Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1560852-My-Constant
Rated: E · Poetry · Relationship · #1560852
This is a poem dedicated to my best friend. In this poem, I talk about her influence.
                            The Link in My Chain

            She keeps her black coat on when it's warm,
            She says if she takes it off it will rain.
            She always keeps her hair tied back, I think she should     
            wear it down once in a while.
            We always choose the table by the window, so that the
            struggling May sun streams over us.

            When we met all those months ago, it was completely
            unexpected. She became a friend.
            Now I see her as a sister, we're cut from the same stone.
            I pierce my fork into the heart of my slice of peach pie.
            She tells me how her course is going. She is excited. I was
            when we both started. But I left, when the days became

            During that time, she was there as no other had been.
            Her loyalty was a shock to the system, I had never
            experienced friendship like that before. She shows me her
            plans for the week. She looks tired. Suddenly she grins at
            'You worry too much', she says with a tone in her voice
            that is amused yet gentle. Maybe she is right.

            Clouds drift unthreateningly along the cerulean sky. We
            stroll along the river walk talking about everything. I remind
            her of the clothes we must buy for our holiday. She laughs.
            She reminds me of a child opening presents on the 25th.
            But the days are winding down now. Pushing away the
            black thoughts, I fidget with the strap of my bag. Her voice
            brings me back to the grassy lane that we have ended on.

            My father is fond of her. He calls her a firecracker,
            because of her frankness and her temper. My mother
            appreciates her kindness.
            As for me, my chain had rusted through. I shut everyone
            out. But I won't bore you with that story.
            She has become a fresh link. A tiny speck of silver that I
            can see at the bottom of the well.

            'Stop staying in your head'. I hear her sternly mumble. 
            She knows me too well.
            Her eyes meet mine as we arrive at the crossroads. It is
            not a frightening place now. I feel the wall at my back.
            A lone robin perches at our feet, cocking its head to gaze
            at us curiously. I can smell wild flowers nearby.
            Lunch arrangements for tomorrow are made, she smiles
            her good byes, then stops to tell me that she'll call me

            I finally understand that a true connection is constant
            Chuckling, I turn my face towards the sun.

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