Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1622875-Power-to-Swap
Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Fantasy · #1622875
One day, you gain the ability to swap with other people.

One day, you gain the ability to swap with other people.

This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition!
The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
The story starts out as one of the main characters finds a strange object on the ground one day. When they go to pick it up, there is a flash and the object disappears, and they gain the ability to preform one type of swap.

Main characters:
Kyle Anderson - Average guy, 16 years old. Not very athletic, but not in bad shape. Is a nice guy, and enjoys playing video games.
Tiffany Williams - Kyle's girlfriend, also 16. They've known each other since they were young. Lives next door. Real nice and is bit girly. Kyle calls her "Tifa".
Dan Evans - 14 years old. Likes sports. Best friends with Wendy.
Wendy Dawson - 14 years old. Has been best friends with Dan since they were in 1st grade. Has a crush on Dan, and is a tomboy.
Zack Miller - 18 years old. On the football team at his school.

Seconday characters:
Family members:
Sophie Anderson - Kyle's 8 year old sister, and Cody's twin.
Cody Anderson - Kyle's 8 year old brother, and Sophie's twin.
Elizabeth Anderson - Kyle's mother. Friends with Tiffany's mother.
Michael Anderson - Kyle's father.

Adam Williams - 14 years old. Emily's younger brother, and friends with Dan and Wendy.
Ashely Williams - Tiffany's 8 year old sister. Best friends with Sophie.
Mary Williams - Tiffany's single mother.

Rachel Evans - 16 years old. Emily's best friend, and Dan's older sister. Friends with Tiffany.
Emma Evans - 19 years old. Dan's oldest sister. Goes to college.
Dorothy Evans. Dan's mother.
Robert Evans - Dan's father.

Emily Dawson - 17 years old. Wendy's older sister. Cheerleader.
Linda Dawson - Wendy's mother.
James Dawson - Wendy's father.

Kaitlyn Miller - 8 years old. Zack younger sister. Friends with Sophie and Emily.
Margaret Miller - Zack's mother.
Anthony Miller - Zack's father.

Patrick Oliver - 16 years old, and is Kyle's best friend.
Victoria Hill - 18 years old. Zack's girlfriend.
Jason Edwards - 18 years old. Football player at Kyle, Tiffany, and Zack's school. Doesn't like Zack, and picks on other kids often. Stereotypical jock.
Angela Woods - 18 years old. Cheerleader at Kyle, Tiffany, and Zack's school. Jason's girlfriend. Stuck up to those she doesn't like, such as Wendy's sister, Emily. Stereotypical cheerleader.
Julie Ross - Girl at Dan and Wendy's school. Dan has a crush on her.
Kevin Jackson - Bully at Dan and Wendy's school.

You may add other characters.

Types of swaps and rules:
Body: Basic body swap. Must be touching to switch, and the switch is activated by thought.

Part: Switch body parts. Must be touching to switch, and thinking of the part you wish to switch. Must be for equivalent part. Arms for arms, legs for legs. No hands for feet and the like.

Life: Switch lives with another. Body stays the same, but people now treat you as the person you've switched with, and you gain their name, family, friends, possesions, physical abilities, etc. If switched with a person of the opposite gender, they will be treated as the gender of the person they have switched with. Clothes will change in size to fit comfortably. Does not affect personality. Power is activated by touch, and only with your hands, but goes off randomly.

Personality: Switch personalities. Gain the interests, mannerisms, etc. of another. Will act as they would, and would do the things they would normally want to do. Is the only power that the possessor will be aware that they have. The sudden change in personality is noticed by those who it has happened to, but they will not think much of the change. Sexuality does not change, nor does who ever that person might be interested, at least not right away. Power is activated by touch, and only with your hands, but goes off randomly.

For Body, Part, and Life swaps, you can choose whether the person you switch with is aware of the switch. Similarly for part, you can choose whether or not others around will notice the switch or not. However, this choice must be made upon the first switch, and will stay that way. For personality, you can also choose whether reality adjusts so that people just accept the change or stays the same question it.
If you switch with someone while you have already switched, they will be left with the body/part/life/personality you previously had.
If you are touching two or more people when the switch happens, it can either skip through you and happen to those you are touching, or happen to you and the others you are touching.

Other rules:
1.No killing off characters.
2.No sex.
3.No other transformations and such, and no one else with powers.
4.No ending the story.

Anyway, add a chapter and have fun!
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1622875-Power-to-Swap