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Tapescript Sample
(Published in a Reviewer for Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination 2007, English Language by Witman Publishing HK)

Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination 2007, English Language
Listening and Integrated Skills.

Instructions to Candidates

You should have on your desk a Question Answer Book and a Data File. Do not open them until you are told to do so, I repeat do not open the Question Answer Book or the Data File until you are told to do so.

Now write your candidate number in the space provided on Page One of the Question Answer Book. Now look at your Question Answer Book, check at your Question Answer Book has no missing pages. Look for the words “End of Paper” on the last page. Now stick your barcode labels in the spaces provided on Pages __, __ and __. Close the Question Answer Book when you have finished.

Now look at your Data File, check that your Data File has no missing pages. Look for the words “This is the last page of the Data File” on the last page. You are reminded that all examination materials will be played once only. The test is divided into six tasks. You should use a pencil to answer all questions in Tasks 1,__ and __. For Tasks __, __ and __, you should use a pen.

Put your hand up now, if you have any difficulties, it is not possible to handle complaints until after you have taken the test.
The test is about to begin, keep your earphone on until you are told to take them off.

Open your Question Answer Book, you should use a pencil for task __, __ and __ of the paper.
Task 1 is about to begin, look at page __ of your Question Answer Book.


You are Claire Huang, the appointed Event Officer for a Floral Festival organised annually by an association called The World Floral Council Int’l (WFCI). You are working with members of this year’s Organising Committee from the Hong Kong Floral Council as well as officials from the WFCI to organise the prestigious festival in Hong Kong for the very first time.

You will have six tasks to do. Follow the instructions in the Question Answer Book and on the recording to complete the tasks. You will find all the information you need in the Question Answer Book, the Data File and on the recording.

You will now have ___ minutes to study the Question Answer Book in order to familiarise yourself with the situation in Tasks 1, 2 and 5 before the recording begins.

Task 1
You are meeting with Susan McMillan, your counterpart from the international office of the World Floral Council and Ms. Yau, President of the Hong Kong Floral Council and this year’s Organising Committee Chairperson and. You are discussing the physical arrangements for the Grand Ballroom of The Peninsula Hong Kong, site of this year’s floral festival.

Listen to the conversation and complete labelling the floor plan by writing the letters of the respective activities in the correct areas on the ballroom’s floor plan. Refer to the Data File for your notes on WFCI requirements for the Grand Ballroom.

You have 15 seconds to look at the ballroom layout and the activity requirements.

Claire : Susan, I’ve added my own items to your checklist. After this meeting, I’m handing this to Banquet Sales for the physical arrangement of the ballroom.

Susan : Hmmm…OK. Let’s see, a registration table as they come in of course, an area for the projection screen by the stage…, sit down buffet lunch for a hundred …

Ms. Yau : I think that corner to the right in the ballroom would do just fine for the big screen. The technical set-up and all those cables should be farthest from our guests, don’t you think?

Claire : Yes, I agree. Also, the team doing stage design is the best in town so I think the delegates should have an unobstructed view of it upon entering.

Ms. Yau : That’s right. Now don’t forget the area for The Standard, which will need a display area. They’ve already agreed to come in as our media sponsor.

Susan : This ante-area over here, before entering the ballroom, by the doors that exit to the hall leading to the restrooms…this should be perfect for them, I think.

Claire : Uhuh. We could even use the opposite end of that ante-area as a delegate’s lounge for our media interviews…maybe dress up the area with photo panels from last year’s festival?

Ms. Yau : Good idea, Claire! Susan, when delegates arrive with an accompanying person, is it necessary to have them register separately?

Susan : No. Last year, in Manila, we had complete attendance listings at the registration table so the IDs, our festival kit, souvenirs and information materials are handed out to the delegates, who in turn, give these to their companions. That’s less work for us.

Claire : Sounds good. Who else are we expecting?

Ms. Yau : This is the Organising Committee’s main PR activity for the year, so we’ll be inviting friends from the media. I will have to finalise it, but we expect the First Lady to be our Guest of Honor.

Claire : Two tables within one registration area, then. Delegates get their own sets of festival items, media guests their own.

Susan : Plus, the Secretariat must be closest to the Registration…maybe across them, on the right hand of the foyer?

Claire : Yes, that way, our staff can also be close to the sponsors. We will need to take good care of them.

Mrs. Yau : I agree. So, Claire, you will check our menu options for the lunch package when you meet with Banquet Sales after this?

Claire : Yes. I’m asking for a set-up of 10 tables with 10 delegates each.

Mrs. Yau : Wonderful. I think we’re all set then. Let’s get a move on, ladies. We still have a lot of work to do.

That is the end of Task 1.
Task 2

The Festival Organising Committee is having a telephone conference about photos and materials to be included in the free advertising supplement spread given for festival promotions by the media sponsor, The Standard.

Listen to the telephone conversation then cross out any of the photos that will no longer be used for the supplement and work on the layout of the page.

You have 20 seconds to look at the supplement layout and the photographs.

Mrs. Yau : I think it’s just wonderful that we got this free full week spread from The Standard. It will be excellent for pre-festival promotions.

Susan : Do you have the photos I sent from last year’s festival in Manila?

Claire : Yes, though I think all we need are 6 to 7 photos for the right hand page of the spread, just above our one-fourth page ad.

