Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1528910-Redemption
by Sable
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #1528910
This is the first draft of a short story with the theme of Redemption.

The sky was a golden glow on the horizon as the wedding parties cries of delight and elation filled the air, shouts of “hooray!” and “congratulations!” could be heard as far away as Falthrien Academy to the north. Reignier and Ylanda beamed with pride and happiness at one another as they descended the small rise overlooking the sea to begin their new lives together. Tanzi let out a barely audible sigh of relief at managing to get through her first wedding service and not make a mistake. Smoothing down her ceremonial white and black robes, her thoughts returned to the constant and ever saddening stream of letters she had received over recent months written in the hand of her lord father. Frowning and turning to look out over the vast ocean with the gently setting late summer sun with the warm breeze fanning her golden hair around her slight elven features, she felt a presence she had grown to recognise and take comfort from slowly ascend the hill behind her, turning slightly to catch a glimpse of his formal dress armour she smiled to herself as her guardian and close friend Kaelthal stood beside her his familiar silence wrapping around the moment to hold them both in a memory that would go with Tanzi to her now decided future. Kael’s head turned to look at Tanzi a question stopped before it could be formed by Tanzi’s upheld hand, “Just a few more minutes like this before it must begin” she whispered half to herself. Kaelthal stayed silent and turned his head back to the view, the well oiled leather straps on his armour creaking with the strain of his tense form. Tanzi loved the silent moments with Kaelthal, he had never demanded anything from her, stood by her in the dark times and lent her his blade whenever she called, but this time he could not stand by her. She had decided it must be done now though she would forever wonder what may have been. Kaelthal’s eyes widened with surprise when Tanzi’s soft lips brushed his with the slightest of kisses, his momentary surprise passing as he unquestioningly embraced her deepening their kiss. Tanzi pulled her face from his to lay her head on his chest the tears filling her eyes as Kael slowly stroked her hair “Remember me Kaelthal, in this moment” she said as she pushed herself away from his arms the yellow glow of magic slowly surrounding her as she turned and with a glance over her shoulder at the worried look on Kaelthal’s face she leaped from the cliff overlooking the sea.

The cold autumn breeze swept lightly through the trees rustling the leaves in their secret whispering language, the sound only broken by the soft padding of the horses hooves on the short dewy grass, the crimson cloaked figure mounted on the back of the horse slowly turning its head from left to right breathing in morning air with sigh of pleasure it had been many long years since the rider had been in this glade, stopping short of a small brook the rider kept its head low as the silent forms crept about the trees just yards away, the riders gloved hand moving swiftly to the short blade at its side as fifteen mounted horses appeared like apparitions from small copses and clumps of tangled brambles to surround the rider, each of them with a bow in hand pointed at the rider “I wouldn’t do that if I were you miss” spoke one of the riders in a gruff almost dwarfish voice “I suggest you return your hand to the bridle and start explaining what you are doing on these lands” he continued. “ Come now you wouldn’t attack a defenceless lady on her way to see her father” said Tanzi as she reached up and pulled back the hood of her cloak and looking directly at the gruff speaker, “Bannerman Lorthal , I never once took you for a bandit?” she questioned smiling. the banner man’s eyes widened and his face broke into wide grin “and I would never call you defenceless my lady” he said as he dismounted and strolled toward Tanzi purposefully, waving a hand to his riders telling them to lower their bows, he reached Tanzi in a few long strides raising his arms to lift Tanzi from her horse and spinning her as he lowered her to the ground and embracing her. Tanzi gasped for breath as the huge man squeezed the air from her lungs “oh how I have missed you my lady” he said then realising she had not replied, quickly dropped Tanzi to her feet apologising profusely. Tanzi sucked in air and began to laugh holding Lothal’s arm “ I have certainly missed you too Lorthal” he helped Tanzi stand upright once again “ your lord father will be overjoyed at your return my lady shall I take you to him now? “ he asked “ yes please Lorthal, tell me how is he? “ looking down at Tanzi Lorthal’s eyes grew sad “ he has been beside himself over your sister, he has riders out day and night looking for her to no avail” he shook his head “ but come now let us no talk of such things we have a few hours of catching up to do whilst we return to the tower” he smiled taking her mount and leading her through the glade.

The Tower of the Sable Rose stood tall and imposing on a hill overlooking a small township surrounded by fields and fields of deepest black roses which gave the tower its name and its crest, a single Sable rose on a field of white representing the towers long history of standing alone against all invaders and repelling every one. As Tanzi and Lorthal made their way through the rose fields they were greeted by the sights of the rose gatherers toiling at their tasks. The roses were the townships main export being delivered and sold to most major cities in both the horde and alliance territories. Tanzi’s lord father had been an avid supporter of the alliance before the elves were betrayed by them and joined the Horde, but still he kept trade up with the alliance and even had a small civilian alliance populous within the township much to the annoyance of his horde counterparts. Tanzi smiled as Lorthal regaled her with his many stories of bravery and adventure that he had told her countless times before as he stood guard over her during her childhood. Tanzi had grown up wanting to become an adventurer just like Lorthal she wanted to ride out against her father’s enemies and slay the wicked beasts that threatened the tower and its township, her father had always been against that and had meant for her to marry some lord or another, it was a familiar story that even Tanzi herself had heard from ladies all over Azeroth, when she had left the tower her father had given Tanzi his blessing grudgingly knowing he could not stop his daughter for she had the will of her mother in her, Tanzi could not help but think that maybe that had been the reason that her sister had taken flight from her home.

