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Rated: E · Short Story · Other · #1558656
first section of Ch.2

====PART 1====

Aertenia walked down the halls overlooking the castle gardens as the morning sun beamed through the high marble columns that separated the gardens from the hall. The gardens were bursting with life today. They were the central place for artists of all levels and interests to gather. Today they were out in full force.

"Aertenia." She turned to to see King Glaukius approaching.

"Good morning, my King." She said as they kissed on the cheek.

"Where are you going this morning?"

"To see Rambis."

"Then it is alright if an old man accompanies you to the stables." He smiled.

"Nothing would please me more!" She replied as they walked together into through a side garden.

"Tell me, how is it that you get more beautiful with each day?"

"Thank you, but it must be the absurdly expensive oils that have conquered my bath and my heart." She smiled.

"I scarcely believe that."

"It's a well kept secret."

He smiled, momentarily caught off guard, "Aertenia, I want to ask you, is Rono upset with my decision not to intervene in Rila? I know he wants to avoid the risk of the conflict coming here."

"My King, you both have the city's interests in mind. Rono may sometimes tend to become blinded by what he thinks is best, but he is never upset."

They walked into a stone building. The building was full of primitive maintenance equipment. The staff that oversaw the grounds greeted them as they walked by.

"I wonder what you would accomplish if you had been born a man." Glaukius said, as they went down a flight of stone steps and into the royal stable.

"I much prefer being a woman and the simple life that comes with it." The two smiled at the obvious contradiction in her words.

"I have the impression you will be quite the force in this city. But I won't keep you any longer. " He kissed her on the forehead and started to leave.

"I will see you tonight." She called.

"Yes, although I can't imagine how you can look any more beautiful." He smiled at her as he left the castle stable. Aertenia walked into one of the stalls where a well built bay horse of a reddish brown body color stood. It had a black mane, tail, ear edges, and lower legs. She grabbed its reigns rode out of the stable and headed for the periphery.

Generally, only women of lower social standings rode horses and only out of necessity. She was one of the rare exceptions, having learned to ride horses by both association and intent. She had grown up riding through forests and valleys with the triumvirate that was Rambis, Rono, and Duncan and was considered quite the capable rider.

She rode to the house, entering the property through the back. The horse trotted its way through the back passing different trees along the way. Her hand brushed a low hanging pomegranate branch away from her. She reached the stone foundations of the patio. She climbed down from the horse and tied the horse to a fig tree. As she walked up the steps and onto the back patio she saw sheets spread in the middle of the floor and someone in them. She walked over to find Rambis slowly waking up.

"Twenty-two rooms and I find you sleeping outside." She looked down at him as he turned over onto his back and continued toward the house.

"It was a beautiful night and only eleven rooms are mine." He brushed his hair off his face.

"I'm married and father would want you to have the house." She went inside.

"I didn't listen to him when he was alive, why would I start now?" Rambis sat up.

"I did. But thank you, regardless." She popped her head out for a moment only to disappear again.

Rambis got up and walked over to the end of the patio where a stone boiler stood. Next to it was a clay bowl where a clear liquid dripped into. This was raki, a hard alcoholic drink made by distilling berries and grapes. It was the city's main social drink and one that King Glaukius adored. Rambis' blend was widely considered among the most potent.

He took a cup that was on top of the boiler and dipped it in the bowl that was on the ground next to the boiler and drank it down in one swift gulp as his sister walked out holding a green necklace.

"I haven't seen that in ages."

"It's rather pretty, I think."

"You think everything of mother's is pretty." He smiled provocatively as he walked back toward his makeshift bed and sat down.

"I do." She ran her hands over the necklace as she looked at it, "I wish I could remember her." She sat next to him, "She must have been beautiful." Her voice was almost a whisper.

"I've forgotten what she looked like. But Glaukius says you have her eyes." He looked at her as she smiled. He gently rubbed her back as she cleared her throat.

"Rambis, you understand if you hurt Bresia you will have to deal with me?"

"Yes, it is a lovely morning, Aertenia, you are right."

"No. This is where you say that you understand me, are we clear?" Their eyes were level.

"We are clear." He gave in.

"Very good." She patted his thigh as she stood.

"When did you speak with her?" He asked as she walked over to the boiler.

"You left together and I find you sleeping alone outside the next morning?"

"I see."

