Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1631821-STORM--Chapter-Two
Rated: E · Chapter · Dark · #1631821
Zane is pulled, mysteriously, from his morning, and a horrific secret begins to unfold
Chapter Two

An Unfortunate Discovery

A horn resounded through the camp, dragging Zane out of his comfortable slumber. Groans echoed from throughout the cabin.

Zane was the first to drag himself out of his bed and into the cabins small bathroom to get dressed.

He pulled on a pair of swim trunks; he had water training straight after breakfast, and a sweatshirt over his bare chest. He then slipped his feet into a pair of shoes.

The morning light was harsh against Zane’s eyes and it caused them to water. He wasn’t the only one awake in this camp. All around him, people were walking up, including Nathan.

The muscular boy all but sprinted over to Zane to say hello. All harshness from the day before gone

“Morning Zane.” Nathan greeted him, stretching out his great arms.

“Morning Nathan.” Zane said, stifling a yawn.

Nathan chuckled, guiding his close friend towards the looming cafeteria, the scent of food wafting towards them.

Zane’s stomach growled happily at the thought of food and the teen smiled to him.

Just before Zane stepped into the cafeteria, he felt a great pressure across his arms and soon it became extremely painful. Zane wanted to scream but he couldn’t feel his body, it was like he was just floating in the air, that was until he landed, and he landed hard.

Zane coughed a few times before he rocked back onto his heels and looked around, rubbing his arm.

‘Welcome Zane’ somewhere a voice whispered, causing Zane’s entire body to tense.

‘Now now, no need to be frightened. We wont cause you too much harm just yet.’ The voice laughed cruelly.

“Who are you?” Zane gasped, it felt as if a ton of bricks had been placed on his chest and air seemed to be almost nonexistent.

‘All in good time, Mr. Black, all in good time.’  The voice sneered, Zane noticed it again, the man called him Zane Black.

“Blake” Zane said, glaring at the wall

‘What?’ The voice growled.

“Zane Blake, not Zane Black.” Zane could feel the confidence building but with confidence also bring arrogance.

Laughter echoed through the chamber

‘Right, sure, we shall let you think that for now but eventually you will know the truth’ Zane was at a loss for words, his chest also getting tighter by the second.

“Just tell me…” Zane gasped, the air was literally floating out of his already weak lungs.

Zane had been born with small lungs, lungs that never seemed able to support Zane’s lifestyle. It made training difficult but Zane was doing just fine until this moment.

‘Sorry Zane, but someday I’ll tell you that, but for now, I’ll just tell you this; you should have asked your grandfather about your family history before he died.’ The last thing Zane remembered after that was laughter, cruel, vicious laughter and then, the world was dark.

“Zane! Zane!” someone was shouting his name, trying to wake him up. Zane’s whole body screamed in protest to the light touch. He tried to open his eyes, but he just couldn’t, so he listened, waiting.

“Someone get Mr. Minix.” A girls voice instructed, before she whispered into Zane’s ear.

“Hang in there Zane, helps coming.” It was Maybelle’s voice. He could feel her hand on his arm and the way she gently squeezed it in a reassuring way.

Zane tried to take a deep breath but the pain that appeared quickly discouraged him from attempting it again.

“Zane.” A new voice asked, “Zane, can you hear me?” Mr. Minix, Zane thought as he lay there. 

‘Yes’ was the only word Zane wished he could shout.

“Did he just say yes, Maybelle?” Mr. Minix asked, shocking Zane. Had he been able to speak out loud?

“Yeah, I think so.” She whispered, her hand still on Zane’s arm.

“Alright Maybelle, Keep pressure on his arm. I think I know what happened. Which means he’s probably having trouble breathing.”

At that moment Zane fell back into the deep pit that was unconsciousness.

Zane awoke sometime later; Nathan later informed him it had been a full day, in the infirmary of the camp, laying on a bed, his arm wrapped, as well as his chest.

Though he was sore, Zane found that he was left mostly unscathed, safety surrounding him.

Upon attempting to sit up, however, Zane found his theory to be…inaccurate.

“Ow.” He grumbled painfully, lying back down.

“Well don’t move, child!” a kind voice instructed him. Zane turned to see a large woman with a kind voice come bustling towards him, tray in hand.

