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Rated: E · Other · Fantasy · #1619989
a story about a young man on a great quest.
                                Quest for the Heir

          Once in middle earth 1476 there was a warlord whom ruled the land under false heritage. When the warlord eventually lay on his deathbed he said with his last gasping breath, “At this time while I’m lying on my deathbed I regret everything that I have done to this fair land. So as a last request I want to send the bravest warrior in the kingdom to find the rightful heir to the throne. This warrior can find out who the heir is by defeating the dragon that knows all.” The kingdom was honored that the warlord gave them this wisdom, so after the funeral they held a tournament to find the strongest, bravest, and most honorable warrior of the kingdom to find the heir to the throne. This warrior was a ninja samurai warrior whose hair, eyes, and swords were ruby red and this is where our story begins.


              “Why me, why do I have to go on this stupid quest to find the lost heir to the throne.” The ninja samurai warrior muttered to his red furred rabbit which he named Rabbi. Rabbi sensed his master was frustrated so he tried to cheer him up by wiggling his nose. This action seemed to work for awhile, but only until they found out what they had to do to fight the dragon from a royal guard.


              “First you have to find the wise wizard and convince him to tell you where the dragon lives.” The guard told him without a pause.

The ninja samurai warrior replied sarcastically “Thanks for the information.”

As the warrior was leaving the guard asked suddenly “What is your name brave warrior?” This surprised the warrior so the guard asked quickly “Sorry did I upset you by any chance?”

The warrior replied sadly “No you didn’t; I just don’t know what my name is or who my parents were.”

“That is very sad.” The guard replied sympathetically. The guard never heard a reply because the warrior was already on his way to try and find the wise wizard.


            On the way to the wise wizard the warrior had already fought in many battles; the one that he actually his ninja training was against a knight who had an extreme sense of honor, skill, and bravery.

         “You are a great warrior” admitted the defeated knight. “What is your name? Mine is Kyle it is most honorable to give your name to a fellow warrior and friend.”

         “I am sorry but I cannot tell you my name.” the ninja samurai warrior told Kyle sternly.

         “Well why not. Is it because you have no honor! It is very disrespectful to me!” bellowed Kyle.

         “It’s not that I have no honor or that I disrespect you Kyle. I can’t tell you my name because I don’t even know my own name.” the warrior told Kyle honestly.

         “Well at least tell me what you are doing here so that maybe I can help out.” Kyle said firmly.

         “To be honest I’m on a quest to find the rightful heir to the throne of my kingdom, but I need the wise wizard to tell me where to find the dragon that knows all.” The warrior told Kyle gratefully.

         “Hmmmm, what a coincidence my father happens to be a wise wizard. If you let me come along on your journey I can help convince him to tell you where the dragon lives.” Kyle said excitedly.

         “Fine but don’t slow me down. I want to be back in the kingdom in less than two weeks.” The warrior boldly stated.

         “I have a quick question before we go to my father’s place.” Kyle Said.

         “Well what is it.” The warrior said out of annoyance.

         “What should I call you on this journey?” asked Kyle.

          “For now you can call me Jay, once I find out what my real name is I will tell you first for my honor.” Jay told him.

         About a day later Jay and Kyle reached a little house in the middle of the forest right next to a trail that Kyle said lead to a volcano.

         “I have to warn you my father knows all that is happening right now.” Kyle quickly warned Jay.

         “Hey I have an idea, why doesn’t your dad tell me where to find the heir?” Jay asked Kyle.

         “Well that could work, but there is one last thing about my father I should tell you about.” Kyle said to Jay.

         “Like what?” Jay asked confused.

         “Well the truth is that my father is actually the dragon you are looking for.” Kyle admitted.

         “At least this will shorten my journey by a few days.” Jay said enthusiastically.

         “Let me go and talk to my father first before you try to kill him, but you can come inside.” Kyle said to Jay.

         “Alright I’ll be right behind you, Kyle.” Jay said.

         After they enter the house they found Kyle’s father right away. This is mostly because Kyle’s father was huge.

         “Dad someone needs your help to fin.” Kyle started to say.

         “Be quiet, I already know who needs my help and why, so bring him to me!” Kyle’s father roared.

         “Oh Great and wise dragon wizard I need to know who the rightful heir to the throne is and where I can find him. Now if you would be so kind as to tell what I need to know I will leave and not bother you again.” Jay said courageously.

         “Yes I can tell you what you need to know, but what I have to say will shock you tremendously.” The dragon warned Jay.

         “I can handle anything you tell me.” Jay said boldly.

         “First young ninja samurai warrior I will tell you your true name, and that name is, James whose parents were the real king and queen of this land and died when you were born.” The dragon honestly told James.

         “If this is true you have to come with me to the kingdom to tell everyone the truth and if they accept me you will always be welcome in the kingdom.” James told the dragon.

         “Alright I’ll do it” the dragon agrees to James offer.

The dragon let James ride on his back all the way into the kingdom. Once they arrived there the dragon told everyone that James was the rightful heir to the throne and everyone was extremely happy that the warrior that they sent out was actually their next king. James kept his promise to the dragon and let him have free access to the inside of the kingdom. Some say to this very day that the dragon still visits the relatives of King James of Middle Earth.

                                       The End

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