Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1618055-The-Upcoming-Pt-1
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Other · #1618055
The second book...
As you should know, I was just basically diagnosed with a mind moving power called telekinesis and I could explode anything I moved with my mind and force. It was pretty cool. What isn't cool is what Jake had whispered in my ear. it made me a little nervous, but oh, I don't even know. I am just pretty uneasy i can tell you that much.

" Are you serious," I sneered.
" Yeah and his buddies and there are others, but yeah it does suck," Jake said.
" I can't believe Denny and his buddies have powers, too," I murmured.
" He's a pyromaniac, you can say," Rajah said.
" Lovely," I grunted.
" Yeah and he has just as many people as we do, so the fight would be hard," Jake included, " If we you know... tried to take him down."

I nodded my head. I wondered if Denny knew that I had telekinesis.

" No, he doesn't,"Silicity answered and then chuckled.

I smiled forgetting that she had telepathy.

" But he will know in a few minutes," she said.

I gave a confused look.

" His name's Kyle, he also has telepathy, he is with Denny, so we assume that Kyle has heard our thoughts," Rajah explained.
" Oh," I mumbled.
" There's also a guy named Pyner, Eral Pyner, he has telekinesis, but he isn't as advanced with blowing objects or anything up as you," Jake mentioned," And Denny's two buddies he is always with, Rick who can form ice and control it. Stanzer can put up a protective shield against anything, weapons, powers, whatever it is."
"Don't forget about those two babes that are with them too, Karen and Lisa. Karen can transform into any animal and Lisa can levitate, fly," Mark said with a smirk.
" Man, don't forget Serk and Zyn, they are probably he trickiest bastards ever," Chase chimed in," Serk can mutilply himself into as many as he want and Zyn is like a master fighter, he knows like karate and all those special fighting moves, he is quick and tough to beat, ya know."
" The last three to join the group were Vince, David, and Ray," Rajah concluded.
"Yeah, Vince can control weather behavior and what not, David can see through walls and stuff like that, and Ray can destroy weapons," Terika said.
" Wow, so now what happens," I asked amazed.

I caught a glimpse of Corinza rolling her eyes at me. i don't know what her problem was but whatever.

" Nothing really," Jake replied.
" All we can do is wait," Rajah said walking back down to the storage room with the others.

Jake walked over to me and pulled me close to him.

" Now, you can't say anything to anybody and act as normal as possible when in school," Jake said.

I nodded. then he took my hand and we walked back to his car and he drove me home. My dad was walking out of the house and spotted Jake and I getting out of his car.

" Hi, Mr. Dermett," Jake said pleasantly.
" Hi, Jake," my dad said smiling at Jake then looked at me.
" Hello, dad," I said quickly.
" Hey honey, feel like I haven't seen you in a long time," he said sarcastically.

I shrugged my shoulders.

" Has Kris gone home yet," I asked walking into the house with Jake and my dad.
" No, he's actually out with a friend right now, but he said he'll be going in a few days," my dad replied sitting down in his favorite chair.

He grabbed the newspaper on the table next to him and started reading. i plopped myself on the couch and Jake took the seat next to me. I saw my dad glance up from his paper.

" Why don't you kids go out, it's friday night," my dad said looking back at his paper.
" I don't know, I guess," I said shrugging.

Jake got up and pulled me along with him.

" What time should she be home," Jake asked politely.
" No later than 12:30, and if so call me, Jenny," my dad said tiredly behind the paper.
" Yeah, no problem," I said walking out the door with Jake.

We got into his car and sat there for a few minutes.

" Where do you wanna go," he asked.
" I don't know, you just pulled me out like we had to be somewhere," I said.

Jake shrugged his shoulders. He started the car and drove to his house. We went inside and on his couch.

" Yay, one house to another on couches," I cheered sarcastically.
" Yeah, but there are some things you can't do on your couch," he said.
" Like what," I asked bored.
" Like this," he said as he leaned in to kiss me.

I let out a short laugh as he continued to kiss me. He then laid me on the couch with me on the side, his arm wrapped around me.

