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Rated: 13+ · Other · Action/Adventure · #1616374
Adventure begins!
                                                Story 1: Begins Adventures!!

                          A second later, outer space very broadening altough many comet stones are surround planet colored of gray. Then, there is a form shadow of women is her right leg and left arm is broken in between many comet stones in outer space. It seems a mysterius women is her face no distinct because dark and two plaited always drift but she never move.  Suddenly  outer space machine form of giant truck come here, then stopped afterwards that pulls tool from inside outer space truck to takes that women is floating. Moment she is cold-drawn, that girl is says a little bit word. A mysterious girl is call that name a little bit. She said, “Fuyuki”.  Who is that mysterious girl?

                          Three years later, in planet of Keron, he is actually sergeant that leader of groups but he was stupid because he was sluggard and like hobby gundams. He was Sergenat Keroro, He is occupied assemble his gundams while to singing. Keroro seems happy make gundams. Suddenly there [is] a ball which roll out to direction sergeant Keroro, and suddenly break out so that Keroro act welt up after that explosion. In the reality ball that those [is] a bomb!  Seemingly that bomb ball is pelted by which chromatic red squeeze so called corporal Giroro. He was a Keroro’s childhood friend but his nature is hothead and hard head but in fact he goodness.

Giroro: when you exercised? “Why you making a fool of these toys?!  (Giroro visible seeing fierce moment take hold of shoulder Keroro)

Keroro: Pardon me, I apologize I don’t know!”

Giroro: Huh…Wasn’t you really sergeant? (Giroro is a little bit regret)

Keroro: “What do you mean?! “Right I still govern Pekopon with our themeselves!!”

Giroro: “Grrr…you really serious?” “But you have no serious!!”

Keroro: “I just lazy…” “I don’t calm down to traverse Pekopon in thrid month again!”

Matter colonization Pekopon, Giroro think of people which she him loved in a Pekopon.

Giroro (think thought in liver): “Natsumi…”

                          Suddenly a member group Keroro that those most very young so called soldier Tamama. He is member most very young  in character gluttonous and  liked catty while he likes Sergeant Keroro is amazed by his. But now he is grows into an adult and have no tail again.

Keroro: “Tamama?”

Tamama (pure): “Hai, Sersan Keroro!” “I carrying hunk of boxes plastic Gundam!”

Keroro (test): “Woow…thank you!” 

That matter make Giroro abstracteded and sick over.

                            Appear a member again extant Ninja so called head corporal Dororo.He is ninja watcher which on call undertake in good person and love at beauty nature but he having trauma a period of to small.

Keroro: “Dororo!” “Long see no time!”

Dororo (Dororo is nod): “Yeah, I too!”

Giroro: “So we gather again after we no meet!”

Keroro remember his past: “Right, I remember we was kids ever playing mud but it time Dororo fall to mud and almost sink!”

So Dororo sitting in angle lap wall and feeling desperi and trauma.

Tamama looking to left right: “Oh yeah, where is Senior Kururu?” 

                          Suddenly that computer is sounded. Keroro to ignite computer, then accept email Foto from Sergeant Major Kururu. He very smart in expert maker appliance which bizzare but in character was resentful.

Kururu is sound strange laugh: “Long no see time!” “Khu…khu…!”

Keroro ask: “Kururu!” “What happened?”.

Kururu answers with sound strange laugh again: “Comander Garuru want talk to you, he is says you meeting his on his plane!”

Giroro ask (shocked): “Garuru?!” “What do he want?!”

Kururu: “Khu…khu…he talking important!”

Keroro invite: “Hm, we meet with his to plane!”

Tamama wants join with Keroro: “I agree!”

                          A woman dressed diamond is go up went ride a long stick come here. She is Angol Moa first ever helps Keroro in put into operation her task. She is had nature of behind after change into Pekopon man is called Asami. He is very kind and like helps. But her strange hobby is like smash planet.

Keroro: “Moa?!”

Moa want to hug Keroro: “Uncle, I longed to you!”

Tamama thus became panic and  feel. catty because  think he wanted wishing 1 like that.

Keroro: “Moa, enough!” “You visit me, yeah!” “But we no have choice to go!”

Moa smiles:“Well, uncle!”

