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Rated: · Novel · Fantasy · #1520708
Raven a young 16 yearold girl meats 2 vampires at 11.Will her life ever be the same again?
I ran up to Mark. He stood still, like stone. My gaze fell to where he was staring. Aster stood on the other side of the newly dug grave.
"I hope you have something decent to wear because Raven's funeral is coming up,"Whispered Aster. His voice is eerie and silent, like the slow, soft winds that brush through my hair." Aster pointed to a gravestone next to the fresh grave with his pale finger.
Mark and I turned our attention to the gravestone. It said Raven Snow, my birthdate, and a deathdate saying Dec.12, 2012.
"No!"I screamed lunging at Aster. Mark grabbed my shoulders before I could even as much as lay a finger on Aster.
"Raven, please calm down,"Mark said gently letting go of me.
"So much for your girlfriend...SHE IS JUST A VICIOUS, PATHETIC GIRL WHO BELIEVES THAT ONE DAY SHE WILL BECOME ONE OF US!"shouted Aster. He seemed to be entertaining himself. Without giving him a hint of what I was about to do, I attacked Aster.. He just stepped back a step and I fell in the grave.
"See, clearly pathetic.Did I add dumb to the list?"Aster asked.
I wiped the dirt off my face and stood up. Why wasn't Mark doing anything? Was he telling the truth when he said Aster was devious, and far more deadly than him?
"Aster, stop it! Go back to where you came from!"shouted Mark with fury. Aster knelt down, leaned forward to me and wrapped his arms around my waist, pressing me close to him so he could place his teeth on my neck.
"First give me the girl,"Aster whispered. I thrashed about in his steel hold. I kicked him everywhere.
Aster pressed his icy lips closer to my neck. I stared at Mark with fear. He looked like he was in pain. Then a look of confidence swept onto his face.
My life seemed to take a drastic turn based on the events that followed a particular Halloween tradition at my school. I was only 11.

Ms.Crystal, my 6th grade teacher was passing out flyers for the annual "Haunted Cemetary" field trip as she always did at this time of year.
As was the case every year, the 6th graders would visit the cemetery, and follow a trail which the teacher had created and, as was always the case, there would be make shifts goblins and ghosts festooning the halloween maze as well as a great deal of candy on the ground; all accompanied, of course, with the sounds of Halloween clamor, moaning and scary pipe-organ music which, no doubt, Mr. Cedric, the school's music teacher helped orchestrate.
So, while we 6th graders proceeded up, over and through the elaborately decorated pathways, we'd be both entertained and scared out of our wits by the surprises which awaited us 'round every uncharted corner.
All in all, it was a fun and typical Halloween evening on the Haunted Cemetary field trip and, as my Mother always was so quick to remind me, I've always a rather brave and hard to startle girl...(according to Mom- since even before I could even walk.)
I started running through the maze like trail, and went off course. I walked around in the moonlight as the tree branches whacked me trying to find the trail. In the distance I heard a clock chime in the distance...TEN...ELEVEN...TWELVE. I had never heard that clock before. I didn't even think the town had one.
So, this bravery for which I was so "well known" may have been the reason why I was not entirely startled to see a strange boy jump out from behind a gravestone shouting,"Tag, your it!" I had never seen this boy before.
The boy was around my age and, although he was not frightening looking, he did appear to be rather gaunt, and unusual with his dark hair, pale skin and somber style of clothing...but something about his dark eyes and slow movements put me at ease. He just seemed like a rather gentle soul.
I was however rather taken aback by the other dark figure who suddenly appeared looming behind this person I'd just met..for this boy,while equally pale and gaunt like the first boy, unlike his compadre, this more menacing boy had halo blonde hair and blood red eyes and, most alarmingly, a gash of red for his mouth.
He had a vibe about him which spelled "danger".
Almost melding in with the sounds of the October wind, which howled through the cemetary, this daunting blonde background character shrieked in an eerie, almost wind-born voice that one phrase which, to this very day, sends chills down my spine.
He shouted,"Go away human girl!"
As he spoke, his eyes seemed to radiate an extra influx of red light; perhaps to punctuate his meaning.
The dark-haired boy muttered something apologetic which sounded like, "Please, leave I don't want you getting hurt."
So, while admittedly quaking in my home-made witch's costume, I continued with my own tradition of bravery in daring to croak out the curious yet barely audible question:
"Getting hurt?"
"My brother is dangerous please leave."The black-haired boy pointed to the trail. I heard the blonde one growl. For starters I was not stupid. Its just I don't do my homework, and listen to music when my family is trying to talk some sense into me.
"Wait...Are you a -- vampire?"
The gentler of the 2 boys responded that he will answer my question truthfully on one condition: That I VACATE the premesis and never look back.
This condition did not bother me one bit as I'd not missed the "minute detail" that old Red Eyes had now taken to hovering approximately 4" off the moss covered path!
Without a moment's hesitation, I responded with a confirming nod.
So, with Red Eyes continuing to mount in altitude, the calmer of the 2 boys put his lips to my ear and, in a voice similar to Clint Eastwood...uttered the monosyllabic, "Yessss".
As he spoke, the timber of his voice combined with his ice cold breath seemed to put me in a trance he cautioned that I'd better keep what had happened a secret.
As I processed what he'd just said to me, I remembered my end of the bargain and turned and began running as fast as I could--wishing for an instant that my faux witches' broom would actually work! I ran keeping my promise until I ran into a student from my class. I was back on the trail, but as soon as I got back to it I heard a roaring sound, and it began to rain.
Needless to say, that one Halloween I shall never forget and, as can be predicted in my typical brave demeanor, I'd dared to return to that precise spot for several years in a row; hoping to once again meet these 2 characters who'd haunted me from that night forward.
