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by Mary
Rated: E · Book · Activity · #1608788
My First Experience Blogging
I have been told that writing a regular blog will be good experience for me as a journalist and may even help me get a job sometime down the road. I just want to blog about life in general; the life of a college student trying to find a place in this world.
October 22, 2009 at 8:29pm
October 22, 2009 at 8:29pm
for endless amounts of homework! We've had our midterm exams so now we're getting into the juiciest but not necessarily most fun part of the semester: papers and projects galore! Being a journalism major, with an emphasis on print, and an English minor, I love to write and always have. But honestly, I just don't want to write a 10-page paper about Barack's opinion on abortion, even if I can start right now in order to have it completed by the due date at the end of the semester, which is sometime in mid December. Why is it that professors feel the need to make students write such long papers and complete projects such as reading a chapter out of a book and then being in charge of teaching the entire class about that chapter? I suppose it builds character and helps us learn our stuff, to put it quite simply. But college students are busy people running between classes, campus activities and jobs, not to mention all the partying that goes on. It gets tough to keep up with everything and do a bang-up job at everything we do. I'm not sympathizing with anyone who has time to party but not do homework, but I am in the minority of people who do NOT go out every chance I get and get completely sloshed and make all kinds of stupid decisions only to wake up with a hangover the next morning. I think that is ridiculous behavior and there is so much more to life than alcohol. On the other hand, there is so much more than oodles of homework as well. So, now that I've vented for today, I'm going to pick up my red pen once again and finish correcting my classmate's 10 page fiction story for my creative writing class. Then I will correct the other 8 papers I have to do.
October 19, 2009 at 11:16am
October 19, 2009 at 11:16am
I am back to the grindstone this morning as I am studying for an exam I have in one of my classes later this afternoon. The weekend went by way too fast, but doesn't it always?
Friday night, my boyfriend, Matt, and I went to see Law Abiding Citizen, a new movie that came out that day starring Jamie Foxx and Gerard Butler. If you are into horror movies, this is right up your alley. But, if you're not, stay away! There are some graphic human butchering scenes as well as plenty of other murder scenes. I almost grabbed Matt's hand a couple times and walked out of the theatre but each time, I decided to stay and hope it got better. It continued on and on and I watched breathlessly as I gripped Matt's arm and jumped every time there was a gunshot or an explosion. I wouldn't be surprised if his left arm is bruised now. It was simply too much for me and considering Matt likes Disney movies, it was too much for him as well. The chocolate malt ice cream back at his house after the movie helped calm us down a bit. *Smile*
Saturday I was back at his house helping him and his brother and dad pour 4 blocks of concrete sidewalk on his property. Earlier this year, he had a cement truck come to pour the floor of his garage and the truck broke up the sidewalk, so he wanted it fixed. When I asked what I could do to help, I was given the garden hose and asked to figure out exactly how much water would have to go into each batch of aggregate mix. After a few batches, I had it perfected and diligently made sure I was always ready with my half bucket of water each time a new batch had to be mixed. Later, Matt's little brother, Sam, told me I was like the Vanna White of concrete mixing. We imitated a game of Wheel of Fortune then, doing such things as buying vowels and trying to solve the puzzle. Silly, yes, but definitely fun.
After church on Sunday, we watched the Packers win against the Detroit Lions 26-0. I especially loved John Kuhn's leap into the crowd after he scored a touchdown in the first quarter.
Today Matt is traveling north a few hours to go to some vendor seminars for the company he works for. He will be home again tomorrow night. Two days isn't that long to be gone, but to me, it feels like an eternity. I don't remember the last time we went for 2 days without seeing each other. Even though we don't live together, we still make an effort to spend as much time together as we possibly can. Depending on his work schedule and my school schedule, sometimes we meet for lunch somewhere, or else he comes to my parents' house or I go to his house. We've agreed that it doesn't matter so much to us what we're doing as much as it matters that we're just together. And together we are...a lot.
Have you ever had so much love for someone that you didn't know what to do with all of it? How did you let it out? Did you feel overwhelmed with all that love? Did you know you were capable of loving like that? Did you tell that person how you felt? How did s/he react? If that person is still in your life now, do you tell him/her every day how much s/he means to you?
I am currently experiencing that kind of love. I've never met anyone quite like Matt and he's all I've ever wanted and so much more. I tell him every day, several times, how much I love him and he does the same for me. When you find a love as fantastic as the one I share with Matt, it pays to open your heart and bare your soul to that person. It strengthens the relationship and makes the emotional bond stronger. It helps teach trust and loyalty. It also helps us understand each other better and be more in tune to each other and our needs and wants. And, in the words of Garth Brooks, "Tell that someone that you love just what you're thinking of...if tomorrow never comes."
October 15, 2009 at 9:49pm
October 15, 2009 at 9:49pm
This is my first blog entry! I am so excited to be doing this and to see how it might help me in the future! Many of my professors and fellow college students have told me the benefits of blogging are endless and may even help me get a job sometime. Right now, I just want to see what this is all about and why everybody on campus is raving about it. I can already envision myself sitting here writing for hours on end about all sorts of things in my life...the life of a college junior living at home on the farm with my parents, brother and sister and spending most of my spare time with my wonderful boyfriend. This is it for today. More to come.

© Copyright 2009 Mary (UN: farmermary at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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