                          Keroro and his friends go went to plane with to use flying car. To hill there is plane which domed like UFO is land to wide field, there Kururu is waiting.

Keroro said: “Kururu, you already waiting for us!”

Kururu is sounded strange laugh.

Giroro ask with angered his brother’s target : “What do Garuru wants us?”

Kururu said: “Khu…khu…He want call you for something very important including me!”

Giroro ask:“Something very important?” “What do his mean?

Kururu answer: “I don’t know…!”

Behind of door arrive opened , there is Taruru come to welcome Keroro and his pletoon. He is Tamama’s junior is join with Garuru’s Pleton.

Tamama: “Welcome, senior-senior!” “Senior Tamama!”

Tamama: “Taruru!”

Taruru: “Long no see time, Senior Tamama!”

Tamama is above himself: “Right, I have exercise until I grows up!”

Tamama hope Sergeant Keroro is praise his and like him. Tamama and Taruru is each other receive with screams to use their name. After that, Taruru is invite Keroro dan his pletoon to follow his to meet commander Garuru.   

                          Zoruru come to inform Garuru, Giroro’s older brother the purple, and be calm and cool that the  Keroro’s  group  has come.  Zoruru is Dororo’s colleagues.

Garuru: "Thank you, Zoruru!" "I see them soon!"

Keroro’s  groups have met with Garuru now in the great room.

Garuru (the one hand to respect): “Thank you for your arrival! "

Keroro and the other reply to the one hand.

Garuru ask to Giroro: “Why you, Giroro?”

Giroro: "Nothing huh!" "But what is will want us?"

Garuru answer: "Oh, because the head of the witch leader Keron Asasa is you need to be!"

Keroro: really?  "We needed?" Giroro get surprised.

Moa wonder ask: Who is Asasa?

"Yes, you will be assigned in the future pokopen!" Garuru is. Responsible

Keroro ask: "The future Pokopen?!"

Garuru is answer: "True, he said you must work with three people selected by the pokopen shaman Asasa!"

Tamama ask: three people?!

"Why do people Pekopon three enemies at once that we work together with us?" Giroro do not agree.

"Yes, of course the head of the shaman Asasa have selected people who were selected earlier”  Taruru is  responsible.            "What?" Giroro ask. 

Giroro want to know who is chosen by the witch Asasa.

Tororo, a member of the youth in platoon Garuru said: I will to show something!

He is a Kururu's first Rival.

Dororo ask: "What you see in us?"

"About a Pekopon people who you know!" Tororo said.

"What does mean?" "Pekopon People we know?" "Wait, mean ...!" connect Giroro.

                      First, in Russia, have a teenage Japanese girl who shows her talent ballet in the theater. This is to make all the people that her ballet girls. Girls are Momoka Nishizawa, the first Tamama's owner have personality but she is good. She was a rich girl. But other than the actual ballet, she also learned karate and judo fighters such as his mother. He had a very strong ability.

                    Second, the High Middle school, students have a female candidate who salto acrobatics and diving. she called koyuki Azumaya, a ninja girl from the village. As a ninja, she has the ability to quickly. Previously she was with Dororo who are helped her.

                    While the third, in addition to Koyuki in this School High Middle, there is one more named Natsumi Hinata which are very short and blond and a vibrant love for sport. she ran 100 meters to practice sport seems to baseball, soccer and volleyball. she used to be neighbors with Keroro and his friends. Natsumi grumpy if Keroro do weird. Natsumi now aged seventeen years, she became the head of the OSIS's class because she have the ability of sport.

                    After this showed Tororo, Keroro and the other holds it a matter of three girls.          

"Wah, Momochi have grown-up!" Tamama exciting.

"Ms Koyuki has also grown-up!" Said Dororo holds.

"Wow ... they are really vicious!"Moa is praise.

"Natsumi, you are really mature ..." think Giroro is faced double red when he dazed.

Keroro ask: "Why is the three girls selected but choose not Fuyuki-same?"

Garuru answers: "It was  the head of the leader’s decision ..."

Garuru ordered its members to go to a place where traditional Asasa are. Now they are leaving it with a UFO.

                      Keroro and his friends are up to the small planet near the planet of Keron ago landed in the meadow was filled with wind.

