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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Dark · #1605206
A psychological thriller that follows a man in a hopeless situation
         I gasped loudly as I awoke to a throbbing pulse throughout my head. With a loud groan, I tried to move. Pain shot through my body. What happened...? What happened...? What happened...?

         I was climbing... Shit. I must have fallen.

         God, I couldn't see a thing. It was dark. Black. Pitch black. With each pulse in my head, my vision blurred. There wasn't a chance it was going to adjust to this lack of light with that throb.

         The air was damp and thick, and held a strong, musky scent. My years as a hunter served me well, allowing me to immediately recognize the smell. Carcuses. Blood. Death. I couldn't see them, but I knew they were there. Probably animals, though I suppose that it could have been humans. The climb was dangerous, after all.

         I felt something large crawling up my arm, and began to panic. I hate spiders... I tried to reach up to swat it with my opposing arm, only to find out it had been broken in the fall. I tried to shake it off, only to find my body telling me that quite a lot more than just my arm had been broken. At least my quick movement, though it caused me immense pain, seemed to have scared that spider, or whatever it was, off. God, if that was a spider... That was a fucking big spider.

         The throbbing... Jesus, the throbbing. It hurt to move my eyes. It hurt to move my body. Everything hurt. Breathing in this air was painful... Slowly, I felt myself again falling in to unconciousness.

         Lord! It's back!

         I awoke to the feeling on that creature on my arm again. It was huge... If I had to guess, I'd estimate it to be larger than an average adult's hand.

         Though I knew pain would follow, I jerked my body, hoping to frighten it off again. No such luck. I felt it twitch, and it crawled up my arm further. I could feel one of it's hairy legs just below the curve of shoulder.

         My breathing became shallow and raspy, as if I could hide from the creature already clinging to my arm. I tried to hold my breath, but my expanding lungs hurt the ribs I'd quite obviously broken. How in the world did I survive this fall? It's not like I have hope of getting out here...

         Okay... One more try... I need to get whatever the hell this is off me. I clenched my teeth tightly, my jaw appeared to be one of the few bones not broken in this mangled body. I closed my eyes tightly, which caused my head to beat loudly. Mental note: Don't do that again.

         Sucking in a breathe, I jerked my body, and felt a new pain. Well, on top of the splintering and broken bones... I felt two monstrous fangs penetrate the tender, bruised flesh. I cried out in pain as I felt it quickly scurry away in the darkness.

         I groaned as it contracted and stiffened my sore muscles. Whatever the hell bit me had quick acting poison... Maybe if I'm lucky, it'll be fatal.

         It hurts... It really hurts. If this is death... It is not peaceful! But I must admit, I am growing a bit tired... My eyelids are hard to hold open. Not sure how long I'll be able to fight off sleep, or death, whatever this is.

         Eye lids are too heavy now... Kind of strange, I swear the darkness outside me is darker than the darkness when I close my eyes.

         What was that?

         ... God dammit! Still alive.

         But I could have sworn I heard something... I don't know what. Wish I could see something... Anything.

         My muscles were still sore, and only added to the immense pain caused by the fall.


         I knew I heard something... Sounded like... God, is that creature back?

         Scurrying. Small pebbles were tossed about as something to my right ran by. I tried to turn my head to see what it was, as if I could see in this darkness, only to come to a horrible realization.

         The venom I'd been injected with was not fatal. It was, in fact, a paralyzes agent. Fucking wonderful.

         I'm completely stunned.

         Again... I hear legs scurrying about on the hard ground. Closer now. I close my eyes and try to drown on the quiet footsteps with the pounding of my head.

         It worked, and I was quickly in a trance. The beat inside my head, along with this strange, thick air, and maybe the poison, was intoxicating.

         Again, I felt my consciousness fading.

         Was that... A bark?

         Down here? Impossible.

         I blinked the weariness from my eyes and became aware of a weight upon my chest. I strained my eyes, without positive result, trying to make out what it was that was perched upon my bloody chest.          

