Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1592813-writers-cramp-2
Rated: 13+ · Other · Other · #1592813
a man trying to find the killer of his wife and four other people.
By: Josh Jackson

word count 794

"Hey! Turn that off or change the channel will ya! I have been trying my hardest to find this guy and I don’t want to be hearing about it while I am taking a break." Shouted Jack at the bartender. who was now turning the channel to a football game.
"Sorry Jack." said the bartender as he poured a drink and gently slid the drink down the table where Jack caught it in his hand.

"Have this drink, it’s on the house."

"Thanks Jeff. I owe you one," said Jack as he hung his head low; contemplated on giving up on the case. But he couldn’t. He wouldn’t give up on the case.

"Ill be home after I visit Lilith." the voice of his beloved wife haunted him. If he had known that was the place where this mad man was going to start killing people, he would have never let her go that day.

"Hey Jack, maybe you should take a day or two off from this case, and take a little time for your self." said Jeff who was now cleaning out some glasses and putting them away one at a time.

"If I did that, I wouldn’t come here on my break and by the looks of things, your place would run out of business." jack said forcing himself to give a little chuckle as he looked around the room and only seeing 2 other people in the room. He then got up and left some money on the table and left saying see you latter as he walked out of bar and down the street. He got about half way down the street where he noticed a back to school poster and in the poster showed a girl holding up her hello kitty binder and showing off her hello kitty backpack.

"Sara loved these stupid little hello kitty things... I don’t know why,” said Jack as he processed to go the building where Sara said she was going to visit Lilith, her grandma who was getting to the point of not being able to get out of the house only on the Sundays to go to church ever 10 o’clock in the morning.

”What am I missing,” thought Jack as he started to walk around the building looking at the walls and the bushes for anything that could point the direction that the killer would have taken.

”There has to be something!” yelled Jack as he stumbled over something.

”What the.” Jack turned around and realized that he tripped over the manhole covering because it wasn’t placed on right. Jack just stood there behind the building looking at the man hole that wasn’t covered.

”That’s it! “ Yelled mike as he lifted up the covering and decided to jump on down into the darkened sewers.

”It smells disgusting down here” exclaimed Jack, as he was walking in ankle deep water and was trying to ignore the rats that where climbing on the walls that seemed to have green puss growing off the walls. He looked both directions of the sewer and could see far in the distances an illuminating glow that came from around the corner of the sewer.

”The sick freak just might live down here,” Thought Jack as he pulled out his gun and turned off the safety and walked slowly to the light. He then got to the corner and popped his head around the corner to see if there was anyone there, and was looking right at some kind of alien, it was speaking in a different language and had a holograms of another thing just like him. The creature then held up five fingers and in the other hand held up five items. Jack was stunned on what he was looking at.

”I just discovered proof of an alien” thought Jack and now noticed the objects the alien was holding up. He looked closely at the items and could see the heart shape necklaces that he gave to his wife a month after they got married. Jack couldn’t hold back his anger, he started running at the thing, the sound of splashing water frightened the alien and making it turn off the hologram, Jack pulled up his gun and shoot at it until the chamber was empted. The alien fell to the ground as Jack walked over to his body he pulled the necklace from his hand and called 911.

”911 what’s your emergency.” Said a woman.

”Your not going to believe me…” said Jack as he let out a sigh and rested his back on the sewer walls not caring about the green puss that he was now resting on, he thought it was kind of comfortable now that he was thinking about it.
© Copyright 2009 jpjj123 (jpjj123 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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