"Hah ... where is?" Keroro surprised.

"On this planet is a planet Kerolaiburu!" "Here Asasa healer living in the temple there!" Zoruru it depends on the UFO.

"Kerolaiburu?" "I was heard from my mother again, this planet is known that many rarely visited the temple!" Said Dororo.

Garuru: “There are temples Razabur, he is wait for us there! "

Moa is praised: “Wow…very beautiful!”

Keroro said: "Wait, I ever heard the name Razabur ..."

Giroro said: "Oh, the temple was builted by Razaza legendary’s ancestor!"

Tamama wonders ask: "Why do we need to get there?"

"See it yourself!" Garuru answered.

"Oh yes, there have also Pururu!" Said Garuru.

"Hah ... Pururu also there!" asked Keroro surprised. "True,s he helped Asasa healer!" Garuru answered. "If so, we went to the temple!" invited Giroro.

                      Keroro and his friends go to temple when to meet with Pururu with Asasa healer, shaman leader of the nation is very old Keron.

Pururu said: "Keroro, friends!"

"Pururu, we do not have long to meet!" Said Keroro greet.  "Sigh ... you never changed, Keroro!" Exclamation Pururu draw breath.

"You called Asasa, isn't!" "How do you with us?" Giroro to get shaman Asasa.

"For Keroro Pleton choosed!" Asasa answered directly. "Hah ... we are choosed?!" "Why?" Keroro get upset.

"Earlier there that speak to me through my heart!" Shaman's Asasa answer. "Eh?" "Who you talking to?" Keroro and his friends get confused.

Spirit is says to him!"Pururu explain it.

Dororo ask: (Spirit).

Taruru says: "It says Pekopon's future is no longer wrong, even our planet in danger!"

"So...!"Giroro is suspect Asasa;s the reason.               

"True, in the future there is truth behind that war" traditional responsibility Asasa nod his head.

Keroro ask: Truth? Why that?

"If so, who is that spirit spoke to the shaman Asasa?"Giroro ask. "Sorry, I can not tell you but he choose you because he knows you have the appropriate action!" Said Asasa healer.

Keroro ask: "The action right?" "What do mean?"

"If so, follow me!" Asasa answer. "Wait, why we must follow the witch?" asked Giroro. "He intends to call three of your friends to post here!" Garuru answered. "What?" Giroro get upset.

                      In the women's change room, Natsumi is change her exercise clothes with her school's uniform. 

"Natsumi-san, we go!"invited Koyuki yelling from outside the change's room.

Natsumi said: "Yes, wait!"

Natsumi and Koyuki are walking with two of Natsumi's friends since Natsumi was little, Satsuki and Yayoi.  They are chatting and rollicking. Natsumi and Koyuki in the proceeding go home after the two friends separated.

Koyuki said "By way, we remember that memories..."  “Memories?”Natsumi ask.  Yes, I remember about Dororo and his friends” “I want meet him in 3 year later!”Koyuki answer. 

Natsumi is resentful: (I see...but I’m sure that stupid frog is forgot or not!”)

"I'm sure we are too different to the frog, even if they are imperialist!" Said Natsumi.

Koyuki ask: "Eh?" "What does mean, Natsumi-san?"

"Perhaps the frog is likely to attack again the planet earth!" "I not let they will conquered be the earth!" Said Natsumi

"It is impossible ... impossible ...!" said Koyuki. "In fact I worry my brother if he met with the stupid frog!" "Intend that stupid frog attack the earth than friends!" Said Natsumi.  “Natsumi-san...”Koyuki said.

Suddenly a light ray came here wrap Natsumi and Koyuki. "Waa ...!!" exciting close Natsumi face with Koyuki.

                In Russia, Nishizawa's resdience, Momoka is practice kendo in a special room. Until her trained finished, Paul brings a special juice for Momoka.

"Miss, here I carry your favorite's juice!"said Paul, Nishizawa's butler both Miss Momoka's bodyguard.

"Thank you, Paul!" Momoka said when she drinks her juice.  Momoka're thinking about something.

Paul ask: “Miss, what wrong with you?”

Momoka said: Nothing!

Paul said: Oh, Miss Momoka's mean is thinking about Fuyuki-sama. "Look like you is miss him...!"