"I suggest you make amends with her tonight when you see her in the castle. She will not be coming here."

"And you want her together with me?"

"I want her to be happy, Rambis." She filled a cup from the bowl and gulped it down, "This is strong." She cringed for a moment at the potency of the drink.

"Worthy of the night." He smiled at her.

"Yes. I should go and get ready for the gala." She put the cup down and began walking back to her horse.

"I see Rono has failed to turn you into a proper woman, Aertenia!" He called out to her as she left the patio.

She raised her hand to acknowledge him but did not turn. She untied her horse and climbed it.

"Beautiful lilacs this season!" She looked down at the lilac plants around her as she rode off.

====PART 2====

Rono walked into Glaukius' private study. This was one of the few rooms watched by royal guards who granted access to very few. The room was large with high ceilings and a marble floor. Across from the door was a large entrance to an exquisite balcony that provided a phenomenal aerial view of the city. The other walls were adorned in shelved that housed, what appeared to be, thousands of scrolls. To the right of the main doorway a heavy, duty-set table was covered with scrolls - many of which had been untouched for quite some time.

He saw Glaukius out on the balcony overlooking the city. Rono walked across the room as the sun filled it light.

"Beautiful day." Rono walked out onto the balcony. For the summer time, a tent had been placed over the balcony to shield Glaukius from the sun's violent rays.

"Rono!" Glaukius turned to see his nephew, "How are you, my boy?" They hugged.

"Very well. How are you feeling?"

"The summer cures everything - even old age. I want to ask what you think of the events that took place yesterday?"

"The Senate is certainly intriguing."

Glaukius sighed before continuing, "I am aware that you are disappointed with my decision not to intervene."

"No Glaukius. I will never be disappointed with your decisions. I know how much you love the city. But it is my duty to shed light on every method that we can use to best protect this city."

"You need to know this is your city as much as it is Duncan's. I know you and Aertenia want to have children soon and you want to contain any risk of this conflict with Azarkin coming over to us."

"Glaukius, I would never put myself above the interests of this city and my countrymen."

"Rono, It is alright for us to want for ourselves. And you, more than anyone else, deserve to have everything your heart's desires. I have had the pleasure of watching all of you grow up. And I have never lied awake at night troubled about you. For that I owe you a great deal of gratitude. You and Aertenia were always the ones caring for the others. The Gods seem to have called you two together from the very beginning. "

"Thank you."

"Now tell me about your plans." Glaukius smiled at his nephew.

====PART 3====

City of Rila

Azarkin lined his cavalry across the plains of Rila and put on his helmet. He was of average stature, with a broad chest and a large head; his eyes were small, his thin beard had grown dense during the time and sprinkled with grey; and he had a rather long nose. His radiant green eyes were accented by his slightly bulging brows. The rarity of his eye color and his ambidextrous nature had played formative roles for his god-like image. He had shoulder length, dark, curly hair that was loosely tied.

The Rilian army assembled quickly into two phalanxes as archers lined up on the city wall. The city was significantly smaller than Illyria and was built on relatively plain ground that had proven very suitable for farming.

King Listan sat in his stone chair on top of the city wall overlooking the valley that would serve as the battlefield for the day, once again. His wife, Doria, a petite woman whose hair was halfway to gray sat by his side. Listan was a man of average height and slanting eyes. Throughout his long life he had gone his own formidable way. Diplomacy had always taken second place to his stubbornness and his love affairs. The latter (unfortunately coupled with the first) had driven a permanent wedge between him and Glaukius, who reigned over the Illyrian civilization's largest city - Illyria. But for all Listan's flaws and a troublesome start to his marriage with Doria, he had been kind and generous with Doria as they had grown old together.

Azarkin gave his men the signal and his cavalry marched toward the Rila. His army advanced knee to knee under the cover of arrows. Growing closer to Rila's gates, Listan's archers returned fire with arrows as the phalanxes braced for the impact of the Calvary. With arrows taking their toll, Azarkin's cavalry crashed into the phalanx - unleashing pandemonium.

There wasn't much strategy involved in this attack. The bout had gone on for too long and Azarkin's reinforcements had arrived. He didn't want his men's morale weakened by an unnecessarily long bout. He had much more in store for them after all and needed a swift conclusion here at Rila.

