Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1528968-Redemption-pt-2
by Sable
Rated: 13+ · Other · Fantasy · #1528968
this is the unrevised continuation of the Redemption storyline
Tanzi spent that next week with her lord Father as he recounted the story of her lost sister in every detail possible, he told of her distress of being the daughter who must become a lady and marry a suitable lord, Lirael had consented that she may choose who that lord was, but Tanzi’s sister was not consoled by that fact, for weeks she had been taking longer and longer hunting trips with her guards into the surrounding forests, to get away from the tower. Lirael told Tanzi of the last time he saw her, she had begged him to let her go and visit with Tanzi at Silvermoon city telling her father that she wanted to see the wider world, but Lirael had forbidden it having received recent letters from his watchers in Silvermoon sent to keep an eye on his eldest daughter, “Tanzi is facing many ordeals right now” he had told her “her guild are fighting enemies from without and within, Tanzi does not need to worry about you as well”. Lirael had watched his daughters face stream with tears as she told him that he had never loved her as he loved Tanzi and how Tanzi had always gotten her own way. After that she had stormed out of the tower followed by her personal guard, “as far as I could tell she was going on another hunting trip to clear her head, so I let her go” he said shaking his head. The guards had returned the next morning looking defeated and sorrowful; Lord Lirael told how he had beaten the guard with his mailed fist when he brought the news of his daughter’s disappearance. “he did not even try to fight back” Lirael said disbelievingly “I later found out he felt that he deserved to die for losing her” he continued “I had my personal apothecary and priest care for him and I gave him and his family a small parcel of land and my humblest apology” he indicated the large armour clad guard over his left shoulder, who stared straight ahead showing no emotion. Lirael told Tanzi “it seems your sister was far more resourceful than I knew, she crept out from the hunting camp knocking out a sentry as she went. No one knew she had left until the morning and now I have no idea where she may have headed”. Tanzi sighed “father do not blame yourself for what your daughters do, you knew your children would be head strong when you married our mother”. Tanzi stood walking to her father and wrapping one arm about his pulling him to his bed and sitting him down, “rest now, know that I shall keep watch tonight if there is any news I shall wake you immediately” she kissed him softly on the forehead and he smiled warmly looking up at her “alright I shall try to sleep but I make you no promises daughter” Lirael said. Tanzi frowned at him mockingly and walked toward the large door to his room. “I shall see you in the morning father, sleep well”. Lirael waved a hand dismissively toward his daughter and lay back on his bed.
Leaving her father’s room Tanzi turned to the guard outside his door “no one is to enter Lord Lirael’s chamber without my express permission, he needs some rest tonight understood?” the guard saluted and nodded to Tanzi “ as you say my lady”. Tanzi made her way down the stairs to the central hall and through one of its side doors to her personal chambers, once inside she was greeted by her handmaiden Lucy, a human of medium height a slim woman of no more than twenty three years with long red hair stretching to just past her shoulders. The young woman had been Tanzi’s sister’s favourite handmaiden and they had shared many nights whispering and gossiping with one another, it was no coincidence that Tanzi had requested her services that evening. “Good evening my lady” she said with a courteous slow nod. Tanzi smiled at the woman trying to put her at ease. “I won’t be needing you for long this evening Lucy, I am very tired” she told her as she sat in the small low backed stool. Lucy made her way swiftly to Tanzi reaching past her for the brush sitting on the little table to her left, “I never know why you want me to brush your hair my lady it’s always so soft and not knotted in the slightest” she said brushing slowly. Tanzi smiled “you used to do this for my sister didn’t you Lucy?” “Why yes!” she replied with a little more enthusiasm then Tanzi had expected. “I take it you both got on well?” Tanzi asked. “ Oh we were like sisters before she met Aiden” she replied dreamily, not paying attention to Tanzi’s reaction, then realising what she had said she quickly added “ I... I mean no disrespect my lady I did not mean to imply I could replace you” Tanzi waved a hand dismissing the comment “not at all Lucy I thank you for being there for her when I could not”. Lucy continued brushing Tanzi’s hair beginning to hum to her gently. Tanzi waited a few moments before adding “Lucy?” “Hmm?” The girl replied still humming. “Who is Aiden?” Lucy smiled looking off into the distance “ my brother in law, your sister and him were...” suddenly the brush dropped to the floor as Lucy put her hand to her mouth “oh no” she whimpered. Tanzi quick as a flash spun on her stool and grabbed the girls free wrist “my sister and him were...?” she asked tilting her head to one side questioningly. Lucy shook her head slowly “I promised not to tell anyone” she gasped removing her hand covering her mouth “tell me and I shall see to it you aren’t punished” Tanzi told her, Lucy looking into Tanzi’s eyes tightened her jaw defiantly and shook her head again. Tanzi sighed and released her hand looking down “please Lucy, my sister is missing and could be dead” she looked up at Lucy who’s eyes were slowly filling with tears “you promise I won’t be punished” she asked, Tanzi shook her head “I promise” Tanzi stood and guided Lucy to sit in the now empty stool, Lucy looked up at Tanzi, “alright I shall tell you what I know”.
