Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1599420-Gypsy-Hearts-Part-One
Rated: ASR · Short Story · History · #1599420
Twilight and Eden's romance. Gypsies, Knights and pirates. My favorite.
I have going to have some fun with this story. Twilight and Eden are two gypsies in love. Twilight is the son of a gypsy woman and pirate. Eden is a gypsy woman who Twilight loves. Midnight Well is a song from Celtic Thunder. I threw this in as part of the story. I hope you will enjoy Part One.


Twilight and Eden were holding hands and running to their favorite spot the Midnight Well. They were laughing and anyone could tell that they were in love. They were guided by the moon's light on this dark night. It was a nice night and just a little chilly. The Midnight Well. Rumor had it that a gypsy man seduced a maiden here and a witness said that the maiden was killed at the Midnight Well by the gypsy. The maiden and gypsy man were never seen again. There was some blood and the maiden's scarf were left by the well. Other things had happened at the Midnight Well. I will let Twilight and Eden tell you.

Twilight and Eden laid down their blanket a few feet from the Midnight Well. They laid down on the blanket together. They loved to come here at night to talk about their dreams and hopes for the future. Twilight was nineteen and Eden was sixteen. Eden and Twilight were a cute couple. They both had black hair and looked liked gypsies. Eden was petite and short where Twilight was tall. He had long black hair and Eden had long black hair, too and they were the the most beautiful people of the gypsy caravan.

Eden cuddled up next to Twilight. She didn't wear all her gypsy layered skirts because it would be easier to lay on the blanket with Twilight. Her heart shaped face was a face that Twilight loved. She wrinkled her button nose. "Twilight, we have been here so many times. I still worry about the curse of the Midnight Well. So much has happened here."

"I know." The handsome young gypsy man rubbed his hand up and down Eden's silky arm. "My parents made love here and I was conceived. The young maiden and her gypsy lover were last seen here. I don't mean mother. My little brother was kidnapped here according to a young gypsy child who was with him. Bellmont would be twenty-one now. Rumor has it my father kidnapped him. Every time mother sees Pasadallo, he denies it. He is a slick pirate. Crude, rude and the worst of the lot. I don't worry about the curse of the Midnight Well. I worry about being a low life pirate like my father. That is why I have to leave the gypsies. I want you to come with me."

"Twilight. You can never be a cut throat, uncaring mean pirate. I love you and I know the real you. I have loved you since I was four years old. You are the most gentle person I know. What will we do outside of being gypsies? This is our life and destiny. I can't leave mother. Father was killed at the Midnight Well. Mother and I have no one else."

"Eden, you have me. I love you dearly. Your mother hardly talks since your father was murdered. You design and sew beautiful clothes. The village people we encounter take advantage of us. I hate dancing, selling medicines that don't work and I want to be a knight. Ever since those knights showed up two summers ago and I captured those highway robbers and I impressed the knights. They told me that I should be part of the round table. I loved their tales of battle and I could be someone that others admire. I want to be respectable. Eden, you could sew clothes for royalty and we could be so happy living at the castle. Think about it. Aren't you tired of being looked down by people of the villages we travel to?"

"Twilight, I just know that I love you. That should be enough. We haven't made love. You won't marry me. I would be complete if we were married and made love. You are my destiny."

Twilight sat up and looked at Eden. "I have loved you all my life. I would make love to you right now and marry you tomorrow. You are all I want. Don't you want more then a gypsy's life? I have seen you cry when other people mistreat you. How many men have I punched out low men for their advances towards you? I want to take you away from this gypsy life. Come with me to the castle. I want to try to be a knight. You can get a job making clothes for royalty. If it doesn't work out, we can come back to our gypsy caravan and we can get marry. We aren't making love until we are married. I won't leave with you children out of wedlock and have you lose respect. I love you too much for that. Please trust me. I want you with me. Do you love me enough to have crazy adventures? We deserve better then this. Not only that. Let's make good things happen at the Midnight Well."

Eden brushed away her tears and smiled. "Home is where ever you are. I want a life with you. I will go to the castle with you. Maybe we can have a life outside of this gypsy caravan. Let's have crazy adventures. When do we leave?"

"Tomorrow, my love. You won't regret this." Before Eden had a chance to answer, Twilight kissed Eden passionately. Waiting to make love until they were married wasn't going to be easy.

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