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by sara
Rated: · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1568547
Chapter 2
Before her very eyes the man beast disappeared into the trees. "Wha? Where'd he go?" Tanya yelled and circled the trees but the manbeast was nowhere to be seen. With a sigh she began walking again looking for Rick.
After walking for hours, Tanya kicked a tree in frustration, she was completely lost and now that it was dark, she couldn't recognize the forest at all.
She sat down tiredly, She looked up at the sky but the forest was so dense that even the sky wasn't visible. Grumbling she stood up again, 'I have to find a safer place to spend the night.' Unpleasant thoughts of being devoured by wild animals gave her the strength she needed and she prepared to set out once again when suddenly something caught her from behind, before Tanya could react, a rough voice spoke in her ear, "Well now, Looks like the little lost kitten is tired. Why'd you stop following me sugar?" Tanya relaxed her self completely and when the grip on her arms loosened she grabbed the man's arm and hurled him over her shoulder, he flopped down on the ground, surprised to suddenly find himself on the floor and facing a gun. "Hey there!" He called out pleasantly, seeming not a bit fazed at the sight of the gun. Tanya cocked the barrel and said, "Dont move, I'll blow your head away." She snarled. The man grinned and suddenly disappeared, "What the-?" Tanya gulped, turning she made a run for it. Panting she came upon a clearing. She leaned against a tree, taking deep breaths. "Tell me." Came a serene voice, "What is a pretty thing like you doing in this forest?" Yelping Tanya jumped, but she saw no one. "Wh-where are you?" She called out, terrified.
"Right here." A voice behind her said, she turned to find the man standing behind her. Before she could raise her gun the man said, "Now, now what's the animosity?" And he flopped down cross legged on the ground, "I just want to know why you were following me."
Tanya looked at the strange sight before her and suddenly she felt really tired and she didn't want to fight anymore. Wearily she sat down too, "I'm looking for my friend." She admitted, "But I cannot find him. I was hoping you would lead me to him."
"Oh?" The man leaned forward interested, "What does he look like?"
Tanya described Rick. The man shook his head, "Nope. I got no clue."
"Oh." Tanya said, her shoulders slumping.
"Names Lee." He said. "And you are?"
"Tanya." Tanya replied.
"What a pretty name." Lee said, his eyes wide and glowing a brilliant blue. "WOW. I MEAN WOW."
Tanya looked at him warily, he seemed crazy. "Uh Lee, thanks for the information but I should really go-"
"YOU CANT GO." Lee said looking shocked that she would even suggest it, "At this time of night, the forest is really very fierce.And since you are just a human, your chances of survival are even lower than an ordinary creature's."
Tanya thought it over, "Yeah you're right but-"
"But nothing." Lee said his voice gentle yet firm. "I cannot let you wander alone. We'll strike a bargain. You rest for the night at my place and I'll get you home safe first thing in the morning."
Tanya looked at him and for long moment then throwing caution to the air, she nodded, "It's a deal."
"Great." Lee said grinning, "Follow me."

Lee led the way to his home, a large tree house. Tanya looked dubiously up at the tree house wondering if it could hold two people, "Dont worry."Lee chuckled, "Its quite sturdy." And he scuttled up nimbly. Tanya followed more slowly. The inside of the tree house was spacious, "Wow." Tanya said. Lee grinned proudly, "Would you like dinner?" He asked and Tanya realized she was famished, "Yes please." She said, then regretted her answer, she wondered what type of food magical creatures ate. To her surprise and delight, the man started a fire and actually started cooking. "You cook?" She asked. Lee grinned, "Actually I have no need to cook, I can use magic..' He said, "But i enjoy this humanly exercise." A few minutes later he presented Tanya with a pot of food and some bread and wine and Tanya gobbled it down. "Its good.". She said happily. Lee grinned looking pleased. After Tanya finished eating, he courteously offered her the room in the house which Tanya politely declined insisting she would be more comfortable in the living room. He set up a makeshift bed on the sofa and gave her a blanket.
As soon as her head hit the pillow, Tanya was in deep sleep.

Tanya awoke to the tantalizing smell of breakfast. Getting up, she went to the small kitchen and saw Lee already hard at work. "Good morning.' He called cheerily and Tanya returned the greeting. She sat down in a chair and took the time to observe her host carefully. He was short and thin. Disheveled green hair decorated his thin face and his eyes which had been sparkling blue in the night were a plain shade of brown right now. And he looked young. He was dressed in loose robes tied at the waist. Whistling he served her breakfast,
"Thank you so much." Tanya said feeling gratitude for her host overcome her. "You are being so kind."
"Pfft." Lee said, "Its my pleasure. Besides you can pay me back."
"How?" Tanya said, "Just name it and I'll do my best to do it."
He winked before saying, "I'll let you know when the time comes."
"Do you need money?" Tanya asked. "I can ask for the base to give you whatever amount you need. After all you saved my life."
Lee laughed heartily."No its not your money I need." He said with a grin, "As I said I'll let you know when the time comes." With that he waltzed into his room and closed the door.
A little while later Lee led Tanya through the forest. She followed behind him observing him from behind, from what she had read in the books he looked like an imp, but he was taller than an imp by atleast 4 feet. "Um, what race are you?" She asked curiously.
"Im a drow." Lee replied jauntily.
"Uhh." Tanya tried to recall what she had read about drows but nothing came to mind.
"Its in the imp family." Lee explained, seeing the confusion on her face.
"No wonder! I was thinking you were an imp, you resembled certain characteristics found in the imps." Tanya replied. Lee again chuckled and kept on walking ahead. "
"What do you do, Lee?" Tanya asked recalling certain items in his house that could only have been bought in the human world and quickly gauging that he worked to earn money.
Lee whirled around and proudly stated, "I am a tradesman."
"Oh!" Tanya said her eyebrows raised, "That's a pretty human sounding profession."
Lee laughed and said, "You humans are too arrogant. Trade could be said to be started by the drows."
"Really?" Tanya asked surprised. Lee giggled, "Who knows, it could have been." And with that he skipped ahead, suddenly Lee yelled excitedly "AHA."
Tanya hurried forward and was surprised to find him jumping and clapping at a puddle of water.
"Do you mind if we take a detour before I drop you back home?" Lee asked.
Tanya wanted to say no and that she wanted to go back to the army base and get a team sent out to search for Rick but knowing that it would be too rude and that she owed this little man alot, she nodded and followed him as he turned right and went deeper into the forest.
© Copyright 2009 sara (zingzat at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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