Tanzi listened patiently pacing back and forth as her sisters handmaiden Lucy told her of her sisters relationship with a human named Aiden, and how they had planned to run away together to his home town of Havenshire “but he had to leave before your sister was ready, there was some sort of trouble there and Aiden wanted to return home to help. I think your sister went after him when she left the tower” Lucy said looking worried. Tanzi had stopped pacing and was looking at the girl considering. “Thank you Lucy you may have just saved my sister” she said placing her hand on the Lucy’s. Tanzi walked to her bedside table and took out a quill and ink and a small sheaf of parchment, she dashed off a short letter to her father explaining where she was going and why, rolling the parchment when she was finished and sealing it with wax she left the room and the handmaiden. The guard on duty outside Lord Lirael’s room started to attention as Tanzi came running up the stairs towards him, he took the outthrust parchment without question “Give this to my Father when he wakes and I mean the moment he wakes not a second later understood?” the guard nodded his understanding and watched as Tanzi ran back down the staircase three steps at a time. Seeing the guard that her father had beaten in the main hall, Tanzi came to a faltering stop “do you want to redeem yourself in your lord’s eyes?!” the man nodded profusely “then gather together an honour guard and meet me at the gates” Tanzi told him, she began to run toward her chambers “for what purpose?!” he called out after her “we are going after my sister!” she replied and disappeared around a corner.
Tanzi rode swiftly toward the gates her plate armour pulling and digging into her side “that’s what I get for rush dressing” she thought. As she got closer to the gate she became aware of horses and men mingling in front of her, some of the horses whickering impatiently as their riders tried to calm them. The beaten guard cantered up to Tanzi as she came to a halt holding out his arm in greeting, “my lady I am sorry I could not get you more men, this is all I could gather on such short notice” she nodded taking his arm “how many are we?” the guard looked about “fifty strong as we stand” Tanzi smiled broadly “you have done well... what is your name guard?” “Alaczar” he replied “well Alaczar it is a pleasure to ride beside you this night”. Tanzi raised her hand in signal for the honour guard to mount; when every man was horsed she stood up in her stirrups and addressed them “we ride out in search of my sister, your lady. We will ride hard and without rest, the town of Havenshire lies a day’s ride to the east, if you lag behind we will leave you, make your way to a safe hold or return here, we will not stop until my sister is safe!” she waved her had forward as her mount reared and sped out of the gates followed by her men.
The dawn broke over a calm and chilly autumn morning, small hills and fields stretched out far and wide with a haze of fog over the dew soaked grass, a thundering grew ever louder in the distance sending small animals scattering for their bolt holes as a black and white banner began to come into view over the rise of a hill and Tanzi and her Honour guard raced ever forward. Clods of grass and mud were flung up in the wake of the pounding horses hooves their cries only just audible as the men and women thundered past. In her father’s tower Lord Lirael was just awakening from a nightmare filled sleep, a guard standing over him waving a parchment and calling his name. The guard stood back as Lirael snatched the parchment from his fingers and read it growing ever more tense and worried as he did, his thoughts going to Tanzi and her riders pressing forward toward the doomed town of Havenshire. “No!” he cried out as he realised his daughters intent, jumping from his bed yelling “ Get me Lorthal now!” the guard running from his bedside calling Lorthals name. As Lorthal stormed into Liraels chamber sword in hand he lowered it as he saw Lirael stooped over a map and various parchments scattered among a large table, Lirael spoke slowly with a deep quiet voice “ Take the garrison and bring them back” Lorthal’s eyes widened “the entire garrison? And who my lord? What could there be that would take your towns entire force of men?” “ Tahariel” he said using her full name “ she has gone to Havenshire to look for her sister” Lorthal looked confused “I don’t understand” Lirael held out a parchment to Lorthal not looking at him, Lorthal took the parchment and began to read;
To the Horde Lords of the land,
Arthas has returned, his undead hordes are marching on the plaguelands as I write this
He will make his first strike at Northdale, near the alliance town of Havenshire,
We have little hope of stopping his army.
Pray to whatever gods you hold dear.
Warchief Thrall, son of Durotan
Lorthal crumpled the parchment in his hand looking grim, “I shall bring her back to you my lord” he said and saluting he turned and ran from the chamber. A single tear dropped from Lord Lirael’s face onto the map spread before him.
As Tanzi and her men drew close to the Havenshire border, she could make out smoke in the distance she raised a hand a signalled for them to head to the top of the hill overlooking the town, as they did they were greeted with a scene of horror before them. Standing on the crest of the hill looking down the town of Havenshire was a blaze, most of the building were either burning or burnt, towns people ran screaming from their homes as what could only be described as half rotted corpses ran riot amongst the ruins burning and killing as they went. Tanzi sagged in her saddle “how could her sister be down there and alive” she thought shaking her head in disbelief. The snap of her father’s banner in the wind above her head brought her out of her reverie and a blare of trumpets made her snap her head to the west, in the distance she could see the remnants of an alliance militia trying their best to hold off the advances of the undead creatures all around, they were not going to last long, as she watched Tanzi saw one man in the front lines take a huge blow from a war hammer breaking his rib cage and flinging him into the air, the giant creature that had killed him screamed in triumph and looked about for another victim. “We have to get down their Alaczar, she must be with them” she said pointing to the militia he nodded, “it does not look good my lady” turning to look at her. She stood in her stirrups and turned to her men speaking low “my sister is down there and I am going after her, I will not order the same from you though I ask... no I plead you to help me, please... help me”. One by one Tanzi’s honour guard drew their swords in a show of strength, she smiled and her eyes filled with tears in thanks, Alaczar turned his horse and began barking commands “ stay with our lady! We are her honour guard, we have one aim that will only be achieved together, and no heroics do what you have been trained for”. Tanzi drew her sword and let out her battle cry, her heart leaped with joy as it was taken up by her guard, and together they stormed down the hill.