Momoka says:"indeed, I want meet him!"

Behind her property, ura Momoka not so patient.

Ura Momoka said: I'm not patient so want see such as what Fuyuki who he met shortly!  Back again is the original Momoka.

"Not only Fuyuki, have friends who I want meet also!" said a certain kind of face Momoka's nostalgic.

Paul said: Miss Momoka…

Momoka consider herself as dastardly as it fails to express the love that Fuyuki who she love. Momoka therefore want to come to Japan to express love in Fuyuki again.

Fuyuki-kun really not forgetton me or not?"Momoka ask with wonder.

Ura Momoka ask: Why he is forget you?

Suddenly a light ray appeared come here to the Momoka.

“Kyaa!!”Momoka is scream.

Light rays that make a sparkler. After missing the shine off lights, Paul is close the eyes when, Paul is opened his eyes and then Paul surprised to see something happen .. In fact there is no Momoka.          “Miss Momoka! Where is she?!”Paul is surprised.

                      Momoka is to close her eyes then to open her eyes to see what happens. In fact she is in the temple hall which was filled by sophisticated equipment.

Momoka said: "Hah...Natsumi and Azumaya-san!" Momoka is nod her head.

Natsumi said: "Wah...you is become grown-up!"

Koyuki to praised: "Wah, you is very beautiful!"

Momoka said: "Really? "No..." "Natsumi ne-chan, you changed; your hair now is short!"

Koyuki said: "Right, she able to sport and populered in School!"

Natsumi ask: If you was beautiful, means you very populer, isn't?

Momoka answer: "Yeah, I was learned Populer Ballet in among people!"

Koyuki is to praised: "Wow...very great!"

Natsumi said: "Great, you is populer because you very beautiful and very rich!"

Momoka said: "Eh...no"

"Where is Fuyuki-kun?"asked Momoka.

Natsumi answer: "Eh?" "He is not here because only we two just exposed to that light!"

Momoka said: "Light?" "Oh, that time...!"

"But where are we?" asked by Koyuki to see that place.

Natsumi wonders: Why is we here?

Momoka said: That something look like the temple...!"

Natsumi ask: Why we in temple like that?"

                        Suddenly the gate opened, Natsumi and her friends to meet with the Keroro’s group. 

"Welcome to the planet Kerolaibaru, Natsumi-sama, Koyuki-sama, and Ms Momoka!" Said Keroro to greetings.

Momoka ask: "Kerolaibaru?" "So we was in that planet?!'

Natsumi ask (her face is fierce) while holding Keroro's head: "Stupid Frog?!" "Why you do it?!"

"Anu..."Keroro is doubt.

"Wah...Momochi, are you?"asked tamama upset while meeting with Momoka. 

Momoka said (Her face is nostalgic): "Isn't you Tama-chan!?" "You like grown-up!"

"Long no see time, we not meet in three years ago!"Momoka is hug Tamama. "I too!"said Tamama.

"Dororo, long no see time!' "I missed you, Dororo!"Koyuki said. Dororo said (feeling compassionate)"I too, Miss Koyuki!"

Natsumi looking Giroro is do weird.  "Anu..."said Giroro not courage to says.

"Giroro, long see no time we no meet!"Natsumi is smiling.  Giroro's face was red and pulse.

"Wah...a nostalgic!"Moa was feeling compassionate.

Natsumi said: "Moa, long see no time we no meet!" "You is plus high and become beautiful!"

"Really?" "I practice utmost to destroy planet that not good!" Said Moa is double red.

Natsumi and friends feel reposeful with Moa' weird.

Natsumi ask: "Why are we here?"

Pururu, member of Garuru Platoon both Keroro's old friend answer: Because you Pekoponians who choosed to be on call in Pekopon's future"

Natsumi ask: (Earth's future?!)

"Yeah, Keroro Platoon and you just worked togther!"Pururu answering.

Natsumi asked: "Hah...so we worked with stupid frog's team?!"

"that's interesting!"Koyuki is to dynamic.

"Then what's our plan to earth's future?"Natsumi ask with wonder.

Asasa come: "You just looking for the truth in future!"

                      Asasa, shaman's leader Keron very old with Garuru.

Pururu said: "Mr. Asasa!"