Mrs. Yau : Yes, readers usually look at the bottom right hand of a page so our festival print ad should be the first they see when they
open the Lifestyle Section supplement.

Susan : The Executive Committee prefers that photos from the previous festival are included [A, E, G] so the public knows we do this annually. So I think the three I sent should be on top row [A, E, G].

Mrs. Yau : I agree, the finalist and his winning work on the left. [A] The judging photo in the middle [E] and the floral arrangement hands-on demonstration on the right [F].

Claire : Perfect. Now for the pictures on the bottom row…I suggest we do without the extreme close-up of the hand-tied bridal bouquet [H]. You can hardly see the hands and we have a better one in the batch already. [C] That could be best positioned on top of the festival print ad.

Mrs. Yau : …and I think people would be interested to know we’ve got a category on hair ornaments and body accessories. Maybe put the photo of the girl on the left most portion [B]?

Susan : great…that leaves the gift basket with the cute bear [G] which I think would look good beside the girl [B].

Mrs. Yau : …while the Ikebana arrangement [D] would make a good contrast closest to the bridal bouquet?

Susan : Yes, that’s right. Don’t forget to mark the ¼ page for the ad, OK?

Claire : Got it. Everything sounds great. I will draft the press release by the ad and will work with Mr. Cheung from Gray Advertising for the print ad layout. I will email the draft press release and the initial print ad layout to you both by tomorrow.

Susan : I’ll also be sending an update to the officers. I think they’ll be pleased with the progress we’ve made.

Mrs. Yau : OK, let’s keep posted. Excellent work, ladies.

That’s the end of Task 2.

Now you will have ___ minutes to read Tasks 3, 4 and 6. Study the Data File before you do the Tasks.
Now turn to pages __ and __ of the Data File, and look at the flyer from the previous year’s floral competition. You need this as a reference as you plan the newspaper print ad for The Standard. You may also refer to a memo from David Hemp, President of Teleflora Int’l, for this year’s festival thrust and theme.

Listen to Claire’s conversation with Mr. Cheung from Gray Advertising. Mr. Cheung will take charge of dealing with The Standard for the full spread supplement on the weekend before the festival.

As you listen, look through the flyer material on page __ of the Data File, which can help you complete the initial print ad layout and later, the press release of the festival to appear on the same page as the print ad.

You will have ___ minute to look at these before the conversation begins.

Claire : Hello Mr. Cheung, Claire Huang here. Thank you for taking my call. I need your help for our print ad in The Standard.

Mr. Cheung : No problem. Do you have the flyer from last year’s festival before you? I also received the President’s memo and its inclusions.

Claire : Yes I have both before me though I do feel a bit overwhelmed by all this information from the WFCI.

Mr. Cheung : I understand. We need to get the most relevant details for our print ad. Anyway, the other half of the supplement spread can carry the program of activities, the messages from the VIPs, story slants on the delegates and possible a short feature on the partnership between the festival organising committee and The Standard.

Claire : OK then.

Mr. Cheung : Have they decided on a name already or will it still be called a floral fiesta?

Claire : David Hemp’s memo announces that it will now be called, “Hong Kong Floral Festival 2007 [T5 #2]”
Mr. Cheung : Wait, let me take note of that…. OK, anything we should be highlighting?

Claire : Plus the theme, “Working With Nature [T5 #3]”?
Mr. Cheung : Working with….Got it.

Claire : Let’s see. It’s happening in Hong Kong for the very first time…and the participation of 25 countries I think that’s a good point to highlight.

Mr. Cheung : Yes, that’s very good…

Claire : What do you think about, “Enjoy the floral artistry of experts from 25 countries! [T5 #1]”?

Mr. Cheung : I think the committee will like that. So…the order is, that call to action, festival title, theme, date and venue? Our call to action on the top of the ad. Now, will the floral demonstrations be open for the public again this year [T5 #8]?

Claire : Yes. I think we can keep that same item in the sample flyer. However, can you make some adjustments so that above it we can add that the opening day will have the First Lady as guest of honor during the opening ceremony [T5 #7] ?

Mr. Cheung : OK then. What about it happening for the first time in Hong Kong?

Claire : Hmmm. I wouldn’t really know how to work that in. I think that information can just go into one of the articles.

Mr. Cheung : I agree. Now, what about logos?

Claire : I will send you the artwork of the Hong Kong Flower Council logo. I was thinking though…

Mr. Cheung : Yes?

Claire : The Standard’s logo, on the bottom of the ad?

Mr. Cheung : That won’t be necessary. Our friends from the paper know the space is a bit limited. It will be a better idea to add the logo of the World Floral Council side by side with that of the Host Committee [T5 #12 & 14].

Claire : OK then. On the left, we can put “Hosted by” [T5 #11]on top of the Hong Kong Flower Council logo. [T5 #12] At the opposite, on the right, we can put “An Annual Project of” [T5 #13]on top of the World Floral Council logo[T5 #14]. What do you think?

Mr. Cheung : Sounds great. Alright then, I’ll have our artists work on this and I’ll send you the layout for the ad placement. Say, Tuesday next week?

Claire : You think you can send it before my meeting with the committee after lunch?

Mr. Cheung : Don’t worry, it will be ready by then.

Claire : Thanks, I’d really appreciate that.

That’s the end of the Listening component of this test. You will have ________ to complete Tasks 3, 4 and 6. And an announcement will be made when the time is up. Take off your earphones now and turn off your radio.
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