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Rated: E · Short Story · Fantasy · #1573817
A story about Pheobe, the daughter of the chief, who longs for a place for her own.
Pheobe was the daughter of the chief. Her tribe lived deep within the
forests of Ireland, keeping mostly to themselves, and only showing on the
darkest of nights when they would hunt for food. She wasn't like most of
the other beings that looked like her. Her people had powers, passed from
generation to generation. Everyone was born with something different, but
Pheobe had the rare ability to shape-shift. Pheobe had her mothers beauty,
with jet black, curly hair and bright emerald green eyes. She also had her
father's strength and kindness that had made him the chief many years ago.
Her people weren't like the other people that lived in the villages on the
other side of the meadows. She knew this more than anything else. It was
drilled into each and every child's head from birth that the "others" were
not their friends and that they were to stay away. Pheobe had never
listened to rules, and wasn't about to let a legend keep her from exploring
her forest.

As a child, full of curiosity, Pheobe went on one of her explorations and
stumbled upon a clearing in the thick woods. Of course, she was hesitant
about going into the open, but the beauty of this place drew her in. It was
as green as anything that she had ever seen before, with a thick carpet of
grass, and moss covering every rock and tree. In the center was a
waterfall, spilling over a ledge into a crystal clear river that she had
never found before on her hikes. It amazed her, so she took the form of a
small black cat and carefully sniffed the air. Not scenting anything odd or
alarming, she stepped closer to the river, feeling the spray from the

Pheobe perched herself on a rock by the riverside and just watched as the
fish swan around in the water, as the birds soared overhead, diving down to
get a drink before setting of again. This, she decided, was her new
sanctuary. She could feel the power humming from the earth, the water, the
animals. It was peaceful, and exactly what she was looking for. Not wanting
the guards to come looking for her, she fled back to her home. If they knew
where she was going to be hiding from now on, it would be pointless to keep
going there. She would have to find another place.

A few days passed without the chance to return. With rituals, schooling
with her friends, and then her parents and the guards watching over her,
Pheobe hadn't found the opportunity. After the third day she started
planning for the next morning. She knew that the hunters would return
before sunrise with their catch, then she had only a few hours before she
was expected to be at her teachings. After eating dinner with her mother
and father, Pheobe retired immediately, claiming a sudden headache.

The next morning, well before the sun rose, Pheobe was at her window, all
flames blown out for fear of her shadow being seen. The hunters would be
returning at any moment now, and when they all put their kills with the
rest of the food, they would all return to their homes and sleep. That
would be her escape.

Anxiously she watched as the light from the sun started turning the sky
through the trees. In he distance she heard the footfalls, grabbed her
cloak from her bed, and waited. She listened while they went through the
regular morning rituals, spoke for only a moment or two, and then returned
to their families. With a grin on her face, Pheobe crawled through her
window, pulling the wood covering back into place, and set off for the

As she had before, Pheobe turned into the cat many yards before the opening
in the trees. This way she could scent any unwanted visitors before they
spotted her.

Nearing the edges of the trees now, Pheobe heard something, rather than
smelled it. It was a quiet tune, sung by a beautiful voice on the other
side of the river, closer to the waterfall. She leapt onto a low-hanging
branch, and walked out further, careful not to make and sudden movements.

The singing was coming from one of "The Others". It was a female, still a
child like herself, wearing the most elegant sky blue dress that seemed to
glitter in the non-existing light. Her hair was the fairest of colors, eyes
matching her dress, with fair skin that didn't look like it had ever seen
the sun. As she walked along and sang, Pheobe saw that her movements were
graceful, almost impossibly so.

Pheobe felt the need to be polite and introduce herself, but those warnings
she had recieved from her father sent a bell ringing in her head. At the
same time, she thought of this as her clearing, and didn't want any
strangers ruining the effect that this place had on her. Maybe they could
become friends, or at least friendly around each other, and come up with an
agreement of days and times so that they would share the area.

Still wary, she hopped from her branch and went back to where she had left
her clothes. After shifting back, she put her clothes back on, and walked
toward the clearing, hoping that this girl was as friendly as her
appearance and songs made her seem.
© Copyright 2009 Natasha (doodlebug_1220 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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