Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1574591-Life-in-a-small-town-high-school
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Teen · #1574591
This story is about a young princess who is in love with a pesent
Part 1: Chapters: 1,2,3

Chapter 1: Love, Life, it all ends in Betrayal

Once upon a time there was a princess named Belle. The princess had secret meetings with a peseant. They met in the town after her father was meeting with a few old friends. She would often ask to go for a walk in the town, she often bumped into Jay on occasions, so finally he asked her if she wanted to go out. (But not in so many words) she said yes. From then on they have been in love
(Me) Lillian Gallaway, Vivian Blac, and Victor Peterson are true friends of the princess. I notice that Belle has been spending time with Jay Marcus. He is the son of the town's jokes person. That family is pretty funny. I told Vivian about Belle's weekly meetings with Jay. Vivian spies on Belle because she doesn't believe it for herself. As soon as Vivian notices how much Belle likes Jay she confronts her.
"How are you princess Belle." Vivian asked
"I'm fine. What are you up to Princess Vivian?" Belle asked
Vivian bit her lip for a moment. Belle knew her so well.
"Well. . . I've noticed you've been spending time with a specific peasent . . ." Vivian couldn't finish because Belle turned tward the door and she ran so fast it looked like she was flying. Vivian stared in wide-eyed shock. She had never seen Belle so graceful unless it was in her deep blue dresses. Vivian always wore black dresses. (Even though she wore other dresses she liked blck the most. The same way with Belle.)
Belle ran away to her special secret place that only she and her prince knew about it. The King and Queen would never approve of this if they knew. When she reached to where she was headed her prince was waiting. Jay noticed that she was crying. He made her laugh.
"What's wrong my beautiful princess?" he asked trying to comfort her.
She smiled at him and said "They know." Then she laid her head on his shoulder. He comforted her. "It will be ok Belle. They're not going to punish you and put you in the dungeon for being with me." They both laughed at that.
"Yeah. It's not like daddy's going to be mad just for being with someone. Especially you Jay." She said
They both said good night to each other when they went home. The next day at school they were seen out in public more. They were talking to each other more and they ignored it when people said something mean or hateful about how they were together. When they sat together at lunch Anna watched in pure disgust, rage, and jelousy. When Anna had her class with Jay she flirted her crown off. You see Anna has been extremely jelous of Belle ever since she and her have been friends in elementary. When Belle met Jay it made everything worse for Anna. She's been trying to steal Jay from her for seven years. No luck each time.
Two weeks later Jay couldn't take anymore of what Anna has been putting him through.
"Hey. Look. Anna. You're a nice girl. Actually I don't like you at all, I'm in love with Belle. We all see that. And we all know where our relationship is going. Take your dignity while you still have it." Jay had a big smirk on his face after he said that.
Anna was outraged
"You think you can talk to me this way?! You think you deserve to be in my presence? You shouldn't be with that selfish old hag of a witch! You should be with me. I'm smart, beautiful, talented, and I'm everything she isn't." Jay was more disgusted with her than he ever has been with any one. Anna walked right up to Jay looked in his eyes and she kissed him. He tried to push her off, but she wouldn't budge.
Belle was watching in the doorway. She cried and screamed:
"BELLE WAIT! LISTEN TO ME PLEASE!" he reached out to grab her arm, but she was gone. She left him holding air.
He turned to Anna. His eyes were bright with rage.
"It's not that hard. You heard her 'I'm gone'" she was such a spoiled brat. Right then Jay pushed her into the wall and ran off.

Chapter 2: Some One Help Me!

