Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1534578-The-Dream
Rated: E · Poetry · Cultural · #1534578
Analysis and criticism of the ideal American Dream.
We are immersed in it all from birth.
The media, parents, schools and colleges all give it so much worth.
This idea of the coveted “american dream.”
But what does it really mean?

We see it every day.
Americans scurrying to work so busy with not so much as a word to say.
Morning, Afternoon, Night,
We all have that Almighty Dollar in our sight.

We go to School where they tell us to “study hard,”
Because if we do we will hold the cards.
We toil and sweat all week drinking coffee grande and tall,
So that on the weekends we can visit our favorite Stores in the Shopping Malls.

We fill our homes with empty things, Happy to own these trinkets and toys
Which distract us girls and boys.
Then at night we recline in our lazy boy chairs with popcorn and look to see,
What’s on our 500 channels of cable T.V.

We put on a Happy face to face the world we know,
While inside the seeds of Depression sow.
Many of us know deep inside as we lay in bed at night and our soul begins to cry,
But in the morning we wake to that wretched noise, and from our beds we rise with a sigh.
We wonder why we are not Happy with all that we have,
With our well decorated homes, fancy clothes, and shiny cars with GPS nav.
And what do we do, we buy more gadgets, tobacco, and food to chew,
To fill that void deep inside, after all, what else can we do?

And so we all soldier on with our 9 to 5 life,
Hoping to find Peace but only finding more toil, labor, and strife.
Sacrificing our lives, drinking our coffee with free refill,
The Dream realized, our Happiness coming to nil.

We must all wake up and be free,
From this futile Dream we all can see.
To find Happiness within ourselves, to love all, to leave behind the Shopping Mall,
To be content with all we have, to seek pleasure in simple things like a loved one’s laugh.

Our Dream of Happiness lies deep inside,
Not in Money or Capital does it reside.
If of these empty promises we all can let go,
Then we all will see our Happiness grow.

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