Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1610308-Gypsy-Hearts-Part-Five
Rated: ASR · Short Story · History · #1610308
Twilight and Eden are kidnapped by pirates.
It was just a normal day but Eden felt uneasy at her home. Twilight was out practicing with the knights. It was a rainy, dreary day and Eden sat down on the winged back red velvet couch to read a book. She had drifted off to sleep but she was awakened by screaming and heard pounding on her door. She looked up as pirates walked in her home. Eden gasped and then she saw Pasadallo, Twilight's father.

"Hello, my Dear. I am hurt that you didn't invite me to your wedding." Pasadallo bowed.He was dressed in dark purple pants, open white ruffled shirt, gold earring in his ear and a black hat with a red feather. In spite of his appearance, he was a handsome aging pirate who Twilight did resemble. Pasadallo was Twilight's father.

"Pasadallo. What are you doing here?" hissed Eden.

"We have come to take you away from this dreary stuffy, English royal life. Don't you want to sail the seven seas?"

"No!" Eden slapped Pasadallo and the aging pirate kissed Eden's hand and then he flung her over his shoulder.

Eden was kicking and screaming and Pasadallo walked out the door with Eden still flung over his shoulder. The other pirates had mismatched colored clothes. One had two teeth. Another had a wooden leg and one had no hair.

Twilight was heading to his home when he saw his father with Eden over his shoulder.

"Put her down! What the hell is the meaning of this?" Twilight drew his sword.

"My dear son. Don't you think it is time we were a family again? I haven't seen you in awhile and I just found out you were married. I wasn't even invited to your Wedding."

Just then the other knights showed up.

"Your father? Twilight, what is he talking about?" asked Onslow.

Twilight sighed. "It is true. This cut throat pirate is my father."

Twilight knew he would be trouble with the King. Pasadallo laughed and walked away with his pirates and Eden back to the pirate ship. Twilight didn't even attempt to fight his father.

Eden was disappointed in Twilight's courage. HIS FATHER DID SCARE HIM!

Pasadallo let Eden on his ship. The ship looked fancy for a pirate ship. It was clean and decorated and had fancy cabins. It was three stories high. The cabins were done in blue and the ship was painted yellow and powder blue. Eden looked around and was shocked. Pirates didn't live this fancy. Twilight went to hug Eden and she pushed him away.

Pasadallo laughed. "How do ye like my ship? I stoled it from the stuffy ass Navy. Other ships think we are peaceful and make for easy victims."

Just then a handsome young man with dark hair that looked like Twilight came down the steps. He was dressed in yellow pants and a red ruffle shirt. He had long dark hair that was tidy.He smiled.

Twilight looked at him. "Bellmont!"

Bellmont hugged Twilight. "Nice to see you, Twilight. I hear you are a knight."

"I won't be anymore. Our father invaded the kingdom and has taken us hostage."

"Twilight, my Dear boy. I rescued you from those stuffy bloody Englishmen who are such pompous asses. I did you a favor." Pasadallo laughed.

Bellmont went over to Eden. "Hello, Dear sister-in-law. Nice to see you." Eden hugged him and cried.

Twilight wasn't happy. Pasadallo smiled. "Cheer up, son. I have a beautiful room fixed up for you and Eden. Nothing but the best for my son."

Bellmont whispered to Eden" "It will be alright. Pasadallo and the other pirates won't hurt you. I will look after you and Twilight."

Eden nodded. She stopped crying. "I need to talk to Twilight." Eden walked away to go see Twilight.

"You didn't even try to fight your father and those pirates. You left with them and didn't defend me."

"Darling, did you want me to kill my father? The King would have punished me and probably you, too because of Pasadallo being my father. We had no choice but to leave. I can't say that I like you hugging all over my brother."

"Deal with it!" Eden hissed.

Pasadallo laughed. "Bellmont, show Twilight and Eden their room."

"This way." Twilight and Eden followed Bellmont to a big room all done in dark blue and a big bed with dark blue covers and blue pillows of every color along with a big brown writing cherry wood desk, a big blue flowered couch and matching love seat.

Bellmont excused himself and left the room.

Eden looked around the room. At least it was a nice room on a fancy ship. She noticed a closet that was opened with several dresses of bright colors. She supposed if they had to be taken by pirates, at least it was her father-in-law and at least it was a fancy pirate ship or should she say one that was taken from the Navy. She loved Twilight and she would forgive him but for now, she would have to figure out what they would were going to do next. She supposed they would be pirates. Why couldn't Twilight have being content being gypsies like they were? She hated change. Twilight felt he had failed Eden and the King. He would get his life back and he and Eden would be happy again. That much he did know. For now, they would stuck at sea with cut throat pirates.

Beautiful Poser of pirate and his lady for my pirate story by best friend Angel.

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