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by Dan
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Fanfiction · #1574146
A Fanfic based on the Gamecube game made by Capcom.
All Characters, Creatures, and Locations are property of Capcom with the exception of my own original character.

Chapter Three

The Mansion Incident

         As I walked through the forest, I heard an explosion from far away, I turned around to see smoke flowing out of a hill overlooking the mansion, and 2 lone figures emerged, from where I was I could barely make them out. It looked like Billy and Rebecca. “Shit! How the hell did they survive the Proto Tyrant?” I cried aloud. This sudden outburst alerted several unsavory creatures in the area. A rabid pack of Cerberus rapidly approached my position. I ran like hell toward the mansion. As I bolted through the double doors, I remembered just how close I’d come to being caught by those things. “Now that would’ve ruined your plans, now wouldn’t it?” I thought bitterly to myself. I went upstairs to the 2nd floor in search of the remaining STARS Bravo unit. I entered the top southeastern door from the main doors of the mansion, and eventually happened upon Forest from Bravo team, he was looking over the balcony, a tactical grenade launcher leaning against the wall.

         I silently approached him, I picked up a small stone and hurled it at his left leg. He went down in pain, and I lunged, knife drawn. He caught me and we rolled around, I wound up on top and preceded to insert the knife into his chest, he eventually managed to kick my off. I landed on my feet and kept fighting, I cut a side of his arm, my knife drawing some of his blood, and managed a cut on his face too. I tackled him again, this time however, the tip of my knife touched his chest, and I slowly pushed the knife into him. He uttered mindlessly, no, no, no, no, no,  I whispered shhh… moments later, he was dead. I took my knife and cut open a side of his gut, to make it look like something inhuman had killed him, and tossed the chunk out into the forest from the balcony, where it would certainly be eaten by those dogs, I picked up his now useless corpse and placed it in the chair next to the grenade launcher. I heard the cawing of the crows and knew that they might peck on his dead flesh and further make his death more “natural”,  “as if death could even be remotely described as natural in this place” I thought quietly as I closed the door leading to the grisly site of his demise. I had wiped my hands of the minute bits of his blood that hand splattered on the wall and went to the 1st floor bathroom and washed them and cleaned my face.

         Soon after I heard footsteps move past the door, I stepped out. It was Enricho, I shadowed him into the courtyard and down into the caves, he never noticed my presence, and just as he reached a dead end and was preparing to turn around, I shot his gun out of his hand and shot him twice in his right knee cap, he fell and moaned in pain, I stared into his deep eyes coldly and was about to finish him, when Wesker’s voice came over my radio, “we’re on our way to the mansion, eta 30 minutes, hope things are holding up on your end, and remember once this is over, we’ll both be immortal and filthy rich”. I didn’t respond, I looked again back at Enricho, and shot his other knee cap twice, and then left him there to die. I went back toward the main entrance, winding up in the upper balcony walkway of the main dining hall, I noticed Sullivan down low, I got the drop on him and dropped from the balcony directly on top of him. I rammed my knife into his leg, just then, he spun around and fired a shot that went high over my head, I dropped to the ground and rolled to the left, he hobbled toward the door, I raised my gun and fired just as he slammed it shut! “Shit! I can’t let him get away” I thought desperately. I chased him, and to my luck a zombie stood, back turned to me, and Sullivan trying to fire an empty gun at it, I fired one shot at Sullivan, blowing his damaged knee and shut the door.

         I heard the door handle being turned before it opened, and rolled for cover near the dining table, I watched their, whoever they were, boots go down the left side of the table from the door they’d entered into, keeping down low, I moved toward the door, as I heard a familiar voice cry out, “What is this?” I slowly opened one of the double doors and crept back into the main hall. To my surprise, Wesker was standing there in the center. “There you are,” he said, “has Bravo team been taken care of?” “All but their radio, captain, and that rookie, I killed the others myself” I calmly replied. “Good”, I want you to move on to the guard shack outside, I’ll stay here and distract them, we’ll meet up later.” “Alright” I replied. “Wait, I have a better idea,” he suddenly said, “I want you to go through that door”, he pointed to the door directly across from the door to the dining room, “when you hear their voices, because naturally, they will return to this hall after investigating the source of that gunshot we just heard, I want you to enter and come up with a story, and stick with them and acquire further combat data on the mansion B.O.W.” “Understood” I replied. He went upstairs and disappeared into the western most door, I on the other hand went into the door he told me to and waited for them to come back and find that Wesker was not there.