“Well, your finally awake, dear. Thought we were going to lose ya there for a bit. But that mentor of yours said No, said you were a fighter he did, and he was right.”  She chuckled to herself and slowly helped Zane sit up.  He winced in pain and the woman clicked her tongue.

“Easy now, sugar, don’t need to be losing ya to the depth now do we?” Once Zane had been propped up on some pillows, the woman began mixing some clear liquid into a bowl and it smelled quite foul. Zane wrinkled his nose, unconsciously rubbing his viciously sore arm.

“I know it don’t smell too good but it’ll help with the pain.” She held out the cup for him, and he took it with his good arm, sipping carefully.

It tasted worse then it smelled.

Forcing himself to swallow, it was not a simple task; the liquid burned his throat and left a horrific taste in his mouth. But eventually it began to soothe the stiff pain in his muscles.

“Does that feel a bit better, dear?” the woman asked, staring at him. Zane nodded, smiling gently.

“You feel well enough to have visitors? Your mentor would like to talk to you, if that’s okay.”

“That’s fine.” Zane said, happy his voice seemed to be working enough.”

She smiled and left the large, spacious room. Zane took the opportunity to look around the infirmary.

There were beds, two long rows, on each side of the room and a large door on either end. The walls were white.

“Zane.” Zane turned his head to the side and smiled at his former mentor as he walked through the door.

“Hey Mr. Minix.” Zane greeted him, forcing a weak smile.

“How you feeling?” the older man asked, sitting on the edge of Zane’s long off white bed.

“Sore, but better. What happened?”

“Nathan thinks someone teleported you and as we learned when you were younger, it isn’t something your body handles well. Whoever teleported you didn’t know and when your lungs started to give way, they sent you back quickly. Clearly, you were sent back here. Nathan said one minute you were with him talking and then you weren’t. He thought maybe you’d forgotten something and went back to your cabin to get it. So, he got his food and waited, then Maybelle screamed.” Mr. Minix explained, staring at Zane carefully. The teen nodded slowly.

“I think I remember some of that, but not a lot.” Clearing his throat, he sighed. “When do I get to leave?” Mr. Minix looked away, sighing gently.

“At least two more days, but since your missing your history reviews, I figured you could read this.”  The man handed him a thick history book, specifically for Kellan and Molly.  Zane smiled, he loved reading about them and the book was defiantly a treat. Zane looked up to thank Mr. Minix but he was gone. Zane examined the cover of the book, the title read

Kellan Black: Complete Unabridged History

Below the words was a symbol

Zane smiled and opened the book, reading over the chapters.

The book was very old, but it didn’t seem to have been read many times, a small note fluttered out onto Zane’s lap.


I heard about what happened and that you are very interested in Kellan’s history. Thought you would like this, I am one of the four people who have read it.

Enjoy Kellan’s secrets as dark as they may be.

Get well soon, we may need you soon,

-Molly Swan Black

Zane gaped at the name written. Molly Swan, The Molly Swan, had left this book in his hands.

Opening it, Zane examined the names inscribed on the inside, the names of the Founders:

Aidou Black

Christopher Keivla

Abigail Black Bobke

Ysandre Shante

Rose Benas

Molly Swan

Below the names was simple message.

We, the founders, dedicate this book to the man it is about.

May his memory forever live within these pages and everywhere the influence of S.T.O.R.M reaches.

Kellan, we wish you were and here and we love you, you shan’t be forgotten

A, A, Y, C, R, M

Zane read it over many times; it was a piece of history, in his hands.

“They must have been hurting so much.” Zane whispered, looking down at the names and the short inscription. The words were full of the hurt that they had to be feeling. Zane turned the page and read over the chapter listing:

1.          The Birth of Kellan Charles Black

2.          Aidou and Abagail: His Wards

3.          Home?

4.          Father of a legend, Mother to a gentle one

5.          Death Follows Suit

6.          After the Change

7.          Travels…

8.          The Black Coven

9.          No Peace

10.          Molly Swan

11.          Returning Home

12.          Together

13.          Siblings Reunited

14.          The Formation of S.T.O.R.M

15.          New Hopes

16.          The Battle

17.          Painful Goodbye

18.          For You Kellan

Zane read over the chapters and chose one, something that sounded interesting:

14. New Hopes

Zane began to read.

