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4 Visitors, 1 haunted house, 1 dare to end it all. |
Aaron and I dared each other to spend until midnight in a large old deserted haunted house in the South. We decided to take turns I would go first from today till tonight and he from tomorrow till tomorrow night. I had to go first because I was a lady and "ladies went first". How unfair but if he was really that scared then so be it. Id be the braver one and take the challenge. We walked up to the house together. Aaron a little behind me as if cowering at the vast house. What a chicken I thought. I’ll last and he will never make it to the porch. I giggled. Then ill win and set the record straight for who was the scardy cat. “Later!” he called out running from the house. I shook my head. “What a whimp.” I whispered then headed into the house. At 9 pm. while I was cooking my dinner I heard footsteps on the front porch. They seemed to be walking around the wrap around porch. Soon after a crash and a bang sounded. I jumped from my seat, but determined not to look scared and figuring it was just Aaron I went down stairs. I flung open the door and yelled "Quit bothering me Aaron! This is cheating!" I walked around the porch finding nothing there. I went back inside confused. I was sure I heard something. When I reached my upstairs spot I found a man sitting on the old piano stool. It spooked me and I jumped. He jumped up as well. We stood motionless staring at each other. The only sound was our breaths and the creek of the house against the wind. There was something odd about him. He looked out of place. I was sure that I had never seen him before, but there was a sense of familiarity about him. It was intriguing like I knew him from some where. His eyes were blue and his hair was dark brown. He looked to be about 18 and shy. He was wearing an odd outfit that looked like it could have come from the renaissance era. "Who are you?" I asked feeling the adrenaline rush I got wear down. "Chris" he said. "Who are you?" he asked politely. "Anna, what are you doing here?" I responded. "I'm here to warn you to leave. There are bad things here and you shouldn’t stay." he sounded weary and worried. "Nothing has happened yet besides you being here. I think that ill be ok." I stated. "As you wish." he said with a gentle bow and disappeared. Shocked that he disappeared I searched the room for him but found nothing. Confused again I sat down and continued to cook my dinner. 10 pm came around and I was happily reading a suspense book that my friends from school encouraged me to read. I was at a part in the book where the girl was sitting in the dark room and the man was watching her. He was creeping up behind her and... CRASH! I whipped around looking for the source of the thunderous crash. My eyes fell upon a picture that was hanging that had fallen and landed on the wooded floor. "Chris?" I said shakily. "That’s not funny. I know you want me out but I can’t leave yet. Its only 10.” No reply. I got up from my spot and walked to the fallen picture. The picture was of a man and a woman. The man had red hair and crystal blue eyes. He was a taller man and slim. Very handsome. The woman beside him had long dark brown hair with reddened tints it seemed. Her lips were deep red and her eyes shone green pride. She was gorgeous. Who were they? "You shouldn’t be here." a deep voice sounded from behind me. The hairs on the back of my neck rose and I turned slowly. A man was standing in the door way. He had short blonde hair and hazel eyes that bore into mine. An aura of sadness filled the room. Again I got the feeling that I knew him. Although Chris was taller than this man he appeared more buff than Chris and slightly less shy. He too wore awkward clothing. He wore a velvet top and leotards. Weird, I thought. "And what is your name?" I asked. He looked at me questioningly and answered "Robert. But that is of no importance. What is important is that you are here when you should not be. I encourage you to leave now." his voice rang with the same worried sound that Chris’s did. "Like I told your friend Chris I can’t leave until midnight, sorry." I said then I sat down on the couch that was in the room. The sound of shoes on the wooden floor came closer to me. A wind passed by my ears seeming to whisper "please". When I turned around I found that Robert had gone. Perplexed with why Chris and Robert wanted me to leave I picked up my book and continued reading... the girl turned in the nick of time and hit him with a bat she had beside her, knocking him out. At about 11 out of boredom I began to tour the house. It was really quite lovely. Old antique furniture and rare collector pieces were all around the house. The floors all moaned and creaked as the night winds whipped and howled against the rickety walls. With some fixing up the house would look quite well. I wonder who owned the place. Of course you had to get used to the idea of living with the guys that haunt the place. But after a while I imagine that it could be alright. On the way down the stairs a chilling