The large gates of the township sat open and welcoming as she strolled through them with Lorthal, savouring every sight and sound of the township, she was met with smiles and nods of greeting from the various townsfolk who lived in the town and the surrounding areas, Tanzi had never felt the need to distance herself from the local populace and playing at cloaks and shadows with a very annoyed Lorthal as a young girl, she remembered he would fume every time she ran and hid amongst the stalls and vendors and giggled behind her hand until he would inevitably find her and scold her, though he never really got angry at her. As they climbed the steps up to the entrance to the keep the two guards stood to attention and saluted fist on heart to the pair and with practiced grace swung open the doors leading to the small hall and distant stairway leading to the Lords chambers, the interior of the tower was lit with countless candles and sunlight spilling in from the many windows encircling the tower. Tanzi and Lorthal made their way slowly up the staircase passing guards and officers on their way down to the main hall. At the top of the stairway Lorthal took hold of Tanzi shoulder and turned her toward him. “Your lord father needs you right now, try not to be too hard on him” he said his eyes begging her understanding. Tanzi simply nodded and turned back to the door and told the ever vigilant guard to present her to her father, he entered the room and Tanzi waited listening to the guard formally requesting an audience with her lord father, she smiled and shook her head awaiting the inevitable outcome of the guards inexperience, through the thick stone walls she heard her father bellow at the guard “WHAT!? Well don’t just stand there, that is my daughter outside! Admit her at once and never make her wait again!” the guard came scampering out of the room looking ashen faced and apologetic, Tanzi held up a hand a small smile on her face “do not apologise I am sure you did not know better” she patted the guard on the shoulder as he looked from her smiling face to Lorthals chuckling one. Tanzi opened the door to her father’s outer chamber and strolled in closing the door behind her. Lord Lirael Farspire stood looking out over the township his tall and well toned frame striking a healthy silhouette against the sunlit window, to either side of him a few feet away stood two of the largest and most regal looking Blood Elf guards Tanzi had ever seen. Tanzi ‘s footsteps were whispers against the hard wood floors as she walked to the centre of the room and knelt before the tall thin glass sceptre with a single Sable rose held atop it, she held out one hand to the sceptre and lowering her head placed her other hand to her chest in the traditional warriors salute. Standing she spoke softly “I have returned father” Lord Lirael did not move from his place at the window. “I used to watch you playing amongst the fields of roses. Although I never could make you out, only the...flock, yes that’s a good word, the flock of guards as they would move in the general area of your cloaks and shadows game” I would laugh as I watched them trying to catch you knowing that they always would and you would return to me safe and well” he turned then and moving to her swept Tanzi up in his arms and kissing her forehead a tear running down his cheek. “I have lost her and I know not what to do” “I know father” Tanzi replied as he lowered her to the ground “I know”.

Tanzi spent that next week with her lord Father as he recounted the story of her lost sister in every detail possible, he told of her distress of being the daughter who must become a lady and marry a suitable lord, Lirael had consented that she may choose who that lord was, but Tanzi’s sister was not consoled by that fact, for weeks she had been taking longer and longer hunting trips with her guards into the surrounding forests, to get away from the tower. Lirael told Tanzi of the last time he saw her, she had begged him to let her go and visit with Tanzi at Silvermoon city telling her father that she wanted to see the wider world, but Lirael had forbidden it having received recent letters from his watchers in Silvermoon sent to keep an eye on his eldest daughter, “Tanzi is facing many ordeals right now” he had told her “her guild are fighting enemies from without and within, Tanzi does not need to worry about you as well”. Lirael had watched his daughters face stream with tears as she told him that he had never loved her as he loved Tanzi and how Tanzi had always gotten her own way. After that she had stormed out of the tower followed by her personal guard, “as far as I could tell she was going on another hunting trip to clear her head, so I let her go” he said shaking his head. The guards had returned the next morning looking defeated and sorrowful; Lord Lirael told how he had beaten the guard with his mailed fist when he brought the news of his daughter’s disappearance. “he did not even try to fight back” Lirael said disbelievingly “I later found out he felt that he deserved to die for losing her” he continued “I had my personal apothecary and priest care for him and I gave him and his family a small parcel of land and my humblest apology” he indicated the large armour clad guard over his left shoulder, who stared straight ahead showing no emotion.

© Copyright 2009 Sable (ayone3452001 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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