Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1571678-Emillys-Dream
Rated: E · Other · Other · #1571678
A day in the life of a young girl
There once was a beautiful girl named Emilly.
An only child and just 15, she was so looking forward to her trip to the mall today. she lived High on a hill in a large House
with her Mom and Dad and all her pets. Emilly loved Horses most of all. She spent most of her time caring for them and enjoying just going for a ride. It was her life’s passion to bread a champion.

well one day while she was shopping at the local mall, the cutest boy she had ever seen was walking on the other side of the mall.
she was so dazed she walked straight in to a display of shoes ,knocking them all over well, the noise was so loud the boy turned to see what happen. he came running over to Emilly to see if she was okay, he took her hand to help her up, just then Emilly felt a bolt of lighting soar thought her body, there were stars in the sky and her heart was racing a 1000 miles an hour.
as he helped her to her feet, he told her, Hi my name is Paul, are you okay?, Emilly was so struck by his ice blue eyes she couldn't speak
she said in a low soft voice, "I think so" she got to her feet and brushed herself off, Paul said to her " come over her and sit down till you feel better, let me get you some thing to drink"

as Emilly sat there, she watched as Paul got her a soft drink from the hot dog stand. He came back and handed it to Emilly saying" hope this helps"
she took a small drink and asked Paul if he'd like some. he took a drink and set the cup down. they were quiet for what seemed like a life time. neither one knowing what to say, but they stared in to each others eyes

Emilly spoke first, "thank you ,that was very nice of you"
Paul replied. "No problem, anything for such a beautiful lady."
Emilly blushed like a fresh strawberry. her eyes sparkled like the stars in the sky. her smile was shining brighter then the noon day sun.
Paul noticed how beautiful she looked, all he could think is, 'this must be a gift sent from heaven cause she is an angel.' the most beautiful girl he had ever seen, he couldn't believe she was sitting next to him
Emilly was trying to think of something to say so he wouldn't go. just then she remembered that she was meeting some friends. she told him and he asked if it was okay if he went
"YES!!!, I mean yes, sorry didn't mean to scream it." she laughed shyly

They walked down the mall, they were making small talk and looking in the shop windows. just then a couple kids playing bumped in to her and pushed her in to Paul, he caught her quickly so she didn't fall. Emilly said" thank you again" Paul said "good thing I'm a good catch", they both laughed. as she stood up straight Paul kept his hand in hers and she smiled as they walked off holding hands. Maybe if I hang on to you nothing else will happen, Paul said in a strong reassuring voice. Emilly could feel the warmth of his and it set her so at ease. What was this feeling coming over her?? She had boy friends before. She was a very popular girl at school and had so many friends but she couldn’t explain this feeling. Her head was spinning like a top, she could feel the heart in her chest beating. She thought for sure it was going to jump out. Maybe it just the excitement of the day she thought. It will go away,

Emilly took a deep breath as she saw her friends waiting for her. “Emilly“, they all squealed at once , as they grabbed each other in to a big group hug. Jumping around laughing. Paul was just standing there with this big grin. Then one of the girls noticed him there. She was stunned by his looks and the most beautiful smile she had ever seen. Just then Emilly noticed Barbara was staring at something. Oh! My. I’m sorry Emilly said. This is Paul. The group was silent, they didn’t know what to say as they thought the same thing Emilly did. Wow!! What a gorgeous guy. Barbara was the first to stick her hand out and introduce herself. Hi she said in a shy almost timid voice. Then Emilly’s other friend Lisa said hello and told Paul to never mind the reactions because they were just surprised Emilly brought anyone along. I mean it’s okay you came ands all. It’s just…….I’ll shut up now. Lisa said . Emilly replied, it’s to late Lisa your already blushing. They all laughed and joked around about it for a minute.
Barbara said ,Hey we were going to the food court would you like to join us, everyone tried to get him to come along, but he thanked them and told them he had to get to work.

Emilly felt her heart drop. She didn’t want him to go. She kept trying to think of someway to keep him there, just then Paul reached for Emilly’s hand and wrote his Number in her palm. Then he slowly leaned down and softly kissed her cheek. Talk to you later he whispered as you stood back up. Then he turned and walked away. Emilly stood there watching him as he slowly got smaller till he was out of sight. She felt so empty all of a sudden .

Her friends were talking to her but she couldn't hear them. All she could her was his voice repeating over and over, “Talk to you later” just then her friends voices came back. “come on lets go eat” . was it all just a dream? Did Paul just come to her in a fantasy? She couldn’t focus, her friends were all sitting around just laughing and joking. Hey Emilly, did you sleep last night? Did you know you talk in your sleep Lisa said. What happened? Was it just a dream ?? Did I fall asleep sitting here she asked. They all started laughing again.

Emilly felt so embarrassed. She didn’t know what to say. They all said it was okay as they knew she had been up with one of her horses all night waiting for the birth of the newest member of her family. She stood up to stretch and shake the sleep out of herself. She started to laugh with her friends, even though she felt silly. They all stared to get there stuff together and go do some shopping. As Emilly reached for her bag she noticed her hand, she slowly turned her palm up and with her eyes wide open in total surprise she noticed a phone number. She looked at it said it to herself over and over. Then she wiped her hand off and stood up. Okay I’m ready. Lets do some shopping, Emilly said with the biggest smile she had ever had. As they all walked off together all talking at once. Laughing, to be young.

By: T.J. Monk

© Copyright 2009 Mr.Monk- GPs for the poor (mrmonk77 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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