Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1638029-Final-Stand
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1638029
Emma shows that she isn't one to be taken lightly...too bad Martin didnt see it coming
Chapter 3

“Don’t think you can get away from us this time.” Martin said with a sinister grin that spilled across his face. I watched as our only exit closed behind them. How were we going to get out of this mess?

“Look they’re speechless!” Jack shouted out loud as he slapped Martin on the back with excitement. “Now can we eat them?!”

‘Impatient one isn’t he?’ I asked myself as I watched Jack jump up and down like an eager child. While Martin started grumbling to Jack about the importance of patience I looked around for a map. My eyes landed on a full-size picture of all the subway lines.

There was a green dot that said “you’re here” on one subway line. My eyes traveled along the pre-planned route until something caught my eye. I looked back to the bickering duo and concealed the master plan that was cooking up in my head.

“Enough!” Martin yelled in a booming voice, his attention turned from Jack to Ami and me. “Any last words before we suck you two beautiful ladies dry?” He asked in a cocky tone.

“Yes,” I said, trying to contain the smirk that threatened to cross my face, the last thing I needed was for them to catch onto my little scheme.

Martin raised one eye brow out of confusion. “And that would be?”

I took a deep breath in. I had one shot to do this right and if I messed up we were both as good as dead. As the subway slowed down I exhaled. “Eat dirt!” I yelled at them, putting on my best “acting” face.

Martin and Jack looked at me, then at each other, and chuckled in amusement at my words. “Oh that’s a good one human,” Martin said trying to control his emotions. Jack, however, was rolling around on the floor in hysterics.

“She’s a funny one!” Jake managed to croak out.

Ami’s hand shot to my arm and squeezed it tightly as if it could convey what she wanted to desperately to say. The subway shifted gears and I closely watched for any hints that they caught onto my plan…but they were too busy trying to picture each other eating dirt.

I counted in my head as the subway came to a sliding halt and the doors were automatically pulled open. I grabbed Ami’s hand and sprinted towards the other side of the subway. I prayed my plan would work. I pushed her outside the cart and grabbed one of the handles that hung from the ceiling.

“Get back here!” Martin screamed while he charged at me with inhuman speed.

As I stood there on top of a seating bench I could feel time slow down and, some how, I could see his movements! That’s impossible right?! How could I be able to follow his every movement?! I shook off my shock and pulled backwards on the handle.

At the right moment I kicked off the seat and propelled myself with every ounce of strength I possessed in my petite body. My foot landed on top of my crow bar, which was still lodged in Martin’s chest, and I forced all my weight onto it. I released my hands from the handle and used all my momentum to thrust the crow bar deeper into his chest with my food.

“Ahhhh!!!” He shrieked in pain.

Jack stood, paralyzed, as his friend crashed to the ground in agonizing pain. I used Martin’s body as a cushion when we met the ground. I sat up straight, on top of his chest, and grasped the crow bar tightly. Just like a band aid, I ripped it out of his chest with one single pull.

“I said eat dirt.” I whispered to the whimpering man in the ear.

I got up, took one look at the unmoving Jack, and jumped out of subway. Ami’s wide blue eyes looked between, the now leaving cart, and me.
“How…how did you?”

I shrugged my shoulders. “I don’t know,” I told her honestly. “But we to keep moving in case they come back.” Both of us didn’t think twice as we ran up the stairs and ran towards a small quaint little town ahead of us. We ran for hours, to where, I had no idea. I followed Ami as she lead the way to a small little town that she assured me would keep us safe.

“They won’t be following us trust me,” she told me with a small smile, I guess she could sense my nervousness. “The way you took care of his partner will leave him confused for months.”

“I guess…” I looked at the road ahead to see a small cluster of homes joined together. “Let’s go.”

Our walk into the quaint little town was in silence. We passed by tiny little town houses and old fashioned stores. As we walked around the dark town I felt someone, or something, watching us. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up straight, but when I looked behind me, beside me, and even within some shadows, nothing was there. ‘Maybe I’m just tired.’ I thought to myself.

“I think we finally lost them!” Ami said with excitement, secretly cheering to herself.

“Think again.”

My footsteps froze in their tracks. I recognized that voice! It was Jack’s! But something was different…it was more serious and blood thirsty than when first encountered him.

“Awe what happened to your friend Jake?” Ami said with oozing confidence.

I swiftly turned around to see Jack’s posture go rigid. I could feel the hostile atmosphere rolling off of him. “Uh Ami…” I tried to warn her as Jack took a step towards her. “I don’t think that’s the wisest thing to say right now.” She ignored me.

“You can’t touch us!” She told him as she walked around him with a skip in her step.

Jack’s murderous crimson eyes followed her every move waiting patiently for her to make the wrong one. “Oh come on…give me your best shot!” She teased at him as she giggled in his face.

