Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1565968-A-Story-for-my-friend
Rated: E · Other · Young Adult · #1565968
This is simply a story I wrote for my best friend.
         ‘The wind passes over my face as the city lights shine brightly beneath us. Was this a good idea? Well that’s debatable. Are we going to do it? HELL YES! The neon lights stuck out against the black landscape. Illuminating the streets of downtown. The country side spiraling out in all directions. I couldn’t hear anything but the sound of my own racing heartbeat and my broken breaths over the sound of the coppers blades cutting through the night air. Christina squeezed my hand tightly. We were leaning out the side door of the black helicopter. Hanging onto the sides and each other for our lives. Invisible in the night sky over the oblivious Tokyo.
         Christina’s black and pink hair flies around her face obscured by the black diving goggles. She looks at me and I hear her familiar voice come over my headset. “Poor Tokyo, first Godzilla, now us.” She laughed manically.
What did we have against Tokyo? Nothing. Didn’t change the fact that we were going to blow it up.
         “We still going to do this?’ Christina asked, her voice coming in strangely over the headset. Her hazel eyes studying my green and turquoise ones.
I nodded once and then we pull back inside the chopper and close the door. “Almost ready?” the driver asked. We gave him a quick thumbs up and hugged each other tightly against the rubber floor. The driver, Sam, pressed a button on his dash board. We knew what it was. We were releasing the bomb.
         My body left the ground, flying inside the small cabin. My heart was pounding its way out of my chest. My legs smacking the floor with a thud. Sending pulsing pain up my nerves. The helicopter was experiencing the repercussions of the explosion.
The door slid back open and Christina leaned halfway out. I could see the fire’s light reflected off her face. “Coming?” She asked looking back at me with big eyes. She had the same tornado of excitement and nervousness that I did. She held out her hand, covered with a black leather glove. I grabbed hold and she pulled us all the way out the door.
         The wind burnt my face as I reached around for Christina’s other hand. We laid our bodies flat with our heads at the center. My blonde curls mixing with her black and pink hair in a tango perfectly executed by two expert dancers. I couldn’t close my eyes. As much as I wanted to, I couldn’t. First because we had to watch the ever ascending ground and another was that I wouldn’t let my fear pull me out of this once in a life time experience.
My breath caught in my chest as I pulled the string and my parachute jerked me into the wind. During the aching jerk my hands had slipped from Christina’s and I was now descending upon the country side. I could make out the vague shapes of a few houses, but they were few and far between. Large expanses of what I suspected to be farm land separating them. It had to be rice. I giggled to myself for such a stereotypical remark.
I didn’t catch my footing when I hit the ground. Instead falling over to my knees and then my hands. It stung like a thousand tiny needles pressing their merry way into my palms. I unlatched my chute and slipped out of the tight black leather outfit. My body was sweating as I fixed my jacket around me from my backpack.
         I glanced around. Searching for Christina to the best of my abilities. I could indistinctly see her shape as she was sliding her arm into her own jacket and slinging her backpack securely on. I walked to her, desperate just to be in the comfort of her presence.
She was laughing almost hysterically when I reached her. She bounced up to me, all smiles and as cool as you’d like. “That was exhilarating, huh?”
         “Completely phenomenal.” I managed to get out. My breath was still a bit shaky.
We started our trek toward the curving country road and down towards our hiding place. We walked in silence, mulling over what we just done in our minds. I don’t know if I really could have been much of a conversationalist at that point anyway.
         Christina’s phone rang about 56 minutes later. (Give or take a second. Its not like I was counting.) She pulled it out of her front left pocket, opened it up, and pulled it gently to her ear. “Yes…No, we’re both fine…Good…The water? Far enough out from land I hope…You sure?…We’ll be there in about 30 minutes. Bye” She flipped it closed and slid it back into her pocket. I couldn’t believe how calm she appeared to be. I was losing it. WE JUST BLEW UP SOME OF TOKYO FOR GOD’S SAKE!!! “That was Sam. He was making sure that we landed alright. He jumped out not too long after we did and watched the helicopter go down in the water. He says its far enough that no one should find it quickly. We’ll be gone by then. He landed closer to the hideout so he‘s already there.”
         I nodded. She took my hand and squeezed it. A sign of comfort. A sign it would be alright because what ever happened we did this together. She had always been my best friend and will always remain that way. Nothing could have prevented how close we were. Although many have tried. It was destined to be this way.
         Christina pushed the wooden door open to the little shack. Sam was standing on the other side of a big table looking down at some paper. He was tall, thin, and Chinese. The first thing anyone noticed about him was his hair. It was long and disheveled in every direction. Of course it was black with him being Chinese, but he had died sections a vibrant blue that stuck out tremendously. Originally an American, he spoke excellent English and obtained an American name.
         His almost-black eyes sparkled as he spotted Christina. He rushed to her. So fast I could barely see him between point A and B. He held her face gently as he kissed first her forehead and then her lips. Letting his linger there a bit longer than necessary. His eyes scanned her body for any injuries.
         “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have let you jump without me. I SHOULDN’T HAVE BROUGHT YOU INTO THIS AT ALL!! It’s just that-”
Christina shut him up by placing her index finger carefully on his lips. “This was my idea. I should be sorry that I brought you into it.” She kissed him again and he lifted her up, placing her delicately on the table. Her legs on either side of his body.
         Okay enough was enough. I held my fist over my mouth and quietly cleared my throat. They both looked in my direction. A mix of surprise and anger clouding their features. Finally understanding set in, but not after I got a few undeserving evil glances.
Christina scooted back on the table and crossed her legs in front of her. Sam placed the paper in her lap and motioned with two fingers to get closer. It was a map of the area along with our planned escape route. We would walk into town the next day and catch the bus to the airport. From their we’d fly our way home and none would be the wiser.’