" So, really what can we do because I'm ridiculously bored," I murmured.
" I don't know, wanna go find your cousin," Jake asked.
" Why," I asked annoyed.
" I don't know, it's something to do, we don't have to, just a suggestion," Jake said quickly.
"Eh, true, let's go then," I said getting off the couch.

Jake grabbed his coat and we headed out the door and into the car. He started it up and we drove around to lounges and anything that had arcades or pool tables. I finally saw his car at this local place called "Jokerz" which was a lounge place for anyone over 16 that had pool tables, games, and televisions with couches and seats scattered around. Jake parked the car and we headed inside. I saw Kris with three other guys at a pool table in the middle of a game. Jake and I went over to him.

" Hey, Kris," I said.
" Hey, J, what ya doing here," he asked taking his next shot.
" Hanging out here, nothing else to do," I replied.

Kris took his shot and shot a 9 into a corner pocket.

" Whatever, just don't ruin my concentration," he said ready to take his next shot.

I rolled my eyes and took Jake to an unoccupied couch where we cuddled and watched whatever was on. I heard the door open and peeked over and saw Denny and his buddies, Stanzer and Rick.

" Don't, I repeat don't look at the door, Denny and his buddies came in, let's just try to ignore them," I said putting my chin onto his shoulder.

Jake nodded slightly and we continued watching t.v. Then I heard Denny talking to Kris.

" What's up, man," Denny asked doing some type of handshake thing with Kris.
" Nothing much," Kris responded dryly.
" So, do you know where your cousin is," Denny asked smugly.
" Dude, I don't know, I'm not really keeping tabs on her right now," Kris said.
" Well, when you figure it out why don't you let me know," Denny said rudely.

Kris glared at him and then looked away to take his shot. Denny grabbed his pool stick and threw it to the side. Kris took a swing to punch Denny, but Stanzer grabbed his fist and punched him in the face. Some of the workers grabbed Denny, Kris, Stanzer, and Rick and threw them out the side alley door. I went to get up to follow, but Jake held me back and shook his head.

" There's a reason why Kris didn't tell him you were here," Jake said sharply.
" I don't care, Jake, that's my cousin," I said strictly trying to pry Jake's fingers from my arm.

He stood up by my side and we went out the same door they got thrown out of. I saw Denny punching Kris in the stomach as Rick and Stanzer held him against a wall.

" Stop that," I screamed angrily.

Jake took my arm as I was about to fling myself at Denny. Denny stopped and slowly turned around and glowered at me. He then gave me a sarcastic smirk and titled his head up.

" So, you were here," Denny said glancing at Kris.

I nodded my head giving him the meanest look I could.

" Baby, you don't scare me, you do not intimidate me in any way," he said walking closer to me.
" Well, that can change," I snarled.

Denny grinned amused by my remark. He looked over at Jake who surprisingly was quiet.

" Well, Jake, you haven't talked much or even did shit," Denny cracked.
" Thats because I'm trying not to tempt myself to crush your fuckin bones," Jake growled.

Denny laughed and continued walking closer to me.

" I don't even know why you came to...apparently help your cousin, because either of you aren't doing shit," Denny said walking back at Kris.

My reaction broke into a run and I slammed into Denny against a wall. I held him there even though I probably wasn't strong enough, but I didn't care.

" Whoa, you're kinda turning me on there," he laughed.

I formed a fist in my right hand and swung it where it met his face and he went down. He looked at me with blood coming out of his nose. He had a shocked expression as he held his nose to stop bleeding. I was breathing hard and heavy exasperating my anger. My fists were formed tightly and ready to continue, but Denny did nothing. He didn't stop looking at me, though. I saw Stanzer and Rick let go of Kris.

" Now it's started, you have no idea who you're fuckin with, you little bitch, I swear..." Deny started to jeer.
" No, you have no idea who you're fuckin with Denny, you assume that we can't do shit, well lookey lookey what little ol' me has done, you pathetic bastard," I interrupted with a hiss.

