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Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1631928
This gives a little backstory before my Season 8 Virtual Series begins.
Slayers Virtual Season 8


“The First is scrunched, so... what do you think we should do, Buffy?” Willow said with a smile on her face.
“Yeah, you're not the one and only chosen anymore. Just gotta live like a person. How's that feel?” Faith approached Buffy from behind.
Dawn approached further questioning Buffy. “Yeah, Buffy. What are we gonna do now?”
As the others chatter around her, Buffy just stares straight ahead at the hole formerly known as Sunnydale. As she contemplates what's next, she smiles.

Buffy’s smile quickly fades from her dirty and bleeding face. For one moment she felt free. For the first time since Merrick came to her and told her of her destiny as a vampire slayer, Buffy felt free. Then as quickly as the feeling of freedom rushed through her a deep feeling of sadness overcame her. Several thoughts rushed through her mind. Spike! Thousands of slayers are out there probably very alone and very confused. Is the first evil really defeated? Spike! She quickly wipes away the tear trickling down her cheek.

Buffy turns around to face Dawn. Dawn had an eager look on her face as she anticipated Buffy’s answer. “As Giles said, we have a lot of work ahead of us. It…the mission…the fight is not over. I wish it were. I wish we could all walk away and not look back. No, I may not be the chosen one anymore… Buffy realizes her slip and gives Faith a knowing look.

“But…” Buffy continues. “I am one of the “chosen” two who knows what it is like to be on the front lines of the fight…the war evil everywhere continues to wage against us…we’re the white hats, remember. Right now there are thousands of young girls out there that are probably frightened and confused. We must find them. We must find them all and give them all the help they deserve.” Buffy smiles and it now reaches to the ones who mean the most to her in this whole wide world.

Giles’ face beams with pride as he gazes down at his Slayer. He knew she would not abandon the fight now. He realizes that the fight has just begun for all of them. He was not joking about the Hellmouth in Cleveland.

“I hate to break up the party but we have to get the injured to the hospital.” Faith said. “Immediately.”

Buffy turns and heads back to the bus. “We can take them to Mountain View Hospital. It is not very far.” She looks back at Faith. “How’s Robin?”

“He is holding his own. He scared me for a minute there.” Faith said.

Willow and Xander catch up to Buffy and Faith. “I can do a healing spell. A-And try to help some of the injured.”

Buffy looks over at Willow and quickly grabs her friends in a huge hug. “We could not have defeated the First without you, Will. You can do any kind of spell you want right now…as long as you don’t go all veiny on us…no black hair or eyes either.”

Willows laughs. “Kennedy said my hair turned white this time. Said it was a new look for me.”

Buffy smiles. She quickly grabs Xander’s hand. “How are you holding up, champ?”

Xander stares at Buffy without really seeing her. “I’m adjusting…”


“She died a hero as Andrew tells it. She saved his life. She came a long way for a vengeance demon, eh?”

Buffy squeezes his hand and smiles as she gathers him into her for a hug. She reaches up and kisses him briefly on the lips. “Yes, Xand. She was a hero in many ways. She never left us no matter how hard the fight became.”

The Scooby’s all piled into the bus. Faith and Kennedy helped move Robin to a seat so he could be more comfortable. Giles took over as driver.

Giles, Buffy, Willow, Xander and Kennedy said in the waiting room at Mountain View Hospital. They sat gazing at a TV above their heads as a news reporter reported the “earthquake” in Sunnydale, CA. “An earthquake demolished a small town in California today and rescuers are unable to get in among the rubble to search for survivors. It is the most unusual earthquake to hit California in well…ever. No other towns nearby were affected by this devastating earthquake and nearby residents report no earthquake movement in their town located only 6 minutes away. The phenomena cannot be explained easily. Seismologists will continue to explore the “why” of this natural disaster. I am Shelly Morgan for Eyewitness 9 News. Back to you Tom.”

“Well. That was quite…well interesting.” Giles said.
Buffy turned to look at him. “Giles, where do we begin? We have no money…no clothes. We lost everything.” Suddenly Buffy looked embarrassed. “Except our lives.”