         About 5mins later, they came back, calling out Wesker’s name. I waited until, Jill said that she couldn’t find him before opening the door and stepping out into the hall. “Hey, you made it!” she said, looking at me as she spoke, “where are the others?” “I don’t know” I replied. “I saw Forest a little while ago, but I haven’t seen anyone for about an hour, this place is gigantic, we should stick together.” I replied pausing for a moment before continuing. “We need to find Wesker, You and Jill take the 2nd floor, I’ll go and check the dining room again” Barry said sternly. Jill and I went upstairs to find Wesker and the other Bravo team members. But not more than 30 minutes later I lost her in one of the mansions dark desolate halls and left her alone. As I continued to refresh my memory of the mansion, I hear gunfire coming from the second floor and immediately went to investigate, I ran through the narrow corridor and entered the attic. There it was, Yawn the snake infected by the T Virus. It had someone’s legs dangling out of it’s mouth and they were still kicking. “No, Jill!” I shouted and opened fire, it quickly swallowed it’s victim and fled the scene.

              I fell to my knees for a moment before I heard shuffling nearby. I turned my head, pointing my gun at the approaching figure. “Jill!” I exclaimed, she was holding her side and limping. “Dan?” Jill uttered before she began to fall, I hurried toward her and caught her before she fell. “Jill…” I thought as I picked her up. I carried her to the other side of the mansion and down to the first floor to the medicine room. I opened the door and moved inside carefully laying Jill on the bed along the back wall, I then shut the door. It only took a few moments and I found the anti venom, I quickly readied a syringe and injected Jill with the anti venom. “You’ll be fine, just rest here” I thought to myself before remember my mission, I locked the door before stepping outside and shutting it. Afterwards I went looking for a way to get into the guard shack. Must’ve been nearly an hour later, the gate opened and Jill stepped into view. “Hey!” she cried in surprise. “Where did you go?” she asked inquisitively with a hint of suspicion. “I was looking for a way out, same as you, did you find anything?” I replied calmly. She held up a crank and told me about the strange creature that she encountered in the cabin that the crank was in. “Sounds like the female specimen, what was her name again? Lisa Trevor?” I thought quietly to myself.

         “Well, anyways, we need to get moving” I took the crank from her hands and used it to drain the water, we went to the guard shack together. I looked around intently for a moment, suddenly a vine shot out of a hole in the floor and wrapped around Jill’s neck, I drew my knife and cut it in half. “Thanks” Jill gasped, exasperated by the sudden attack. We pressed on together, until we came to a certain hallway, we heard voices in another room. “Why destroy Stars?” said a voice like Barry’s. “Don’t be such a hard dog to keep under the porch Barry” replied another more sinister voice. After they stopped talking, Jill opened the door, to no surprise it was only Barry in the room, he made the excuse that he must be getting old to be talking to himself and walked past Jill and myself down the hall. “Weird” I said to Jill “we should keep an eye on Barry, just in case he cracks up”. “Yeah, I’ll watch him” said Jill. “Lets move on, shall we?” I replied.  We moved 2 bookcases and discovered a ladder. “The aqua ring” I thought, “I wonder if they ever completed the shark BOW?” We moved on into the aqua ring, I looked around, and didn’t notice anything unusual yet… Suddenly a rush of water moved toward my position, I leaped out of the way just in time, as huge 20ft jaws clamped the area of walkway that I had be standing on. “Shit!” I cried aloud. “Run towards that door!” I yelled to Jill. I ran past her, key in hand, unlocked the door, and pushed through, pulling Jill inside after me.