Denny didn't say anything, but just gave me an evil look and ran off with his buddies. Jake seemed a little shocked. Kris straightened himself out and walked over thanking me quietly. All three of us left, Kris went back to my house and I went with Jake to his house.

" Here we are back again," I said sarcastically smiling.

Jake smiled tiredly and dropped himself on the couch. He looked at me and sighed.

" What's wrong," I demanded.
" I don't know, I just feel warn out and tired a lot," he replied.
" Aww," I cooed soothingly.

He grinned.

" Lie on your stomach," I told him.

He gave me a weird look, but did what I requested. He started laughing tiredly. I straddled onto his butt and as soon as I did that he turned his head quickly and looked at me. I started dying laughing.

" What are you doing," he asked laughing.
" I'm gonna do something, just stay still," I laughed back.

He couldn't stop laughing, but soon he calmed down. I put my hand on his back and started massaging him. I heard him moan and mumbling things. I chuckled and continued. After awhile my hands started to hurt so I stopped. He moaned in frustration and I laughed as I got off of him. He turned around with a cocked smile. I shook my head smiling, I looked at the time and it was almost time for me to go. I pulled him up to his feet.

" Come on, I gotta go home," I said pushing him to the door.

He nodded and grabbed his keys as we walked out the door. He dropped me off and I went inside and dropped down on my bed. It was dark, but I saw something in the corner of my room. I just stayed as still as possible because it was really freaking me out. I saw a figure move slightly towards me. My heart was pounding so hard and loud, I swear the whole neighborhood could of heard it.

" Who's there," I called out in a weak voice.

No one answered, which made me want to hit myself for even saying anything. I quickly reached to my light and put it on and there I saw Kris sitting on my chair in the corner of my room.

" You scared the shit out of me, why didn't you answer me," I demanded.

He shrugged his shoulders and got up from the chair. He started wondering around my room looking at things.

" What are you doing," I asked strangely, eyeing him.
" What does it look like I'm doing," he said harshly glancing at me.

I gave him a dirty look and opened my door hinting for him to get out, but he didn't budge.

" Get out Kris,"I stated.

He walked over to the door, pushed me aside on the bed, and slammed it shut. He kept his hand on the knob and gawked at me.

" You're gonna wake my dad and he's gonna wonder what the hell you're doing," I said strictly.
" He's not here," he said coldly.
" Where is he," I asked cautiously.
" He went to visit my dad and brother," he said stiffly.
" Why aren't you leaving," I asked.

He stood silently, still staring at me with cold eyes. I stood up with frustration.

" What is wrong with you," I demanded loudly.
" Nothing," he stated.

I was getting pissed and wanted to know why he wouldn't leave and what was going on. I went to the door and tried getting out, but Kris was preventing me and kept pushing me away. I finally went to the window and opened it, but before I could climb out, he shut it quickly and pushed me to the bed.

" Kris, you are really making me uncomfortable," I yelled.
" Am I," he asked cruelly.

I felt awkward and started looking around seeing if there was any way to escape.

" There is no way out of here, besides the door and window," he said as if he read my mind.
" You're not Kris... Are you," I asked slowly and suspiciously.

All he did was smirk and shrugged his shoulders. He started inching towards me.

" Stay away from me," I warned firmly.

He cocked his head.

" Where's my cousin," I asked sharply.
" Home," he said quickly smiling.

Then suddenly he grabbed my wrist and pulled me to him. I closed my eyes hard and he fell back. I opened my eyes and saw him on my floor a little shocked. I quickly ran out my door and out of my house. I stopped for a minute to catch my breath. I also realized I had no idea where I was going, so then I just figured to run to Jake's house. The worst part about that was we always passed this creepy neighborhood which was the only way to his house, but it was okay because he was driving. Huh, well I'll just run as fast as I can I guess. I don't know where else to go. I started to run again and then a hand grabbed my arm quickly and made me fly down to the ground, but who ever grabbed me, pulled me up.
© Copyright 2009 Rockstar (rockstar_13 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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