Koyuki ask: "Who is he?

Dororo answer: "He is Asasa-sama, the shaman who gave our to Pokopen's future!"

Natsumi ask (She feeling fed up with the job): "What's our destination to earth's Future?" "We help to war in the earth?" "If this wish, I refuse!"

Asasa said: "Huh, not who you means but your's actual destination is to rescue the Occult in earth's future!"

Natsumi, keroro and etc ask: "To rescue the Occult?!"

Koyuki ask: "Who is he?"

Momoka says: "Ah, you mean the occult is..."

Asasa said: "Right, future's soul says to me through the heart that his name is Fuyuki Hinata!

Keroro said: "Fuyuki-sama?!"

Natsumi ask: "So we to rescue Fuyuki in future...?

"Yes, so that we clean up the planet like planet Earth is!" Asasa responsibility.

Natsumi ask: "Why we must to rescue Fuyuki in future?"

Shaman Asasa answer:"because Fuyuki is witness of truth!"

Natsumi ask: "My brother is witness of truth?!" "Why?"

Kururu says while to give a newspaper's magic: "I promise, you must read it!"

Natsumi is to read magic's newspaper and she surprised.

Koyuki ask: "What's happened, Natsumi-san?"

Natsumi said (she is not believe while reading a newspaper'smagic): "Impossible...no way...!"

That newspaper says that war is occurred in the year 2013.

Ura Momoka ask: "What is do mean?" "What is matter with Fuyuki-kun?"

"I don't know, he is witness of truth, you must protect him!" "If not, your past is disapper!"Shaman Asasa is explain.

Natsumi and her friends are suprised: "WHAT?!"

Garuru ask: "You will receive that?"

Natsumi think so then decided to accept the task. Koyuki and Momoka also join.

Natsumi said: "Well, I want to duty to rescue my brother!"

Asasa says: "Hm, good!" "First, You must to locker's room!"

Pururu to take Natsumi and ohters to locker's room.

Pururu is explain: "There are many cloth who want you choose!"

                      In looker's room, Natsumi to wear protective clothing.  Natsumi is warrior women very strong.  Then Koyuki to wear Ninja's cloth like Kumino is colored of blue.  She is look like original Ninja. 

Koyuki ask: "How is my appearance?"

Natsumi answer: "Hm, good you like original Ninja!"

Momoka to quit from looker's room.  She was to wear that cloth branded Chinese colored of White and short skirt is also colored of white, then have white bot.

Koyuki to praised: "Wow...cool!"

Natsumi said: "You really look like your mother!"

"Really?"asked Momoka to held her face with her red's face.

Ura Momoka behind Momoka ask: "Why you is ashamed in front of them!?"

Momoka says: "I hope I want see what like Fuyuki!"

"Right, we know to Future like what!"Natsumi said.

"Let's go, Natsumi-san!"Koyuki to invite.

                      Natsumi and her friends out from looker's room. When meeting with Keroro and the others.  Giroro is to amazed moment see Natsumi's appearance. Since Natsumi's view, so Giroro was double red's face.

Tamama says: "Wow...Momochi's appearance like your mom!"

Momoka said (her voice is slow): "So...I don't know why I wear this!"

Dororo says: "Miss Koyuki, your cloth very snug and fit!"

Koyuki said: "Thank you, Dororo!"

Garuru says: "If completed, we will go to the temple hall at yard!"

Natsumi and her friend to suprised see hall is very large and many beautiful plants are there. There is huge hour glass, then that circle is to symbol eye surrounded the torchs.

Koyuki is amazed moment to looking around: "Wow...this place is really very large!" 

Moa is to praised (be dazzled): "Wow...very beautiful!"

                        Asasa come with Pururu. 

Asasa said: "Sergeant Keroro, Pururu still join you to investivage there!"

Keroro ask: "EH?" "Really?"

Purur answer (nod her head): "Right, I join you for investivaged the Future!"

"Please join with our!"Keroro invite. 

Pururu said (She is smiled): "Thank you!"

                        Keroro’s parents and the others are come to meet their sons.

Keroro said (surprised): “Dad?!” “Mom?!”

Keroro’s Mom said: “We’ve heard you went be on duty again!”

Keroro’dad says: “Become that, We support you, my son!”

