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My views on a numbers of things that are wrong with modern day society and why |
I'm writing this article to explain some of my opinions about the changes that have taken place in society since I was a child (born 03/28/1980) and how it has affected modern life for the worse. I've watched society and compared it with the society of my youth and what I have found is quite disturbing. As a person with a highly analytical mind, and the ability to see things for what they really are, this article is but the tip of the iceberg. Family and Children Services The department vested with the power to investigate reports of abuse and to ensure children are properly cared for and raised. While this government body was a noble institution in concept, the modern execution of this office is nothing short of absolutely corrupt in its existence. I was born and raised in Georgia where DFACS as it was known is one of the most corrupt government bodies I have ever seen. From a source within the Georgia DFACS system whom I cannot name (they'd get fired) more than 70% of the children within the system are taken from single unwed mothers who are a prime target of the family and children services department often for 'violations' that should be little more than a slap on the wrist and a request for the problem to be fixed. I have also personally had dealings with DFACS because of an ex-girlfriend who had lost custody of her daughters after her divorce from her husband. Now we must also take into consideration the fact that my ex-girlfriend's mother ran a foster home where she took in and cared for children in the care of DFACS. Michelle (my ex) had worked to complete all the requirements set forth by DFACS in order to have her children returned, save for a stable home for six months (something that can only be accomplished through time) and one moth short of completing this requirement DFACS informed her they were filing to revoke her parental rights after her children had only been in the care of of the state for roughly nine months. Now if we look at the foster home run by her mother and father, Sharon and James, we will find a child named Isaac who has been in custody of Sharon/the state since the age of 6 (he's currently 10), his parents have made no attempts to complete a program to reclaim their son, have refused to take a drug test, and the state has never attempted to revoke their rights. On the heels of having her parental rights revoked Michelle tried to turn over custody of the children to her mother to keep them within the family. DFACS stated in court that they felt her parents weren't fit to care for their grandchildren despite the fact they run a state certified FOSTER HOME! Thankfully the judge who was a parent herself, and apparently had a heart, overruled DEFACS and turned over custody of the children to their maternal grandmother. This is but one of MANY examples of how the department of family and children services are given far too much authority over the family of the people in their county, the rampant corruption that takes place almost openly, and the near complete lack of oversight by the state. Though not my 'source' much of my knowledge of the Georgia Family and Children Services inner workings come from close friends and members of my family who are case workers, a few of which have quit for the exact reason of being unable to (as parents themselves) stand by and watch the unchecked corruption of the department and what can only be described as the legalized kidnapping of children, from the homes of loving, but poor (not poverty stricken) families. The laws have also been twisted around regarding children to the point bending a child over your knee and whipping them is considered child abuse and you can lose custody for such. this is an outrage, it's called discipline, something that is severely lacking in the modern day and age. The ability to effectively discipline your child now are so restricted you can't effective discipline a child. You're suppose to sit them in a corner, or place them in time out? There are a lot of children for whom this form of punishment is useless and I was one of those children. All sitting me in a corner did as a child was give me time to think of more trouble to get into when I was let out. Television Where to start on this subject is the main issue. I can remember television as far back as the mid-eighties and I can remember a time when television had a nice feature absent from modern programming, it's called censorship. When I was a child cursing wasn't allowed due to children that watch TV during the day, these days it's in practically every show on daytime TV. The family unit has also been corrupted by sitcoms that portray husbands so stupid they can't take out the garbage without being told how to accomplish this task by their wives, children that don't respect their parents, and unrealistic drama shows like 'The Secret Life of the American Teenager' What stuck out in my mind was a commercial for the show that was recently run on cable almost relentlessly about something to the effect of, "I'm a new mother in high school and I'm missing out on everything." Shouldn't that line be followed by, "Well if you'd kept your legs shut..." Pick a moral and about every show on TV breaks it on a regular basis. Desperate Housewives makes an absolute mockery of the sanctity of marriage with a show about women who do nothing but cheat on their husbands, most shows depict children who have no respect for their parents and 'take charge of their own lives' when they're not even old enough to make these type of decisions. When I was growing up shows always taught people, in their episodes, to remain on the side of the law and not to take justice into your own hands, now in most TV shows the law is simply a hindrance for vigilantes who are cast in the role of heroes by taking the law into their own hands after conducting their own personal investigations and then act as judge, jury, and