice but to walk. He went to his car and i guess he gave my information, i had no criminal charge and he said since i was a minor he had to drive me home, i was in state of shock. The only thing i was worried about is if Lynda would spill the beans and all that time wasted just to go back up to Glade Run.

He told me that he has to go in and speak to my guardian so when we got there he took off the handcuffs he had on me and we just walked into Lynda's than she play along with the whole story on what the cop said and she said that she would make sure that never happened again and there i was successfully at my destination without being caught and taken back to Glade Run or any other type of placement; all in less than a day. I spent majority of my time hidden in Lynda's closet with the laptop I had and was so paranoid and every single sound i heard i thought there was a cop that was going to randomly bust in. I had none of my clothes, I just had a pair of blue pants and a gray T shirt and that hoodie. I made a video to tribute my successful Glade Run Experience on YouTube which only was commented by a few people who were at Glade Run to.

I spent a whole month in that closet and the bathroom was right next to that closet, i was skeptical about even going into the kitchen, i lost so much weight and i was happy to be out of there but i was also nervous and i missed Mrs. Amy so much, she was the best staff member up there and i really just wanted to have sex with her. I needed some clothes to wear real bad so I asked Lynda if she could please buy me some clothes or something, she said she would buy me a shirt. I was like "Mom, A shirt?, like one shirt?" and she responded "You know i have bills to pay and you should have a job by now" and i responded "what a bitch, okay fine can i buy it online?" she responded "what ever" so than I went to this website and i bought a red hot chili peppers shirt, it had the red asterisk in the center and around the center it just said Red Hot Chili Peppers but i bought it in size medium and its so huge. But I didn't really care about how big it was, I just liked it because it represents my favorite band in the universe. It took a few days to ship and I was still cautious about cops appearing and taking me to a place where I didn't want to be.

I had one shirt i actually liked, one gray T shirt that i wore just about everyday, and I had my blue jeans and that nasty hoodie i wore on my journey from Zelienople. I spent every dreadful day in that closet chatting with people online than i started to get back into Maple Story again and hacking. I needed a way to make money so I would send people viruses and than take over there computer, steal there Maple Story accounts than I would sell them on eBay or just to random people looking for accounts. I met this one guy and I told him that I would power level an account for him for some money. My prices vary on what level and job he wanted and the time frame. He told me he would pay me one hundred and fifty dollars if I would make him a level one hundred and twenty chief bandit in a month so I told him okay I'll do it. I was asking him what items he wanted and just basic questions to make it look legit and he told me exactly what he wanted. He sent me the one hundred and fifty dollars and I started on his account and told him It would be done In about a month.

In maybe four days I had already spent the money and closed my Paypal account and blocked him from contacting me via AOL Instant Messenger. He sends me an email telling me to give him back his money because his character hadn't even reached level two and he figured i was scamming him. I never did send him his money and I pretended that it never happened. I felt really bad about it, to this day and if i can find his email, in the future i will send him two hundred dollars and a letter of apology. I scammed other people for petty stuff like virtual game items or accounts, i would set up fake web sites asking you for your account information and other various stuff like email passwords or i would do item giveaway scams where who ever sent me the most virtual currency will receive a level fifty account or something similar and than just transfer the currency than they would never hear from me again. I did this in GunBound and in Neopets as well. I even started doing more and more in game hacking which I would use a memory editor to edit the memory of the game which would allow me to do things you couldn't do without that memory change, or even packet editing which allows me to recieve data from the servers and edit the data and resend it back to the server which would do better things like instantly level up or change the items in my inventory or make the monster have less health which allowed me to kill them faster and still recieve the experience.

I started to love computers more and more and I wanted to be a professional hacker so i could steal money and get rich really fast. I met these two guys from New Zeland and they were complete idiots. I sent them my Trojan and was messing around with there computer, looking through files and making homosexual pornography appear on there screen, turn off there keyboard and mouse and sometimes disable them from connecting to the internet. I had a lot of fun doing that and I wanted to do more and more and after messing with Paul and Brett Ransley, the two guys from New Zeland i finally stopped messing around with them and I actually became there friends and we just hacked Maple Story together.