Unable to hold the steady wave of cavalry, the phalanxes broke down. Azarkin's cavalry penetrated through as King Listan could only watch on - horrified as his soldiers were slaughtered below. The archers that had created cover for the Azarkin's army now trained their arrows at Listan's archers, rendering Listan's archers ineffective and stranding the phalanxes down below.

Surprisingly, Azarkin signalled a withdrawal of his forces. The swarm moved back, leaving behind a battlefield loitered with the dead and dying. The loud clashing of swords was now replaced by the soft, sickening moans and cries of the wounded that lay among the already dead. Listan's decimated army collected the bodies from the field and exposed a kill ratio of nearly ten to one - severely in Azarkin's favor.

====PART 4====

City of Illyria

One of the benefits of having a manor house on a rather high hill was the clear view he had of the castle. Rambis' brow seemed a bit weighed as he stared ahead at the active castle scene. A sense of quiet anger lay in his eyes.

"What a tragedy this is ... they think you cannot be controlled when you keep so much hidden inside." He turned his head to the right, toward the manor house, as a woman came out and walked up to him

She had a diamond shaped face, with a long and pointed jaw line that was widest at her high cheekbones, and long, dark, red hair that would be mistaken for black in the darkness. Her dark eyes, nose, and mouth were perfectly balanced.

"I wonder, how did it feel to almost be a Queen-in-waiting?" Their eyes locked onto one another.

"Like nothing you have ever experienced." She leaned closer into him.

"A breath's length from it and you let it all slip away. I find that tragic."

"Yes, but I chased it. And I will rise again. And again." Their eyes stayed fixed on the other.

"So the only question then, is can you seduce me?"

"You are intrigued by Bresia because she isn't just a face in the crowd. But you will tire of her. It is in your nature. You would put it round a hole in the wall."

"You would uncross your legs for a stick in the woods."

She smiled for a moment as she replied, "We do make a fine pair, but you have a supper to attend." She walked past him.

"These gatherings were far more interesting when you attended." Rambis turned his head in her direction.

"Do not worry about me. I know most of the attendees quite well and, I assure you, I am not missing much." She said as she disappeared into the dark of night.

Inside the castle, Rono tied back his hair when Aertenia came out of her personal suite. She was dressed in a green gown with a plunging neckline. The sleek skirt was fitted through the hip and loosened to flow. The dress was finished with her mother's necklace tied around her neck. Her hair was brushed back to flowed freely behind her. Seeing her walk out, Rono walked toward the door.

"I expected at least one word about how I look." Her bluntness forced him to face her.

"Aertenia, to be honest, I want to keep the door closed and stay here with you." He smiled as she walked up to him.

"Well, the night is young. Who are we to know what it will bring." She walked past him, opened the door and walked out of the suite, into the hall. He could only smile as he followed her, closing the door behind him. They went down the main staircase that led into the noisy gala. Once down on the floor they joined Prince Duncan and Bresia, who was dressed in a charming peacock print dress with a beaded empire bodice. The dress had wide straps that criss-crossed in the back.

“You look charming my dear.” Aertenia hugged her.

“Well I try to keep up!” She replied.

“Is Rambis here?”

“Would not surprise me if he exchanged the castle for the tavern.” Bresia's tone was rather cold.

“I see.” Aertenia replied as the group moved deep into the floor.

“What happened with those two?” Rono asked Aertenia.

“Rambis will be Rambis.”


Rambis trotted into one of the farms were scattered throughout Illyria's outskirts. He got of the horse, took the bag of gold and walked toward the small house in the middle of the a grassy plain. He reached the house and seeing candle light inside, he knocked on the door. A gray haired man opened the door.

“Lord Rambis?” He was surprised.

“Yes. How are you this fine evening?”

“Well. What do I owe the honor of your visit?”

“I wanted to give this to you.” He showed the farmer the bag, without opening it.

“I am not in need of charity. I do well enough here on my own.”

“That is good because I am not charitable. These are winnings taken from the manor born. I am certain you can put it to better use than they could.” He gave the bag to the farmer, who was reluctant but still accepted. The two men shook forearms and Rambis started back to his horse.

“Next time, bring me a pitcher of raki!” The farmer called out to him.

“I will keep that in mind!” Rambis replied, smiling as he galloped out the farm.

© Copyright 2009 tylerdurden (thetylerdurden at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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