Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1519826-The-Lovers-That-Werent-Supposed-to-Feel
by Kali
Rated: E · Other · Other · #1519826
In a dark, cold world, where not one felt joy or happiness and no one ever slept, where there stayed not the living nor the dead, the passed yet not quite gone, the ones who simply looked at eternity without hope, there was found something so different and unexplainable that it simply did change everything any of these living dead had believed before. There was, of course, a very small quantity of this unexplained, so small that only two faded souls possessed it, but nevertheless, it was so undeniable that the heavens themselves and the demons below could not figure it. It was, in truth, love. Irrefutable love, whose definition can simply not be written or told, explained or figured. An emotion so strong, so amazing, that it seems not an emotion any longer, but a wonderful insanity unable to be caged. Something always said could only be felt by the alive and the glowing, or at least only true love could. But against nature and the universe, all matter and all stitching, these two dim and shivering shadows, had managed to slip between the finely made laws of everything, and found, although only this once, was an unbeatable love.

It can’t be said it was any particular time in the world in-between living and dead that it happened, or even how they had managed to meet. But it was, as observed by the most curious and committed watchers of this void area, that the place was offered only the light of the frost and snow and some dim blue grey hue of everything so that there was no particular color but shades of dusky blue and grey. It was always cold, yet there was never a breeze or any moving air for that matter. If one was to pick up a handful of the snow, they would feel nothing, for that was something impossible when you were stuck there. Feeling was simply a vague memory, if you had any at all and were not simply lost with no meaning or purpose. No one spoke. It was unclear if they could. They kept a similar human form, but all looked as their surroundings. Many were hard to tell apart from their sky, the same blue hue’s all blending together in dreariness. None were full; all looked very thin and resembled that of a skeleton. Some even revealed a bit of bone in various spots, all there was to reveal. They had no hunger no pain, not much thought. There was no point to anything done, there was no reason. And the clothing which they wore (for all they knew was what they had done in the living time) was what they had departed the living in.
It seemed the only purpose of being there was they were not meant to be. Upstairs no mistakes are made, but upon turning from those stairs or jumping off half way up, you’ve abandoned the leading perfection and chosen your own imperfections ways in which many would find themselves there. It isn’t determined the state of every being back on Earth, some lay in a coma, some (those who have shorter stays) are in the process of dying, some have a very dear loved one whom they can't pass on without and find themselves here, where that one thing becomes everything, waiting for your heart. Others, have unknown purposes for not being able to pass on, either to heaven or hell, and until that purpose is somehow accomplished, that is where they stay. But until it is so, they will wander aimlessly about in the dark, dreary middle world, one which numerous areas resemble a dim version of the life lived before. If one were to wander there, being that of an outsiders nature (of course impossible being the only way to get there is to truly need to be), they may find a small coffee shop in a small section of shops, where one could sit and read the paper (which contains no words and is merely the paper of the paper), and sip at their coffee mugs (those which contain no coffee). Clothing stores (of course to an outsider looking in, for the people whom lived there these things went unnoticed) were simply hangers on racks, and empty bags for there was no real clothing to fill them with. And when one exited any of these buildings or others they would come to different places. Many would arrive home, or back to the street, or into a different place. No one looked at each other unless they had traveled together (for example the mother and her two young children all awaiting their father), and, as mentioned, no one spoke with each other.
Only when someone had approached their time to leave there, would every other around them look towards that someone, and watch with blank stares that awaited the day they too would make their permanent exit. In that moment, it would be seen the person restored to full and radiant state, filled with color, then consumed in light and vanish. But that was the only time anyone would be acknowledged.
So that will bring us to the beginning of a world with no past or future. On no particular day, at no particular time, Rose exited her house. As she descended her steps, blankly and with no care or lively movement, it can be said that the scene, though haunting, was beautiful. With her gray skin and orange hair waving down her back, dulled as everything else, was a sight never before seen here. It was, in truth, unexplainable. To the left of her small stairway, there was the oddest of objects.
© Copyright 2009 Kali (kali_r at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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