Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1584331-Genna-Blake
Rated: E · Sample · Teen · #1584331
This is the first chapter of a book i'm writing...
Chapter 1

Soon my mom and dad are going to get divorced. They keep trying to divide me up, but the only way to do that would be to kill me. Only over my dead body. (HAHA) At school I met up with Eric. Eric is in twelfth grade and is so very handsome. Jonna, over by her locker, sneered over at me and lip said, “Show off”. I just sneered right back at her. Soon the bell was going to ring soon so I went by my locker, got my stuff, and went to class. At lunch she dropped a note on my tray. It said, “Stop acting so high and mighty. Meet me after school at the shack to see how brave you really are. If you chicken out I’ll spread the rumor that you are a big chicken that’s just using the other students to get what you want.” I knew that she would, and that that would completely ruin my reputation.
So I met Jonna after school at the shack. “So you’re not a complete chicken. None of us expected you to show.” She laughed tartly. I said “Us?” She said, “Of course I wouldn’t come alone. I thought you…”She laughed “…would bring Eric!” I could feel myself reddening. Why didn’t I bring Eric? She laughed. “Not even some of your many little friends! I thought even you would think to bring someone with you.” I, cloaked with bravado, said, “I thought it would at least be a fair fight. I…” She screeched, “Fight! *giggle*I wouldn’t lower *giggle* myself to fight you! I have other people, no offence, to do that.” She laughed tartly. I retorted, “Why, are you a little child, wanting mommy to solve your fights for you?!” She snarled and turned around. I stood my ground.
Two blocks away I saw Eric turn the corner. For some wild reason I sighed with relief .Too loudly. Jonna turned around, saw Eric, and said, “Well, it looks like you’re depending on your little boyfriend!” I dumbly just gaped at her. She probably spread the rumor that I (probably) was going to chicken out at a dare. Everyone would want to see that, presuming I was the dare queen. (I always did a dare) If I didn’t do what she said I’d be the laughing stock of the school. I would be mortified. I would have no friends. Darn. It.
Eric was coming. Why had I been foolish enough to think he would not come here? He would have been one of the first to hear about this predicament. He would and will try to solve this without a fight. I groaned. If you had been in my place you would have done the same thing. His amber eyes gave away his thoughts of apprehension. About me? Most likely. Little Miss Problem Maker.
Think it this way. Your girlfriend visits you by your locker with a small look of fear. Then she starts talking. You’re a good boyfriend that actually pays attention to your girlfriend when she’s talking. *gasp* You hear talk that another girl challenges your girlfriend to meet her after school at the shack. A few minutes later your heading for the shack, wondering what type of mess your girlfriend got in this time, unaware that your eyes are currently showing your thoughts. You see your girlfriend shouting at this other girl. You don’t know what she’s saying but you can pretty much guarantee that it’s not nice. Your girlfriend’s pretty stressed. At first she looks relieved to see you, and then she looks really worried. You notice how pretty your girlfriend is. You can tell that she doesn’t want you here. Jonna (you recognized the other girl) yelled at Genna, (your girlfriend) who snapped back at her. Genna, really was annoyed, rolled her eyes at Jonna. You quicken you pace.
Now, back in Genna view, all of that really happened. I’m mad at Jonna, Eric, everybody. Soon, Eric was here, right when I wanted to mash Jonna’s head in. Great Timing. What if I wanted to kill her? But I just have to play the good girl, having to be sweet and innocent. And try to do that to get my punishment done with quicker and my yelling from Eric. At Eric I hissed “Why are you here???” His actual reply “I want to keep you safe.” What I wished he said (enthusiastically!!!) “I want to watch you beat her to a pulp. I bet you could beat her with one hand behind your back!” If only, if only. Eric asked Jonna if he could talk to me alone. She laughed acidly. “Of course, lovebirds!” and some other impolite phrases. He grabbed my hand. I (of course) followed him. Into a dark alley. I’m not scared of the dark, but it was kind of creepy. Eric noticed that I didn’t like the spot. He sighed. He muttered, “How do you get into this type of stuff?” Me: “Urmm, very carefully, I guess?” I squeaked. He looked up, then straight into my eyes. I hate when he does that…I’m going to describe me and Eric. (Eric and I …whatever) Eric: nonchalant, calm, careful, caring me: (of course my opinions) graceful, optimistic, energetic, pop-pop-pop-pop-popping enough said.
Back to the story.
Eric “If you were careful none of this would have happened.” I didn’t tell him that ever since we began going out, Jonna held a grudge against me; me and Jonna used to be bffs. Boys… Never let you and your bf crush on the same guy and one of ya’ll get asked out by him. Eric knew I wasn’t paying much attention on him. Probably was seeing it in my eyes. Usual. We got back to Jonna. For some reason she was smiling sweetly. Then I noticed Blake, her boyfriend, standing by her. Blake is good lookingish. But still…
© Copyright 2009 Tess Austen (shadowedmind at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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