         It was heavy, though not heavy enough to irritate the ribs in my chest all too bad.

         Who was I kidding, trying to figure it out... There was no thought needed. That creature, whatever it was, was back. Waiting. Maybe waiting for that venom to have its final effect.

         Waiting for its next meal.

         Had I the use of my tongue, also fallen victim to the paralysis, I would shout at it to finish me off. That, or maybe I would pray. Not for salvation.


         That is long gone.

         For a quick death.

         This creature doesn't appear like it will give it to me.

         One could easily lose his sanity in this darkness... Maybe I have. To be completely honest, I don't know how long I've been down here. I don't know how long I was lying unconscious before I woke each of the times.

         But that creature on my chest hasn't moved an inch.

         Neither have I.

         Like I have a choice.

         I swear, since I awoke the first time, this place has gotten darker.


         Smaller, if that makes any sense.

         I can't see any walls, if they exist, but it feels as though they're moving closer.

         Claustrophobia is setting in.

         Panic will ensue.

         I will die a madman.

         I close my eyes, trying to hide from such images... The darkness behind my eyelids was brighter than the darkness that surrounded me.

         It moved! Oh God, it moved...

         It moved up my chest, and placed one of it's... What I hope is a leg upon my exposed next. It felt barbed, and I could feel countless fine hairs rubbing against the skin on my neck.

         The smell was sickening, much worse than the smell of rotting bodies I'd long since become accustomed to. There was no way to get used to this... I prayed I would feel its fangs sink in to my neck... Put me out of my misery

         Luck evaded me, as usual. The creature, which I was now sure was a spider, largest spider I'd ever heard of, ceased its movement.

         Taunting me.

         Torturing me.

         More scurrying. Much more.

         There's more... Of course there are more.

         I could hear them slowly creeping forward through the darkness, their eyes, probably used to this darkness, fixated on their prey.          

         Now, I'm a fairly brave person, but when it comes to spiders... That is where I draw the line.

         I remember waking up just days before this climb-gone-wrong, to see a spider on my ceiling. I thought that thing was big... Hah.

         ... Speaking of which...

         Had I fallen... No, I know I fell. I know it. I remember losing grip.

         But then why can't I see the sky? The darkness just extends on above for, as far as I know, forever.

         If I'd fallen, I'd be able to see the sky, even if it was night time. Where am I?

         Was I dragged in to a cave? By who? Or... What?

         I gulped, my saliva just barely able to seep down my swollen throat.

         "H-hello?" I forced out, my voice barely audible.


         Like the wind.

         Maybe it was the wind.

         No... I feel no draft.

         "Hello?" I repeated, slightly raising my voice. The creature twitched as my chest raised.


         Then movement.

         Not scurrying

         Something larger.

         Much larger.


         Still nothing I could make out.

         But something... Something wasn't right.


         What happened...? I couldn't have fallen asleep...

         Why are my ears ringing?

         What the hell is going on?

         "Hello?" I cried out again, honestly hoping I wouldn't hear a response.

         Something, large, to my right, jolted away, causing the creature dwelling upon my chest to quickly retreat as well. Had I the use of my muscles, I'm sure I would have jumped.

         I'd never been so afraid in my life.


         No breeze.

         No whispers.          

         No movement.

         After probably hours of lying in a silent panic, I felt my eyelids grow heavy yet again. I can't help but wonder how long this will go on.

         Is there really someone down here? Did I really hear whispers?

         My eyes opened quickly, and my heart was racing.



         No dream could be more frightening than what was happening now.

         My skin chilled as something icy touched my cheek, and slowly stroked it. I tried to cry out, but couldn't find my voice.

         Its icy touch continued to probe my face gently. It felt similar to fingertips, but... Whatever this was wasn't human. It's curious hands eventually reached my chin and it opened my mouth. I didn't have the strength to fight this creature, even if its touch was faint.