The riders reached the bottom of the hill and Tanzi filled herself with glowing yellow magic slamming her mace into the back of the nearest undead creature, it screamed as it’s bones flew apart forced by her will and mana, the riders formed in a semi shield in front of Tanzi to make an arrow shape moving at a fast Gallop the churned up the already muddy soil beneath them. All of a sudden Tanzi felt a growing heat from behind and turned her head to make out the shapes soaring through the sky “They have dragons!” she yelled to the men in front of her and as one they slide their shields around to protect their backs, as they grew close to the militia they began to slow getting bogged down in the mud and fighting, with horses rearing and screaming all around Tanzi tried to get her bearings her mount rearing and clawing at the sky its eyes rolling back at the sight of a half naked half rotting creature, a woman Tanzi could make out its left breast grey and swollen swinging by a threads of skin as it screamed and swung wildly at her horse, Tanzi pivoted the horse on its back legs and swung her blade down taking the creatures head off. Her men were dying all around her and she saw with disgust that some were being pulled from their horses and being bitten and eaten as the lay struggling on the ground, “this truly was hell” she thought as another creature fell under her blade. Suddenly to her left she saw a flash of colour, she almost rubbed her eyes in disbelief, her sister was fighting as she had never seen before her deep scarlet hair flowing all about her , parrying blows and striking out with two small daggers, she moved faster than Tanzi would have thought possible, sliding to her left Tanzi watched as her sister twirl and rotate like a dancer away from a thrust out sword and buried a dagger into her assailants neck, then spinning away, “ she’s that way” she cried out to Alaczar who looked once and nodded calling his men to him and forming up for one last push, as they did they felt the earth tremble before them and a terrible deep horn blow, the undead creatures around began to look about worried as purple lightning began to arc across the ground, a scream went up from south as a huge armoured Knight came striding into the battle, its armour crackled with the purple lightning and seemed to be covered with frost, the ground beneath its footsteps froze and cracked under its weight. Tanzi had never seen anything like it before, she watched in terror as her sister began to run fearlessly toward the Knight a dagger held tightly behind her back and another outstretched in her hand, the undead creatures began the onslaught again but she simply ignored them seeming to disappear amongst the battle to reappear closer and closer to the knight, Tanzi’s eyes widened as she watched no longer able to just stand by, she screamed out “SARIEL!” her sister turned shocked at the sound of her name being called and spied Tanzi atop her mount, the world seemed to slow as Sariel looked over to her sister and smiled lovingly, Tanzi’s returning smile turning to a horrified look as in the slow motion haze of battle the Knight drew back its sword and plunged it into Sariel’s back her head arching backward at the blow, her eyes never leaving Tanzi’s. Sariel dropped her daggers and reached out across the few yards to where Tanzi was holding out her own arm screaming silently, Sariel fell to her knees and the knight placed its hand on her back and sent a jolt of magic through her withdrawing its sword. As it did it was filled with fluttering arrow heads from Tanzi’s honour guard archers, it body collapsing backwards as it died.
Tanzi fell from her mount into the mud the battle raging around her, her eyes blurred through the tears that streamed down her face, crawling through the mud and madness she reached Sariel's body laying still on the wet ground, getting to her knees she cradled her sister in her arms pulling her head to rest in the crook of her neck and her shoulder, she began to rock Sariel back and forth letting out great cries of anguish, pulling Sariel's face away from her neck she looked down at her sister , Sariel smiled up at Tanzi, “ I never could fight as well as you” she said deep red blood running from her mouth down the sides of her cheek “no, don’t be stupid Sari” Tanzi sobbed her tears dropping onto Sariel’s face “you will have to teach me a few things when I get you home “ Sariel smiled “I only regret that I will never again play amongst the deep black roses with you” “don’t talk like that” Tanzi said “ just hold on I will get you home, just hold on” Sariel’s eyes began to fill with tears “ Tanzi!” she cried out as she clutched frantically at Tanzi’s armour “ don’t let me go Tanzi please!” she said crying and grasping at her sister. Tanzi held her close once more and rocked her back and forth until Sariel's body lay limp in her arms.
Lord Lirael stood crying openly over the Rose sceptre slowly sinking to his knees as his hands ran down its glass surface, the roses centre turning a pure white before his eyes, “I have lost my child” he gasped as his guards rushed to his side.
© Copyright 2009 Sable (ayone3452001 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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