** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **
Welcome to my writings on political notions. I do have decided views on things, but I tend to come at them from a centrist perspective. I believe that there are valid points to most sides of any debate or argument. Where I usually attempt to get others talking about a topic one to another, this folder contains those writings where I do not. I work to state my own opinions on subjects, and your comments help move the dialogue along. I am not likely to be cemented into any particular position, but the writings here indicate my present beliefs on a given topic.
I hope you will visit, read, consider, and respond. Reviews are always welcome, although participation is encouraged. Feel free to write your counter-statements to my positions, and post a bitem link in your response. Perhaps we can not only get a WDC-wide consensus, but an international one as well.
Notice that this is the first effort in my portfolio to have a "
Review Only: No Ratings" selection. I am encouraging interaction, not approval. Your reviews are most welcome; your participation is coveted. Agree or disagree, I ask only that you support your findings with appropriate references that are specific, on point, and relevant to the topic to which you reply. Intellectualism is a dying art form. It, like argument, is
not a bad word.
Photographs obtained under free license from