         I felt the metallic tang of metal in my mouth, and just moments later I was in pain beyond words. The feeling brought tears to my eyes, and I felt the creature reach in to my mouth, pulling out my severed tongue.

         I tried to curse and shout, but my throat, damn near swollen shut, and lack of the speech muscle, made that quite impossible. Movement, too, proved impossible. The spider's venom was potent.

         Upon gaining one of my most treasured organs, the creature retreated away, leaving me in agony. The stub on my tongue that was left lasted blood. Blood I was forced to drink, due to the paralysis.

         God, help me.

         What is going on?

         Tears of pain fell for quite some time. The venom, however, seemed to have some numbing qualities. Couldn't help but notice that, while the broken bones still hurt, it was not as excruciating as the start.

         Over time, my new open wound seemed to numb over as well.



         More movement. Slow movement.

         As if it was stalking. Trying to sneak up on a prey that couldn't escape in the first place.

         As it neared, I heard heavy breathing. Heavy, quick breathing. Every once in awhile... A low growl.          

         Maybe I wasn't as crazy as I thought, when I'd heard the bark. A wolf, maybe. It must have smelled the blood. Smelled an easy kill.

         With my luck, it would devour me from the legs up, alive.

         I could hear it sniffing the air as it stalked in the darkness, growling closer to me every moment.

         It stopped no further than a foot to my right, judging by sound. It smelled the air again and took a few more steps forward. I could feel it's breath, as icy as the previous creature's touch, on my face. The smell was horrendous; smelled of rot. I don't know how else to say it. Like everything vile in our world, decomposing.

         It growled again, and I could feel it's breathe now against my neck. My guess was that it was baring it's teeth, preparing for a kill. I wasn't afraid. I was more than ready.

         Instead it leaned forward and pressed it's nose, cold as ice, against my neck. Again, chills were sent through my body. It growled again and sneezed.

         It pressed its nose against my flesh once more, pushing me. Testing to see if I was alive, perhaps.

         Unhappy with my lack of movement, it pushed harder, with what I assumed to be the top of it's head.

         This... Creature... Was no wolf. No dog. I felt no hair. I felt what seemed to be flesh... Decaying flesh. As it pressed against my body, I could feel puss, or ooze, spreading across my neck.

         I tried to make a noise, to tell it I was alive. To tell it to kill me. No sound escaped my lips.

         I heard a loud hiss, or... Maybe it was a whistle. I'm not sure which. But the... Dog, and I use that term loosely, grunted. It ran off in the opposite direction, spraying rocks and dry dust in my face. The now dusty air was almost suffocating.

         With air sparse and my brain not getting the oxygen it desired, my consciousness faded yet again.

         Why me?

         Why me?

         Why me?

         Why must I always wake up? Why does death evade me so?

         Again, it was silent. I like silence.

         And I hate silence.

         At least if I hear something... I know for a fact I'm being watched.

         Everything is so unknown now.

         C'mon, you bastards... Come for me.

         Come for me.

         My throat is too coated with the thick dust now to speak... I can hardly manage breathing.

         Not that I could speak anyway... But at least I could make sounds... Then I could show them where I was.... Whoever, or rather... Whatever they are.

         Hours must have passed by now... All of which passed in agonizing silence. The venom appeared to be wearing off... I had the use of at least my fingers, now. Not that it makes a difference... My broken bones won't allow me to move them.

         Downfall to the venom wearing off? The pain had doubled. I was reminded of my missing tongue. My broken bones. My throbbing head.

         My fingers dug in to the ground, trying to bear the pain. They didn't get too far... The dirt was hard and compact; dry. All I did was spread the dust around... The pain wasn't going to subside.

         I'll die in darkness...


         Is there a chance...? Do I even... Want to see what is out there?

         I test my arms... One is clearly broken; useless. But one, while it is damaged, doesn't appear to be worse than a bad sprain. Not completely out of commission.

