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What will happen to the young teenager when she lost contract with her parents? |
It was on the morning of the first day of the week. I prepared everything for my first day of high school. I couldn't wait until the alarm woke me up. I got up earlier than usual and made my breakfast. I got out a small bread and the meat that my mom cooked yesterday. I put them together, and walked to the table. I poured the glass of milk and enjoyed my breakfast. It seemed everything was going well for my day: new school, new friends, new uniform, new materials, new bicycle, and the new smiling face of the Sun made me feel more comfortable and optimistic to enter the new environment of high school. "Maya! Your friends are waiting outside!" said the loud sound of my Mom. " Yeah! I'm coming!" I said I ran up to the front door with my heavy bag. My new bicycle was waiting for me to ride it. I opened the door and turned back my head, "Mom! Dad! I'm going to school!" I said. My mom was still working on breakfast, and my father was busy with his plants. They both said at the same time, " Good luck! my dear!" "Thanks!" I closed the door. "Hey!" said Trinh. "Hey, sorry about the waiting" "Not the big deal!" "Are you ready to fight?" (fight! In my country mean: ready to enter the new school!) Trinh said with the proudly sound, " Of course! I already ready in three months ago"!". I smiled with her and said, "Ok! Let's go!". On the way to school, I could feel the fresh air from the enormous field that go along to the street. I looked at the Sun as the egg yolk. It brought to me so much of courage and a new hope of my future. “ How you feel when you ride the new bicycle, hah?” Trinh asked. “ I can’t believe that my parents let me ride it this year, I feel like I am in a dream!” I said. “ When I heard that your parents let you go to school by yourself, I was very excited!” The reason that my parents didn’t let me ride the bicycle because they were afraid I had accident or something bad happened to me. However, I felt very shy when I just depended on them. So, I determined to tell them how much I wanted to ride the bicycle like another kids. Finally, they gave in and let me ride the bicycle. I smiled and said, “I am really lucky this year! How wonderful that is?” “I am assure!” Trinh followed. We passed through the small supermarket, passed the 23’s coffee, and passed the Prince’s restaurant, and lastly we entered the Nhitruong High School. The Nhitruong High School was much bigger than the Nhitruong Middle School. However, for somebody, our school was really, really, and really small and poor. It had just eleven classrooms, and each classroom could have more than twenty-five students. Each classroom also didn’t have enough material, such as heat, air conditioner, TV, computer for teacher, or slide projector. Our school even didn’t have the computer labs. So, when we had exam or test, our teacher had to write the exam by their own hand and copied to us, and we had to pay for the paper that our teacher had copy. One way that our high school was different from another countries was we always used pen, a small notebook, and each student had to buy their own textbooks at the county. Everyday, we had to take the note for every classes except P.E. Each note was long at least one page, and on the next day, the teacher would called three student to said what they wrote yesterday without looking at their notebook. This was also reason for every student didn’t want to be called on. Entered the new environment, Trinh and I felt a little afraid. Juniors and Seniors were very welcome us. Usually, the first day of school was the day that saluted the flag of our country. After the ceremony, Trinh and I found the classroom. We had math first, the class that I loved the most. Half of the class was going very well for me. Suddenly, my classmates and I heard the big sound of boom. The principle advised every student, and told us to go home. It was a critical time. Every student was very afraid and didn’t know which way to go. I had the hard time to find my bicycle because students just ran in. I and Trinh had separated during that time, too. I was very afraid when I was alone. So I called loud, “TRINH! TRINH!”. No answer. I recalled, “TRINH! WHERE ARE YOU?”