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Rated: E · Short Story · Inspirational · #1551945
Peabody Grammar School
        Nancy licked her spoon of strawberry ice cream. "Ha! You got a mustache!"
  Ben laughed. Nancy quickly wiped her face with her napkin. She leaned back
  on her chair and scooped another spoonfull. Ben looked at her and thought
  maybe he would kiss her or something. He was a just a boy and a kick seemed
  funny. Nancy chair flipped and she hit the floor. She was just a girl and he started
  it. She picked up her ice cream and pushed it in Ben's face: "Yah, like that?! Oh, my
  dress is a mess!" A fight ensued on the floor of the Peabody Grammar School
  lunchroom. Nancy was winning.
        "O.K. O.K! That's enough!" Mr. Landrakin stepped in and picked Nancy off
  Ben. Ben's nose was bleeding and he was taken to the nurses office. Nancy
  sat with Mr. Landrakin in the principal's office. "Now then - what was the idea
  of jumping on Ben?" Principal Canada leaned over Nancy examining the bump
  on the back of the girls head.. ... "He kicked me off my chair! My-my dress is
  yucky!" Nancy was holding back tears as she tried to rub the strawberry ice cream
  out of her canary yellow dress. Miss Canada asked Mr. Landrakin to wait outside
  the office. "Nancy. I'm going to have the nurse look at that bump on your head.
  I can have Mr. Landrakin clean your dress in the gym washer."  Miss Canada
  spoke softly and gently and pulled Nancy' dress up and over the girls head. The
  principal handed the dress through the partially openned office door to Mr. Landrakin.
        Nancy stood infront of Miss Canada's desk staring at the pendulum clock
  on the wall. . She had only her white tights and spats on. Miss Canada looked puzzled.
  She turned Nancy to face her. A closer look and it was obvious Nancy was a boy.
  "Nancy. Did your mother dress you?" the principal asked softly. The little boy
  knodded his head slowly and put his hands over his bulge. Miss Canada smiled
  a Mona Lisa smile and called child services. Then, she asked Mr. Landrakin to
  bring sweat pants and a sweat shirt from the boys gym. "I want my dress!" Nancy
  shouted, "It's my favorite!" Miss Canada smiled wider, "Alright. You can have your
  dress." Then, she asked Mr. Landrakin to go get Nancy's dress.
        By and by Nancy' mother arrived at the Peabody Grammar School. Nancy was
  taken to another room with a social service councilor. Miss Peakock, Nancy' mother,
  was adamant about Nancy need to be a girl: "I don't want to stunt her emotional
  developement. My boy likes to wear girls clothes. And I love her." A councilor from
  child services dissagreed, pointing out that other children will be cruel to Nancy
  when they discover her secret. Principal Canada stated that the school could not
  assure Nancy safty. "We would have to put Nancy in a special class with other
  special children." the principle explained with concern. A compromise was reached.
  Nancy would not attend the Peabody Grammar School. But, the boy could as
  Tracy. After school he could dress as Nancy. Nancy liked the idea of having a
  secret ideanity, "I'm Wonder Woman!" Tracy laughed.


  Reflections:    "Oh mirror, mirror on the wall,
                      Who is the fairest of us all?
                      Thou art the fairest, lady Queen."
© Copyright 2009 bob county (muzzy43 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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