After the misunderstanding that happened with Belle, Jay went to the forest and there was a cabin. The cabin was vacant. Jay laid on the floor and he cried his eyes out, thinking about every moment he ever had with his one true love. It pained him to do so, thinking about her. What Belle was doing was far worse.
Belle went to the immortal's palace and asked tham to turn her immortal. They did as she asked. The next week she went to school she didn't see Jay. When she did she ignored him. He looked at Belle with so much longing in his eyes it pained me to watch. And it hurt Victor to feel their pain and look at them every day. One day Belle couldn't take it any more so she ran off.
"Jay have you seen Belle? How are you?" I asked
"No I haven't seen her Lillian. Don't ask me about my pain, because I'm wallowing in it." He said
That's when Victor said "I know. I can feel it."
"How can you feel my pain Victor?" He asked sarcastically
"I don't just feel your pain. I feel hers FAR more worse." Victor warned
"'Feel her pain and see what's coing next'? What do you mean by that?" Jay asked
Victor looked at me with a worried expression on his face. Jay was confused. I could tell by his thoughts. He wanted to know what was going on. He wanted to know why we were so crazy lately.
"All right. All right. Stop begging Jay. I'll tell you." now he was really confused.
"All of us can read thoughts, feel things, see things, and do things. you know magic. We all can. Belle, Vivian, Victor, and I."
"Do things? What do you mean?" he asked
"There isn't any time! You need to go get Belle before se does something crazy!" I screamed at Jay.
He snapped out of his pain and he ran to where she was. When he got there he saw that she was about ready to kill herself. The only way to kill an immortal is to take a piece of glass and plunge it into their heart. He cautiously went up to her and took the glass from her hand. She was whimpering then she dropped the glass and ran into his arms and cried hystarically.
"I'm so sorry Belle. I'm so so so sorry. I'll never do that to you ever again. I swear I won't" He vowed. He held her in his arms until Victor and I came.
After they were together for about two years Jay and Belle tried potion that made you live forever. They gave it to Victor, Vivian, and I. After a while Belle had to move to a new castle. She cried a very long time. Soon after Belle had a child and never told any one as far as anyone on the planet is concerned Isabelle never existed. Belle gave her to a dear friend of Jay's. Peter Marcums had already had a wife so they adopted her as if she were one of their own. After that no one saw or spoke of Belle.

Chapter 3: A new beginning


Once there was a girl named Isabelle. Her mother was a princess and a witch. Isabelle is turning 16 years old on June 12th. It's November 5th. Isabelle doesn't know about this until now. She is moving to Montana with her father and his sister Maria. Her father has cancer, so Isabelle and Maria are going to take care of him. Her mother doesn't approve of her going to live with her aunt and father. 'Of course mom doesn't approve of me going to live with daddy. So typical.' Isabelle thought just before she left for the plane ride to Montana. When Isabelle was 10 she got a huge treasure chest from her real father. Isabelle was adopted by her birth father's best friend.
As soon as she and her "mother" got to the air port they got into an aruement.
"Watch me." Then she walked strait on that plane. Looked at her mother one last time then got on the plane.


Well, this day stinks! All of the student body is obsessing over one little girl who is coming to school. Tomorrow! Tomorrow for Christ Sake! Eddy Medows is thinking about what she's going to look like. Jeeze what is so interesting about most little kids. We'll just see about the new kid tomorrow. Victor is already tired of hearing her name. This should be fun. I might as well have fun while it lasts. "Oh Victor . . ."

Jay doesn't remember his past, but Belle does. The only way she knows is through her He has no idea that it is Belle that is coming. The next day was the day that Belle came. She was so excited to go some place else. 'Finally I get to live with my father. The fun one. Not over-protective like my so-called mother.' she thought to herself.

When she walked in the door of the two-story house she felt at home.
"Daddy! I'm here!"she called to him
"Hey kiddo! How was you're flight? Did every thing go well with every one? Even your mother?" He asked
"Yes. Everything is fine. With every one. Even mom." she explained to him
"Well. . . it's pretty late and tomorrow you have school so, you might want to get to bed kid. your books are on your desk upstairs"

"Alright. Thanks dad. Goodnight Aunt Maria. Goodnight dad." I said as I was going upstairs.
© Copyright 2009 Belle Avida (belle1996 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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