As each Halloween passed without repeated incident, eventually, I lost hope of ever reuniting with the vampire brothers.
I suppose what I would want to let those vampire brothers know, if I did happen upon their path again is that their presence had had a great imapact on my life to the point of me becoming GOTH--trying to mimick vampirical traits..almost obsessed...or is it POSSESSED?

I sat in the kitchen pretending to listen to my mother ramble just like any other morning, She must have relized i wasn't listening because she stopped.
"Raven, are you even listening?"
I rolled my eyes at her.
"I wish you would do something else with your hair."
"I like my hair."I said.
It was black and spiky.
"And you should get out in the sun your paler than a sheet."
Again I rolled my eyes.
"I wish you would act like other normal 16 yearolds."
"And googoo over some snobby lame boy!You wish!"
I stood up from the kitchen table.
"Raven I can't see why you can't act like your little sister."
"For one thing she is not little, Becca is 12, and another thing, we are different."
"How is she different, young lady?"asked Mom. I grabbed my black backpack, and straintened my black skirt and shirt.
"She is annoying."
I walked out the front door. My pesky Mom seemed to have this conversation everyday. It was pouring outside.
"Hey!Raven!"shouted my one and only friend.
"Hey Kim."Kim was quick-witted, and cute.
"So, are you going to the cemetary again after school?"
"Yep."I muttered as we walked through the gates of my highschool.
"I can't come today, I'm on a date with Daniel."That was a first. For the past five years she had always hung out with me there. It only took us usually around 10 minutes by walking to get there from our street Blackberry Ave. Kim and I lived next door to each other, and where friends since we met. Technically Kim was the only person I've met who didn't run away screaming or make fun of me.
"Hey freak!I love the halloween outfit!"shouted a retarded popular girl, Angela I think.
"Thank you, I like yours."I said holding a big grin on my face. Angela rolled her eyes, and two more girls walked up behind her.
"Freak!Go back in your coffin,"snorted the girl on Angela's left. Like I said before they were retarded popular freaks.
"How about you go back in yours,"Kim backed me up. Angela walked up to Kim.
"I feel sorry for you,"she whispered in a soft delicate voice.
Then the schools bell rang. As I walked down the wet concrete to my class, but as I walked to class I noticed a black limo pass by the school.
School passed by slowly, and by the time it was lunch I was half asleep. I sat next to Kim.
"Hey GOTH GOBLIN!"shouted Angela walking by.
"Hey being goth isn't bad its just different, what if we said being popular is horrible!"Kim once again backed me up. Angela walked up to Kim and me; took Kim's milkshake, and walked away.
"She does get annoying!"I muttered to Kim.
"Yeah...guess what!"
"Some new boy moved into town!He used to live here, but he told some girl something, and his parents found out, and they moved, and...and they are back!"She exclaimed. It sounded like a jumble of words mashed together.
"Ok...I did not get a word you said, but whatever it is I bet its not important."
"Raven!They moved in that old mansion near the cemetary."
I set down the apple I was knawing on, and stared at her with disbelief.
"They?'I raised my eyebrow.
"Two boys, a butler, maid, and some pets."She pinned her brown medium hair up in a ponytail.
"Where'd you get this information?"
"Rumours, gossip, and of course, keyword-Angela."
"Has she seen them."
"No, but I wonder what he told that girl..."Suddenly I had a flashback. The room seemed to swirl beneeth my feet, to the day when I met the two vampire brothers. It was a little replay of the scene when I saw them.
"Tag, your it!" shouted that gentle vampire with his dark black hair, pale skin and somber style of clothing. I then saw the replay of the other dark figure who suddenly appeared looming behind his brother. He was equally pale and gaunt like the gentle one, unlike his compadre, this more menacing boy had halo blonde hair and blood red eyes and, most alarmingly, a gash of red for his mouth.
He had a vibe about him which spelled "danger". I felt danger, and I tasted danger around me. I felt the October wind again, heard the distant agonizing howling.
"Oh my God!Raven are you okay?"
I flashed open my eyes. I was on the ground with students surrounding me.
"Raven are you okay?"repeated Kim.
"Yes, whoa...what happened?"
"You just floped down.Unconsious!"She explained.
"Awww, little vampire girl fainted..."murmured Angela.
"Was she scared of a fly?"someone asked amongst the crowd.
"Maybe she was daydreaming about barbies."
"Nah, she is scared of pink, maybe she freaked because of Angela."commented one boy.
"I'll kill you for that Daniel!"shouted Angela.
"Barbie is having a breakdown!"shouted the boy, Daniel.
"Just because my boyfriend, Rick happens to be your best friend doesn't mean you can you can shove your-I closed my ears not wanting to hear another word that Angela was shouting at Daniel-without getting hurt!You stupid-Beeeeeeeeep, rang the bell cutting her off.
I walked to Chemistry, I felt no need to rush. I had 3 C's and 4 A's in school.
"Hello Raven, you shaved two minutes from yesterday, congratulations,"welcomed Mrs.Stein.
"Thank you,"I mumbled taking off my backpack and taking a seat at my table. Kim wasn't with me in chemistry so I sat alone at my table. The seat next to me always empty. As the teacher began talking I inserted a new piece of gum in my mouth, and stared at her exlplaining how important it is we pay attention in chemistry.
As soon as school ended, I darted out of it like a bolt. I skid across the wet pavement. My hair dripping wet from the rain, I scaled the cemetery gates. I was a pro at gate climbing. I took gymnastic's when I was younger, so I was really flexible. It was pouring by the time I reached the gravestone Kim and I always hung out by.
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