Keroro says: “Dad…Mom…”

Mom said (bowed her head): “Isn’t your name is Natsumi Hinata?” “Please take care of my son, Keroro!”  Natsumi said: “Eh?” “If you want, well!”.  In the liver, Natsumi actually do not want a stupid frog.

Giroro's dad said (grinned):"Giroro, you must become great solider!" "Hahaha!"

Giroro says (He is feeling shame): "Stop, dad!" "again embarrassing!"

Garuru said: "Isn'st dad to gave a support for you!"

Dororo's mom to asking to Koyuki: "Please take care of my sons for me!"

Dororo says: "Don't, mom!"  Koyuki said: "Nothing, Dororo!" "your mom to hope  you is safe!"  "Please!"Dororo's mom says. Koyuki said (she is hospitality): "I'm sure I can take care of him!"

Koyuki to promise to Dororo's Mom to take care of her friend.

                      Many females Keron is wears red's robe are the same appeared in line.

Keroro ask: "Who are they?"

"They are priest moment I need if there is ritual!"Asasa answer.

Momoka ask: "Ritual?"  Asasa answer: "Right, there is giant hourglass to playing for a long time!" "We had a ritual to send you into the future Pekopon!" 

"Huh ... ritual to send us into the future of our planet?!"Natsumi said.

Koyuki ask (she wonder):"If we can not go back, how?"

"If you can not go back without completing the task, two months later more soldiers Keron will attack the planet Pokopen but I do not entirely responsible ...!"Asasa answer.

Natsumi ask with not believe: "What?!" "Our planet still attacked!?" "Don't kidding me!"  "Right, it said two month, intruder Keron want to attack Pekopon again!"Giroro says.

Natsumi ask (complain):"Why we must perfom this task?!"

Shaman Asasa said: "If you complete this task with right, we can prove the truth to Keron's leader then it understand!" Natsumi to thinks to own her choice herself.

"That's right, We still go task!"Natsumi said (She is act decisively).

Dukun ask: "Good, all of you must stand-up in middle eye's circle is right!"

                    Natsumi and her friends were standing in the middle of the eye circles.  Momoka ask: "What happened with this circle?"

Asasa is explain: "This is circle of planet Kerolaibaru's tradition only can to send you to future in years and date is right!"

"Years and date is right?"Koyuki ask. "This years is warnings of fairy tale's titled unseen heroes in 1911 years means today precisely in 2011 while the date was August 8, means that this date is now the same as the date of 8 August!"Pururu is explain.  Natsumi says: "Astaga...today is...!"

"Right, because of that, today we to prepare this!"Asasa said.  "So..."Natsumi says.

                    Asasa ask: “Are you prepared?” “Yes, We already prepared!”said Keroro and the others.

“We must do!”Asasa said to his asistants to switch on machine is to correct with eye’s circle.  Then, Priests are to pray to open ‘door’s portal’ for Natsumi and her friends.  Rays of light began to emerge from the cycle of the machine when Keroro and others standing down here.

Natsumi says: “Yo, we just held our hands!”  They clung to each other so that did not happen. Start a ray of light that covered Keroro  and the others that disappeared.

“Look like they ready to go…”Garuru said.  "Yeah, hopefully they can finish their tasks faster!"said Asasa to hope.  Are they going to survive in the future?

                    In the flow of time, Natsumi and her friends were sent from the past.

Koyuki said: "So long as we don’t do chores together!"

Tamama says: "Yes, we've done over three years ago!"

Giroro ask: "Natsumi ... you want to save your brother as the Occult?"

Natsumi said(She wonders with her face is happy: "Of course, I want to see what the future and what my brother in the future!"

Momoka says (excited): “I can’t wait to see what kind of Fuyuki's face! "  Momoka think she wanted to meet with Fuyuki in the future, he'll handsome.

"I want to know what the future!" Said Keroro wonders.  Frog dreaming of the future of the planet must have a successful Pekopon successfully conquered by him.

"I wanted to become ruler of the planet Pekopon in the future!" Said Keroro

"Speak what you?!" "You want to conquer planet Earth again!" "I will not let you do casually," said  Natsumi to pinched Keroro’s cheek with hard.