“Ami…” I warned her, but she held out her hand and didn’t want to hear anything I had to say.

“What’s wrong…too…?”

Her words were cut off. Jack had finally snapped. A simple jab in the shoulder and his monstrous strength knocked the wind out of Ami. I watched her body fly, lifelessly, through the sky and into bushes. His eyes shifted from Ami and locked with mine. For the first time that night I finally saw the danger I was in.

“I don’t know how you did it…,” He began to say, taking a step closer to me, “but you will pay for what you did!”

Without warning, I felt a sharp pain in my chest and my body flying. I felt pain rupture throughout my body and the wind blowing on my face. I was knocked out of the sense of weightlessness when my body collided with a tree trunk. It hurt to breath, it hurt to move, hell everything hurt! I forced my eyes to open, just in time, because Jack was making his way towards Ami.

My body protested, screaming in every way possible, telling me to just stay down and admit defeat. Let him have her and maybe he will forget about you was what it was telling me. I felt disgrace wash over me for my body’s suggestion and swallowed the pain, pushing the pain to the back of my mind.

Jack’s hand clasped onto Ami’s limp body and tossed her towards the road. I grabbed the first thing that was near me and rushed towards him. “Get away from her!” I roared.

Whatever I grabbed it didn’t seem to faze Jack. His giant hand circled around my weapon and smashed it into pieces. Suddenly a fist connected with my, already, beaten stomach and a needle sensation traveled through my whole body. I heard a snarl and a shattering sound echo in my ears. I couldn’t even brace myself for the impact because my body was in such shock.

I felt my body crash down onto the ground and come to a skidding halt. I couldn’t give Jack time to finish me off. I forced my eyes to focus on my surroundings. When I looked straight ahead Jack was coming closer. A grunt and a groan came from my mouth as I tried to stand up and get away from him, but my body wouldn’t grant me that wish.

With the remaining energy I possessed I watched Jack. He stopped in front of the broken stained glass window. His crimson eyes pierced through me like a little child does when they can’t get what they want. I tried to fit the pieces to this strange puzzle but my brain, and body, was too drained. The last thing I saw was those piercing red eyes staring at me…waiting to hand me to my death. Then…everything went dark.

Jake glared at Emma. “Stupid churches,” He said under his breath. “Oh well…at least I have one.” He said coldly.

As he walked over to Ami’s body four bodies covered in black capes stood in front of him. “Get out of my way.” He snarled out.

The one on the far left simply shook his head. “Stand down Vampire.”

Jack snorted. “You think you can tell me what to do? Don’t make me laugh.”

The cloaked figure towards the middle took a step forward. “We’ll ask one more time…back off.”

Jake wasn’t budging. “As if.” He continued to walk towards Ami as if they were invisible.

“We warned you.” Another one said.

Before Jake knew it the final mystery figure took out a silver glistening knife with a symbol of a fox engraved on the blade. Jake’s eyes widened. “Y-You’re…!” He never finished his sentence because with a simple flick of a wrist the knife hit Jack right in the middle of his chest. Jack’s body plopped to the ground and the four cloaked figures relaxed.

“Stupid Vampires.” One said as he slouched in place.

“Come on Matt if there were no Vampires we wouldn’t have such an awesome job!” One of them screamed at the top of his lungs.

The three remaining cloaked men covered their ears. “You’d think the Vampires would die from your loud obnoxious voice Nick.”

“HEY!” Nick glared at Matt.

“Will you two stop bickering?”

The two boys glared at each other for one last time, crossed their arms over their chest, and huffed. “Why are you always on his side Coach?” Nick whined.

“He likes me better.” Matt said with a smirk.

“Don’t start it again.” The Coach said as he gently picked up Ami and draped her over his shoulder.

“You done yet Dave?” Nick called out impatiently.

Dave knelt down to the fallen Vampire and took his knife out of the chest. “Yeah…” He said while cleaning off his blade with a piece of his cloak.

“Hurry up and turn the scum to ashes.” Matt said impatiently.

With a sigh Dave took his clean knife and made a shallow cut in the palm of his hand. He squeezed his palm to allow the blood to drip out of the freshly cut wound. When his blood hit the gasping wound in Jake’s chest his body started to burn into light green ashes.

Dave got up and followed his team into the shadows. Not paying close attention to the shattered window in the church.

“Now we have to find the other one.” The Coach said.

“Aww! I thought we were done for today?!” Nick whined but followed his teacher obediently into the darkness.

“What about her?” Dave asked as he ran instep with the team.

“We’ll question her when we get back to base.”

And with that their conversation turned silent as the hunt for the other Vampire continued on.

© Copyright 2010 BlueGreen (bluegreenblack at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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