Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/handler/item_id/1575791-A-Girl-At-Heart
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Rated: E · In & Out · Emotional · #1575791
poem about a girl at heart
A Girl At Heart

I am the girl who everyone disliked.

I am the girl who was left alone one night

I am the girl who was made fun of and treated bad.

I am the girl who everyone thought didn’t have a chance

I am a girl who dreams big, wishes of tales of love with songs.

I am the girl who struggles but stands tall.

I am the girl who gave life, but didn’t take from all

Do you see me?

I am not famous,

I am not a color,

I am not in a distinct part of the word and I have no cause,

I am

What I am

A girl at heart.


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