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I like to make Lists--Things To Do Before I Die, and Why I Suck
A Little Bit About Me

So, I was lying in bed trying to overcome an extreme case of insomnia, when I started thinking about all my faults. And, for no real reason, I decided to post them on myspace just to get them out there.

1.) I do not forgive and forget easily. This one actually depends on some circumstances. For example, if one my friends screw up, I can usually forgive them pretty easily because I know that they’re good people that messed up. But if someone that I wasn’t that fond of to begin with messes with me...Well, let’s look at some typical examples.
Example 1: Troy (my boyfriend) takes me to a party/gathering/get-together with people that somehow wronged me in high school.
Troy: Can’t you just get over it? It was high school. They’ve matured since then. And he totally showers now.
Me: No. They are bad people. I will never believe that any of them are matured/well-groomed.
Example 2: Former friend tries to make up with me after a year or so evil tricks on her part.
Ex-Friend: So I just feel really bad that we stopped being friends and all...
Me: You TP’d my house and gave a possible internet rapist my phone number (which, sidebar, actually got my sister in a bunch of trouble because she happened to be on the computer when the internet guy called and my mom answered).
You get the idea.

2.) I am actually extremely shy. Some people may not realize this because I am generally loud and obnoxious, but it’s true. Whenever my boyfriend takes me to parties with people I don’t know/don’t like, etc., I end up cowering in a corner. I’m still waiting to transform from caterpillar to social butterfly, but at this point it’s looking doubtful.

3.) I am generally loud and obnoxious. I seriously think this one has more to do with biology than personality. The truth of it is, I don’t have the greatest hearing (my dad has a similar problem). Consequently, I don’t always realize the volume of my voice. Also consequently, people overhear me talking about them fairly often (this is where the obnoxious part comes in--I’m not going to put "gossip" on my list because I honestly don’t think I do it more than anyone else--I just do it louder).

4.) I am a whore. Ok, not really. By Bentley standards, I was practically the patron saint of virginity. However, this didn’t stop me from being dragged through the mud for cheating on a not-even-serious boyfriend (ok, or two). And by "cheating", we’re talking first base here, people. Yeah, it’s definitely not the right thing to do, but whatever, I was 16. It’s not exactly uncommon or scandelous. However, here’s the type of thing people thought about it:
"There is a black "THING" and this "THING" is called "IT". You know I have been watching this going on and on and on...(I think you get the point) Do you ask why I call her "IT" well, that is easy to explain. She has no heart, soul, or feelings, she is a disgrace to all women on earth. She is a cheater and a loser who has nothing better to do but ruin the lives of other men. If she would only stop being a bitch for two seconds and realize the devistation she has caused to others then maybe, just maybe she would change her slut like ways. I have felt the pain this "THING" brings to men and I pity them and dispise her. She needs to start acting more like a women and not so much like the bitch that she has become. One day "IT" will get what she deserves. "IT" will eventually cheat again on one of her B/Fs and when he finds out I hope he beats the crap out of her."
Seems like a bit of overkill to me, but what do I know. BTW, I know who it was, and....well, at least I wasn’t known as "Smelly _____" (see reason 1). And Troy wonders why I’m not very forgiving.

5.) I am a bitch. Damn straight.

6.) I worry too much about my weight. It’s about 130, if you’re wondering. I managed to avoid most of the Freshman Fifteen (it ended up being more of a Freshman Five), but when you’ve been slender all your life, five pounds feels like a lot more. Just so we’re clear, I’m not saying that my bad point is that I’ve gained five pounds--it’s that I obsess over the five pounds.

7.) I was named after a bad 80’s break-up song. This one actually isn’t my fault, but the song is HORRIBLE. Seriously. Key line? Noooo time is a goooood time for goodbye...

8.) I’m not very brave. I would love to be a fearless kick-ass chick, but honestly, I’m a chicken. Tons of things scare me. Spiders. Drain hair. Thunderstorms. Babies. Guns. Loud explosions. Cars/driving/being in a car accident. Being alone with strangers. The list goes on.

9.) I have weird food likes/dislikes. I hate peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Like, strongly HATE. Like, I actually get sick to my stomach if I smell them. Don’t ask me why. I like jelly and bread. I LOVE peanut butter. But the three together...YUCK. I’m actually not a big fan of cold sandwiches in general (yeah...the only thing I get at Subway is the meatball sub) but this is just one thing that I despise that everyone else loves. I have yet to meet a single other person that doesn’t like peanut butter and jelly.
In general, I am just not very girly when it comes to food choices (or at all, but that’s another number). I like meat. Lots of meat. Especially burgers. My favorite pizza is loaded with pepperoni, ham, sausage, and bacon. This never seemed weird to me, but now it seems like 70% of the girls I know are either vegetarian, vegan, or just "not that into red meat anymore".

10.) I judge people for weird things. Biggest pet peave? People that drink "coffee", but don’t drink coffee. By "coffee" I mean anything mocha-caramel-frappe-dolce-whatever that is so loaded with milk, sugar, and flavoring that the "coffee" is just an unpleasant aftertaste. I mean, I despise coffee and I can still drink those things without even wanting to gag.
This is probably because I grew up with a sister that started drinking black coffee when she was about six (this is seriously not even an exaggeration--my sister is hardcore when it comes to coffee), but I get seriously pissed off when people tell me over their slightly-coffee-flavored-but-mostly-whip-cream beverage that I’m lame for not liking coffee. Don’t go to Starbuck’s just to look cool. Toughen up and buy some Folger’s if you want to legitimately call yourself a coffee drinker.

11.) I think that, deep down, I might actually be evil. I mean "evil" as it was meant before being evil was cool. I’m not trying to be cool. Sometimes I just feel like an actual bad person (and no, not because I cheated on a guy I was dating three years ago--despite what some people might have though, I’m pretty sure that hasn’t destined me for the inner circles of hell).

12.) I’m a hypocrite. Well, who isn’t? It’s so hard to stick to convictions these days...there’s so much gray area...

Things To Do Before I Die

1) Go back to Craters of the Moon.
2) Study abroad in London.
3) See the Great Wall of China.
4) Have sex in an old cemetery at night.
5) See Chippendales.
6) Read The Scarlett Letter.
7) Go on a cruise.
8) Live in an apartment in NYC.
9) Discover a new species of dinosaur.
10) Visit Alaska.
11) Visit Hawaii.
12) What the hell, all 50 states.
13) Be in a play.
14) Have sex in a car.
15) Work in a bookstore.
16) Write a book.
17) Go to a Nickelback concert.
18) Learn to play chess. X
19) Get a massage.
20) Meet Orlando Bloom (get autograph).
21) Take a cake baking or decorating class.
22) Live in a house with more than one bathroom.
23) Make it to at least 5 of the continents.
24) Go camping in a tent again.
25) Learn to walk in heels.
26) Own my own car.
27) Get comfortable driving on the highway.
28) AA a song on difficult on DDR.
29) Be on Jeopardy.
30) Visit Machu Picchu.
31) Learn to speak Spanish at least semi-fluently.
32) Ditto for French.


States I've been to:
1) Michigan
2) Ohio
3) Indiana
4) Illinois
5) Iowa
6) Nebraska
7) Wyoming
8) Idaho
9) Montana
10) Nevada
11) Utah
12) Pennsylvania
13) New Jersey
14) New York
15) California
16) Florida
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