“Buffy, I failed to tell you this prior to our…uh…defeating the First but we do have money. In fact we have enough to start a whole new life. Helping slayers…finding new Watchers to train the new Slayers. I w-was going to allow you all to decide for yourselves what you wanted to do. Where to go from here.” Giles looked over at his beloved Scooby’s. “The Watchers Council must have known that their time was limited because of the First’s plans. Travers mailed me a bank account that had been opened in my name prior to the explosion of the Watcher’s Council headquarters. He indicated in a short note that he knew that I was the only one he knew who could be successful in starting a new council. We now have over $250 million dollars at our disposal…

Willow and Xander shot up from their chairs at the same time. “250 million…Xander said “dollars.” Willow finished.

Buffy grinned at them and turned back to her Watcher. “Travers came through in the end.”

“Y-Yes. I believe he did.” Giles said.

Dawn stood up. “Can I have a car of my own?”

Buffy glared at her sister. “We need a new change of clothes…a shower…a bed for the night and all you can think about is a car?”

“Well, I suddenly feel like a normal teenager for some reason. I am a normal teenager, right?” Dawn asked hopefully.

“Normal as normal can be.” Willow said much too cheerfully.

Before anyone could say more, Faith walked out of the emergency room doors. She held her head down as she walked toward the gang. When she looked up to face Buffy her eyes were filled with tears. “Robin’s dead.” Faith announced simply. Without hesitating Buffy took Faith in her arms as the brunette cried into Buffy’s shoulder. Giles approached Faith from behind and placed his hand on her back. Faith cried unable to be consoled.

“What happened?” Buffy asked as she gently pushed Faith away from her so she could face her.

“Doctors said it was internal bleeding.”

Giles spoke next. “Faith, I am terribly sorry. Robin was a great man who fought for what was right…Oh, bloody hell,” Giles said interrupting his own insensitive rambling. He moved toward her and grabbed her in his arms and hugged her tightly. Faith cried harder and suddenly felt a Watcher/Slayer bond with him.

The gang who now included Faith left the hospital about an hour later. Some of the Slayers who were brought in were being kept for observation overnight. The bus would serve for transportation for now. It was late by the time they left the hospital but they still needed supplies for tomorrow. Giles stopped at a 24-hour Wal-Mart. The gang went in and bought a couple of changes of clothes and other necessities. Giles charged it on his American Express card. The final total was $2,789.45.

The Scooby’s now faced a life on another Hellmouth in Cleveland so as to fight the good fight against the forces of darkness that surrounds them like a suffocating heat.
#14. Episode 13 – After the Dawn-Part 2
ID #682033 entered on January 1, 2010 at 10:37pm
#13. Episode 13 – After the Dawn
ID #682032 entered on January 1, 2010 at 10:33pm
#12. Episode 12 – Happy Times Are Here...For Now
ID #682030 entered on January 1, 2010 at 10:30pm
#11. Episode 11 – Lonely Hearts
ID #682027 entered on January 1, 2010 at 10:19pm
#10. Episode 10 – Heartfelt Truth
ID #682025 entered on January 1, 2010 at 10:18pm
#9. Episode 9 – Memories of You-Part 2
ID #682024 entered on January 1, 2010 at 10:50pm
#8. Episode 8 – Memories of You-Part 1
ID #682023 entered on January 1, 2010 at 10:13pm
#7. Episode 7 – Shiny and New
ID #682022 entered on January 1, 2010 at 10:12pm
#6. Episode 6 – Definition of Insanity
ID #682021 entered on January 1, 2010 at 10:10pm
#5. Episode 5-Be Haunting You
ID #682017 entered on January 1, 2010 at 10:00pm
#4. Episode 4-Remembrance
ID #682016 entered on January 1, 2010 at 10:00pm
#3. Episode 3-Jaded
ID #682015 entered on January 1, 2010 at 9:58pm
#2. Episode 2-Banish the Day
ID #682014 entered on January 1, 2010 at 9:56pm
#1. Episode 1-Tantric Energy
ID #682013 entered on January 1, 2010 at 9:51pm

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