Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1547434-Resident-Evil-Infection-The-Train-Pt1
Rated: 18+ · Other · Other · #1547434
A survivor of the Racoon City incident heads toward the Arklay mountains and a train.
You climb slowly... ever slowly up the mountain toward the train stopping often to warm yourself. You'd mumble to yourself "Just soldier on." whenever your legs started to feel numb or you felt tired. After all that's all you were. A soldier. A high ranked soldier at that but a soldier nonetheless. You felt around in your pocket for your dog tags, and once you found them you read them. Lt. Joel Temberly. You put them back in your pocket and start climbing again. "Not much further" you mumble. Two times your M4 Carbine almost fell off the mountain. You figured if your going somewhere unknown why not bring protection.

Eventually you arrive at the train finding about 75 people getting on. You climb in and sit at a table checking your pack. You had about two clips for the M4 and three for the Desert Eagle you found in the last gun shop you raided on your way out of town. You also had a silenced M9, just in case. You put the pack in the compartment above and decided to explore the train although you kept the Desert Eagle with you. After walking through seven cabins you got to a storage compartment for luggage and other things. You notice a woman in torn and tattered rags sitting in the corner. You can't see her face. "Are you ok?" you ask. She turns to you and you notice her face has chunks bitten out of it. You stumble backwards startled. Before you can draw your gun she jumps on you knocking you flat. She starts to flee the room but decides instead to kill you. She knocks the luggage down. You go unconscious as the luggage hits your head drawing some blood.

You slowly get roused by the sound of a scream. You feel that the train has stopped. The lights are flickering. You hold your hand to your head feeling the blood. There is a man in the window of the next cabin. You can't see his face but you can tell he is normal. You grab your gun holding it in front of you. The room is spinning. You can barely walk but you manage to get to the door and get through to the cabin. "Oh god!" screams the man as you walk in, "Another one!". You blink a few times. "No, I'm not one of them. I was knocked unconscious in the storage by one of them." you saying holding your head. "Are you ok?" The man asks. "No," you answer. "I feel dizzy." The man approaches to examine the wound. "Don't worry, I'm a doctor.The name is Niel" He bandages the wound with a piece of your shirt. "I am Lieutenant Joel Temberly but call me Joel. We need to keep moving the sooner we get to the engine of this train the better." You search a few compartments and found a baseball bat. You hand that to Niel and you move to the next compartment.

There was blood all over the cabin. You slowly move. The top of the cabin had holes in it. As you check a compartment a zombie came through one of the holes and holds you down. "Help" You yell to Niel. Niel turned around and slammed the baseball bat down on the zombies head spewing blood all over you. The bat was within an inch of your face. "Don't worry I'm precise" he said smiling. "Bullshit" You say shooting the already recovering zombie in the head. A pool of blood quickly formed. You move to the next door finding it had been welded shut. You asked Niel to help you get through a hole in the top of the cabin. As you get out you find tons of zombies all around before you help Niel up you shoot them off the train. Most of them stumbled when shot which meant they fell of but others had to be shot in the head. After clearing the cabin you helped Niel up then jumped onto the top of the next one. You heard a scream as you landed. You turned around to see Niel be surrounded by zombies. They jumped onto him knocking them all of the train. "Niel" You yell. A zombie tries to bite you. You let him bite your gun and blow his brains out. You climb down and went into the cabin. The zombies were everywhere. You step onto a body as you walk forward reloading your gun. It grabs your leg and tries to bite you but you pistol whip the zombie. The zombies had surrounded you.

End of Part 1.
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