* * *

         “What happens next?” Christina asked. I had been explaining one of the weirdest dreams I’d ever had.
         “Happily ever after, I’m guessing.” The dream had ended there so there was no way of finding out. I was pretty sure there wasn’t going to be a sequel anytime soon.
We were laying on my bed and Christina’s legs were thrown over mine. She lifted herself up on one elbow. “But all those people? We didn’t feel bad about it? And why do it?” She asked me.
         I just shrugged nonchalantly. It felt weird talking about the destruction of people in the confines of my cheery green and orange-yellow room. “I don’t know why. Godzilla, as you mentioned, may have influenced me. Tokyo was random other than that and I can’t explain dream logic to you. I don’t know myself. I think we both knew it wasn’t real, so there was no real grief about it.”
         “Yea and we probably wouldn’t be coming home on a plane the day after a city was blown up.” Christina pointed out. She had on a black Tokio Hotel t-shirt (I loved coincidences) and skinny jeans. Silver bracelets covered both of her arms.
         We laughed and I turned to face her and the green wall behind her. “Where in the hell did we get the bomb?” My purple shirt and boyfriend jeans making a drastic contrast.
“We can make it in the neighbors imaginary meth-lab.” She joked.
         I heard the door squeak a bit as it was opened. I turned my head to find Sam following Anthony into my room. Sam in a bright blue t-shirt (that matched his hair) and faded jeans and Anthony in a dark blue sweater. Sam slipped in under Christina’s head and Anthony did the same. We leaned back against them. We looked at each other and laughed uncontrollably.
         Anthony leaned down to kiss my nose.
         “What? What did we miss?” Sam asked. My dream did him pretty good justice.
That only made the laughing worse. Anthony leaned down and placed his face just above mine. He was smiling and seemed happy. He constantly told me how he loved to hear me laugh. I always felt silly, but anything that would make him happy I wouldn’t mind.
Between me and Christina we managed to relay my dream between our outbursts.
         “Why was I there?” Sam asked, stroking Christina’s arm soothingly.
         I shrugged. “Because your Chinese.” I quickly made up a reason.
         “But Tokyo is in Japan.” He questioned my knowledge.
         “I know. You held a grudge against the Japanese.” Throwing it off the top of my head.
         Anthony slid from underneath me and took my hand to pull me up. I stood up and pulled Christina’s pant leg in the process. They followed us as we made our way to my back yard.
         The sun shone tremendously on the green grass. The air just the right temperature. Not too humid or dry. Just perfect. One of those days in summer you wish would never end. We sat in the field upon the hill far from my little blue house and watched the clouds float above us in unthreatening white puffs. The grass itched the palms of my hands where I was leaning back against it. Anthony’s body was warm as he had his arms wrapped around me and Christina’s legs touching mine from where she was leaning against Sam who was absent mindedly playing with her hair. Anthony kissed my cheek and I turned to kiss his lips. His taste was sweeter than anything I could have even imagined.
         “I love you.” he whispered privately in my ear.
I smiled, unable to stop if I wanted to. My stomach was always filled with a million flying butterflies when I was around him. “I love you, too.”
         “Why wasn’t I in your dream.” he asked still watching my lips.
         I thought about it for a moment. Normally he was the only thing I could remember about my dreams but this one was strange. “I couldn’t put your life in danger like that. I care about you way too much. You know how over protective I am.”
         He sighed, smiling. He knew this was true. “I don’t want you jumping out of planes or dropping bombs on cities any more than you want me.”
         I giggled. “I promise not to jump out of planes or destroy cities.”
         “Good.” He said pressing his lips against my neck, slightly tickling me.
I looked at the others. Christina always had Sam twisted around her finger. She was laying on top of him kissing the hell out of his face. I turned away to give them some privacy. I stayed there, looking at Anthony for I don’t know how long. His beautiful face with his black curly hair and dark eyes. I jumped when I felt someone grab my arm.
I turned quickly to see Christina next to me again.
         “If I had to blow up Tokyo with anyone. I’m glad it was you.” She said in too much seriousness. We both bust out laughing. Even though we laughed we knew it was true. She was my best friend and we could go through anything together. She was the most amazing person I knew and being with her was like a 24 hour circus ride.
         I calmed down enough to reply. “As would I.” I hugged her tightly. Pulling her in close to where she was supposed to be. Next to my heart.

© Copyright 2009 Elizabeth Sexton (esexton29 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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