                      Suddenly there appeared fragments that light, Natsumi and her friends enter into the light.  After entering into the light, Natsumi and her friends fell to the ground after exiting the light.

"Ouch ... hurts!" Said Natsumi feel her waist is pain. "Please remove you from me!" asked Keroro is under Natsumi. 

Giroro’s head is bump after his head is reflected in hard rock. "Hurts, you know!!" Said Ura Momoka looked sternly after falling. 

Koyuki ask: “Are you hurts?”  Natsumi answers: “Yeah, we are alrights!”

"By the way where is it?" Moa seen surrounded with.

In that situation in the dark and silent. "What we have in the future?" Said Natsumi.

Kururu said (He is to check a measure of time):"khu...khu..we will be in the future!"

"Finally we have reached the future!" Said Keroro. "We're on a long road," said Giroro.

Natsumi was familiar with this road he had ever seen. "Wait, there was no mistaking this road to the village where my grandmother lived!" Said Natsumi.

"As it happens we can spend the night in the countryside, we can meet with your grandmother!" Said Koyuki.  Natsumi said:  "The grandmother lived there in years ...~"" What year was this now? "  "About 2030 years ...!” Kururu examine to check a measure of time. Natsumi said:  "In 2033 ... 83-year-old grandmother, the grandmother would hopefully healthy!" "Then, we'll go to the countryside!" Said Keroro excited.

                        Natsumi and her friends went to the countryside for the night but there was never suspected that something was happening. It turned out that the country was paralyzed and empty because the countryside destroyed. It made Natsumi and her friends are shocked.

"Jeez ... what is happening in this country?" Said Koyuki tense. "Who did this?" Momoka asked.  In front of Natsumi's eye,  grandmother's rural used to clean and bustling but now it suda countryside became defective.

"No...!"says Natsumi is shocked. 

Natsumi rush off to the countryside to find a grandmother there. "Wait a minute, Natsumi!" Said Giroro after Natsumi went into the countryside. Keroro and the others come up.

                      Natsumi went to grandmother's house until he found the grandmother's house but he was surprised to see her grandmother's house was damaged and destroyed. "Oh god ... no!" "grandma's house..." Natsumi said in shock. Natsumi looked for signs of grandmother's life in the rubble.

"It is impossible ... it ...!" Natsumi cried. Natsumi knees when his face was shock. "Natsumi ..." Giroro said.    "Grandma...!!"Natsumi cried.  "Natsumi-san...!"Koyuki said to hug Natsumi.  "Natsumi-san..."Momoka try to comfort Natsumi.

"General grandmother!" "Why so?!" Said Keroro panic and shock. Natsumi looked sorry and choke on the Keroro.

"You seem to attack our planet?!" "Why so?!" Natsumi asked angry when accused Frog. "Oh ... let me!!" Said Frog panic.  "Look, everyone!!" "She was murdered your nations in a cruel!!" "Honestly you all!" "WHY we sent here?!" Said Natsumi angry when accused Keroro. "No ..." said the Frog almost strangled. "It's you people really do not stop going to attack earth!" Said Natsumi grumbling. Koyuki and others tried to break up the fight Natsumi and Keroro. "Why do you blame me?!" Said Frog feels pain when his neck was strangled.

                        Giroro suddenly felt a dangerous weather, he took up arms to prepare.

"What, Giroro?" Pururu asked. "There are stepping in there!" Said Giroro show. Suddenly a loud voice heard by Natsumi and friends.

"Huh ... what's that sound?" Tamama asked surprised. "It sounded like a machine ..." said Giroro heard the voice.

Kururu thought:"Khu...khu...like for example a plane or a robot!"

Keroro is trying to escape from Natsumi's stranglehold. "I want to know who's there!"Keroro said (He is wonder)

Giroro is hurry to leave for the sound there. "Wait, Giroro!" Dororo said. Then Dororo and others went after Giroro.

                        Keroro and the others saw Giroro was hiding behind a tree next to the village houses.    Natsumi ask: "What happened, Giroro?"  Giroro said: "You'd better look over there!" There was Natsumi and her friends was surprised to see things that are not possible. 

There were two big robots stepping foot near a destroyed village. The robot has a sharp claw hands and a black body.

