Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1624912-Lisa-simpson-vore
Rated: 13+ · Other · Dark · #1624912
this is a short simpsons vore story
3:30pm After school

Lisa got off the bus opened the door and slammed it shut she was really mad and stormed up to her room and laid her face on her pillow and screamed.AAAAAAAH!
Bart came into Lisa's room
"Hey Lisa are you ok", He said trying not to laugh.
Lisa looked at Bart picked up a book and threw it at him
"Get out of my ROOM", She said as she walked to her door and slammed it shut.
"Stupid Bart I wish i never had a brother", She said as she liying her face back on her pillow.
Bart didn't get the message and started harrassing Lisa by climbing on to her window and Staring at her threw the glass.
Lisa lifted her head up and saw Bart hanging on her window,
She new she had to go somewhere else to get over her problem.
She picked up her pillow and walked into her closet and closed the door untill it was pitch black.
"Dam" He said Now how am I going to bug her
He thought for a minute
"Humm I got it, He said all i have to do is wait till she leaves her room and then i'll sneak into her room and hide under bed Its perfect"
Lisa had fallen asleep in the closet and slept for a good lone while.

"Lisa" Marge yelled trying to get her to come down for dinner
"Lisa" Marge yelled again
"Bart I want you to go up stairs knock on her door and see if she is going to come down.
"Ok" Bart said running up stairs he got to Lisa's room and banged on the door.
Bang! Bang! Bang! but there was no answer.
"We'll Marge as Bart is she coming down or not.
"Nope she mist be fast asleep from all the stress from school today.
Ok I'll save her some in the fridge until she wakes up Marge said stuffing her face with food

Lisa woke up and sat down on her bed her stomach was making these strange sounds and she couldn't tell what was going on.
I must really be getting hungry for my stomach to be Girgale like this she said as she went down stairs looking for something to eat.
Lisa went into the kitchen opened the fridge and started siffling through everything hoping to find some food to calm her stomach down but too her luck there was nothing there execpt for some old meat and some beer.
Lisa got on top of a chair and went through the cobards hoping to find some food in them she turned the kitchen upside down but didn't find a thing.
"I need some food quick" She said holding her stomach as she walked out of the house and down the street.

She headed down the street toward the Kwik-E-Mart where she saw Milhouse sitting out side reading a comic book.
"Hello Mill house" Lisa said as she sat down next to him with a smile.
"Uuuh, hi Lisa so what are you doing here" he asked putting his comic down beside him.
"Oh nothing I was Just walking down the street when I saw you sitting there all alone reading that comic book and thought it would be nice if you had some company" She said trying not scare him away.
Lisa sniffed his clothes, "Is that cheese puffs I'm smelling on you Milhouse, She said as she started to drool a little on the pavement.
Mill house looked at Lisa he could tell something strange was going on.
"Uumm Lisa I have to go now my mom is going to be worried about me" He said getting up to walk away.
Lisa grabbed his hand with a tight grip.
"Lisa let go your hurting me.
Lisa grabbed Mill house's other hand and pulled him tward her as she started to open her mouth.
Lisa no please let me go HELP! he shouted.
Lisa lifted Mill house off the ground and opened her mouth really wide and stuck out her tongue the placed Mill house in feet first.
She could feel him squirming and wiggling trying to get out as his body started to go down her throat.
Lisa Mill house said Crying Please let me go I will never brother you again I promise"
But it was no use She slurped up him up until only his head was left Mill house was crying like a 2 year old she took one last look at him lifted her hand and pushed his head the rest of the was in and then she took one final gulp and felt as the rest of Mill house is body went down her throat and into her stomach as it expanded making her look as if she was pregnant.
Lisa let out a huge burp, Buuuuurrrrrpppp! excuse me she said as she rubbed her belly feeling Mill house squirm like a little bug.

Lisa Stomach still was Girgale and making weird noices as if eating Milhouse wasn't enough she left the Kwik-E-Mart and headed down the street further looking for someone else to devourer .
She eyed the streets back and fourth
"Then she saw Sherri and Terri come out of there house with there dog as Lisa came down the street behind them.
Lisa slowly krept up behind them.
"Hey Terri do you here something Sherri said turning around.
Lisa grabbed her by the throat making it so she couldn't scream.
"Uumm you look tasty she said as she opened her mouth sticking Sherri head first down her throat she slid down faster then Mill house witch was good because she didn't want Terri to see what she was doing Lisa pushed Sherri's feet the rest of the way into her mouth clamped it shut and took one final gulp as Sherri slid down making Lisa's belly even bigger making Lisa's shirt tear a little.
Terri turned around and look for Sherri but couldn't see her anywhere.
"Sherri where are you", She yelled
Behind you Lisa said Terri turned around Lisa grabbed her and opened her mouth and shoved her in Terri was kicking and kicking trying to break free form Lisa's tight grasp Lisa lied down so it would be easier to get Terri down her throat.
Lisa clamped Terries feet and hands togeather and pushed her all the was in and watched as Terri also slid down her throat and into her stomach.

Lisa's stomach was really big now almost to big for her to move and since she didn't want anyone to see her she pulled herself into the bushes where she lied down and took a nap.
Mill house Sherri and Terri Kept kicking all through the night untill they became nothing but bones.
Lisa woke up seeing chief wiggum standing over her.
"Oh hi Cheif she said looking him in the eyes.
"Lisa what are you doing out here by yourself you mother is probley woried sick come on I'll drive you home."
"Lisa got into the chief wiggums car and got driven home'
"Now you be safe Lisa and don't let me find you out there again"
"Ok " Lisa said as she went inside the house and closed the door.
Marge came out of the kitchen.
"Lisa your home where have you been" she asked worried as hell.
"Oh now where just clearing my head but i feel better now I'm going to go to my room for awhile" She said heading up stairs.
Lisa closed her door and lied on her bed she thought to her self of how much fun a tasty that experience was I can't wait to that again she said watching Bart again looking in through her window.
"Maybe I will start with Bart he is such a pain but first I need some more sleep and then he's mine"
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