at times even executioner. Our elders are no longer respected and cared for, now they're just old relics of another age to be tossed aside for the new and upcoming younger generation. Rather than children who love and care for their parents in their declining years they often just ship them off to nursing homes to get them out of the way, don't listen to the voice of experience, and they're depicted as old timers out of touch with reality. Sex, pick a time, pick a channel, pick a show, sex sex sex sex sex sex sex. Anyone ever notice how young women, even pre-teen girls who are dressed in clothing that leaves NOTHING to the imagination. Bathing suits are the worst, a top that covers the nipples, and a little swatch of cloth in the front with a piece of dental floss in the back is clothing? With that why even bother with clothes? It's absolutely ridiculous. On a disturbing side note I actually did see a girl roughly age eight to eleven on a beach in real life wearing a g-sting, TV influence in real life anyone? Food and Drug Administration Here's some more corruption for thought, and yes the FDA is very corrupt. Let's review something called vitamin B17, never heard of it, it's no surprise since the FDA banned vitamin B17 from store selves in the united states. Why you ask? Because there a raging debate in the scientific community about the ability of this vitamin to prevent, and possibly even cure cancer ever since an author named G. Edward Griffin wrote the book " A World Without Cancer: The Story of Vitamin B17" (Don't believe me, Google it). Now I'm sure you're asking, why would the FDA, a government institution tasked with protecting people from harmful food and drugs, remove something so helpful from store shelves in the USA, the answer is one that's as old as time itself, money. Think of it from the point of view of a company what is better for business, drugs, treatments, and therapies that make billions of dollars a years in profits, or a readily available, naturally occurring, substance that costs next to nothing. Only a drug and diagnose, treat, or cure a disease. Lovely little twisted law the FDA is behind, the reason for this is so that the naturally occurring herbal remedies and treatments that have been handed down since ancient times cannot be advertised as being able to offer a cure to something the FDA has an expensive approved drug for. Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed herbal remedies seem to have little to no side effects, where as prescription drugs cause about anything under the sun in possible side effects. The absolutely ludicrous labeling of things like anorexia and alcoholism as diseases. I don't care what type of bought and paid for scientific results are presented, alcoholism is just like cigarettes and drugs, it's an addiction, admittedly a powerful one that can come back after a person dries out if they begin drinking, but it is just that, an addiction. Anorexia is a mental disorder that is sad in and of itself, unlike other countries where people are starving to death for a lack of food and here in America we have people starving themselves to death for public approval and to fit in. Liberalism Considering this topic contains political connotations it's gonna be touchy. Liberalism in America is out of control, everyone is always screaming about freedom of this or freedom of that, but the fact remains, liberalism in this country is absolutely out of control. I agree that people should be allowed freedoms, the right to choose, and the ability to make their own choices in life, but there is also a point in time where we run into too much freedom. America is currently like a child able to run loose without any form of supervision what so ever. While I agree that freedom of the press and freedom of speech should be allowed they should also be enforced with reasonable limitations. Pornography for example, just because we can do something doesn't mean we should. If you haven't figured it out yet, I'm conservative. Education Our modern education system is a joke to say the least. One of the worst things to ever happen to this country is the 'No child left behind' act instituted by George 'Retard' Bush the worst president this country has ever seen. According to No Child Left Behind children can no longer be held back a grade, yeah, great, lovely law, now a child who has failed most of their classes, doesn't understand the material, and isn't ready is shoved forward a grade. I don't know about other states, but in Georgia where I grew up, the high school graduation test contains material that isn't taught in school, and they wonder why the graduation rates are dropping? This isn't rocket science people!!! Whining parents are also crippling the education system, they grip, complain, and bemoan their child's low grades to the point the education system is pressured into lowering the bar so everyone can make it over. When are parents going to get a reality check and realize their little star is dumb as a rock? Some people are just born stupid, it's a fact of life people, deal with it. I know several people who are nice, wonderful, and easy to get along with but never the less, they're just plain dumb. While we're on the topic of education, wasn't the lottery brought to Ohio to help fund the education system? So why is the education system still under funded with pathetically low test scores? Political pocket lining anyone? When I was in school I got a bare bones education, reading, writing, math, english, science, and that was about it. The vast majority of my knowledge I acquired myself, after all, you know anyone else who sometimes spends twelve plus hours a day reading through any subject of interest they can think of on Wikipedia. I'm self educated for the most part because our education system failed me miserably, I'm just thankful I was gifted with an undying thirst for knowledge and the desire to improve my mind, otherwise i'd likely just be another knuckle dragging, clock punching, drone in modern society. |