         With the little strength I could, I raised my 'good' arm and searched my chest for the backpack straps, where a small flashlight had been clipped.


         They took it.



         Louder now.

         Still impossible to make out what was being said, though.

         It was... A conversation.

         There was more than one creature down here capable of speaking, and that is a term I use very loosely.

         Whatever they were saying seemed like gibberish. I'm a well-cultured person... I can speak quite a few languages fluently. I'm not picking up any roots in their 'words'. It sounds more as if they're hissing at each other.

         I let out a low moan, trying to get their attention. The whispers stop instantly.

         I hear a growl, though not like the wolf-creature before. Like a grunt. Seconds later, I can hear one of the creatures bolting towards me; it sounded like it was not running on just its feet, but using all fours.

         I could hear its heavy breathing is it grew closer. It sounded angry. Somewhere in the background, I hear a howl... Sounded like the other creature. Human, but inhuman. Animal, but unnatural.

         The sound stopped all together, simultaneously.

         The next thing I knew, there was a large 'thud' just beside me. I could feel it's presence. It wasn't happy.

         Both of its icy hands grasped my cheeks, and it forcibly turned my head in its general direction. Its nails were sharp, and punctured my skin.

         I could feel its breath, warm, and it smelled of raw meat. I was sure it was going to rip my head right from my shoulders, but instead it held me there for a moment. I know it's face was no more than a few inches from my own... Was there light, I'd be staring straight in to it's eyes.

         It took a raspy breathe in, and let out a howl. The sound was painful, and seemed to shake my entire frame.

         It lasted for... God, ten seconds in the least...

         I couldn't help but shake when it finished. Partially in fear, partially in pain, partially in helplessness.

         It growled at me, and began to whisper harshly. Even face to face, the whisper was like the wind. It was just loud enough for me to know it was there, but I couldn't make out a word. The creature paused, as if expecting me to reply.

         One of it's cold hands latched on to my hair, and it lifted my head from the ground. Well, at least that told me my neck wasn't broken. It spoke again, and hissed.

         A grunt of disgust followed seconds after as it realized I wasn't going to reply. Even if I had my tongue... It wouldn't have reacted. I was fear-struck.

         What the hell was this creature?

         It let out a series of sounds... Different from the whisper, and different from the grunts. Not far in the distance, I heard howls. Many howls.

         Then footsteps. Many footsteps.

         Whispers. Many whispers.

         They were everywhere...

         But it felt like they were no where, in this darkness.

         I could hear the growl of the wolf-creatures approaching.

         The hurried scurries of the spiders.

         And hundreds of other sounds... Sounds like I'd never heard before.

         When they all seemed to be within a close vicinity, the creature holding me spoke.

         Whatever it had said... The other's seemed to agree with. Or... Disapprove.

         I don't know how to translate their hisses. But in unison, they all cried out.

         The leader, I'll call him... The one holding me... Let out what appeared to be a pleased grunt and howled again. The others joined in, creating an ear-shattering orchestra.

         I felt my head jerked up a bit higher, and before I knew it I was airborn; tossed high in the air.

         Pain shot through my body as I landed upon a large rock, probably adding my spine to the 'broken bone' list. I could hear them running. Not away. Towards me.

         The wolves.

         The spiders.

         The... I don't even have a word for what I'd assume to be the humanoid-like beings. The breathed heavily. Hungrily.

         One of them grabbed on to my ragged shirt, then another, and another. It was quickly torn to pieces.

         Countless pairs of claws shredded the flesh on my body.          

         I was torn open.

         Torn apart.


         I opened my heavy eyes.

         God, my head is killing me...

         Where was I? It was so dark... I opened and closed my eyes a few times, just to be sure I was really seeing.

         Was I blind?

         I wasn't last I remembered...

         What... Is the last thing I remember?

         I... I fell.


         I fell.

         Where am I?

© Copyright 2009 Connor Chaos (connorchaos at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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