wind rushed past me. Knowing the feeling by now, I searched the room hastily with my eyes. At the bottom of the steps stood another man. He was average in size. His hair was jet black, slicked back, and glossy. He looked to be from Italy or a foreign country. It looked as if dimmed gold had been poured into the very center of his eyes. The intensity of his gaze drew you in like a tiger staring at its prey. It drew you in and compelled you to listen. I looked away from his eyes resting my sight on his lips. They were dull pink and very thin. I continued my search of him and found that hair covered his bronze arms. Midnight black hair that matched his eyes. He wore a crème colored blouse with charcoal colored buttons. A pair of freshly shined shoes shone beneath his neatly pressed slacks. "Fairest Anna, I am Admaro, I plead with you to leave. I fear that you may never return to your world if you do not leave before midnight." His voice took on the same output that his eyes did. Making you want to listen and to make him talk more. A slow and gentle breeze brushed at my face giving me chills. “I don’t understand what you, Chris, and Robert are talking about. Why must I leave before midnight? I cannot leave I’m sorry. I must stay. As soon as the clock strikes 12 a.m. I will be out and gone from here forever. I promise." I spoke quietly and kept my eyes to the floor to keep from being captured by Admaro's dazzling eyes. He sighed sadly “If you must. I hope that you escape from here. Please consider what I say." he begged. With another sigh he vanished. I gave a heavy sigh as well. I went back up to my chosen room and laid on the old couch. I awoke with a jolt at 11:59. The air was thick and cold. I looked around for a sign of Chris, Robert, Admaro, or anyone else who might want to warn me. No one was there. I stood and walked to the far end of the room where the old fashion fire place was placed. It was warmer there from the dying fire. There wasn’t very much light in the room but it was bright enough to see the couch, the fireplace, the window, and the counter where I ate. “Welcome to my home Anna dearest.” A soft whisper said. It was a male voice and very enchanting. I looked to my left and saw something glimmer. The glimmer moved from the left end of the room to the right end of the room changing everything that it touched. I shut my eyes and quickly reopened them. The room looked like it was a Victorian style home. There were red velvet curtains where there weren’t before. The couch had moved against the wall and looked brand new. The floors took on a freshly polished look and shined with the glow of the freshly light fire. A sparkling crystal chandelier dangled from the ceiling where there was a mural of angels fly about. A hand brushed gently across my face from behind me sending goose bumps down my tensed body. I didn’t move but the owner of the hand came around to look at me. It was the man from the portrait that fell. He looked better than the picture portrayed him to look. He was taller than me and looked down upon me with softness in his eyes. They were brilliant blue that reminded me of Jesus’ eyes as a child from the movie Jesus of Nazareth. It took my breath away leaving me speechless and unable to respond to his voice. His face was perfect in shape and angled to look like a model. His hair was fiery red and tossed about in different directions as if he just came in from riding a fast horse. I smiled stupidly. A scent as sweet as heaven surrounded me and I inhaled deeply. He smelled of woods and roses and another scent that I couldn’t make out. He smiled at me and stroked his graceful fingers down my face in a gentle sweep. I shivered. “Who are you?” I asked shakily. He gave a low chuckle and bent down to whisper in my ear “Jace, master of this house and lord of the land around it. It would please me to have you accompany me here. If you would so like that…” I looked down to the rest of him. He was well muscled and tanned slightly giving off a glow. He wore noir colored pants and midnight blue tunic that made the brilliance of his eyes stand out more. On his feet were a pair of riding boots and were dulled minimally by dirt. He reached his hand to the low of my back and pulled me towards him. I looked up startled at his move and blushed. From the reflection of his eyes I could think of nothing else but being with this enchanting Jace. I nodded my head slowly in dazed wonder. His smile brightened and he pulled me against him. “You’re here forever my love. You shall never leave.” I pulled away in shock. Behind him I heard moans. I spun and found Robert, Chris, and Admaro standing there. They said in unison “You shall not return. You are stuck here with us until the end of time. We have warned you.” All of their eyes spoke what they didn’t say. They were sad with this event but they could do nothing to go against their master and my new master, Jace. Now all I could do was wander the house from room to room waiting for the next person to come within the house and warn them to leave immediately and not listen to the gorgeous Jace. |