. No answer. At that time, the gray clouds covered the Sun, the day became somber. In my heart, I felt that I would have something bad happen to me. I was scared and rode as fast as I could. On the way home, the street was totally different. The Nhitruong’s street was usually covered with mud because Nhitruong was just the small town that was located in South Vietnam. During the Cold War, we had no time to fix the road because one way we had to take care of the rice fields, another way was we had to face with the war between the two type of government: Communism and Democracy. However, Nhitruong was a wonderful place to grow wheat. It had fully of natural nourishment. For that reason, most people in my area became the farmers. We had such a good life when we lived here if the war didn’t began. By that time, the rice field brought us such a difficult situation because of the bombs and the poisons. Wheat and rice couldn’t grow and they had to be destroyed. The street was more difficult to ride. Thirty minutes later, I saw my home but half of my home had been ruined. The most importance was I didn’t see my father. My neighbors were all gone. Nobody around me. What was I supposed to do? I began to cry, and cry, and cry. With my bicycle, I rode to find my parents and someone that I know. Sadly, I found no one. I began to feel nervous and hopeless. Nobody would see me again. Three day later, I still hadn’t found anyone and I was starving. No money, no place to sleep, nobody knew me, I cried, and cried, and cried. I missed my parents so much. I always grew up in the good environment which cover with the fully of my parents’ love, my relatives’ love, my neighbors’ love, and my friends’ love. I was an egg that was and protected from a lot of people around me. Suddenly, all the love and protection disappeared in one day. That night, I had to sleep near the jungle. I was very scared of the dark and weird sounds. The jungle was really dark and scary, and wet, and cold. The shadow of trees made me feel more creepy. I cried more, and more, and more. I didn’t know what I was supposed to do, I had no one to depend on. I only had my bicycle and myself. At the time I felt lonely and scary, the brightness suddenly appeared in front of me. The woman wore the black clothes and white sunbonnet. She was tall and skinny. I could assure that she had good personalities by looking at her face. She gave me a blue handkerchief to wipe my eyes, I guessed. That blue handkerchief looked like the new way to lead me out of the dark world. That blue handkerchief was likedthe gift from paradise to protect my eye. And that blue handkerchief like the new hope of my future to let me depend on it. She said the lower tone, “ What are you doing here, honey? And where were your parents?”. I answered with the water in my eyes, “ I got lost from my parents, and I didn’t know where I am going to do?” She gracefully lead my hand, “Don’t be scare! Do you want to go with me?” “ But I don’t know who are you” I said because my parents always taught me that don’t listen to the person you didn’t know them. “I’m Anh, the church woman” She answer. I wanted to listen to my parents but I really scared. So I was quiet and go with her. She guided me to the small church that called “Hand”. In the church, I saw many adopted children. She gave me the clothes to change. I thought the clothes were sewed by her because I saw a lot of tattered. After I changed my clothes, I still kept the blue handkerchief because I looked at as a lucky thing. She showed me the bed and my roommate. She introduced her to me. Her name was Bi and she was shorten than me, little fat, and very clever. That night, even though I had the good place to rest, but I still afraid and missed my parents a lots. I cried quietly, so another people couldn’t hear. Bi slept very comfortable. I could hear the loud sound come from her mouth. I couldn’t sleep for all night. In the morning of the next day, I went to ask Anh church, “Can you help me to find my parents? Please!”. She agreed and wrote my parents’ name in the paper. Days by days, I waited, and waited, and waited for the news of my parents. However, I had nothing and I felt hopeless. Anh church came to talk and calmed me. She said, “you have to take care of your health, that way when your parents come to see you, they would be happy if you have such a good life in our church.” I listened to her, and helped another people. Everyday, the church had more than one adopts got lost of their parents, or their relative, or they was abandoned. I helped Anh church to take care of the kids that smaller than me. I also taught them how to read and write. Later on, every people were very good to me and they also loved me. The hold in my heart little by little had recuperated by the loves of the people in the Hand’s church. Church became my second home in my life, and I couldn’t live without it. Unfortunately, passed for many years, I had no news about my parents, but I still hoped that they would come back soon, and they wouldn’t forget me, either. The story will be continue for the next chapter! Please leave your message and wait for the next chapter! THANK YOU! Sorry that I have a lot of grammar's mistakes! The true is because I had been almost 2 years in the United States. So, I dont really know how to put the words and sentence together! Please help me if you dont mind! Also, I'm the high school student! Maybe I will learn from you a lot of this summer! Thanks! |