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Rated: E · Chapter · Fantasy · #1570394
A Dragon Is Born - Flying Lessons

“It’s hatching Singe, it’s hatching, come quickly!” Cried a snowy white dragon leaning over an egg. Another white dragon, not quite as white as the other, came running in. Together, the two dragons watched as the spotted egg on the floor began to wobble and crack. After several moments, a tiny dragon’s head came through the eggshell and took its first breath. The first dragon, Shimmer, took in a breath of amazement.

“It’s a girl!” She exclaimed, looking at the small dragon who was now free of its shell. On its forehead, a birthmark in the shape of a star was visible.

“What will we name her?” The second dragon, Singe, asked. Shimmer thought for a moment.

“Aurora, like the lights in the sky.” She decided. Singe agreed, shuffling closer to get a look at the hatchling. The tiny dragon had just opened its eyes, and was beginning to explore its surroundings, although its legs were still a little wobbly. It wandered over to a shard from its egg and sniffed it curiously, then tried to bite it, but its teeth were not yet sharp enough. Singe seemed to laugh.

“I will find food for the little one,” he announced. He then walked over to the edge of the cave and jumped out, spreading his large wings. Within moments, he was out of sight. Aurora yawned and curled up into a ball at Shimmer’s feet. Shimmer watched as the star birthmark pulsed a few times and slowly faded. “Oh, how I wish you were mine.” Shimmer murmured to herself, nudging the newly hatched dragon with her snout. The pure white baby dragon slept soundly, the bluish tint of a frost dragon would come later.

Shimmer curled up beside the baby dragon and fell asleep.

* * *

Chapter One




“No, Aurora. Flying is difficult, I have already told you that. I will discuss the matter with your father when he returns from his hunting trip. Food is getting scarce in Evernyte Forest, you know that. Now, go play.” Her mother told her.

Aurora pouted and complained some more, but no matter how hard she tried, her mother could not be persuaded. She left in a sour mood, and marched out of the cave onto the ledge overlooking Evernyte Valley. She was over ten years of age now, she did not understand why her mother would not allow her to attempt to fly.

Flying. It was something Aurora had dreamed about ever since she knew it existed. Dragons usually made their first flying attempt at the age of ten years, when the bones in their wings were fully developed. In the Dragon World, she was still considered a young child, and was often treated that way, to her disappointment. She felt she was very mature for her age, and should be treated as such.

Aurora let her white wings fan out while she sunbathed and looked over the valley. As usual, Evernyte Valley was full of movement while dragons of all species hurried and scurried around. Aurora sighed, she wished she could join the others down below in the valley center, where most of the excitement happened.

“What’cha up to?” A voice asked. Aurora turned in surprise to see her friend, Flare, sitting behind her.

“Flare, I did not hear you.” Aurora said, with a bit of bitterness in her voice. Flare was one of the dragons her age who had learned to fly. She usually laughed at Aurora’s inability to fly.

“I know.” Flare replied, stretching out like a cat. “So, what are you up to?”

Aurora began to reply, when Flare suddenly growled playfully and jumped on her. Aurora screeched in surprise, and they began play-fighting. As usual, Flare used her ability to fly to her advantage.

Time went by, and soon Aurora spotted her father and a group of other male dragons arriving back to the Valley. She saw the sad expression on their faces, meaning they hadn’t caught much. She managed to free herself from Flare’s grasp, and ran down the side of the mountain to greet them.

Her mother got there before her, and was already talking to her father. Being polite, Aurora did not interrupt them, but sat nearby patiently, where she could hear everything they were saying.

“Should we let Aurora fly?” Shimmer, her mother, asked.

“I don’t see why not,” Singe replied. “I see many other young dragons her age flying around. I learned to fly when she was her age. Besides, we need her to be ready.”

Ready for what? Aurora wondered. Shimmer sighed.

“But she is my hatchling…”

“I know she is,” Singe tried comforting her. “But she is growing up, we must let her have some independence.”

“You are right.”

At this, Aurora entered in on their conversation. Shimmer turned to her.

“Aurora, your father and I have discussed your flying and…” she hesitated, “We’ve both agreed to let you try today.”

A grin stretched across Aurora’s face. She was so happy, she could have done spirals and loops – if she could fly. “When?” Was all she could say.

“Why not now?” Singe asked, a smile on his face as well. Shimmer, however, seemed worried. Aurora was nearly jumping up and down with anticipation. But first, she had to learn about flying.

Singe took her back up to their cave, where he told her about the proper angles to keep her wings in order to fly straight, turn, and slow down. He explained quickly the proper take off and landing positions, and went over the suitable weather for flying. To Aurora, his lecture dragged on. She just wanted to be set free in the skies, where she belonged as a dragon.

Finally, he demonstrated a few maneuvers, such as loops, spirals and dives that she may learn to do while flying.

“But not until your older.” Shimmer quickly added.

With the lecture over at last, Aurora positioned herself to take off from the ledge. She looked down and saw the ground below, but she did not feel nauseated at all. Singe quickly inspected her position.

“That’s correct. Feet firmly on the ground, weight in the back, wings spread wide. Keep your head held high, don’t forget to watch where you are going. I think you are ready.”

Aurora felt as if her heart was going to burst from her chest, it was beating furiously with excitement.

“What are you waiting for? Go on.” Shimmer gently nudged. Aurora took a deep breath, then, took off by pushing with her back legs. Her wings caught the air almost immediately, and she was airborne.

Aurora tilted her wings so she would continue to fly straight. She then looked down, and realized the ground was coming closer. She was merely gliding, something she had done a thousand times. Aurora tried to remember what her father had told her.

Up to go down and down to go up… He had said. She pushed her wings down with all of her might and sure enough, she gained altitude. When she lifted her wings to push down again, she felt herself lose some altitude, but gained it back plus more when she pushed down once more.

She looked ahead, smiling brightly. A nearby mountain was coming up in front of her fast. She wanted to turn right, so she shifted her weight to her right side and tilted her right wing down slightly. She felt her body turn and avoided the mountain. She flapped her wings a few more times to gain height, wishing Flare were around to see her.

She circled above the valley, looking for her parents, who were no longer at the cave. She easily spotted them with her hawk-like vision. Pulling in her wings, she began descending at a rapid pace.

At first, Aurora was alarmed at the speed that she descended. The ground was coming closer very quickly. She panicked, and lost control, flailing her wings and body in an attempt to slow herself down.

Just as she was about the collide with the ground, she felt a pair of claws grip her. Her eyes opened to reveal a pair of large wings carrying her to safety. The dragon placed her on the ground gently, then landed nearby. Aurora saw her parents running over.

“Aurora, Aurora!” Shimmer cried with worry.

“It’s okay, I’m fine, thanks to…” Aurora turned to see the dragon who had saved her. “W… Windnyte. I did not realize it was you, forgive me.” She bowed respectively to their Valley leader, Windnyte, a Mountain Dragon.

“It is quite alright, little one. Are you injured?” He inquired.

“N…no. I… I’m not.” Aurora stammered. She had never spoken to Windnyte before. He was more magnificent up close than she could have ever imagined.

“Thank you, Windnyte.” Singe said, as he neared the two dragons.

“It was my pleasure.” Windnyte said to Singe, tipping his head in greeting. “But now I must go, the duties of the Valley call me.” He turned to Aurora. “Please, little one, be more careful. Farewell.” He then turned and spread his large wings, taking off and disappearing within the clouds.

“Oh, thank Drake your safe.” Shimmer exclaimed, embracing Aurora.

“You were great,” Singe added, “although I see we are going to have to work on your landing.”

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