S.T.O.R.M has been put into action and already things have begun to slowly fall into place.

New Hopes have begun to arise for the Immortals.

A choice has been given; each of the six immortals could become a mortal again. They had been given three days to choose, three long days in which they would decide whether they would like to live as a human again or continue to watch S.T.O.R.M grow.

A great sorcerer, who owed Mrs. Black a favor of sorts, had given the choice to them. 

In the end, Kellan chose to stay Immortal with Molly, unlike the rest of the Founders chose to become Human again.

“It feels good to be normal, almost natural.” Aidou later commented.  The choices caused tension among the Founders, but an announcement made by Molly calmed the brewing storm.

Molly Swan Black, the Great Sorceress, was carrying Kellan Black’s, The Great Immortal, child.

“No, we didn’t expect it, she just told us…” Abagail said two days after the special announcement. Molly had been carrying the baby for almost three months when she finally told her husband. “Definitely didn’t look pregnant, ever.” Chris remembered. “It was just like, oh, the babies coming, even if it looks like I don’t have one.”

The child never did meet his father.

Nicholas Kellan Black was born August 15th, about six months after his fathers death. Despite the fact that both his parents were immortal, Nicholas (Nick) was mortal, normal. He bore extreme resemblance to both his parents. Kellan’s eyes, Molly’s dark curly hair, Kellan’s strong body, and Molly’s gentle face. His personality, however, was completely dependant on Kellan. He was calm, patient, but strong and defensive. He completely avoided Molly’s explosive personality. “You could tell it hurt her, seeing Nick everyday and remembering the fact He wasn’t there to see Nick too.” Aidou once whispered. No doubt Kellan would have been very proud of his son and the family Nicholas began. Long generations of Black forever shall follow.


Zane didn’t realize that the recollection of these events had made him cry until after the single tear hit the book. Reaching up, he whipped it away, glad no one was around to see him.

“That so sad, poor Nick.” Zane muttered to himself, turning back to the chapter’s page, hoping to find something interesting to read.

Chapter 18.

For you, Kellan

Though every one of us knows all to well that you will never read this, Kellan, we still can’t bear to not tell you some of these things.

One, it about your son, Two is about the Future of S.T.O.R.M, and Three, three is about what we are going to do in your honor.

Your son, his name was Nicholas, Nick for short, his middle name was Kellan and he bore your last name. He looked like you and Molly, but acted like yourself. He married young, her name was Angela, and had two little children, Charlotte and Thomas. Thomas looked like Angela but Charlotte looked like Nicholas.

The Future of S.T.O.R.M looks bright. All of our children are being trained and are strong. But it seems as if Rain and Wind are going to be the biggest groups. Thunder is thin; there has been only two in our children since you were here. Lightning, well the only one we know of now is Charlotte, but she can’t be confirmed until the trials, at this time they are four years away. Molly has agreed to watch over S.T.O.R.M until the very end of the days.

As for your Memory, Well Aidou is working on that now. He’s been drawing plans for monuments and Halls and has been gathering all of the paintings you have ever done. Every document you have ever signed and all the paintings ever done of you. He’s hunted down your journal and any thing you’ve written. We swear to you Kellan that we are not going to let your memory be forgotten. You have our solemn word.

Zane ran his fingertips over the words once more and sighed. He then smiled to himself as he though about the promise written on the page in front of him, and the fulfillment of this promise.

But the information was also shocking; Kellan and Molly had a child together. This, this was information even Mr. Minix didn’t know. Not only did they have a child, their child had two children.

“Wow.” Zane whispered himself, debating whether or not he should tell Mr. Minix about all the facts they had been learning, they had been dead wrong.

“How, ‘how did they survive like that? How did all of this work, and why is this happening to me? Why did Molly give this to me?” Zane began to wonder out loud, his brain working faster then he could process the information.

Sighing, Zane settled back, shut the book, and drifted into a deep unconsciousness they was unbreakable. The only thing able to pull him out would be physical contact and no one dared try to awake the recovering boy.

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