         “What the hell is that thing?” Jill cried. “Looks like a Shark, Great White maybe” I replied. “So what do we do now?” Jill asked. “We should look for a way to drain this tank”, I replied “It’ll give us the advantage if those sharks are just flopping around”. We went down the ladder, and just as Jill was pressed the button to drain the tank, a small shark attempted to break through the glass. “Shit!” I cried surprised. An alarm sounded about oil pressure dropping, and room pressure rising. I quickly turned the proper valves according to the precautions manual that was on the desk, and closed the shutter after restoring room and oil pressure. “How did you know all of that”? Jill asked surprised. “I looked at the manual, flashing the manual in front of her,  it said which valve to close and open in case of pressure malfunctions” I said coolly. We continued, and walked out into a small storage area. We preceded through another door and came upon the lower floor of the aqua ring. At the end near the wall was a small platform, with the giant sharks fin sticking out of the water surrounding the platform. It wasn’t moving. “What do you think?” I asked Jill. “I’ll go first, you cover me” she replied. I walked toward and stopped at the waters edge, pointing my .50 at the sharks left eye. Jill went across and climbed up onto the platform, just as she reached for the key, the shark came alive! I fired a bullet, penetrating its side. “Wait!” yelled Jill.

         She pushed a nearby battery into the water, and pulled the switch to activate it. The shark was fried. She waited a few seconds, and then retrieved the key from the water and hurried back to my company.  We went onward and returned to room 202, we had the key for room 203, and a gallery key. I remembered the V-Jolt report, and preceded to help Jill mix the proper chemicals in order to synthesize it. I ordered Jill to remain in the room, and I took V-jolt back down to the aqua ring and found the room where Plant 42’s roots had dipped into the wall, absorbing water that would’ve still been there hadn’t we drained the tank. I unscrewed the top and threw V-Jolt chemical onto the plant roots. The reaction was instant, the entire thing shriveled up and withered away. I returned to the gallery and collected Jill from the chemical room, together we continued on into room 203. I placed the blank book in the shelf and rearranged the book spines to resemble a naked woman, just as the scrap piece of paper in the plant 42 report had described. The book case slid away, revealing a door to the next room. I was about to follow Jill when suddenly the door shut, and locked!


Chapter 4

Shadow of Umbrella

         “Ahhhhh” Jill’s scream pierced the cold dank air of the old guardhouse. I heard Barry’s voice next, and rushed out of the room, I turned left and ran to the double doors, flinging them open just in time to see Barry scorch Plant 42 with a flamethrower.  I noticed something distinct in the fireplace and went to pick it up, it was the Helmet key. We proceeded to return to the mansion. Just then, we heard shooting in the hall beyond. We found Wesker there shooting some of the giant T infected bees. “Wesker?” Jill said surprised to see him. He quickly explained why he had left the hall, and Jill bought the story without objection. He then gave the order to return to the mansion and continue our investigation. I followed Jill out to the small courtyard with a water fall. I looked over to it for a second and noticed a ladder. But, I didn’t say anything and continued following Jill. Just after we reentered the mansion, I heard something behind me. I turned to see an MA-121 coming down the hall. “Shit! Wesker must’ve released them!” my mind raced. It jumped and I dove out of the way, Jill fired her shotgun into its flat face and killed it. I handed her the Helmet key, and told her about a lead I had noticed in the courtyard. I told her to continue here and I would look there. She agreed and I returned to the yard and moved under the waterfall and moved down the ladder. I moved until I came to a gaping chasm with an elevator suspended on it. I tried starting it to no avail. I checked the generator and to my luck, part of the power conduit was missing. “Damn it!” I swore angrily. I went to open a door at the end of the hall, and suddenly a door opened. I spun around aiming the eagle toward the halls entry point, it was only Jill and Barry. “Whats that?” Barry suddenly said. I heard a small human moan, not zombie, and then I remembered this was where I had left Enricho.