"What the hell they are!"Natsumi said with tense when seeing sapit giant robots.

Koyuki ask: “Why are they here?”

"Is this your act?" Said Natsumi. "Huh .. talking about you!" Said Keroro panic. "Khu ... Khu... I guess it was not a robot we've ever seen like that!"Kururu  Exclaimed.

Natsumi ask: "What do you mean?" "Our nation does have a robot Keron army but did not have robots like that ..." replied Kururu. "Huh ... if so, who are that robots?" Natsumi wonder asked.

                      "Hey, there's someone out of robots!"said Giroro is hiding behind the bushes.

There was someone who wore black helmets and carrying weapons Gun came out with a rope down the elevator. It was ordinary people who wore black helmets.

"My God ... they are human?!" "Why is that?" Said Natsumi could not believe it. "What happened?" Momoka asked.

                        There are other people out of the robot. "Is there anyone still here?" Asked one man who wore a black helmet. "There's no sign of people still alive in here!" Said one of the second person wearing a black helmet.

"Are they on the human side," said Koyuki is wonder. "I don’t know!" Said Natsumi tense.  One another robot coming. "One more ...!" said Giroro. "What are they doing here?" Asked Keroro is whispering.

                        Hmph! "" You're here, comrade! "says one of the second man. "Oh yes, we had to go back to headquarters on the orders of the commander!" Said the union is wearing a black helmet. "True, but one that must be done!" Said the second man, smiling sarcastically. The second man was asked a third person robot to knock out one of the village houses so messy. "Hahaha ... very satisfied!" "Well, we re return!"said the second man laughed out loud. They've gone with their robots.

                        After they were gone, Natsumi and her friends still do not believe it when they are saw it.

"So they destroyed the country ...?" Natsumi tense asked.

Koyuki ask:  "Why are they doing this?"

"Strange, should alien are to conquer the planet but lonely here ..." said Giroro surprised. "No way ...!" said Tamama.

"Oh, that's right!" "I've never seen a motor car space or outer space here!" Said Keroro look. Natsumi asked:  "What happened in grandmother's rural?" "If this is not your deeds, so who did?" "I do not know, probably act Viper!" Said Keroro thought.

Giroro said: "No way, that we see are ordinary men who wore the black helmet," "What we find out where those people?" Said Koyuki.

Giroro says: "I think we have to follow these people because they will return to the 'headquarters'!" "I heard one of the people say that!"

Natsumi ask: "The main headquarters?!"

"Yes, we know for who are their boss would be in the main headquarters," said Giroro raised his gun.

Koyuki suddenly heard a voice like the sound of aircraft engines.

"Huh ... that's sounds like airplane engines ...!" Koyuki heard the voice. "Airplane!?" Momoka asked. "Look at the top!" Cried Tamama show up.

On top there is a measuring plane and looked long iron. Natsumi and her friends are shocked.

Momoka asked: "What's that?"

Pururu says: "I'm sure we don't remember that airplane like that!"

Giroro said when he went after the plane :"We must after that airplane!"

Natsumi said after Giroro: "Wait, Giroro!" 

Others too after.

Giroro to fired net puller tool to reach the plane and managed to tie the rope on the rod antenna. Natsumi caught Giroro holding the ropes that held the antenna plane and then held tightly. We held on tight Natsumi, once Giroro so excited when a young red-faced. Momoka But Koyuki and Natsumi successfully holding the body with tightly to keep from falling.

Natsumi said:"Don't relesaed your hand!"

"Well"joined Koyuki nodded her head.

Moa ride up crushing the cane. Pururu also able to fly up the injection device capable of flying. Keroro and Tamama ride up to scuter shaped pond Kururu flying while using the propeller through the earpiece. And Dororo onto the star-shaped scuter Iga able to fly. They soon landed on the aircraft's technology.

Arriving aircraft soon to the city. "There was a town!"  Giroro said looking through binoculars.

Natsumi ask: “How with there?”

Giroro ride up to the deck plane, suddenly startled when he saw something he never would have thought.

"What happened, Giroro?" Natsumi asked here on Giroro. "Impossible ... impossible!" Said Giroro tense. Natsumi was also surprised. There are many cities that were destroyed. "Impossible ..." Natsumi said in shock. What happened to the city apart?


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