After about two months of that, I called my CYF case worker, Tracy and told her that I'd have been home for the past two months and told her that I walked and that I was willing to go back to Glade Run and stay there for as long as i was supposed to. She said that there were no available beds now so she called Chris and Chris picked me up and took me back to Millvale for the third time. About four hours after I got there I told this staff member, Mrs. Denise that I wanted to leave and she said that I couldn't leave and that I should just do the right thing and stay. I told her that I was leaving but the only bad thing was they had locked my wallet and my little blue MP3 player i had and they wouldn't give it to me so I said fuck it and there I was, running out of the front door and no one even chased after me. I had no cash, no ID or any sort of way to get home. I walked all the way across this bridge and I made to to Lawrenceville and went over to Chiante's house and asked him for two dollars and hung out with him for about an hour, we were playing Tekken on his PlayStation 2 and than i left and walked all the way downtown and waited for that good ol' 61C and there I was back home again.

I called Tracy and told her I had left again and that I really wanted to go back to Glade Run but she told me that she is dropping the case with me and that I was going to turn eighteen in about six or seven months that at eighteen the case would drop anyway, so there I was out of CYF and on my own. All of that placement nonsense was over with and I was ready do go back to Flamers and tell them that I am completely done with the placement bull shit and that I just wanted to work and I wont quit for the fifth time. Alice and Jesse said this was my last chance and just do my job right and save up money and that I should go back to school.

Jesse taught me so much about life, he shared his story about how he was in Mexico and that he worked his whole life and by age sixteen he was able to be served at bars anywhere in America because he looked well over his age. He talked about his love life and the gangs he has been in over in Mexico and his tattoos were covered up by tattoos because he was done with the gang shit. He has been a cook for about sixteen years and that he wants to save up three hundred thousand before retiring and go back to Mexico with his family and wife. Alice treated me like I was her son, she talked to me and tried to help me with all of my problems and give me the best advice on life situations.

I wasn't afraid to leave the house now but I had absolutely no cash so I learned that my two legs are my best friends so I would walk from Lynda's all the way to Steel Valley High School and see my old friends that I haven't seen in years. I went over to Drew's after all that time of being gone and he opened the door and went into his room and put a chair in front of it. I was like what the fuck is going on in there and i pushed open the door and was skinny enough to fit in and I seen this chick sitting on the couch in there. I was like, Drew what the fuck you got a girlfriend and she was like "hi" and im responded, "uhh...hi...DREW YOU GOT A GIRL FRIEND, WAS I GONE THAT LONG!!?" and she said "I'm barb" and I responded, "Hey im Ryan" and she said, "wait your name is Ryan?" and I was responded "Yeah, do I know you?" and she said "You dated Aly Gamble" and I said, "No i didn't...Uhh, yeah I did" and I told her that her and I don't talk any more because of Steve.

So Drew, Barb, and I talked for a while and was just explaining my situation about where I was at and other stuff like that. Halo 3 was out and Drew would play that a lot but I really sucked at Halo to the point where I couldn't even aim right because I was not used to the X Box 360 Controller at all. Barb has Bipolar, depression, anxiety and a lot of other problems that people said I had, well besides the anxiety. Barb had to take medication and go to therapy and she lived in Whitaker with her parents and her sister. Drew had hemophilia so he had to get a factor shot every two days, his brother RJ has to get them as well but not as often. Drew at first was a little different because it was his first girl friend and he figured that he had to please her all day and that he had to spent every bit of his life giving her attention and that kind of changed his and my relationship, his and Spencers, and even Adam.

Adam and Barb would get into all types of arguments about everything and Drew was just quiet and they even started having arguments because Drew didn't care and because he would bite his finger nails or because she thought he was ignoring her. Drew's mom Dawn didn't like Barb one bit, she would talk about her behind her back calling her a fat cow, a whore, a bitch, that she should just be a full out lesbian and that she wasn't good enough for Drew. Drew and Barb would have sex all the time in the basement and Will and R.J would go to listen because they would be down there alot, R.J and Will didn't know about sex they figured that they were just making out. I was caught up in the middle of it and if i put my two cents in, one person would be upset because it seemed like I was picking sides which I never was, I just throw in my opinion. They were just young and love struck and clearly had no idea about forming good relationships.
© Copyright 2009 Red Hot Chili Peppers Fan, Poe (rhcpfan1 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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