         Jill went through the door, I followed at a distance. I heard Enrichos raspy voice, trying to tell Jill of a plot against STARS, and how Umbrella was involved, I took aim from a distance, and shot him right in the heart, then I bolted out the door, just a hunter dropped from the ceiling. I hurried back to the generator room, Barry nowhere in site. I went back and found myself in a webbed up room. “What the hell?” I said aloud. Suddenly a giant spider, no, tarantula descended out of a hole in the web. I shot at it until it died, being of low intelligence, it was easy to dodge its mindless attacks. I chuckled as it finally gave up the ghost, and cut through the web with my knife and kicked open the door. I walked a ways and came upon a room with a pressure plate, I pushed the statue over to the plate and a part of the wall opened, revealing the missing part of the power conduit. “About damn time” I muttered to myself, and returned to the generator room. Just as the power for the elevator came back on, Jill and Barry walked back into the room. I said, “ Hey, I got the elevator working, I’m going down to take a look, care to come with?” We all got on the elevator and descended downward. As soon as we reached the bottom, we all heard an inhuman moan come from the far door on the right. “Jill, go check it out, it may be one of the survivors” Barry then said. I watched silently for Jill to enter the door, and then motioned Barry to go back up.

         He hit the button, and we returned up to the surface. I immediately returned to the main hall, and forcefully opened the double doors under the stairs, while Barry and I were looking at the ruins, someone came down the ladder. It was Jill, Barry started to say something, I didn’t look up. Just then he attempted to shoot her, I swept his legs out from under him with my leg. I grabbed his gun and started to say something, when the horrible chorus of dragging chains filled my ears, I turned in surprise to see Lisa coming down the opposite hall of the altar, smash to statues and the iron gate shut behind her. I pushed Barry’s gun back into his hand, “cover me” I shouted to them. They began firing as I pushed the stones off the altar, suddenly Lisa was upon me, she then hit me in the face with her strikes, I went tumbling and clung to the edge of the platform, and flipped over it. “Bitch” I snarled at the misshapen creature, pulling my knife, I ran toward her and tackled her to the ground, ramming my knife into her face, she quickly flung me off, and I landed on my feet on the other side of the coffin. I quickly pushed the last 2 stones off the cliff, and the coffin opened, revealing a skeleton inside. Lisa stopped, and went over to the coffin and picked up the skull, in a inhuman and raspy voice she cried mother, and unexpectedly flung herself off the cliff.

         “What the hell?” I said aloud. “Your guess is as good as mine” replied Jill. We proceeded up the elevator at the end of the tunnel Lisa had come out of, and wound up near the reflecting pool courtyard outside of the heliport. Jill inserted the Wolf and Eagle medals that she had found in the mansion, and we descended into the newly found lift and went down. “Down we go, into the dark depths of madness” I thought bitterly. We arrived at the bottom and stepped out into the cold air of the lab halls. “Brings back old memories” I thought. In the tunnels, I gave Jill the slip, and immediately, went to the elevator, that would take me to B3. I then contacted Wesker and he remotely shut down power to the elevator. I then entered the Tyrants room. Not to my surprise Wesker stood at the console, typing on the control unit near the Tyrants capsule. I studied this horrific creature for a moment. 10ft tall, with claws about 3ft long, and a large scythe like claw that went at least 5ft if not more, its skin was pale with signs of deterioration, probably from the T virus. Its heart was exposed, pumping fresh blood into its abominable body.

         Wesker then handed me Birken’s Special virus. “Use this, before they get here” he said. Not a very long time afterwards, Chris, Rebecca, Jill, and Barry entered the room. “Hey” said Rebecca surprised. I pointed my gun at Chris’s head, while Barry pointed his at the back of Jill’s, Wesker pointed his gun at Rebecca. “So, this is it huh?” said Chris unfazed by my barrel peering into him. “Barry, go up on the ground and wait there” Wesker then said softly. I took out my 9mm and pointed it at Jill. “So, your just a slave of Umbrella, along with those virus monsters” Jill said angrily. Wesker then moved forward and hit Jill in the face, Chris moved and I moved forward and struck him in the gut with my knee, knocking the wind out of him. “So, where does STARS come in all of this?” Chris asked gasping for breath. “Oh, STARS were Umb… rather my puppets, I just used them to collect combat data on the BOW” Wesker said smirking. “You then murdered them with your on filthy hands, you son of a bitch!” Chris shouted.

         “Yes, just like….this.” he replied. And then shot Rebecca in the chest. This shocked me, I couldn’t believe it happened so fast, something inside began brewing. “Wesker” I said. “Why don’t we show them the Tyrant?” “Good idea” he replied. He light the capsule so our “spectators” could see the monstrosity. “This is it?” Jill and Chris said together. “Wesker, you’ve become senile” Chris added. “Nice knowing you Chris” Wesker said, and motioned for me to shoot Jill. Suddenly a shot rang out! Wesker’s gun flew out of his hand, then another and Wesker crouched in pain from where the bullet had hit him, my gun went out of my hand and 2 bullets hit me in the side and stomach. I looked up to see Barry standing there, with a smoking gun. “You bastard!” I said angrily. While the others tended to Rebecca and Barry, and Rebecca got up. “Damn bulletproof!” I thought to myself. Wesker chuckled, and pressed the button to release the Tyrant.

         “NO!” Barry’s voice rang out. The Tyrants fluid in the capsule drained, and it pounded on the glass, then broke through it. It started toward the STARS and then, noticed Wesker. “NO, don’t come this way!” Wesker cried, panicked. It impaled him with its long claw and cast him off to the side. “Damn” I said irritably. The others backed up, firing their useless guns at the monster, then Chris pulled the Grenade Launcher out and fired a shot at the Tyrant. It fell bodily laying on the ground, apparently dead. They went over to Weskers body and picked up the key that had fallen out of his hand. They then left, I slowly followed behind them, just as I was getting out of the lift, the self destruct warning went off! “Oh Hell no!” I said aloud, and hurriedly went to the emergency exit. Barely able to dodge a Chimera that stood in the hall. I quickly moved passed the fire fight between two Chimeras and 3 Hunters and Chris and Barry. I got to the lift, and started it, turning around to see their surprised expressions as it went up. I shuffled out of the lift, as it went back down to get Barry and Chris. I noticed Jill plant a flare and it go off. She then turned toward me. I struggled to pull my 9mm out of my holster. She shot the gun out of my hand. I then drew my knife and staggered toward her, she shot me again, this time in the leg. The lift stopped and let Chris and Barry out. I realized I was boned. And was considering surrender when a huge force punched open a hole only 30 ft from my position. It was the Tyrant, in his super form. He moved toward Jill and was about to impale her with his long claw, when I… overriding the pain of the gunshots ran toward her and push her out of the way! The claw sank into my intestines and lifted me up off the ground. I screamed loudly as the Tyrant flung me off to the side, I hit the wall. As my eyesight and consciousness faded away, I saw them kill the Tyrant with the Rocket Launcher that Brad dropped from the helicopter. Afterwards, they made their escape, and not long after the whole place exploded.

         Three hours passed since then, the fire and in great measure died off.  I awoke, feeling greatly improved and much more powerful. I felt.. Immortal. Wesker then appeared after leaping over the wall, he looked around a moment before noticing me, he then looked directly at me, his eyes as red as a demons, he moved toward me. “So, you made it” he said coldly. “Yeah, this feels pretty good” I replied. “Where is the Tyrant?” he asked. “I think they destroyed it” I replied. “Damn and Sergei managed to steal Red Queen and Talos” he said irritated. “Son of a bitch“ I grunted as I stood up. “Well, we need to focus on getting Birken’s G-virus” he added, “I’ll take care of that though, we will have a new partner to help with that, you on the other hand, have been given a different assignment.” We stepped on the helicopter that came and picked us up shortly afterwards, reborn, not human anymore.

© Copyright 2009 Dan (good_samurai at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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